Sammy the Bull on Mafia Underboss Getting Killed for Being Gay (Part 23)

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did you have a preferred weapon that you would use time and time again or did it not matter it it depend I like a 357 Magnum I've used a 38 I used a 32 different kind of guns but a 357 Magnum is just so [ __ ] powerful it lights out yeah it's like an Adam Bobb just hit this room everybody in here we just dead instantly H you don't know you're dead you don't know nothing you don't feel pain there's nothing yeah it's over so you're 78 years old right now I'm 78 I'll be 79 in March do you think at this age you could still do a hit I can you know probably beat you up and then go do a hit right after that about that all right I'm in good shape for my age I'm exaggerating but uh I'm in great shape I never got fully out of shape in my entire life I was always a workout guy I went in the ring I fought I I fought in the street yeah and always kept myself my clothes get a little tight uh watch what I eat not to try and do a diet but you know I don't like getting overweight or to TH or something like that yeah and I've always done sit-ups push-ups boxing jumping rope swimming yeah I interviewed Teddy Atlas you guys TR together at one point yeah yeah yeah yeah we didn't get too deep into that story but I know that you guys did train together at some yeah we did yep I remember there was an interview you said that you're watching TV and the whole David Kesh thing came on TV the camp dividian remember how everyone died how he told everyone that he was Jesus and hundreds of people I believe died in the process including children women everything else like that and you're watching it and you're saying wow how could someone be so brainwashed by a guy like this and then you realize that you yourself were brainwashed I I think that everybody's brainwashed to some sort of capacity now again I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but we grow up and we listen to our mother and father who mean well but maybe it's not the right think our friends and neighbors have a big impact on us not brainwashing like David Kesh and I don't know if he brainwashed them they believed in him they prayed with him yeah I don't even see where he did all that wrong he might have had I they say had sexual kids I didn't see that when I watched it I didn't hear too much of that some of the people who survived didn't talk about that yeah he was the god he was the Crist coming back um he also built a massive arsenal of weapons yeah a massive Mass which is how he got you know which is why the FBI showed up and ultimately how the shootout started yeah but they they were making innuendos to him that they were going to come they were going to attack they were going to do this they were going to do that and he started get weapons he was going to fight back yeah so go into a black neighborhood and tell this neighborhood I'm going to take your [ __ ] neighborhood over now they'll become like David KES they'll say no [ __ ] you coming into my neighborhood and taking us over this my daughters my wife my kids my friends what if they [ __ ] load up well it's a little bit different because of course it's generally when you look at like gangs like Crips and bloods you know and I I've talked to you know I've interviewed a lot of these guys if you're in a [ __ ] neighborhood and like the Bloods show up you could be outnumbered 10 to one and they will shoot it out one cop will roll and everyone will scatter people are generally in these types of neighborhoods they're generally scared of the police they will generally bow down to the police D took a whole different police what if the police are telling them we we're not going to come in with one comp we're coming in we're taking is over but that was happening the battle Rams and everything else like that like that was happening in the in the 80s the crack era and everything else like that that that was really happening but you didn't see these massive armed shootouts against the police in these neighborhoods like what happened with David Kesh why did all those people stay and die with them because they thought that they were all going to heaven they all believe that this was Jesus maybe that's and maybe that's where they are yeah maybe who knows maybe that's where they went believe in him so they didn't believe what we tell them right he's a nut and should never do it but the point is is that isn't that similar to what you went through like you have to when you got sworn in as a made man they said if your mother is dying on her deathbed if your kids are have a terminal illness and you get a call you got to drop that and you have to put us over your own family isn't that a similar type of thing without a doubt but it's an expression in other words when I'm telling you how important this Brotherhood is I'm telling you that this is above God country and your family if you're in a hospital with your son who's dying or your mother and the boss calls you drop what you're doing and come in this is number one in your life now reality if your son God forbid is dying or your mother I'm not going to call you I'm just putting that in you to give you and make an understanding of how important this is well well but to be fair and this is not just the mafia and we're not just talking about your situation either you know I I interviewed a guy that was a high ranking guy in the no Wester Familia and he talked about a situation where one of the members their mother was Cooper opting with the police and they told him that they have to kill his mother and he said I understand you see what I'm saying you could say all this is all make believe but these real life situations where you have to potentially kill family members and you have to put the gang over your own flesh and blood this actually does happen and there's a practice of it and like I said this your situation which you're not going to get into but I'm saying it could happen and it does happen it but you have to understand if you're taking that oath and coming in mhm he or she or him is your brother just as important as this person who broke [ __ ] rules is going to die you can't I give you an example I was in jail and I had the the library I was in charge of there was a guy JB heavyweight mom guy in the old time who was older than me and another guy begs from Chicago we were sitting talking aan coffee and we were talking about the underboss of the tavanti family who did some gay thing stuff and they killed him so the conversation came up and I was sitting there and I said I knew him personally I don't know if that's even true but is is being gay a death sentence in the mafia let me finish then you'll see sorry so he said well had to to be done Sammy why we took some woman's word why does it have to be done because he it's an embarrassment all right okay JB let me ask you something you're going to go home before me you got a couple kids don't you you got a son and a daughter or something yeah yeah all right you're going to go home your son's going to come to you and say that I'm gay I'm going to come out of the closet are you going to kill him come on Sam's my son how about your daughter your daughter tells you she's gay come on Sam's my daughter the [ __ ] guy we killed is our brother by our blood our our oath we killed them then what do you do he's the he was the under boss of the calak candy family take him the call him in we're not going to kill you we're going to take you down you can't be the on the bus we're going to take you down to become a soldier friend of ours not even a captain friend of ours keep it on the side and and put shade on this bro or just you just have to leave the organization for no you don't have to leave you don't even have to why I don't know I mean I don't know how these rules you do all he does behind closed doors right you're not going to come to a sit down and [ __ ] dress we're going to kill you so I mean but there's no reason to kill him he's our brother right and and whatever it is so when he looked at it that way the guy from Chicago said Sammy what would you do if few would have boss that I would call him in a [ __ ] room and some woman said they went to a swingers club and she said that he she was banging two guys and he went and was sucking somebody's dick so that's that's why we killed him because she said it she's not in our life yeah we didn't even give our brother a chance to talk to defend himself so I would put him in a [ __ ] room with a gun on a counter he comes in we're bringing her in and tell him did you're not going to die just tell us the [ __ ] truth you'll be brought down and put on his side but if you say she's lying we'll get her out of the room we'll bring her in this [ __ ] room there's the gun on the table walk over get the gun walk over shoot her in the [ __ ] head we're all leaving and you kids get rid of taking care of this body and all or tell us the [ __ ] truth you're going to kill this woman for nothing she's telling the truth that's what you do and it's his [ __ ] job to kill her and clean it up so he's got of thinking I tell the truth I'm not going to die I don't get in trouble I put on the side a little bit and I don't have to do this that's what you do then if you say no she's lying then we call her in the room and we talk to her and we see for ourselves what we think if she's lying or you're lying yeah if we think she's you're lying you're going to kill her anyway and clean it up if we think you're lying we're going to kill you and her because look at the meeting you put her in now yeah she's never going to go leave this room anyway right so the guy from Chicago begs says Sam that's why John Gotti shouldn't have been the boss you should have been the boss that's [ __ ] unbelievable thinking but that's the way you think wait wait so did John Gotti no no John Gotti's not in it yeah okay I got it he's just saying you should be a boss if you think that way in general got it in general you know but uh you you can't just kill your brother because some woman said what if some woman tells me something about you yeah why I just believe her we're friends for 20 years I don't see no sign of that I don't see no problem with it has there ever been an openly gay made man in the mafia yeah really but they put shade on it yeah who there was a guy in the geneves family and there was the guy in the davany family was the under boss okay and she said it on a live television show The the girl that his girl ex his girlfriend okay and she was in they were in a sgas club she was having sex with but the but the other guy who you mentioned yeah I don't even remember his [ __ ] name and they it was in Jin chind deante they put him as a soldier and lowkey what the [ __ ] you doing bro okay and you'll be okay we're not going to kill you for it but if you he can't maintain he can't maintain the position he wants had no he can't be a captain under boss G on boss boss he can't be any any those positions got it no
Channel: djvlad
Views: 173,794
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Id: sYTpF94Yi1c
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Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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