Ram Truck Goes Way Over The Edge!

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don't steer anymore don't steer anymore so we got a call for a Ram 1500 that's about to take a spill off a hill cuz it is precariously perched on a precipice that was good that was poetry we're heading all the way up to Topaz Mountain Area to get clear calm day today like 75° probably get up to 90 sounds nice Tom it is nice this is our third day in a row of record jobs like long drive big epic record jobs this will be a fun one I'm excited I don't remember doing a record job where we have to get somebody that slid sideways off a hill yet but I think it's the perfect tool for this one too word I don't know who sent out the newsletter this week for everyone to just go out and get stuck but it has been a crazy week and it's been awesome let's do this guys all right this is the last like gas before we head out into the West Desert over to Topaz yeah this is kind of out in the middle of nowhere this is by north of that Lake that we went too that JW that oh yeah north of severe severe lake it's right here on the map so anyway my point is we are going to fuel up this truck we're going get ourselves some snackies something's not working I hear a beeping sound what are you going to be going for it all looks so good probably get a couple pieces of chicken oo they got little mini tacos cheeser I brought a sandwich I was about to say I don't see a PB&J here I brought I brought my own I don't need one here I don't know what this is I'm going to try it where are we going mant we are going that way it's a little bit desolate out there I think it's beautiful I like I like a lot of different terrain but if you don't like desolation you're not going to like where we're going I just got off the phone with Johnny boy he wants to hang out with us on this job he loves the topaz area and he knows a little bit about it so I as per usual I try to find an area expert if it's somewhere I don't know a lot about and today that area expert is Johnny Boy The Buck Master he can find a buck in the most desolate terrain a desolate train where really you think there's a buck out here I don't know there's an analou all right we'll see okay keep your eyes peeled for the desolate train toot we are officially now someplace none of us have ever actually been there's nothing out here but there is lots of it full to capacity so according to my mapping system here which is accurate we are going right there straight that way so those little mountains right there that's the Topaz Mountain Area that's where we're going and we're crossing this to do it 40 more miles of this there to the map and our best like guess he's up on one of those ridges is hanging the the customer said he's at about 35° and it's terrifying that's pretty steep Yes sounds like a job for us that's what we love terrifying so Tom keeps asking me what my plan is when I get there and I keep telling them I don't know Tom thinks that I do have something it's a little game we play I ask him these questions he pretends he's not thinking about it but I know he is so what do you guys think do you think I go into these kind of blank blank slate and formulate the plan when I get there or do you think I do a lot of the formulation on the drive leave in the comments let let let me know oh by the way this morning I got up hamburger my hands I got bruises all over I changed the fan clutch on he's truck because it was overheating on us the last couple jobs and it turns out we fixed it it's working great this looks like a great staging area man desolate was bright look at [Music] this all right we are here at the Rendevous point we're unloaded um the customer was going to be meeting us here we haven't seen him yet I don't really want to take off and have them catch up cuz I don't know if they're going to be driving up there or if they're riding up with us or if they're just giving us the keys I don't know we just don't know we'll just have to find something to do to pass the time do you have something in mind got a couple ideas karaoke I there hello hello hi guys so were you up here looking for topaz or whatever I was on the backside playing around and uh I got too close to the oh you were just playing around yeah and you do something with the mine you say I run the mine you run the mine I run the mine she runs the mine all right okay well we'll load up and head up there are you driving up in this or I ain't stupid okay I'm the stupid one too my car doesn't go where it doesn't have to go all right we're headed up there the map tells us to go another way but Johnny says that he has the real route that's why you bring an area expert yep there's uh plenty of dirt roads out here lots of ways to get there this is probably the easiest easiest when I say shortcut and easy it never is we are on the road I'm following in the banana Matt in the Wrecker with Johnny boy and his son [Music] Trevor so Johnny Boy the area expert has led us astray what do you got to say just the same thing my wife would say I was making a wrong turn and going the long way what's this I don't know that's somebody who didn't get out they should have called Maps off OD recover [Music] it all right there it is look at that here it is that is a little sketchy you got the keys okay good we should have checked first but I guess it doesn't matter when we check as long as when we check the answer is yes okay let's do the angle test 31 31 that's pretty steep you guys that's all [Music] I back up I'm thinking this is an old road right here this is an old mining camp I think we can come right here and back up just run the twin lines down there and just pull it back up on the road bring it up and turn it around you like that I do it's way better than my idea Johnny Boy's idea was to use some of these things I missed all the planning after all that discussion about your planning I missed it yeah here's the plan there're going to be a little bit of a skinny to get past him so I might need a spotter [Music] you're coming around you're going to make it back a little bit more you're like got close to the what happens if I turn a little bit like this well you can't turn too much you'll the turn the other way okay stop and crab while [Music] don't steer anymore don't steer anymore so now you can go a little bit keep coming bring your back down now the [Music] I thought he was just going to drive up this well you did catch the back half of the plan that was that was a tricky and risky maneuver we did it we really really did it all right we're just going to want to get a really good strong anchor on one side on the front they make these Hooks and they're open-ended on this side so I would really like to pull from this hook but I can't because of the the engineers so we're going to go to the second my second favorite place place right now is this lower a AR right here and I don't want to hook to that lower one because it'll over yeah you don't be I don't like it okay go ahead and pull this one in all right right [Music] there grab the wheel or do you want to go doesn't have le control arm right there that's pretty strong that'll probably be what we need we're not going to want to drag it sideways we're going to want to let it drive up that'll let the wheel roll yeah that's not the world's strongest point but it's plenty strong to just guide it so this isn't the first time we've had a vehicle kind of in this situation not too far well I guess it's far from here that Toyota oh yeah it was worse than this though talking to one up north yeah the one north of TOA it was actually off the roadways it was off and just barely settling and teetering yeah it was like it was like moving while we were there he had tied it off with a strap cuz he was worried about it going okay I think you're secure go ahead and jump in it okay are you good at running that thing now no I'm not wait cut that cut that I'm really really good at running this can you get it started no sry I don't know how cars work I'm trying to roll down the window start it up all right when we get back to the shop we're going to teach Tom how cars work I can't turn it to like accessory mode because it's a automatic start that's not going to work either yeah that that's not going to work just hold on to the steering wheel do you want me in drive I want you in drive with your foot on the brake okay parking brake off Drive ready to go let off the brake just a little bit just like that keep that pace up you um you might be on the brake a little much I'm not on it at all right now oh really why is those front wheels dragging I just don't want that back in all slide down okay let it go again stop right there I'm going to disconnect this the front one and just keep the back one on for a second guys that looks good not too bad I mean it was pretty steep but the recer pulled it right in I think I shouldn't be really surprised by the recer and I guess I'm not I'm just in awe how e e it makes these jobs and I apologize to those of you that like to watch us struggle with inappropriate equipment but this record is a game changer for us okay turn turn that way a little okay give it the tiniest bit of gas you're good hey stop right there I think you're out I got to turn it around and then I got to drive through this again I can't wait I got to say you're doing pretty good for a guy who doesn't know how cars work I'd say I'd say you're a prodigy pretty good intuition yeah hey are you sure you don't want to just turn around right here just having a good time just enjoying your drive yeah little to the [Applause] right all right [Music] so the recer did an amazing job in there you drive all this way out here and it seems like only a few minutes of work because that is the right tool for the job otherwise this could have been 3 or 4 hours of trying to shimmy that thing in and out back and forth to and fro all right we're back here at the truck so the only thing left to do is load up and head home [Music] wow that's what people look for which one is that topaz top okay yeah everybody gets a piece if they want them they can have them in the Matrix or oh that's cool check that out you're saying everyone gets a piece yeah go ahead yeah now the color will lose its color in about 2 weeks the sunlight sunlight yeah so if it doesn't stay in like main sunlight it it'll last longer just the how the geology of it is that's cool and so did you see these loose or did you break that open cuz you knew there'd be topaz in there yeah I break it open how'd you know uh just it's topz Mountain it spoke to you Mountain you look for certain things in the in the mountain well there you go sealed awesome thank you guys so much thanks for using us thank you yeah thank you that that went good all right well we appreciate Johnny boy coming down and helping out that was awesome yep it was fun the wrecker right on target yeah I crushed it today that was a perfect job for it y good planning Matt you really thought that through yeah I didn't think it all the way through that's the skinniest thing I've ever skinned by with the wrecker maybe anything you were right there yeah okay we got a couple more hours till we're home uh the day will be over it'll be a new day we'll see you again thanks for watching but if you don't like desolation you're not going to like where we're going turn it off now it's going to get really desolate whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don't turn it off it's going to get good good and desolate
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,289,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge
Id: ek6jlJoIPcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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