SAMOA JOE RELEASED!? Joe talks not being WWE champion, what Vince thinks of him & proudest moments

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according to reports on the internet vince mcmahon doesn't see you as championship material [Music] i imagine you're someone who loves just being in the ring performing be in front of the live crowds do you enjoy this sort of element of being a wwe superstar this is the worst this is by far the most terrible just answering the same questions over and over like they tell you to dress up and everybody else doesn't it's just it's a nightmare i mean but other than that i mean it's kind of an enjoyable experience i don't know we'll see what question have you been asked the most this morning uh dream match which is by far okay we're gonna turn this around a little bit this is called the intro guide to reporting on professional wrestling here's what you don't ask me what is your dream match because why i've been asked since i started in wrestling and you know what i've never given a straight answer because it's such an annoying question uh secondly tell me how you started out listen there's a wikipedia page you can find out all that stuff in fact all i'm gonna do from now on when you ask me how i started is i'm just gonna repeat the hyperlink letter by letter until you got to look it up on the internet third you're gonna be like okay samoa joe so who do you look up to myself why would i look up to anybody i'm ill uh anyways so those are kind of like three little guidelines we get started with what do you got um dream match no no no i want do you know do you know what i remember in the basement of barclays after summerslam last year i asked you about your dream match and it felt like you got quite annoyed yeah i did yeah i could imagine i was just like this guy what is he doing in catering asking me about my dream actually ridiculous yeah that was weird um who do you look up to in the industry do you think samoa joe will be wwe champion absolutely and why hasn't it happened because to me and i'm not saying this because you're right in front of me you are one of the if not the best in the company right now racism oh sorry i just like throwing big hot button ones in there oh we knew it we because somebody at home was gone we knew it we knew that's a good clickbait one that is yeah uh no hey you know what uh uh honestly a time in where we're at in the story uh and as far as what the future holds i'm i'm pretty confident about it you know i've uh yeah let me put this i've faced a lot worse odds in overcoming things and uh i'm pretty confident we can overcome this one and and is it important to you because i am to me it feels like you are somebody who loves the art of of pro wrestling it is and being a sort of fighter and all that is being the champion important to you i look at it like this uh as far as importance goes there's kind of two varieties of it there's one there's what's important to me and then there's what what's important to my legacy which includes what the fans think and i think for my legacy and for what for for the fans that have followed me throughout my career it's very important uh for me personally you know i found a great amount of joy in what i do like you said uh you know i'm able to do what i do around the world and uh you know this is my my dream job and i love what i do that being said it's very important to me also damn it you crazy of course it's important to me and my legacy so yeah it's both important to both now according to reports on the internet vince mcmahon doesn't see you as championship material what's going on what's your relationship with vince i love these questions too i would like to see said reports yeah okay yeah i would like to see said report who is the insider this is like this is like some people say you know that same kind of trap question i read on the internet yeah and then i know so come on let's get the hyperlink out let me see let me see the story let's go i want to i mean i don't know if i can pull up the story now so so let's change let's say some people say some people say yeah that the vince thinks you're not champion material well it's crazy that some people think that i'm sure these some people talk to vince on a daily basis well yeah because i don't and uh i don't know what he's thinking half the time so what's your relationship like with vince that's uh amicable you know uh i show up i do my thing and uh we're there we are i mean it's it's uh it's definitely not contentious so uh yeah these uh these people who say that it surprises me sometimes um what's been your proudest moment in wwe so far um i mean obviously the nxt run was a great deal probably because it helped kind of propel that into a third touring brand for the company um you know the the work that i've done thus far as far as uh you know me inventing the majority of you know shows that i've been involved with and stuff uh and um you know just getting the opportunity to kind of go out there and apply my craft i mean it's it's been a fun ride so far [Music] you
Channel: Gorilla Position
Views: 90,310
Rating: 4.9422083 out of 5
Keywords: WWE, Samoa Joe, NXT, AEW, Vince McMahon, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, WrestleMania, WWE RAW, SmackDown, WWE releases, You're Fired!, Wrestling, Wrestling Interview
Id: YhGdhSaJqoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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