Budget Gaming - Scott The Woz

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hey all Scott here wow it's almost like you don't need things to be happy you don't need him to be fuing pissed either so I gave away my entire video game collection as a part of community service to get out of prison this month which means not only do I no longer own Sonic Jam I'm also no longer the guy who owns Sonic Jam now I got to rebuild my game collection and that's going to be pricey but that's okay because I know a few tricks on how to get all the games I need for practically nothing video games are expensive well stop playing them like that you spend a full $70 then 35 to get the contents of the digital deluxe edition which is only 100 but I want to get punished for not having the forite to buy that version First of course I need a PlayStation Plus subscription to be so at this point I need a persistent and stable internet connection and a roof so now I need a loan for a house but I can't with this credit score so how are we going to raise it well 5,000 Luther coins is a start in the end how much does it cost to play Suicide Squad kill the Justice League my will to live modern game prices are out of control they expect me to blow on my cash on every new release plus their downloadable content while making recurring payments to each subscription service every month and investing in accessories that are more expensive than the game console themselves the right to but still but I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be this way you can have just as much fun for free as you can with a modern game for $70 gaming on a budget some may call this Impossible playing video games is one of the most expensive Hobbies you can have to that I say introducing heroin yes many video games are overpriced but I personally believe in the grand scheme of things if you play your cards right this is a fairly large bang for your book kind of medium I mean what $30 for a digital 83 minute movie and 20 to rent it bunch of cool [ __ ] come up with these prices but even then there are so many cheap and free options to watch movies tuby Larson and the same applies to video games if you set your mind to it you can get by on damn near nothing all while playing some of the greatest longest lasting experiences of all time yeah okay bud I still bought Suicide Squad now I've already discussed gaming on a budget years ago and by now I've already discussed gaming on a budget years ago I mean I up only 4 minutes spent on this topic and one of those precious minutes being used to just gawk in a game store and what was my conclusion to buy Trivial Pursuit for Xbox uh yes that was great advice on my part oh you just got shot in the face well don't do that I mainly wanted to Showcase so you can get a lot of entertainment out of something that cost very little but there's so much more to discuss here like how dude I get out of debt they say the best things in life aren't free oh yeah well what do they say about this they say the best things in life aren't free but that doesn't mean there aren't quality free gaming experiences out there for one we can milk the hell out of some demos who needs to buy Sonic forces when we can just play the demo for [Music] free W it's almost as bad as the full thing I'm looking to find the most bang for my buck demo and with my buck being so my bang being there is no bang it's obvious I can't expect much but I wanted to find demos that could either be played indefinitely Or could practically be their own Standalone games with how indepth and long they are but listen if you need me to tell you what the best free things are before you buy them for free you might as well ask me should I eat this damn it's so obvious what to do here just try it yourself that's the point of a free demo and hey if you're that desperate for entertainment why aren't you actually God I just need something to play for free I said something not some things Scott's definitive list of free demos you can get just as much if not more out of than full games first up poo Poyo Tetris 2 I mean really really any puzzle game like this can be played indefinitely even if the options here are extremely limited you're still playing Tetris and poo poo every time you play it'll be a fresh experience which means theoretically you can just jam on this and you'd be set for life life sucks Clubhouse games guest pass this may be primarily a free app for local Wireless multiplayers you only need one full copy of the game to play across multiple switches but it comes with four full games on its own and when it comes to this tabletop stuff I mean it's Timeless you aren't human if you get sick of this yep you aren't human if you get sick of this this is my way of weeding out the frogs in the audience the demo for life is strange 2 is a standalone experience titled the awesome adventures of Captain Spirit which on its own is about an hour and a half long and for a story based game like this I mean there you go free movie but in addition with the first two life of strange games being episodic the First episodes of each are free that's the case for tons of these types of releases so if you have no problem with CLI hangers that was truly sad thanks for your concern Max C you're set Capcom arcade Stadium 1 and two follow this setup all right you download them for free and then you buy the classic arcade games you want or just pick up the bundle featuring all of them but in that initial free download you get a full original old school Capcom arcade hum Dinger that's right in arcade Stadium 1 we get 1943 Battle of Midway and in two we get titles lowering the entry fee to adjust your integrity problem with these is most are not completely free I mean sometimes it's impossible to progress at all without forking over some cash grab some upgrades via microtransactions and what have you and then if you're playing a free-to-play game on mobile what every four times you tap the screen a new minute long unskippable ad pops up and it's like oh great after seeing this for the 80th time fine all right I'll do something different and pick swim away quietly there's definitely more than enough of this type of free content out there and a lot of it can still be great fun but it's so easy to find free-to-play games these days let's talk some purely free games no asterisk no microtransactions no ads for better games and we can find an unlimited Supply over on the PC by that I mean coolmathgames.com but let's go a bit more traditional here Street Fighter cross Mega Man is an official PC game that's always been available for free it started Life as a game but once Capcom caught wind of it and realized they needed something to celebrate Mega Man's anniversary they made a deal with the developer and fully backed the project which is simultaneously really cool and really [ __ ] lame this didn't feel like Capcom published this for the greater good it felt like they did it out of desperation this was during a time in which Mega Man was in the slums multiple game cancellations and no new real title for years but hey look at the bright side I've been angrier so straight fighter cross Mega Man being a fan game retooled into something anything Mega Man related for Capcom to pump out it's a bit pathetic but it's also a pretty good classic Mega Man experience retailing for a whopping free and it's only on PC but it costs nothing to download much like the Elder Scrolls Arena and Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall that's right the first two Elder Scrolls games are completely free on PC these incredible groundbreaking RPGs you can spend hundreds of hours in are just being given away it makes no sense let's play [Applause] them damn they're just giving this away for free yeah these you truly have to be devoted to to get much out of but if they are your thing congratulations your debt matters not but hey if we want something a bit less archaic the original version of Cav story on PC has always been free even after it received a Wii release in 2010 for 12 bucks a Nintendo switch release in 2017 for 30 the core game from 2004 is free and you wouldn't know that looking at me it's one of the most revered indie games of all time and it's just there I know some fans vastly prefer the original to any of these paid re releases so you really can't go wrong here same goes for the original version of Spelunky another indie games that were officially released for free unless we want to open up a can of E I mean who are we fooling here you ask for games to play for free and I tell you don't sh your pants just Google play Mario is it really your fault if you're playing an unauthorized free emulation of Mario 2 if it's this easy to do and Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet I don't even have to download anything this is all in a browser yeah so the concept of a what free games are out there it kind of falls apart when to find half of these in the first place I have to Google play Sonic games free and what I'm just supposed to ignore the thousands of results with the actual games and pretend that the free visual novel they released for April Fool's Day is a legitimate recommendation on how to play a Sonic game for free with just a laptop you can access so much free content and on dedicated video game consoles most free titles are free to play or they're free for a limited time and honestly if you want to know which ones are worth your time why are you wasting your time listening to me just download whatever looks cool to you so let's focus on something else saving money by spending money oh yeah time to budget I think I speak for everybody when I say subscription services are far from exciting these days hell I'd go as far to say I'd rather be happy than have a peacock account I have a peacock account but I think these Services get out of hand when you're juggling multiple if you hone in on one in particular that's delivering the entertainment you want you can get a a lot of value out of it so let's take a look at these starting with Xbox game pass and I already know this is a great deal because we can just keep buying Pop-Tarts and get a free week of this thing you know what that means we're crossing gluttony off the list Xbox game pass has a few different options here the cheapest being the core membership for 10 bones a month you get online multiplayer and a bit over 30 games you can download and play which does change from time to time this isn't a permanent list any means but it's obvious Microsoft intends it to always hit the quality standard of pretty good A great variety here with Indie Games simulation games firstperson Shooters online multiplayer titles local multiplayer titles RPGs Platformers classic games Modern hits the works for only $10 a month this is great as a scam $100 a year for access to a handful of titles access to they aren't playable forever and the lineup gets shaken up a few times a year and with many of these games being priced at oh man three numbers it really doesn't feel worth it that is until you add up the value of all the games included and it turns out this is actually hundreds of dollars in value so yeah it really does feel worth it until you realize it really doesn't feel worth it so I went on price charting websites and found the cheapest going rates of any games available via physical methods and if they're digital only the MSRP on the Xbox store and yeah even with many of these titles going for incredibly low prices the sum of owning all all of this is well over $400 but that's the thing owning all of this is well over $400 keep in mind you don't own anything with these services and by owning the physical stuff you can resell that and the concept of all this being valued at over $400 makes me question you really going to play all this yeah it's $100 a year for 30 plus games worth well over that but are they really worth anything if you're not even going to boot them up I find that many of these subscription services are more about convenience than value like just the concept that I could play any of these games at a moment's notice is enough for me and yes game p pass core is how you get online multiplayers so these games are more so a bonus rather than the reason you buy into the service but I'm just looking at this from the perspective of somebody who wants to get games on the cheap but with Game Pass core having such a small selection of titles I'd recommend either just picking up the ones that interest you rather than paying an ongoing fee or flat out biting the bullet on Game Pass ultimate now this is more like it access to hundreds of games some of which are brand new $70 releases day and date on Game Pass well that seems like a I paid $200 a year to play $70 games before they cost $15 that very year here's some Financial advice all right so Game Pass does have a ton of value but a lot of it depends on how varied your tastes are like maybe one day you're feeling Madden 22 and then the next Madden 23 oh I know what I'm doing tomorrow it all comes back to my original point of if you're not going to play a good chunk of these why even bother make a checklist of all games available via Game Pass to see how many you're actually going to play and if it's a decent amount sure H if you can play through the games you want to play through in 2 weeks it'll only cost you a dollar and if this is your only method of playing games you don't want to buy anything else just Game Pass $200 a year isn't horrible for what can amount to hundreds of hours of entertainment but keep in mind many of these titles frankly worthless used game stores are practically giving them away so why play them under a monthly subscription fee if that's 17 times more expensive than just a oneandone purchase well because you get all these other games and it's so convenient here as a Game Pass subscriber I'm going to play Gotham Knights this game stinks Game Pass is cool but I wouldn't rely on it year round for all things gaming considering how as I browse the lineup 80% of it looks exactly the same as 5 years ago and as frequently as new games get announced to be joining Game Pass they leave just as fast but that's not to say this isn't a good service to take advantage of I'd say if a new game releases into it that you know you'll play Within that month just subscribing for those 30 days is an effective way to place s modern titles on the chief uh just remember to cancel when you're done he got f got here you forgot to cancel Game Pass oh my God is everything okay better than okay it's not bad thanks to Game Pass I'm flat broke which means I can't buy into Ubisoft plus I think it goes without saying but any publisher specific Subscription Service yeah that's not the smartest move when you're so broke you have to eat the inedible $18 a month for Ubisoft plus that's more expensive than Game Pass who cares about Ubisoft exclusively enough to subscribe to this same goes for EA play which is already included in an Xbox game pass ultimate membership and like what are you getting this by itself for FIFA 17 now on the PlayStation side of things there's PlayStation Plus which is practically the same as Game Pass I mean you don't get as many day one AAA releases as that but is that really a benefit of Game Pass hey think about it this way if you have Game Pass you could play these games without having to buy them outright why would I want to play them to begin with PlayStation Plus game catalog as the benefit of PlayStation exclusives being a part of it and a lot of the same kind of stuff you see in Game Pass all at a comparable price point so it depends on which lineup or console you prefer but my advice remains don't take my advice subscription Services can be used to your benefit if you're on a budget even in other ways outside of just cancelling after a month you can find all kinds of deals out there from different stores where these memberships are cheaper my problem comes into play when we consider where all this money is going turns out it's going to gone this is what I'm talking about when I say these services are about convenience not value I spend $10 a month and I get permission to play Gotham nights well gee thank God I didn't waste money on this I say is I'm spending $200 a year or how about I just spend $5 more on a oneandone purchase and then I can do whatever the hell I want with this thing oh maybe even sell it for more than I bought it for you never know it could happen my point is if you're looking to play on the cheap take advantage of these Services when it makes sense to they offer a ton but don't depend on them because if you're not careful you forget you're subscribed or there's nothing that's interesting to you on them it is genuinely the equivalent to Flushing your money down the toilet hey I may have bought Gotham Knights but at least I can flush the money down myself so yeah under most circumstances I'd say physical video games are better to NAB if you're looking to game on a budget speaking of [Music] which I am very fortunate to be based out of Toledo Ohio and for my next lie I have 12 fingers we have supposedly one of the best zoos in the country yeah I don't know about that one king of the jungle my ass Tony Pacos is a big name around these parts so is Wendy's and it's nickname The Glass City wise ah that but regardless of what you may think of Toledo the fact is we are swimming in used video game stores uh something not many can say about their Hometown so I understand how fortunate I am to be living in Toledo but I know that isn't the casee for everybody so I'm not telling you hey I can pick up Clacks after lunch what's your excuse rather I want to show that buying secondhand games is one of the most effective ways to play on the cheap and what better way to do that than supporting local business like GameStop you might as well kick things off with the one everybody knows because if you want use games now GameStop is probably the best bet for any average person in the US oh my God Scott stop being so negative GameStop was never incredible but back in the day there was at least stuff to look at in here now it's just the blandest most Barren walls of video games I've ever seen and focusing on just modern titles and geek merchandise on clearance means there's little to discover or explore in a gam stop but we can damn well try basically I want to spend a clean 100 Bones on a game console and a stack of games that I can imagine lasting me quite a long time starting with the game console the cheapest one available is the original Xbox One damn it all right well there's no point in doing this if I can go on eBay right now and get the same console with games included as Destiny as they may be for the price point I limited myself too I don't want to act like you can't get good games for good prices at GameStop but it can be pretty situational and in the case of consoles we can get these cheaper elsewhere so let's just focus on spending $100 on games from Gamestop for our Xbox one we just bought on eBay for another $100 for $100 a GameStop I was able to pick up rare replay The Witcher 3 Madden 20 Immortals Phoenix Rising Gears of War 4 Grand Theft Auto 5 Hasbro Family Fun Pack rice on a Rome Battlefield 5 Titanfall 2 just cause three Tales of aise Red Dead Redemption 2 Rage 2 Middle Earth shadow of War prey okay scratch red dead better this is a pretty great lineup for the price but I got to be honest I was struggling with the stock they had the GameStop ain't what it used to be be but thankfully they had enough used Xbox games available to net a good library for $100 now for the next person who walks in trying to net a good library for $100 I am so sorry the star of the show here is rare Replay for five bones that's 30 titles across 30 plus years of gaming history spending all different kinds of genres sure not all of them are winners in fact I'd say about half of the games included are downright unfortunate but RAR Ray play also includes some of the most beloved games of all time as well a couple with tons of content and unlockables for $5 I genuinely don't think we could have gotten a better value here could have been cheaper though all right so Madden here can just represent any sports game if that's your thing I mean like if you're on a budget and you like playing sports games just buy the previous years now all fans of these sports games say how much better the previous years were so why aren we doing this think it counts in the red oh hey Madden The Witcher 3 Grand Theft Auto 5 Immortals Phoenix Rising Just Cause 3 all all meaty open world games you can play forever I mean GTA and Witcher alone would suffice but these two are a quality time for undeniably low prices the games like Rise Son Of Rome Titanfall 2 Rage 2 prey Battlefield 5 middlee I mean I primarily picked up because they were dirt cheap and solid titles Tales of arise gives us a meaty RPG Gears of War 4 is fine and Hasbro Family Fun Pack because when in doubt play grabble [ __ ] I feel that for $200 this collection and an Xbox one it's all you really need you can live off of this for years and honestly if you're desperate for something new here thankfully with these systems having online stores and multiplayer even after you exhaust the possibilities of your physical game collection you can just Mel the piss out of all the free junk you can download there's always to be always now even though I feel these games would suffice for quite a while keep in mind we own these now and can do with them as we please and at the very least trading them back into GameStop Nets us roughly $15 and you know what we can do with that well it's probably better to sell this stuff independently on eBay or maybe even the independent game stores from the Toledo Ohio area it's flatsome games and collectibles where GameStop falls short flatsome picks up the slack but unfortunately game prices ain't what they used to be especially consoles I remember back in 2017 when I picked up an original Xbox and a stack of games for only 60 bones whereas now the Xbox itself is 100 I mean what can we get a Sega Genesis for 60 and if you're struggling to put food on the table I'm not going to tell you to eat Sonic [ __ ] spinball I think it's goofy as hell to recommend anything like this for gaming on a budget like one you can emulate every and any Sega Genesis game on a damn not Sega Genesis that's for sure yeah you can say that about most consoles but these ones it's almost too damn simple to just play them on PC oh like I said just Google play Sonic it's like am I really going to tell you to invest in this B these games well many are Timeless Classics I mean they aren't going to last you long yes I can play Mario 1 till the end of time but it's more of a game you replay once a year for 30 minutes till the end of time any he why limit yourself to a Sega Genesis when every console has a Sega Genesis collection for it I think it's far better advice to go for consoles that aren't playable in web browsers and have games that are comparable to Modern releases and if that's not a Sega Genesis it must be a PlayStation 3 an original console itself cost 100 bones but the games I was able to pick up Batman Arkham Asylum Nino Cooney Battlefield 3 Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 remix Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Borderlands 2 Uncharted 2 Sonic's ultimate Genesis collection Mass Effect 2 Red Dead Redemption and Justice Gods Among Us Burnout Paradise Assassin's Creed 2 and Minecraft all for 200 in total pretty comparable to the Xbox One lot I feel that many of these games scratch the same itches Sonic's ultimate Genesis collection is a damn good compilation of classic Genesis games I wouldn't say it's as good as rare replay but that one covers a wide breadth of titles from all different eras and platforms which is what makes it so cool at its core but this one's way more consistent just 40s something classic Sega games have at it Red Dead Redemption is definitely our Grand Theft Auto 5 here but but hey that game is also on PS3 so you're not missing out on the opportunity to play this if you don't have a PS4 or PS5 which I that is something to consider many of the games we're playing these days began life on these older consoles GTA 5 skym Minecraft you don't need the latest and greatest to play this garbage though it is fair to mention how Minecraft for Playstation 3 has not received updates in years Grand Theft Auto 5's online was shut down Skyrim on PS3 stinks but the core single player games are still there they may not run as well and look as good and have as many features as the versions on some sequent platforms but you can definitely get by with them in fact nearly all of these received remasters or re-releases which says a lot about their quality these are Timeless games they're just a little crunchy here but they're all more than playable here on PlayStation 3 and considering the variety open world games racing games first person Shooters RPGs fighting games action adventure games retro games and literally every other genre possible in the Genesis collection for $200 you get one beefy ass lineup in a great console that sure to last you a while but if we compare it to what I picked up on Xbox one I mean it's not like the games here are leagues better than the games there in fact most of the PS3 games I got are available or have equivalents on Xbox one which is a far more modern system so most of its online features are still available and the games will all run better on it and the store includes all kinds of free trinkets to mess around with I got to be honest I think the Xbox One is a better deal here so how about the Xbox 360 because one of these consoles we can snag for a cool 75 game-wise flaton was offering this bundle of Assassin's Creed 2 Batman Arkham City Battlefield 3 Borderlands 2 Call of Duty 4 Dishonored Gears of War 3 Grand Theft Auto 5 Halo 4 Lego Marvel Superheroes Madden NFL 25 Sega Superstars tennis and Xbox Live arcade disc for $30 okay so this is more of a freak accident than an actual price point you can find these games at but it just goes to show if you look around enough this kind of stuff is possible and it's all thanks to lack of Market relevance who wants Assassin's Creed 2 for Xbox 360 not them Nintendo and Playstation have their Die Hard fans and collectors Xbox I mean they're there but it's just not the same maybe it's the lack of distinct long lasting franchises sa for Halo it's shorter Legacy by comparison or Sneakers but secondhand Xbox stuff has always been valued quite a bit lower and I don't see that drastically changing anytime soon I was told the original Xbox is the console to collect for it's cheap as dirt now but just you wait I've become a man in that time sure the original console's gone up in value but the games see you think this is a sticker but no just what the game is fuing worthless but just because the price is low doesn't mean the quality is too I just don't think old Xbox games are in demand like the other platforms I mean what would you want here bad example but hey that just proves it's good to take advantage of the lack of demand here at Flom I also picked up Cameo elements of power Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts plus Viva Pata combo pack Trivial Pursuit Tetris Evolution Sonic and Sega Allstar Racing Just Cause 2 Far Cry 3 Fallout New Vegas create LA Noir Dead Rising and Skate 3 all for a grand total of 199 Jesus Christ what a way to save money after all of that I saved $600 and yeah I feel like we got a good idea as to what the used game Market at retail is all about these days yes prices are higher across the board but that doesn't mean you can't find good deals just might have to look around at different consoles than you're used to I'd honestly recommend an Xbox One to those looking for a cheap console with AFF affordable games sure the Xbox 360 is less expensive but it's less expensive a newer console means it's less likely to bust and the online servers and storefront will be active for the foreseeable future meaning you can download free junk play online multiplayer use Xbox game pass and hey the Xbox One is backwards compatible with a pretty large selection of 360 and original Xbox games which are damn cheap most of the games I bought for the 360 from flot some games work here if they don't there's a remaster equivalent available on the platform I don't think the Xbox 360 console lot from flaton was a bad deal at all but if you're gaming on a budget I think it's important to not only factor in the price but how far that platform can take you but hey I still grabbed all these games and loads more from the used game stores The Collection turned to fill out again but since the Xbox One is my console of choice for gaming on a budget I feel I should get more games for that but where you all thinking what I'm thinking Say it With Me Now who gives a sh let's go to a garage S garage sales yeah that's a great idea to get more Xbox One games on the cheap especially when they all come with mulch for free garage sales yard sales yeah you can find good deals at them but at that point you can find good deals anywhere just go house to house and ask people do you have video games these are more often than not a waste of time that what you got to spend your Saturday driving around neighborhoods squint at signs trying to decipher an ad dress then you go out of your way to show up just to be greeted by used baby clothes and not even good ones and you're taking a gamble as to if these sales we even have games let alone working ones it's almost always picking through the dirtiest grimiest junk all to find a copy a Disney Infinity 2.0 okay well at least nope it's major league baseball for the intellivision No No that's blood I think it's fair to say don't completely write off any method of finding games at a good price because it can happen anywhere where but hey time is money and it's up to you to decide what's worth it and what's not do you really want a dumpster dive a GameStop to find free games I mean we've all seen videos of the insane stuff people have found he everybody I just rised it all and looked inside the GameStop dumpster and their trash is in great condition more often than not I buy my games on eBay and Amazon these days not because I'm looking for the best deal rather it's just easier convenience win for me if I want a specific game then and there I'm okay paying a bit extra for shipping quality and the immediacy of finding what I want compared to hunting for it via garage sales for months maybe years on end that's what you pay for online though Stellar deals can still be prevalent Lots just big fat stacks of an assortment of games if you're looking for a specific title try including the word lot in the search and see if anybody's bundling it with others for a lower price combined that with referencing price charting websites to do a little bit of math to figure out if a plus b equals c look at this I'm getting F take this lot for example 16 Xbox One games brand new sealed starts the bidding at 100 bones or we can buy it now for 130 and with the value of all of this being oh my God $80 off I'm losing money not spending it well keep in mind these are all new copies if all of these were used holy I'm saving $4 think of everything I can buy but before we do that God damn it I already bought runs if we're just looking to play these games so who cares if we have cases and manuals and whatnot the lowest average prices of all of this added up is but hey these are new copies and they are worth more so I can just resell the games I don't want yeah go ahead try and sell these games OverWatch one doesn't even work anymore so that's the Dark Side of video game Lots yeah this seems like a great deal but think about it are you going to play all of these and if you aren't do you really want to go through the rigma rooll of selling them and if you did do you even think you could many of the games included in these are filler titles that sellers are just trying to get rid of nobody buys them on their own and if you're not careful you will be stuck with these I've had sex here night nightmares Lots can be a great way to score some deals but you want to make sure you're actually getting a deal on the games you want here and you can actually sell the games you don't want in the used game market price charting is my best friend on a related note I'm depressed use it to see what the going rate is on games to tell if a price is lower or higher than it normally goes elsewhere and you should be good to go but we can always go good or some public libraries have used games available of which you can use your library card to rent them out for free well that's hard to beat also damn hard to find I think a lot of libraries tried to offer games and then immediately stopped once people took the games and ran but hey you can always visit your local one and see if they have some I visited mine and found the Witcher Tom Clancy but I know if I want to get serious about game rentals you got to turn to Blockbuster Red Box family video game rentals exist about as much as my patients right now I mean what options are out there for me game Fly our Lord and savior okay so I can rent two games at a time Max for roughly the same price as Xbox game pass and PlayStation Plus or I can download any of these games I don't have a limit to how many I can be playing at a time I don't have to wait for my game to ship or worry about sending it back or the game coming in like damn no manual now let's be fair here this is a far wider selection of titles including the latest and greatest compared to PlayStation Plus I think Game Plus is good if you want to experience a few brand new releases plus you can outright buy some games from them and they can have some pretty sweet deals so they're good to keep in mind as an option but when half the new releases these days are old ass games anyways why even bother always a good idea to compare a full price re-release with the original to see if any enhancements or additions make it worth it for example if you are looking at a Nintendo switch and the games you wanted were mostly all Wii U games compare the going rates of both and consider what that old Wii U can do that a switch can't maybe you don't care about any of the new original games or online multiplayer DLC or whatever you just want to play Donkey Kong we'll find that son of a [ __ ] someday it's hard to recommend specific things to do and buy because it always depends on the individual in questions situation and preferences like buying a Wii U is more cost effective than the Nintendo switch but does that make up for everything to some people it might so you just have to ask yourself do you want the best possible Mario Kart or do you want a Mario Kart you'll still get the core Mario Kart 8 experience for a fraction of the price but sometimes the best values in gaming aren't always the cheapest I'm going to show you how to game on a budget right after I show you how to fix a migraine listen just because a game is cheap doesn't mean it's worth it or a great investment in the long run sometimes it's best to spend a little bit more to get a far better experience you can buy 10 games under five bucks a pop and get like 100 hours total play time sure but holy is that all entertainment should be just whatever nobody else at GameStop wanted some amazing games can be picked up this way but here I want to recommend games that I think are worthwhile at full price even when you're on a budget these games can supply you with hundreds of hours of substantial entertainment let me clarify these are just some of my personal picks for games I'd recommend to anybody even if they're at full price and that's because they have loads of substantial content and many of these games take a while to play through yes but most of the time is spent on actual stuff a lot of the longest games of all time achieve that title and nothing else these are games that aren't just long they're meaningful experiences they give you so much more than just something to waste your free time with or something you walk away from and say that was fun these are worthy Investments even if you're on a budget these may not be the cheapest games you can definitely spend your money on a handful of used titles instead but in my opinion if you can only have a few games in your collection these are some that you can't go wrong with first up second up up Super Mario Maker 2 is an obvious pick I mean what is an infinite supply of levels not enough for you if your answer is no my God imagine dating you listen I may not have gotten as into Mario Maker 2 as the first but that doesn't mean it's a lesser value far from it we've got a full single player campaign of Nintendo made stages which takes about as long as any other modern 2D Mario to finish the infinite supply of levels available online plus full as worlds created by users that can honestly stand on their own as entire Mario games in their own right local and online multiplayer and obviously the course Builder which you can put thousands of hours in itself if you're the creative [Music] type all else PHS just recreate the old games in the level maker and voila you got a compilation of the classic Marios on top of everything else sure you need a subscription to access the online content including all the user made stages but I think that's a small price to pay for what's genuinely an endless Mario game and hey you get all these extra bonuses with a paid membership such as the ability to purchase a Sega Genesis controller for $50 well aren't I glad I spent money I can now spend money the levels in Mario Maker 2 may not be as finally crafted and organic as what you may find in non-course Creator Platformers like Super Mario Brothers Wonder or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze but they can still be pretty damn fun the Ingenuity all these creators have is a sight to behold taking an already extensive tool set and stretching it farther than you could possibly imagine this is an incredible value no matter how you look at it Mario Maker 2 is a total bargain even at full price no matter how much you've played there's always something new to discover here the 10th level of hell all right well this is a list of games that I'd recommend regardless of price I ain't going to lie and act like the going rate of H night isn't playing a huge Factor here not only is this already one of the greatest Metroid vanas it's one of the greatest Metroid vanas costing $15 if $15 takes you this far imagine what 16 can [Music] do game compilations can often times be hit or miss when it comes to Value sure it's nice to have a collection of like-minded titles available in one package but sometimes there's not enough improvements extra features and price-wise it just might be better to buy the games individually however I think these right here are some of the greatest bundles of content ever on offer now I already gushed about rare Replay in Sonic's ultimate Genesis collection but how about the street fighter 30th Anniversary Collection all right 13 Street Fighter games four featuring online play and and all these extra additions make this a pretty great value for casual players Kingdom Hearts allinone package features nearly everything Kingdom Hearts Up Until Kingdom Hearts 3 sure a few games here are just represented via cutcenes but I don't think it's a huge loss a damn no that it includes everything it needs to and I think that still makes for an excellent collection the God of War Saga and Metal Gear Legacy Collection for PS3 these were so damn good but they just had to include download codes for some of the games which have all expired by this point I was considering recommending Spider-Man Miles Morales since the ultimate edition came with Spider-Man remastered but damn it why do all these collections do this like I can't in good conscience give Mega Man Legacy Collection one and two on switch my endorsement its download code will eventually expire now that leaves us with halo the Master Chief Collection all six games looking better than ever the full campaigns the online multiplayer this is a where all of these on the original consoles would be a bit cheaper but the improvements brought in here and the online play being available and active makes this worth it by comparison in my opinion there's so many great compilations out there so this is just scratching the surface three mobile games in one that's more than two Shovel Knight Treasure Trove hot damn it's five games in one originally released as just Shovel Knight at a cool 15 bones in 2014 it was already a stellar deal but over the next 5 years they kept adding junk to the point where we have four campaigns with different characters and a pretty expansive multiplayer fighting mode all as free updates eventually they had to go it was genuinely too much to offer for just 15 so the price went up to 40 with each portion of the game being available separately if you just want to play one of the campaigns but 40 is still really damn good for what you get here also if you bought the game for 15 back in the day that's all you had to pay for you never had to pay an extra fee to get any of this this in Mario Maker 2 are some of the best bang for your buck 2D Platformers but leps World 2 is free Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition this game is repetitive as hell just button mashing mush with Zelda frosting if I'm going to recommend this I might as well recommend you just Spam your keyboard because you get a similar amount of enjoyment out of that as you would with Hyrule Warriors man Warriors games are just dumb fun they can get tedious for sure but zoning out and just plowing through enemies when you get in the groove they are so relaxing that or it may just be extremely lethargic regardless hyro Warriors is pretty good but you take what's a pretty good game and flood it with content and now it becomes a pretty good game flooded with content there's so much stuff here the definitive edition on Nintendo switch features all content from both the Wii U and 3DS games which includes multiple modes to plow through nearly 30 playable characters hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content here this game never ends it's the perfect title to just pick away at over time I don't think this is the only game you should have if you're playing literally nothing but this but as a supplemental game you pop in from time to time this will genuinely last you forever this right here I'd consider to be the definitive collection of open world games Grand Theft Auto 5 Red Dead Redemption 2 The Witcher 3 Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain Elden ring and The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and or tears of the Kingdom you can't go wrong with any or all of these frankly I think each brings some unique spunk the others don't have uh lots of different themes time periods and gameplay styles on display here you can't beat GTA when it comes to sandboxing around even when you've exhausted all possibilities with the game you haven't and that's in addition to GTA online which is the sole reason why many even buy Grand Theft Auto to begin with the widget 3 is one of the most expansive open world RPGs ever ever crafted being more story focused and cinematic than something like Skyrim which I'd say is more about going off and making your own adventure which hey both are excellent if anything that means you should get them together if possible Elden Ring's probably the most unique of the bunch considering you don't really have a way points or much of a plot stringing things along it's just one big ass world with Dungeons and enemies and boss fights throughout just pick a direction and you're immediately tossed into some of the most engaging gameplay out there it's a dangerous genuine Adventure where no encounter is Mindless which is why we have both Red Dead 2 and mle gear 5 are Stellar as well but when it comes to breath of the wild or tears of the Kingdom I mean these are two of my favorite games of all time and there's still hundreds of hours of content in both I haven't touched yet but recommending only one is tricky I mean tears of the Kingdom has far more content but I feel its impact is lessened if you don't experience breath of the wild prior it's probably the better pick though so if you had to go with one pick up tears of the kto this is one of the defining examples of what an open world game could be and should be these titles are some of the meest you can buy they can last you a lifetime while delivering some of the most worthwhile and memorable gaming moments you will ever experience poo poo Tetris 2 now why would I buy this when I can just keep grinding away at the free demo well po po Tetris 2 in my opinion is one of if not the best puzzle game out there surely the best Tetris and Poyo poo game at the very least because not only can you enjoy this as just a Tetris game or just a pu PUO one but you get a full-on single player campaign and so many different special modes combining the two games online multiplayer local multiplayer this is like the perfect puzzle package just a great game to play when you're in the mood for something like this I in the mood for something like this RPGs where are normally some of the longer video games out there taking dozens of if not hundreds of hours to complete and while I'm not the most into the genre I definitely know some good ones when I see them which is why my eyes are perpetually closed but here we are Persona 5 Royal Dragon Quest 11s Boulders Gate 3 these games are all damn rich in content and depth Persona 5 40 hours in you're still getting tutorials there's also Dragon Quest builders 2o for a bit of an RPG in Minecraft hybrid uh World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14 online if you want massively multiplayer online RPGs and genuinely nothing else out of life but there those are my RPG recommendations of course a Super Smash Brothers has to be here I mean look at all this stuff nearly every game in the franchise has unlimited replay value in the multiplayer department and an extensive amount of single player content if I had to pick one game to play Until the End of Time well I would surely be wise to make that a Smash Brothers surely but which one well Smash Brothers ultimate has the most content the most fighter stages music the works but then my eyes start to wander to previous entries I mean braw has a full story mode with CGI cutscenes and levels to explore whereas ultimate has this 20 to 30 hours slog of an adventure mode consisting of nothing but fights with barely any cutcenes in this jpeg of a map toand around on you what game demos and brawl full 3d trophies stickers albums put the stickers in the coin launcher game Target test stage Builder with all these different parts to use now we have a full list of all Nintendo published games included just because in comparison ultimate is far more focused on the core content the stuff that matters but that honestly makes everything surrounding it a bit lackluster I do think brawl has the better single player offerings but at the end of the day who [ __ ] cares I can talk to death about how much I liked coin launcher but it'sing coin launcher smash ultimate is the one to get doesn't mean it's perfect doesn't mean it has everything I'd won out of a smash game but I'd be a fool for acting like it isn't the ultimate Smash Brothers you ultimate fing Smash Brothers Without coin launcher insurance I could go all day with this I mean so many indie games games are an absurd value the Hades Spelunky 2 Binding of Isaac stardew Valley I think Sonic Mania is a steal there's the classic Doom games that are like five bucks a pop that's crazy then there's all the Sim games out there uh Sim City The Sims Roller Coaster Tycoon Zoo Tycoon the Animal Crossing series uh the civilization games are infinitely replayable Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and crash team racing Nitro fueled are packed cart Racers and of course Clubhouse games 51 worldwide Classics and you know what it barely crossed the 50 worldwide Classics minimum to be considered a good deal but like I said this has all been just my perspective which is the tricky thing about budget gaming recommendations there's pros and cons to everything so it always depends on your preferences I can tell you all day to buy games from 1 to two generations back for great experiences at dirt cheap prices but you probably don't want to do that you want the latest and greatest uh well then game flyer Xbox game pass might be good for you uh but no you want to actually own these games well make sure you're following social media accounts hellbent on alerting you when sales pop up oh but you don't want to be scouring the internet all the time for deals what do you want from me there are always options out there you may have to be a bit creative you may have to be patient but no matter what games you're into there are always effective ways to save while playing what you want and if you can't get what you want right now making do with what's available can open yourself up to amazing experiences you wouldn't have had otherwise and Hey by the time you're done with those the game you wanted in the first place may be cheaper now patience is key to gaming on a budget which is crazy because throughout the past 50 minutes I've been taking advantage of these tips all at once and I've been able to rebuild my game collection in record time it's crazy how quickly I did that it's also crazy how quickly the collections agency found my address
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 1,560,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IVKUZz4t1w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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