In Depth Samsung s24 Ultra Camera Review FOR VIDEO!

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[Music] all right so I've been spending the last few days testing all of the video features of the s24 ultra in comparing them against the reigning champ the iPhone 15 Pro Max and I've got to say I am shocked by what I found throughout this video we're going to share all of the real life footage with you and award points each time one phone beats out the other I also hope posted a massive blind camera quality and comparison test with all of our students at content and I'll share those results with you at the end of this video we're going to declare once and for all who is the king when it comes to video all right so we've got 17 different categories that we're going to analyze and compare in this review and up first we have the ultra wide cameras on both smartphones now the biggest thing I noticed right off the bat is that the Samsung isn't quite as wide as the iPhone's ultrawide camera is looking online both are listed as 13 18 mm focal lengths but within the app the iPhone shows 5x whereas the button on the Samsung shows 6X this isn't the end of the world for Samsung but I would say considering this is the ultra wide camera I do prefer the look of the wider field of view you get from the iPhone this is better for filming both Landscapes where you want to capture everything in one frame along with vlogging handheld as it gives your face a little bit more breathing room now outside of this difference the ultrawide cameras perform very similarly to the primary 1X cameras on these phones so in order to not repeat myself the info you're going to hear next applies to both the ultrawide and the 1X cameras on each phone okay so 80% of the time these cameras are almost identical outside of very small pixel peeping differences here and there but the other 20% of the time there are some clear Trends generally speaking the iPhone will produce a brighter and higher contrast video here you can see the white Island in my kitchen pops much more on the iPhone we can see it again here in my office the video coming out of the Samsung is just significantly darker than the iPhone I will say the exposure differences are more exaggerated on the ultrawide cameras than they are on the main 1X cameras though here is that same exact shot in my office but now using the 1X cameras and they're practically identical when it comes to the color science of these cameras I would say that the iPhone is much brighter and more saturated you can see here looking at this red wooden frame the color is significantly more vibrant coming out of the iPhone and same thing here with the flowers when you combine the increased exposure and contrast along with the added saturation the flowers pop much more on the iPhone shot another Trend we saw play out on the Samsung was the tendency to add a lot of yellow to scenes like this shot of the kitchen counter and again you can see here with the snow it looks like an army of dogs peed on it it's not a sweeping win for the iPhone in the exposure and color category here yes in well-lit scenes the iPhone tends to capture the better looking video but when the lighting is harsh in high contrast it seems Samsung gets the edge when focusing on how people's faces look here you can see in my car the iPhone is doing its thing and airing on the brighter side which comes at the cost of overexposing my face and giving a much more washed out look whereas the Samsung was able to key in on my face and produce a much better looking video same thing here outside at first glance I saw the added contrast and brightness of the white snow on the iPhone but looking more closely at Courtney's face the Samsung seems like it was able to brighten up just her face and nail the much better than the iPhone to stack on another point for Samsung here the primary 1X lens also has a shorter minimum focusing distance this means you can get your phone much closer to an object while keeping the focus sharp compared to an iPhone now both phones obviously have macro mode which we'll talk about later in this video but when it comes to minimum focusing distance it's definitely a win for Samsung now another thing that kept catching my eye on the Samsung was the way the camera handles major changes in exposure you can see here as I walk from standing directly in front of the Sun to the side where the lighting is different you don't really notice the iPhone managing the exposure change but on the Samsung it's extremely noticeable and pretty choppy I saw this trend continue to play out in multiple different clips as well like here in my office the exposure change is much more inyour face with the Samsung then finally in this category I want to point out that the iPhone tends to maintain sharpness across the entire frame whereas Samsung has a tendency to soften things in the foreground here you can see the details in the concrete much more clearly on the iPhone don't forget the Samsung can film in 8k though which we're going to talk about later in this video but okay so rounding out this category the iPhone has come out of the gate fast with Five Points so far compared to just two from the Samsung now I know diard Samsung fans are probably roasting me in the comments already but trust me just keep watching there is a shocking comeback in store that's going to tighten up this race I also want to point out that a lot of times these Pros PR and cons are not black and white at all and looking at these two clips here will outline exactly what I mean immediately my eye is drawn to the iPhone clip it's brighter more saturated and when you switch to the same scene but shot on the ultra wide cameras the trend plays out again but let me tell you something according to my eyeballs in real life the scene did not look like this it looked like this and when it comes to comparing the ultrawide and 1X cameras on these phones I think this is the best way I can summarize things I would rather post the iPhone clip to my Instagram story because it looks more processed and enhanced straight out of camera whereas the Samsung is what I would likely choose if I was trying to mirror what things look like in real life but enough about these two cameras we've got a ton more to cover this is an interesting category because well the iPhone doesn't have a 3X lens like the Samsung does but as much as I'd love to just give a free point to Samsung here I really can't because well the 3x lens sucks look at these two shots right here the one on the left is the iPhone using the 1X primary camera but in the 2x crop mode Zoom this in even more to match the 3x camera on the Samsung and I can honestly say the iPhone still looks better and I think this is due in part to the much larger sensor and lower aperture on the 1X camera when you really analyze the frame the iPhone has much less noise and more natural background blur even Samsung's own 1X camera cropped in to match the look of the 3x camera looks better so I think overall the 3x lens is kind of a gimmick and maybe more for photography than it is video I know I personally wouldn't really use it so all in all we're going to award no points here so this was a major headline when the s24 ultra was first announced after shocking the world with their insane 10x camera that could take pictures of the Moon they've turned around and gotten rid of it in exchange for a 5x camera initially people hated this but under the hood if you actually look closely they increased the size of the sensor on the 5x camera and they increase the total megapixels from 10 to 50 so specs wise this is a massive Improvement but let's see how it translates over to video so on the first glance it does seem like this camera is going to continue the trend of consistently underexposing the scene sometimes it was really noticeable like here other times it was definitely darker than the iPhone but in way that felt more natural like this shot here overall though I definitely had more faith in the iPhone 5x camera when it came to nailing the proper exposure something you may have noticed here though these two 5x cameras have flipped Trends on something we talked about earlier with the ultrawide and 1X cameras Samsung seemed to have too much yellow whereas the iPhone nailed the colors but now on the 5x cameras the iPhone has a warmer overall feel with more yellow where whereas the Samsung definitely has a cleaner and more accurate color representation on top of that the 5x camera on the Samsung has a drastically shorter minimum focusing distance just look at these two shots here despite being the same distance from the crystal bird the iPhone completely failed to grab Focus because it was just too close to the camera whereas we are Tac sharp on the Samsung and the same thing here look at how close we were able to get to the foreground object and then smoothly rack Focus whereas on the iPhone we had to back the camera way up and even at that it was still struggling to focus now when you crop into 10x zoom on both of these cameras I'd say things are about as close as you're going to get both are still extremely sharp despite the fact that it's just a digital crop but I think I'm going to give this Samsung the win here more often than not the iPhone seems to have more digital sharpening and more noise which is especially apparent here when we crop even further in on the text in case you are curious the score right now is iPhone 6 in Samsung 5 we definitely got ourselves a battle by the way if you're finding this content valuable definitely hit that like subscribe and Bell button we regularly post tutorials Gear reviews and we even host giveaways but you need to be a subscriber in order to win moving on from the cameras themselves it's time to talk about specific features in modes and I know cinematic versus portrait mode is a hotly debated topic overall I've got to say I'm very impressed with both phones one thing I've always noticed with cinematic mode on the iPhone is the tendency to add too much yellow to the skin tones which is pretty clear here the iPhone also tends to add what seems to be a facial smoothing filter which usually looks unrealistic and as if I were wearing a ton of makeup here for example you almost can't see the wrinkles on my forehead whereas the Samsung looks more natural and has higher contrast when it comes to my face color in contrast aside though I definitely think the iPhone Nails the cutout in digital blur much better than the Samsung does standing relatively still and close to the camera Samsung was great and on par with the iPhone but add some movement and distance into the equation and Samsung well it just kind of loses it and when it did lose it it was very obvious like here where it hunts wildly trying to find the proper cutout whereas on the flip side when the iPhone lost the ability to blur it was very smooth at just removing the effect without drawing much attention to it it's pretty impressive the iPhone also almost anticipated when to add the blur like this scene here you can actually see the Focus changing before I even walk into frame so it's perfectly sharp by the time I do whereas the Samsung has to adjust in Hunt leading to a bad cutout at the beginning which just kind of ruins the entire clip and on top of the higher quality digital blur the iPhone also has this epic ability to adjust all of the blur after the fact allowing you to change Focus points in case the camera missed something or remove the blur entirely if you decided you didn't like the effect to begin with with the Samsung you're just stuck with whatever digital blur the camera gave you while recording so overall if I could only have one I'd definitely go with cinematic mode on the iPhone right off the bat we got to give Samsung a big point for the simple fact that it doesn't have anywhere near as much of those stupid little lens Reflections in low light as the iPhone has this is one of my biggest complaints about filming in low light on the iPhone phone if there are any really small or bright lights in the scene these Reflections are practically unavoidable they said it was going to be better on the iPhone 15 due to some new glass coating but it was an underwhelming improvement however looking past the stupid Reflections in flares the iPhone does generally produce a brighter and lower noise image with both the ultrawide and 1X lenses here you can see the iPhone shot is much brighter and even when we edit the Samsung shot in post to raise the exposure we introduce a lot of noise that hurts the quality compared to the iPhone another example here where the iPhone has significantly less digital noise compared to the Samsung and one more example of the 1X primary cameras that again shows the increased noise on the Samsung compared to the iPhone however what else do you notice in this shot look specifically at the turf I mean it is insane how much the iPhone has desaturated those colors the colors on the Samsung are way more accurate to what the turf actually look like in real life and this is the secret behind Apple's ability to produce consistently brighter videos in low light scenarios they sacrifice color for light and the more you look at these low light scenes the more you're going to see it the lights are much more saturated and vibrant here on the Samsung and we also don't have any of those distracting lens flares the red flame in the fireplace casts a much warmer glow here on the Samsung it's such a drastic difference that I can remove 50% of the color on some of the Samsung shots and only then will it compare to the iPhone's colors as it's pretty crazy so we're definitely going to give Samsung a big Point here and just in case you are curious about the 5x cameras the results are basically the same across the board the iPhone is brighter whereas the Samsung is much more color accurate in low light macro modes on both of these phones are extremely impressive I'm constantly amazed at how close you're able to get things and still nail the perfect Focus it's hard to do a perfect comparison since you can't be equally close to the same object while filming with both phones at the same time but overall the only major differences I can see is the fact that the iPhone tends to be a little more Punchy and high contrast compared to a slightly more washed out image from Samsung but I'm going to call this section A draw and award no points both phones can capture incredible slow motion footage 240 frames per second at 1080p is going to give you a maximum 10 times slow motion assuming you're editing at 24 frames per second but as you're likely noticing here the slow motion shots from the iPhone are a little choppy and that is because for some reason my iPhone drops a significant number of frames when trying to film in slow motion in fact instead of capturing the full 240 frames per second like it should have several times it recorded around 144 frames per second meaning it dropped almost 100 total frames per second this leaves us with missing frames in super choppy playback compared to the Samsung that never dropped a single frame in slow motion and to add salt in the wound the Samsung can also film at 120 frames per second in 4K Ultra HD resolution whereas the max frame rate of the iPhone in 4k is just 60 frames per second the difference between slow motion in 1080P and slow motion in 4k is pretty noticeable so Samsung definitely takes the cake on built-in frame rates and resolution for slow motion Samsung also just released a new AI video feature with the s24 ultra instant slow motion and it's pretty incredible this gives you the ability to slow down any video on your Samsung whether or not it was shot with a high frame rate normally if you try to do this the video will look super choppy like this but with instant slow motion Samsung is essentially creating new frames to fill in all of those gaps and give us the illusion of true slow motion obviously on certain Clips with very detailed and irregular moving subjects it will create a weird look but on most shots instant slow motion does an incredibly good job and I got to say this is definitely one of my favorite features on the Samsung [Music] I think the microphones on both of these cameras sound really good what you're hearing right now is the s24 ultra and now what you're hearing is the iPhone I think the iPhone is a little richer but the s24 is better at eliminating background noise so this is what the selfie video looks like on both screens along with the stabilization because we are walking looking at the screens here I always feel like the iPhone highlights the skin tones a little bit more with just a overall brighter look where the Samsung looks really sharp but at the same time it's just on the phone screen so it's hard to tell overall for microphones I'm going to call this a draw but for the selfie cams I'm going to give a point to iPhone the iPhones have pretty much always been the king when it comes to built-in stabilization but let's see if the s24 ultra can take the throne what you're seeing right now is the standard or enhanced video stabiliz ation that is on by default with both of these cameras both are good for sure but the iPhone seems 5 to 10% more stable across pretty much all of the tests that we did then on top of that we can turn on action mode for the iPhone and super steady mode on the Samsung to see who's got the better Ultra Advanced stabilization modes right away I like how the iPhone is able to maintain a wider field of view without the need to crop in quite as much as the Samsung I'd also say even with the less significant crop the iPhone still wins with better stabilization in action [Music] mode when it comes to the native app experiences for video on both of these phones although I find the iPhone app to be smoother and faster to respond when switching between cameras there's really no doubt in my mind that we're giving this point to the s24 ultra due to the single fact that it has a builtin pro mode allowing you to control all the important settings like shutter speed ISO and white balance all within the native app on top of this the s24 ultra has all of the relevant video settings in one place compared to the iPhone that sometimes makes you dig through tons of different menus just to find what you want for example if you want to turn HDR mode on or off on the Samsung you just hit the settings icon and then Advanced video options whereas on the iPhone you actually can't access the HDR toggle within the video app you've got to navigate to the main settings app scroll all the way down to camera select record video and then finally you've gotten to the HDR toggle [Music] now I know not everyone is making content for YouTube or social media with these phones but understanding how they performed under studio lights was extremely important to me you see with smartphones there is so much going on under the hood with the computers in these phones like Auto editing the footage sometimes the way they interpret Studio lighting is way different than the way you would expect so it's key to test and figure out the best way to approach things filming with these phones under professional light so the way I decided to test this was to turn one light on at a time in my content Studio here and see how it impacts the video we'll run through each of these tests on the phones and then come back to talk about the results we'll have both cameras up on screen but as a blind test with No Label after you watch it give the video a pause and comment below which one you prefer here we have just the windows open then we close the windows making everything very dark then we added just our key light hitting the left side of my face then we added the fill light on the other side finally we turned on all the Practical lights behind me and on my wall and then for good measure we also tested it with no fill light as I regularly opt for the more dramatic look and then finally we did the same lighting setup but with the ultra wide cameras on both phones all of this footage is straight out of camera with no editing whatsoever by the way do you have a favorite I can tell you that I definitely prefer the look of the bottom camera it seemed to have better contrast more accurate colors and less of a yellow tint does that analysis sound like a familiar Trend we've been talking about throughout this entire video yeah the bottom Clips were all shot on the iPhone all right this category is pretty straightforward these are features we really can't compare because one phone has it in the other doesn't up first we have the insane 8K resolution coming out of the 200 megapixel sensor on the s24 ultra this is without a doubt very sharp comparing the 8K resolution to the max 4K resolution on the iPhone phone and zooming in a butt load it's clear the houses in the background are much sharper in the Samsung footage now as cool as this feature is I personally never found myself using it on the s23 ultra that I've owned for the past year and when you think about posting content on social media or stuff that's going to be viewed on a phone screen this increase in Clarity really doesn't translate to the viewer whatsoever but it is still a very powerful feature and we've got to award point for it now in contrast to the 8K resolution on the Samsung that I never use apple unveiled a new feature this year with the iPhone 15 Pro Max that I do find myself using very often Apple log I got to say some of the most incredible shots I've ever seen captured on smartphones have come from shooting an Apple log and it is the closest I've ever felt to having the capabilities of a large professional camera on a device that fits in my pocket the control you have over this footage when it comes to color grading is incredible and it really does push the look to a new level if you know how to use it properly and by the way I actually created an apple log l and if you click the second link in the description you can download it for free in case you were curious like I was this is a comparison between the Apple log footage shot in 4k with my basic apple log l applied and then the 8K resolution coming out of the Samsung technically speaking this represents the highest quality format each phone can film in as far as the color and contrast is concerned it's hard to really do an accurate comparison because with the Apple log footage you can create a variety of looks depending on how you want to grade it but more surprising in L when you zoom in and start pixel peeping the AK footage really doesn't appear that much sharper and I think this is because in order to really maximize the sharpness you need to be outdoors with tons of light hitting that sensor otherwise you get some low light noise that softens the image like it has here I really thought Samsung was going to include log in the s24 ultra but since they didn't we've got to give a big point to iPhone here then finally another huge addition to the iPhone this year was the ability to record directly to an external SSD via the USBC cable I can't stress this enough it's a GameChanger when I film 20 minute long YouTube videos in Apple log on my iPhone the files are big and transferring any type of footage from a smartphone to a computer can be a pain but now that we can record directly to an external SSD and then plug that SSD into our computer we save a ton of space on our phone and eliminate some very tedious and timeconsuming steps in the process this is another big win for iPhone last but not least we need to talk about the price the s24 ultra starts at $12.99 for the smallest storage option and it goes all the way up to $1,659 for the 1 TB configuration on the flip side the iPhone starts a little lower at $1,119 and works its way up to $11,600 overall the iPhone is a little bit more affordable but they're very comparable so I'm not going to W any points here so after an excruciatingly comprehensive look at both of these phones each individual camera across multiple different lighting environments shooting scenarios and more the results are in the brand new s24 Ultra from Samsung comes in with a total 13 points which are all listed on screen right now now I swear across my life that I did not plan this outcome whatsoever but the iPhone 15 Pro Max the reigning King when it comes to video content creation came in with a total score of 14 points this is extremely close and I don't think either fan base should be upset about how their phone did but according to my test the iPhone is holding on to that Crown but that's just what I think I mentioned at the beginning of this video that I held a blind camera quality test on both my Instagram which you should follow and the 100,000 students we have in our 14-day filmmaker program and despite only giving them a few hours to answer the poll we got hundreds and hundreds of responses I spent about an an hour going through each answer picking out the trends counting up the tallies and I want to share those results with you but first let me tell you about our 14-day filmmaker course bundle in case you didn't know this channel is one small part of our larger business content where we host the largest online course platform for Content creators on planet Earth if you click the first link in the description below for just $48 you can get lifetime access to hundreds of streamlined straight to the point tutorials that will teach you everything you need to know to quickly and efficiently shoot and edit atic videos and good news for all of you watching this video about smartphones one of the courses included in this bundle is 14-day smartphone filmmaker which covers everything you need to know to take whatever smartphone you already have and turn it into a cinematic Powerhouse this covers both iPhones and Androids and new or old phones on top of that you're also going to get 14-day YouTuber and 14-day Pro Camera filmmaker when you enroll along with access to our private student Community where I personally host a live weekly Q&A call where you can ask questions andage get realtime answers this course has transformed the lives of countless content creators and if you want to join our community just click the first link in the description below okay now back to the results of the hundreds of people who responded to our poll 68% of people chose the iPhone in the blind camera test what I also found interesting a lot of people mentioned they thought both looked good with the outdoor shots but with the indoor Studio lighting shots the iPhone was the clear winner not a single person specifically said they prefer the indoor shots of the Samsung which was definitely eye openening so at the end of the day I think both phones are truly incredible yes the iPhone wins in most generic image quality tests due to the exposure contrast and color of its videos but in certain areas like slow motion and retaining saturated colors in low light scenarios the Samsung totally runs away with it I don't think you can go wrong choosing either phone and if you do feel like purchasing one I've included links to both phones in the description below as well other than that thank you so much for tuning in don't forget to subscribe and definitely check out the videos on screen now as they're jam-packed with information on maximizing the quality of your smartphone videos no matter what camera you want I'll see you [Music] there
Channel: Content Creators
Views: 27,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul xavier, filmmaking, filmmaker, cinematography, fulltime, fulltime filmmaker, tomorrows filmmaker, online film school, filmmaking basics, film basics, full time filmmaker, learn filmmaking, learn video, cinematic, camera, movement, lighting, film course, film, school, parker, walbeck
Id: rkBY0LMXFtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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