Sammy the Bull on Linking Up with Aryan Brotherhood & Mexican La Familia in Prison (Part 9)

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so now you're in prison you end up doing 18 years 17 years 7 months almost 18 years yes you're right now when you first go to prison you think that the mafia is going to kill you on the first time yeah yeah and you were prepared for this the first time yeah so you become cool with some of the other gangs the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican La Familia not because of the mafia no because when I was in prison I Carri myself a certain way I got along with the blacks very well I got along with the Mexican Mafia very well I got along with the Aryan Brothers the Aryan brothers did I'm tattooed up the yyang I was very friendly with them they did T tattoos with me we played chess together um all kinds of things so we became friends um wasn't worried about in prison about no hit and uh one day there was a hit on a guy one of the a familiar guys that's like Mexican that's an elite Mexican Mafia group and uh I had talked to this guy cornfed who was a leader in the Aran brothers and I said I just found out this guy's gonna I didn't know him personally I said he's going to get hit in the yard so corett said Sammy when you go out he's right below you go to his window tell him I sent you to and tell him about the hit I did I went in the yard I banged on his window and I told him bro there's something else you're going to get hit he cut me off Sammy thanks a lot bro I already know so I saidwell corfed knows too and he he wants you to know that he said the word too he says I love corfed give my regards I know so that day that thing became when I walked in a in a thing like Mexican alamia guys were in a cell and I'm walking by boom they hit their chest hey so we became tight not that I needed them because any hits or anything like that it was that and the the ABS I just had a relationship with them for a while and I the way I carried myself and I got along with like I said I I didn't ask for nobody's protection but I got along with the blacks Al fora and the Aryan I wasn't part of any one of their groups but I was friendly with them well I mean you go to prison at age 57 I think the pinch came in I think I was 55 yeah no by but but then it took two years for the whole court case to go through so by I never got out when I got pinched oh they oh you got put in jail with no bond the minute I got pinched got it and 55 years old I never came back out got it so by 57 that's when your official sentence started with time served right no 57 well 57 is when you got when you were sentenced I get sentenced sentenced at 57 exactly but you're already in jail so you get transferred to prison at 57 because in in in uh February of 2000 I'm indicted by the state of Arizona with the Ecstasy yeah January of 2001 the feds indict me on a mirror case with zaga and them I'm pinched in two cases now mirror case in 2002 the Iceman I'm indicted on a Cold Case to kill a cop 23 years prior I got three big cases going at the same time Iceman case was all [ __ ] right yeah I faed life up aole but yeah Bea it you had nothing to do with that no right no but that don't really mean [ __ ] there's a lot of guys I know in prison believe me who are doing time that don't have shouldn't be doing time so it was still stressful obviously well I'm facing life without parole and I'm facing three monster cases did you know the Iceman no never met him no okay oh okay but what I'm saying is by the time you really start serving your your sentence you're 60 you're basically in your 60s going into I don't come out until I'm 72 right exactly so you're an older man you're still in good shape but you're you know if some crazy jacked up 20s something year old wants to go at you you'd be at a definite disadvantage in prison right so did anyone ever try to intimidate you I put my prison hat on I tattooed it all over and everybody I told them bro I'll fight anybody if I lose I lose I win I win if you overdo it if I lose I will [ __ ] come back and kill you you want to fight me you won good I'm gonna I'm gonna fight like a bastard I'm up at age now but if I lose and you start stomping my face or do something crazy you better kill me because I will kill you and everybody knew that so I don't think anybody and I'm I'm a friendly guy I'm a people's person I don't try I don't think my [ __ ] don't stin I'm saming the bull I never did none of that stuff so I got along with people and a lot of times when I did get into an argument whether it was black guys or whoever steep to the plate whoa you're not doing nothing with him not that I asked them to but we were friends right because at one point the Aryan Brotherhood they're logo one of their logos is Odin the right the the Norse god that's their God right and they allowed you to tattoo Odin on yourself yeah where is the tattooed on my own got it now if you put a a tattoo of Logan uh Odin they will they will cut it off yeah so cornfed said Sammy you're not one of us but you're so close to us we love you we'll tattoo uh Odin on your arm and we'll tell them that that's coming from us that's I said okay and I tattooed it on my arm and I was able to walk around the prison all the ABS who saw it they know sami's one of us right but the ABS also are a racist organization I don't really know if they're a racist organization to tell you the truth I mean they have the word Aryan in their name yeah yeah the amian brothers but but I was in jail with them they they deal drugs they'll kill anybody they're every one of them is a killer nobody [ __ ] with them in prison I don't care what nationality race I don't care who you are you have to be crazy to [ __ ] with them and uh but I don't know them they had a lot of guys that they knew who were black guys that they were friendly with um I mean do they have sashas and stuff like that on them some of them yeah yeah that's what I'm saying yeah but that that's Nazi that's with Jews and stuff like that it's also blacks the Nazis hated blacks as well yeah yeah okay maybe maybe the history of it but not what I saw there okay um so it wasn't you know maybe they didn't like some of them but I didn't look at it as an out andout racist gang okay and they would [ __ ] with anybody I don't care if you were a Mexican black if you are on the bad end of them they'll [ __ ] with you they'll kill you but I didn't see um why didn't they tell me I had a lot of black friends Sam me stay the [ __ ] away from them they never did that M they played cards with them and I know that later in another prison I met uh uh cor Fett and he tattoo the black guy how racist is he he's doing that his blood is coming out he's wiping it I mean I don't see that as being a a major a racist guy
Channel: djvlad
Views: 124,879
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Id: YiQ3J5DHR3o
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Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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