Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs OnePlus 12 Real World Daily Driver Review

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what is up guys welcome on into Tech talk vids I am currently traveling what's new I know but um I wanted to get in with you guys on you guys were asking me for a direct comparison between these two phones and that being the um Galaxy s24 Ultra and the OnePlus 12 and and I can tell you this about both of these phones they're both awesome what I mean by that is both of them do a lot of stuff great all right for me um camera video recording when I'm not using an actual camera are important to me and when I'm out and about I'm not walking around with a a73 in my freaking pocket you know what I'm saying I'm just happy to see you but no I'm not walking around with an a73 in my pocket I'm walking around with one of these and here's what I can tell you about the cameras on these phones they're both awesome both have their strengths and weaknesses uh for me the Samsung seems to have the better stabilization in day-to-day shooting all the way up to 8K the OnePlus you can clearly see it's a little jittery or jelly roll or whatever you want to call it here and there I'm not nickp picking I still think it's a great camera it's just if I were if I was going to go out that day and shoot something at the auction or something with this phone I would make sure that I had like a gimbal or something of that nature to keep this thing steady and at that point w I don't know I kind of like the output that comes from this even a little bit more than this um the 8K on this one though is undefeated like period end of story I've shot videos on this channel with this phone in in 8k and it was um butter I mean great Focus great everything man it was absolutely amazing what I like about the OnePlus 12 over the s24 ultra for me phone calls phone calls um and I know that people talk about the curb display and how it you know like whatever I don't really have an issue with the Cur sometimes it's nice to have something slightly different right um but for me the biggest thing was you know the ability to run multiple networks I could do the same thing on the s24 ultra but to be able to um run like either two eims or eim SL physical Sim and you can see I got the Verizon working up there with the ultra wideband um and working like a champ I have no issues with this phone working on Verizon it's funny this phone on Verizon and I saw this in a video I don't know who talked about it maybe it was um um one of the guys from the UK I don't I don't remember his name but anyways he talked about having signal issues uh with his s24 Ultra and for me the only time I'm really having signal issues is when I'm using this phone on Verizon which is really is crazy um when I use it on T-Mobile I get the ultra capacity uh icon and I don't really have any issues right um so I don't know if that's a thing and if that's going to be a software update and Samsung Andor SL Verizon can figure out how that works I don't have that issue on the OnePlus 12 but I am having it with Verizon on the s24 ultra not the equipment cuz this is the second one because when that happened I was like let me just go swap it out real quick cuz I know they got one in stock boom went and got another another one did the swap same issue so only on Verizon though with this one um one of the other issues which you may have just noticed when I showed it to you on a thing is you see this one the glare or the you can see how it like reflects right not horrible look at the s24 ultra you can see it but nowhere near look at look at how much less that light reflects in this camera in that ring light I have behind in front of me here you see the difference the anti-glare or whatever the hell they have on the screen which I know people have been nuts about saying oh it sucks it it makes the colors look crazy I don't have any issues with the way the colors look on the s24 ultra zero none what I do love is when I'm in the car I hate when I have my phone sitting on my lap and the Sun comes in and hits this damn screen or hits any screen and then it's like reflecting a light right in your face or your passenger's face or whatever I don't have that problem with this phone also when I'm I'm out and I'm looking at stuff I don't have a glare or I'm not seeing a reflection immediately of something that's right here that's distracting me from looking at whatever the content is I'm looking at on this phone I love that feature I think that feature is one of the best features that Samsung can do I know they have all the AI stuff now and and I I'm going to be honest with you I may have used like the AI thing like one time uh something in settings or whatever I never used it so people are like oh well the OnePlus 12 sucks because it doesn't have any of those AI features and you guys know my history with this company with OnePlus I don't give a about them right I'm just being honest and keeping it A Buck in terms of what kind of phone these are and um yeah this doesn't this phone doesn't have any of those AI features but it's not saying that they couldn't they just don't have the partnership with Google to put it in like Samsung does I don't miss them sorry I mean the photo editor thing is cool I guess you know I had the pixel 8 Pro for so long using the pixel8 pro I've literally relegated it to the desk it's it just went into the box it's done because like between the processor being extremely underpowered um and again I'm not the average user I like to use my phone to shoot video with edit post stuff to Tik Tok Rumble YouTube Facebook Etc right so I'm not the best use case in this situation for that but I need something with the with the hardware and the horsepower to be able to handle it this definitely does that but so does this in fact when I've used Luma Fusion which is one of my favorite editing apps for mobile um the OnePlus 12 has consistent stantly edited or exported a file of the same video you know you know same thing of shooting of 4K 60 frames per second or 4K 30 and it's always finished a good three or 4 seconds before this one is now you say it's only three or 4 seconds TK I get it but this one wins here's the other big issue with the OnePlus 12 compared to this this phone I think the entry one is like 1,300 bucks I think this one when I bought it you know I had tradein and all that other crap when I got it from Best Buy but I think retail this phone was 1,500 1,600 something like that 1689 something around that range this phone 700 bucks 700 bucks if you buy it from OnePlus and trade in any any phone pick it up at Best Buy tomorrow for 800 bucks unlocked works with every single carrier you can't it it's when you're looking at it like this app apples to apples you can't you can't like it it yeah Samsung has the AI features yes they have the S Pen if I'm picking one that I have to carry every day I'm most likely picking this one but for an average consumer and somebody that's worrying about saving money this is the clear winner like of any phone this year pricewise this thing competes with food stamp iPhones this thing is competing with that Motorola's putting out and I'm talking about like what is it the the edge 30 whatever the Ed New Edge Plus phone is or whatever this thing right here is by far and away one of the best phones I've used in a long time being able to use my wichat use my my WhatsApp everything multitasking on this thing great one other thing I would nitpick on this is literally just software related I'm just not a fan of the um you know when I pull down in the middle of a screen I get this this I get the shelf right I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that I I don't even use this I get it maybe some people like it from OnePlus or they love that Oppo skin I'm just not a fan I just like I don't need stock Android I'm not bitching that I need stock Android you know I've made the icons about as round as I can make them in the settings you can do different stuff right you can totally customize the phone I'm not complaining on it's just little software touches that they could fine-tune here or there makes this phone unbeatable Samsung uh the software continues to just evolve and get better I love the quick settings for me I just love the way I just love the way this looks right even in I like the dark mode and it's not even dark it's kind of like gray right it's not the typical like completely heavy contrast did Black in the settings when you go to the settings now it's kind of like gray right it's just not super black which I like I like this um I like this look it's pleasing to the eyes I guess is what you would say um the S Pen still here love it awesome Works um I missed some of the things where you were able to use these to do like photos and stuff um when you went back and you could back in the day you could literally click this I think it was what the note 20 Ultra you could click this to start and stop recording and that's kind of gone uh but it still does S Pen things I I like I said I enjoy it I am able this is the first phone that I have been able to use my social media like and I mean Instagram um YouTube or what or not even just uh YouTube but Instagram Tik Tok whatever where they're not just immediately compressing the video to some garbage looking crap it's still not iPhone es and unfortunately they build all these freaking apps for the iPhone but when I take it directly from the camera sensor itself like when I take this shot directly from the phone and then put it up on um Instagram or whatever has a different it it doesn't look bad it looks side by side when I'm comparing it with the iPhone I can finally be like cool outside of the iMessage thing which you know with beeper I know that they kind of went through their own thing but you can have an iPhone chilling at the house and be signed in and still get your iMessages on an Android is it the best scenario to be able to do that no is Apple ever going to buckle and provide iMessage for Android no but what I am hoping is that RCS Contin continues to take off and more people go that way um instead of just iMessage I mean I like iMessage for it's encryption it's security it's much better than Google because Google will just send your to anybody that asks for it with a subpoena it's uh it's a disaster with them but there you have it I wanted to just get into I didn't want to be on here extra long I didn't want to be on here an hour but I wanted to get into basic features on why these phones are are great and which one I think is better for me if it's a daily everyday carry the one that I have to use to operate my businesses do all my stuff it's going to be the Samsung and it's only because when I travel like I am now I can hit this cool little button that says Dex and I can pull out my keyboard and mouse and I can put all my workflow right on a smart TV on a big giant 40 something inch or 50 60 70 in TV and get my work done there so for me for me I like that better than this now I know people have said that OnePlus has a desktop mode I've literally gone through I mean I know it has screencast I know I can screencast it but it's not the same um thing right now I know they have multiscreen connect um what allows you to do different stuff I've gone through those settings and I appreciate that OnePlus SL oo/ whatever is trying in that department it's just not there for me as somebody that would use this phone for work yet right um it's getting there could be there it's still a great phone I mean when I'm looking at price and this is why I carry it I've literally relegated the iPhone and the pixel to the drawer and I am literally currently daily driving both of these phones the s24 ultra and the OnePlus 12 you can't go wrong with either one I'm not going to sit on the fence here I already told you for me this is it because of deck because of Spen because of the S Pen because of Samsung Cloud so whenever I sign this is like the Apple experience whenever I sign up for one of these or buy one of these new Samsung phones the fact that I can go directly to Cloud unless you buy a Verizon one then you're but any other Samsung you can go to Samsung cloud and immediately restore where all your icons were all of your apps all of your text messages all that stuff instantly on the phone you don't have to change anything you don't have to set anything back up I love that is OnePlus going to get there I don't know but uh it's still a daily driver for me the Samsung thing that it's just the small refinements if you have an s20 3 Ultra I don't think you need to upgrade to the s24 ultra I mean unless you just want the titanium rails and the flatter screen right um if you're happy with your s23 Ultra I'd probably just tell you to just rock that out for another year and see what comes next year to be honest um I think some of those AI features we're seeing on the s24 ultra are probably going to be offered in a software update to s23 ultra maybe even s22 Ultra users so but if you have an s22 ultra S21 Ultra s20 Ultra and you're thinking hey should I upgrade definitely hell yes the camera on this thing ridiculous battery life on this thing not bad I mean for me it's 11:23 at night I got up at like 8 this morning where's the battery at there you go 27% right there is where I'm at and I edited I shot several videos edited several videos for the car Channel um uploaded a bunch of stuff to rumble directly from this device today no issues um and I'm still at 27% the thing with the OnePlus is no this thing hasn't been on the charger all day but I haven't really used it heavy and I know people are going to be like that's impossible there's no way if you're not using this phone and it's just in your pocket with the screen off look at this it's still at 100 per. it's still at 100% I haven't done anything with this phone it hasn't been plugged in on the wall this phone where I use it as my secondary phone basically it's my personal phone so like when my friends are hitting me up or I'm on WhatsApp I message on this phone I'm messaging them like personal stuff and I'm doing work over here okay so personal work and I can tell you like just using this as a personal phone been been great um I love the feel of the back everybody's on the color I love the the green marble I'm a sucker for green you already I love green man this right here the feel of this man very nice man it feel the phone definitely does feel extremely premium I like it as a secondary phone it is my daily driver I know that if I'm out and this one does happen to die I'm good because the battery life on this dum dum like dum dumb especially where I'm using this as my secondary phone I could keep this thing off the charger for two and a half to maybe 3 days and then I just plug it into its charger that comes in the box that does what 100 Watts whatever it is 80 watts of power Boop the vot charging plugs in in literally 20 maybe 25 minutes it's full at 100% And I'm good for another two or three days I can't beat it I can't beat it this is why this has become my number two and not my iPhone so there you have it let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below like I said for me the primary daily driver for me currently is the s24 ultra it's just an unbeatable phone it is the first phone you know the folds and stuff obviously I said can compete with apple because of that folding ability right like the zold 5 one of my favorite phones last year but when it comes to cameras software experience all of that stuff that apple is known for this might be the first phone that literally can compete with apple toe to- toe and I mean that like across the board so it'll be interesting to see what Samsung does with this has get it gets more updates and more features and you know the phone's uh supposed to be good for six years seven years right of sof OS updates that's insane I'm GNA have this one for a while I'm definitely going to have this one for a while anyways let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below do you agree with my assessment or you think I should have picked the OnePlus 12 as my uh daily driver I mean I daily drive them both this is just the back this is the personal secondary phone this is the main phone but anyways um yeah I highly enjoy it let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below and yes I did pick this over my iPhone 15 Pro Max sorry Apple Fans I know you're going to be like he hates he hates I always have an iPhone so I'm not hating on Apple but uh with the recent issues with their Trojan uh attacks which haven't come here to the US or Europe or Canada yet but it's coming I deleted all my banking apps all my other stuff off my iPhone and I'm just chilling right now we're going to see how that sorts out and how Apple responds to that but uh if ssung keeps doing this bringing this to bringing this to the table I have no reason to buy another iPhone just saying
Channel: Tech Talk
Views: 6,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xMgbDz5VAvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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