Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs $6000 Pro Camera Comparison

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back in 2022 Sony CEO said that by 2024 phone cameras would overtake professional cameras and I'm here to see if that's true today with the new Samsung s24 Ultra let's get right into it so our first shot here of the s24 ultra with its 1X lens looks great lots of detail in the water blue sky lots of contrast and then we move on to the A7 S3 with its 1X equivalent and we see that it just looks better the colors look a little bit better there's a little bit more of that soft cinematic look to it and if we look side by side the s24 ultra does seem to have a little bit more detail in the blue sky as well as in the boat if we zoom in at 200% you can see that the s24 ultra actually has quite a bit more detail but when we apply sharpness and contrast to the A7 S3 we get the same kind of detail which means to me that this is postprocessing on Samsung's end we have another water shot here some nice buildings in the background this big red boat in the middle and we have a lot of color that blue sky looks so good we have a lot of dynamic range going on and everything looks perfect moving to the A7 S3 we see that this just looks better there might not be as much dynamic range in the Blues of the sky but it just looks like a nicer image it looks less sharpened it looks just more natural and cinematic to my eye now side by side we can see there's a clear color difference between Sony and Samsung and that is to be expected every company does their things differently but what I see right now is that the Samsung again looks very very sharp but that's probably due to again postprocessing and not necessarily lens sharpness just to kind of prove this point if we zoom into 200% you can see that the detail in the Samsung looks quite a bit better but then again if we apply some contrast and sharpening post- production you can see that we can get not only the same but better quality out of the a7s 3 compared to Samsung so again it's a lot of that postprocessing sharpness that doesn't necessarily look good this next shot is boring but so important because it's a dynamic range test you usually phones have so much post-processing and computing power that they're able to bring an image and just make everything look good but to my eye the as7 S3 looks better we have nice detail in the very difficult foilage now Samsung decided to kind of preserve the highlights on this one and really muddy the Shadows whereas with the A7 S3 we kind of get the best of both worlds so to my eye the A7 S3 wins this battle which is surprising to me this next shot is just some pretty flowers I saw and the colors actually match up perfectly in this shot and I am quite impressed the main difference that you're seeing here is the natural falloff and bokeh of a proper lens this is the first shot of the s24 ultra's ultra wide angle lens and it looks good there's a lot of dynamic range going on here there's not too much Distortion happening which I really really like and it just looks very pleasing to my eye and now we have the A7 S3 with its Ultra wide equivalent and it looks gorgeous as well we have a lot of detail the water looks really natural and flowing and the ships in the background are sharp and in focus everything is looking good now that we have them side by side I'm honestly leaning towards the s24 ultra in this one because right to my eye it looks like there's more detail there's better color and it's less hazy to be fair the A7 S3 is more true to life because it was quite a foggy hazy day so the s24 ultra is adding additional contrast to make things look good but this one looks really good for the s24 ultra in broad daylight continuing with the ultra wide angle test we have the s24 ultra on the left and the A7 S3 on the the right and they are looking really really good the main difference that I see is that the A7 S3 just looks a little bit more natural and it has that nice motion blur because we can control the shutter speed whereas with the Samsung we leave it in auto mode and it looks a little bit more jittery and computery but to anyone that's just looking on a small screen there's not going to be a huge difference in this shot now we're getting into the zooms and we're testing out the 3x lens on the ultra and the 3x equivalent on the A7 S3 and it looks good again I think the a7s 3 wins this because of its motion blur as well as the fact that things just look a little bit more natural and cinematic in these shots right here as you can tell things just look a little bit too oversharpened to my eye in the Samsung and with things coming in and out of frame you can see that that motion blur plays quite a bit of play here because it just looks a little bit unnatural on the phone whereas with the A7 S3 things just look a little bit more natural and that's what we like to see back to the 1X lens and this shot is looking crispy again I think the motion blur is playing in favor of the A7 S3 which looks really really good and I just like the colors and the highlights a little bit more in the A7 S3 it seems to retain a little bit more dynamic range here especially in the back of the buildings which I find surprising because again the phone should be winning in the dynamic range Department moving back over to the ultra wide and again I'm kind of surprised I feel like the A7 S3 looks a lot better and retains more detail in those highlights it looks quite a bit blown out in the back here versus the A7 S3 it just looks like a more natural highlight rolloff with this next Ultra wide angle shot it's hard to tell a winner both of these cameras just look so good in this shot both cameras look good in this shot but I think I'm leaning towards the A7 S3 because of its color rendition it's just a little bit more vibrant but what I notice most is that in the reflection and in the background the highlights are preserved whereas they are completely blown out in the Samsung the s24 ultra looks to be prioritizing the highlights whereas the Sony has a nice Middle Ground between the two and in my mind just looks cleaner moving on to the 3x equivalent lens and this is really hard to tell honestly if you showed me these side by side and didn't label them I wouldn't be able to tell you which was which this looks so freaking incredible and this 3x lens is not only good looking but very well stabilized especially compared to the A7 S3 you can see my hand shaking and then to take it even further we have the 5x lens on the s24 and a 5x equivalent on the A7 S3 and dang this looks so freaking good again the 5x looks really well stabilized the image quality is great and they look so similar another 5x shot battle here and this looks so good for the Samsung honestly I'm leaning towards the Samsung looking better than the as7 S3 in this one it just looks so freaking good moving on to portrait video and I was so disappointed with the s24 ultra this is just bad there's no way around it the blur doesn't look good the edge detection is off the colors and contrast f is awful not even a close comparison to a professional video camera with a good lens on it and this is the 2x lens but when we move on to the 1X lens you see the same thing it just does not look good there's even less blur don't use this mode on the s24 ultra what I was very pleasantly surprised about was the selfie camera portrait mode honestly the s24 selfie camera portrait mode blows the rear cameras out of the water like this looks very convincing to me they did a great job The Edge detection is great like I have a lot of loose hairs in the back there and they just looks good the exposure here could use some work but oh my goodness it looks comparable to the A7 S3 with a proper vlogging lens and I am very very pleased with the selfie one they need to figure out how to do that but on the back now we move on to the Big Kahuna mode of the s24 ultra the 8K this thing looks stunning it is so sharp there is so much detail it is very well taken care of this is with the 5x lens you can only do 8K with the 1X and the 5x but it looks great if we compare 8K from the s24 ultra to the 4K of the A7 S3 the 8K just looks so rich and detailed and I love it however I was curious if I were to add some of that post-processing sharpening and contrast could we get something looking almost as good as the 8K and the answer is yes is it does look a little crunchy but you can get it looking close this is a stunning 8K shot from the 1X lens and it just looks so good the exposure looks good the detail looks good it just looks so grandiose like you can't see it on your screen right now but in editing woo the amount of detail on this thing is just beautiful and again if we compare it to some 4K from the A7 S3 there is just more detail more information off of this one shot and it just looks good there's no other way to put it moving on to slow motion shooting and I was actually quite disappointed with the Samsung s24 Ultra on this one the focus tracking wasn't the best the slow motion looks pretty good in the regular modes and you can shoot 120 frames per second in 4k with the s24 ultra without having to go into slow motion mode 60fps is also looking good I think the 60fps looks a lot better than the 120 FPS of the s24 ultra but the A7 S3 is just so freaking good now both these shoot 240 frames per second in 1080 and the difference is it's not even close like yes the A7 S3 takes a noticeable downgrade from the 4K but oh my goodness the s24 ultra just is unusable in my mind it is oversharpened there is no blur it is so processed it just does not look good it is a hands down win for the A7 S3 in all slow motion across Ross the board but especially in this mode now on to some low light night shooting the s24 ultra is putting in some work here and we're getting some very usable footage but when you switch over to the A7 S3 it's just not even a competition there's so much more detail it looks a lot more cinematic everything is retained as it should and it looks good side by side the s24 ultra is really trying to keep the exposure bright enough so the highlights are completely blown out and there's just no detail in the shadows it's very mushy and you can see this because it was actually raining and the s24 has zero rain in it because it is so soft here's a pretty good low light comparison the s24 alra does a good job of keeping things pretty even but the highlights are completely blown out and not recoverable whereas the A7 S3 retains a lot of that highlight detail and it just looks a little bit softer and cleaner it's not as mushy in the shadows the s24 ultra looks good here in low light but again the highlights are just a little bit too bright and everything just looks so mushy whereas the A7 S3 keeps things controlled and natural and goodlooking here's a really interesting shot because there's enough light for the phone to see what's going on but it still blows those highlights out of proportion whereas the ason S3 keeps everything controlled and actually visible everything is completely blown out on the s24 ultra whereas it is not on the A7 S3 now obviously this is a very unfair comparison the A7 S3 is the best low light camera in the world so pairing it up against this worst case scenario I thought would be interesting and it's an obvious win for the A7 S3 everything just looks so bad on the s24 ultra and this is on the 1X lens wait till we get to the ultra wide yeah it is not good everything is just a blurry mushy noisy colored mess on the s24 where things look good on the A7 S3 just to show you this Smackdown even more just look at the water and the lights is just a blurry mess whereas you can actually see Ripples and water here and individual lights and buildings on the A7 S3 in the background moving on to the 3x lens and again it's just not a fair comparison we have so much sharpness and detail and so much controlled lighting here the blurry mess that is the s24 ultra does not compare to the professional camera on this one and just to add insult to injury the 5x lens is not looking great in low light either but to my surprise perform better than I was anticipating it's still not even close but like compared to the ultrawide this is performing a lot better you you can actually make out some detail here in the shadows I wanted to give the ultra wide another chance to shine and it's just it's not good in low light like don't use this lens in low light now on to some stabilization tests and honestly I was shocked with how good the Samsung stabilization is oh my goodness this is a Smackdown win for the s24 ultra it's not even close the stabilization on this thing literally looks like I have a gimbal this looks so freaking good not only does it look good straight out of camera but this is very usable and it would absolutely smack down any professional camera when you're going at these speeds one thing I did notice is that the telephoto lenses have a little bit of this jerky robotic movement going on this is a worst case scenario but it looks good I also tested out the active stabilization and my God this thing is just like butter it is so freaking good and again it's a massive Smackdown compared to the professional camera one thing to be aware of is that this crops in and lowers the resolution from 4K to to 1440p so just be aware of that now all of those tests were like a worst case scenario and the vast majority of people are going to be using the stabilization for slow panning shots like this and the Samsung just looks so good I'm not even going to compare it and waste your time compared to a professional camera because this is just so smooth it looks so beautiful on every lens and I was very pleasantly surprised with how good the stabilization was on the telephoto lenses the 3x and the 5x sure it looks like these things are a little bit robotic with some robotic motions at times but it feels like it's on a rail like it feels so smooth and it's pleasantly surprising to see that this is a test of the internal microphone of the s24 ultra and this is what I sound like with no work done this is just my natural voice on the phone and this is what I sound like straight out of the internal mic on the Sony A7 S3 there is quite a bit of noise around me right now some construction in the background some cars going by but this is what I sound like straight out of camera however this is a professional camera comparison which means we are using some Pro Audio so I've plugged in the Road video mic ntg and this is what I sound like with a microphone plugged into the camera so after all that I can confirm phone cameras have not in fact taken over professional cameras this year 2024 however I would like to point out that the s24 ultra is an incredible camera when it comes to video the fact that you have 4K 120 as well as 8K up to 30 frames per second on this small device is absolutely incredible sure there is a long way to go in certain areas but I do want to point out the good things that Samsung has been doing firstly I love how much control you have in the Pro Camera app you can pick your aspect ratio you can pick your resolution you can pick your frame rate and depending on what you choose it shows you what your limitations are based on your choice of settings you also have full manual control over your shutter speed your ISO and your white balance which I really really like and then of course easy access to all your different lenses right then and there all in all the user interface and user experience from a professional set is something that Sony should listen to because this is so uncomplicated it just makes my life easier and I know exactly what I'm doing and it takes less time for me to set something up because the settings are just so easy to understand one thing I noticed while shooting is that with the s24 ultra there's definitely some shutter lag between the time you hit record and the time you hit record again to finish the recording there's always like a second or two before it actually starts and then stops the recording which is a bit of a pain it's not the end of the world by any means but I would would like to see it become a little bit snappier the other thing I really loved is just how instantaneous the camera opens up when you double tap that side button something that I absolutely loved is how simple it was to move files from the s24 ultra to my MacBook Pro I just plugged it in Via USBC and it became a hard drive and I dragged the files onto my desktop and I was good to go something Apple should take a note of one last thing I wanted to say is that some of these videos do look a little bit overprocess which is to be expected when you're working with such a small sensor in lens when compared to a full-frame camera but they still look a little bit overprocessed and I would like to see more professional features like raw video or log video something that isn't available right now stock but you can get I'm sure through thirdparty apps having the ability to turn off some of that postprocessing and then dial it in as I see fit in post would be really really nice because when it comes to color grading I like having as much control and flexibility as possible and if you do too be sure to check out my Luts and presets because that might be right up your rally but I want to know what you guys think are you excited about the future of smartphone cameras do you think you could tell the difference between the S3 and the s24 ultra do you have a preference between the two maybe you like the s24 ultra better than the A7 S3 in some shots let me know in the comments section down below my name is Mark Steiner and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Marc Taraz Steiner
Views: 10,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samsung galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, samsung s24, samsung s24 ultra, s24 camera, s24 ultra camera, galaxy s24 camera review, vs pro camera, samsung s24 vs iphone 15, samsung s24 ultra camera test, samsung s24 ultra camera, samsung s24 ultra video test, samsung s24 ultra video review, samsung s24 ultra camera review, samsung galaxy s24 ultra camera test, samsung galaxy s24 ultra camera, samsung s24 ultra zoom test, samsung s24 ultra vs pro camera, samsung s24 ultra 8K
Id: a3cZsLlqyyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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