NBA Players That Work A NORMAL Job..

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james harden working at walmart lebron delivering pizzas kevin durant out here constructing things it turns out nba players are working normal jobs now and back in 2012 lebron james took a huge risk when he threw out his jersey and put on an apron see this all started with a million dollar investment into blaze pizza a restaurant that no one had ever heard of and obviously lebron's about making money not losing it so he knew what he had to do learned the business inside and out hey ron hello how are you how are you i love your glasses thank you they're so awesome you look very familiar very familiar first day on the job yeah i'm learning yeah i'm shadowing what is that on your chest is that a is that golf ball no it's basketball oh that's a basketball basketball man i keep telling him he's gotta try basketball no i don't know is that when the referee holds up the through the goal post that's football that's football hold on this man has a basketball shirt on it doesn't know who lebron is get the hell out of here take that shirt off you haven't earned the right to wear that shirt but uh how much money did lebron really make from all this hard work well just five years into blaze's partnership with lebron blaze pizza became the fastest growing restaurant chain ever thanks to lebron blaze went from two shops in 2012 to over three hundred and twenty twenty and now they're on pace to become a billion dollar company by the end of twenty twenty one jesus now that is greatness although some nba players don't get a normal job because they want to they get one because they have to like adrian danley he used to be a multi-millionaire but now he's working the streets how does that happen well adrian took the league by storm in 1976 he won rookie of the year and by 1983 he averaged over 30 points a game for four seasons straight adrian was so good that he pulled in over 3.5 million dollars over his 15-year career and i mean that kind of money back then would have been worth 16 million today so this dude was rich rich however some stars they have a hard time managing their nba money and the last thing adrian wanted was to burn through his millions so after retirement he needed to find something to do something to keep himself busy and humble that's when adrian did the unthinkable he hit the streets and got a job as a crossing guard why you want to be a crossing guard uh it's not beneath me you know i'm a regular guy i just play basketball i'm a hall of famer i'm a regular guy and i like working and more than once those long sweeping arms have been lifesavers i definitely saved two kids live hold up someone needs to put this man on the crossing guard hall of fame now speaking of the hall of fame it's about time the nba adds tim duncan not only for what he did on the court but his job after too see tim racked up over 200 million dollars during his 19 seasons in the nba and one of the ways he loved spending those millions was on custom cars american muscle lambos even trucks this dude bought it all and after driving past the same car shop every day tim came up with his best idea yet five six seven years ago whatever it may be i kind of started having the idea that i want to do a shop or or do something just after i was playing basketball whatever it was and it had to do with cars and on my way to practice every day i kind of saw this building here uh my buddy calls me and says hey this this building's available if you want to grab it and i did and kind of started the process that way and got together and and figured out a name and how we wanted the place to look and then what we wanted to go with and kind of came went from there this was the birth of blackjack speedshop where tim lives out his new life passion working on cars as a mechanic in his very own shot and it turns out tim was able to help the spurs more off of the court than he ever did on the court he decided to help his entire team out at his new shop he fully rebuilt lamarcus aldridge's 68 chevy chevelle and customized rides for kawhi leonard manu ginobili david robinson and pretty much the rest of the spurs team i mean he even built a car for their gm rc buford this man went oprah winfrey on everyone damn you the real mvp tim now some nba players just want to chase their passions while others end up saving lives like darko milicik coming into the league darko was the number 2 overall pick so he was supposed to be the next big thing in the nba and in 2003 when the detroit pistons chose him over carmelo and d wade darko had big shoes to fill but things didn't go too well he couldn't deliver what was expected of him and only averaged 6 points and 4 rebounds per game over the course of his 10-year career so at the age of just 27 darko decided to quit the nba at first retirement was nice but it didn't take long for that to change without the nba darko had a void in his life he had nothing to fulfill him so he needed to find a job that he could truly be great at unfortunately all he knew was basketball what the hell's he gonna do with those skills well that was a question he couldn't answer either until one day on a flight back to his home in serbia he noticed something strange all of his childhood friends had the exact same job fruit farming so darko decided to give it a shot he spent his trip in serbia tending to crops giving this whole fruit farming thing a try and it turns out he was amazing at it this may seem unexpected but the guy didn't make it to the nba so obviously he enjoyed physical labor and fruit farming in a weird way brought him that same satisfaction of the nba the man loved us so much he decided to spend eight million dollars of his nba money on his very own fruit farm so that he could keep doing what he truly loves fast forward to 2021 and his worldwide fruit empire produces over 10 000 pounds of fruit per year this man is single-handedly ending world hunger so next time you're eating an apple thank darko for it now he may not have lasted long in the nba but at least our man darko found greatness as a fruit farmer carl malone on the other hand he did find greatness as an nba player he's a two-time mvp 14-time all-star and second all time and points scored but he never enjoyed the nba as much as the normal job that he got after by the time malone retired from basketball in 2004 he was ready to chase his true dream i mean the man spent almost 20 years working his ass off and he wasn't done yet so he tried every job you could think of the dude opened up toyota dealerships jiffy lube car shops texaco gas stations a teriyaki grill restaurant and rvs a couple of burger kings cattle ranches hunting tours real estate this dude opened a lot of stuff but the truth is none of these jobs satisfied his biggest urge it turned out that carl since he was a child have been dreaming of dropping a like a subscriber to the channel yeah that's right two-time mvp for a reason you want to be in the hall of fame hit that subscribe button what are you doing but um for real as a kid carl had a dream job and it wasn't the nba his dream has always been driving trucks big trucks like carl malone sized trucks so he opened a lumber trucking business and in an interview with tulsa world he said this is what i wanted to do it's a big responsibility but i love it it's what i do just go out and be a professional truck driver now carl's dream job may be weird but it's nothing compared to how weird larue martin's job is this dude went from a number one draft pick to working for minimum wage how the hell did this happen well larue was a legendary big man in college at almost seven feet tall he averaged 18 points and 16 rebounds per game so in the 1972 nba draft the blazers chose larue however portland would soon realize they made a huge mistake cause during larue's rookie season the man only averaged four points and four rebounds per game he was playing like trash and over the next few seasons things didn't get any better well i mean he started averaging five points a game but shockingly that extra point a game wasn't enough and larue was out of the nba within just four years now i'm no genius but uh four years in the nba i don't think that's enough bread to last a lifetime especially with what the nba was paying back in 1976 so larue had to find another job before he ended up homeless the hunt began and applications were sent and eventually larue went from dunks to deliveries yeah this man got a job as a ups driver and ups had big expectations for larue just like portland did but this time he delivered he worked his way up the ladder at ups and even became an employment manager and larue he's not the only one working his way up management see quran butler was an nba champion a two-time all-star but still somehow found himself back working at a fast food restaurant see koran made a lot of money as an nba player banking over 80 million dollars during his time in the league but you can't play basketball forever so quran needed to find something else to do after the nba and after doing some thinking he remembered his first job flipping patties at a fast food joint at the time he learned a lot about the business so he took his basketball money and in 2010 became the owner of the same place he worked at burger king the man went on to buy six burger kings too what y'all actually thought he had to go work at burger king not every nba player goes broke he was making racks on and off the court now some players aren't as lucky as koran like vin baker he went from making 90 million dollars in the nba to going homeless and only making 11 an hour yeah at one point baker was a four-time all-star and one of the best young players in the nba but when he got traded to boston in 2002 all hell broke loose the truth is baker had been living a secret double life on one hand he was averaging 20 points and 10 rebounds a game but on the other hand he couldn't even get out of bed without a bottle of henny although he couldn't keep his addiction a secret for long because during a physical doctors found out baker's liver was damaged due to alcoholism and as soon as the celtics heard they suspended him from there things didn't get any better cause baker couldn't kick his bad habits and that forced the celtics into letting him go his demons just kept getting the best of them and after a few short runs with other teams by 2006 he was out of the nba entirely but you know at least the man had millions of dollars right well baker developed a new addiction something much worse gambling baker started going to the casino every night and he lost millions of dollars weekly it got so bad baker couldn't pay his mortgage anymore and the bank came and took his house forcing him to move in with his parents and by 2011 all hope seemed to be lost baker felt like he had no reason to live anymore until one day he got a call from the one man who could help save his life howard schultz former owner of the seattle supersonics see the two had gotten pretty close back when baker played for seattle and it turned out that howard was now the ceo of starbucks and he wanted to help baker get his life back so howard offered him a job serving coffee had a local starbucks and baker grabbed that green apron threw his gear on and at six foot eleven became the largest man to ever serve a pumpkin spice latte for baker this was much more than a job making 11 an hour it was a second chance and eventually he even worked his way up into management so i'm glad everything worked out for baker in the end but this next player he's working a job you won't believe like i got the inside scoop on this one this is a rebound exclusive i was walking through walmart the other day in aisle 11 grabbing a box of cinnamon toast crunch the best cereal by the way when i saw something i couldn't believe james harden is working at walmart he's trying to tell my dogs man i work with james harden at walmart bro this inside gear you feel me you got to do this you got to do the two-step that one time you gotta you know what i'll say this is what you were doing when you ditched the rockets stocking shelves ridiculous you should be ashamed of yourself james whatever man at least james harden has a backup plan because some stuff in life it just doesn't work out like what the hell is going on with lamello's fro here and zion looks like a damn alien with a shaved head huh you want to hear more about that well click this video right here these are nba players with the worst haircut and trust me man you need to see this one plus this video is over so what do you do click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 1,418,169
Rating: 4.8956423 out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound, nba players that work a normal job
Id: mlGxL1PQdhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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