Sam Chui Travel Hacks 2 - How to get an UPGRADE?

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- Hi guys, welcome to the video this week and hope you enjoyed the last week, the travel hacks and you benefited a little bit from it. We're gonna continue this week talk about how do you get an upgrade. Everybody love this word, and upgrade during the travel. And also I'm gonna show you a very cheap Lufthansa first class Swiss first class airfare. So stayed tuned for this week's series. The news this week is there's an amazing cheap Lufthansa Swiss first class airfare from Athens, from Greece to China so it's actually on my website, If you're not familiar, this is my website here. I have a blog which I will try to put lots of stuff on my blog and let's go to check out the fare restriction before we talk about more. The fare is 2500 euro round trip in first class. You can fly either Lufthansa or Swiss or a combination of them to Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong. You need to book by 29 of April and you can travel all the way to 16 December. Minimum stay is three days, maximum stay three months. The only thing is the blackout does not allow travel in the peak summer from 29 June to 26 August. Now I'm gonna show you one more new website here. This site here is called ita Matrix Airfare Search. Some of you already heard of. This is actually before Google flight. This is the search engine that powered the Google Flights as well so what it does it's a free tool. It can search, let's say Athens to Hong Kong here and I put in 10 and 17 by random date in May 'cause I am actually very tempted to get to Athens to fly this. And let's have a look, the results here it's gonna give us, okay so we found a nice cheap fare here so you can see Athens to Munich, Munich to Hong Kong is 380. Hong Kong to Frankfurt on the A340, 600. And then Frankfurt to Athens. And it gives you all this combinations. You can see also multiple airlines so what this means is it's going out on the Swiss to Hong Kong with triple seven in first class and coming back on Lufthansa on the A340, so I think there's lots of combinations you can play with whenever you want to fly Swiss triple seven, Lufthansa 340, Lufthansa A380, and the nice this about ita Matrix is you can do almost like a calendar search. So I'll show you one more thing here. So let's say I wanna depart on May 11, I'm going for five days looking for first class. So what it does then it's gonna search all the combinations possible in May and June, and you can also scroll down July, August, every month for five days from May 11, five days. So this is basically a very useful calendar. You can overview the departure date for your plan. Guys, if you remember last week I was showing you a website called momondo. Momondo usually can beats the airline ticket price from the airline official site. So looking at this from Athens to Hong Kong on a random May date I found Lufthansa website's 3074 is shows and momondo can find you a cheaper site and take you to that particular site to book. So momondo can maybe save you additional money booking a expensive airfare like this. Your first class experience with Lufthansa starts from their awesome and unique first class lounge or the first class terminal in Frankfurt. Inside this first class lounge terminal they have a great design, a great bar, a nice buffet spread with lots of good meats. Waiter, waitress service on dining. Perhaps the most impressive experience I like is to ride in the brand new Mercedes S class or a Porsche 10 that take you directly to your plane. (light piano music) Once on board you find identical first class seats installed across the fleet. On airbus A330, 340, on the 380 and 747-8. Of course my favourite is the 747-8 in row one. Why, because no one's in front of you. The pilots sit upper deck and behind you as well. Caviar is always served as the first course on dining on Lufthansa first class. You'll find loads of food and it depends on the destination, you'll get special cuisine like Chinese food Indian food, in short there's no shortage of food on Lufthansa first class. You can have look on my footage here. (light piano music) So guys no we're gonna talk about upgrades. So the upgrade is holy grail word of travel and there's two types of upgrade by the way. One is a free upgrade which everybody loves. So I'm gonna show you what it mean by free upgrade, how do you get it. The second type of upgrade is actually a pay upgrade. You use your miles, you pay using your cash so we explore all the options so hopefully you understand and make sure you don't overpay for your upgrade. So what do you mean by free upgrade? Free upgrade is also mean operational upgrade. So a free upgrade will happen when there is a situation that the plane is oversold so they have to move some of the economy passengers upgrading them to business class so they can fly on the same time. An airline has to be non-discriminatory so they can't just give upgrade based on the look of the person or how nicely they get treated right, so it's ranked by algorithm. So I think usually when an upgrade happens an operational upgrade happens, it's usually favouring the top tier frequent flyers of that airline programme. So the platinum, the gold member will get a chance to upgrade first. Also some airlines nowadays are ranked by the fare you paid. If you are paying a higher fare or a full fare, your chance to get upgrade when there's oversold situation happens is higher than the other passenger. So I wanna show you on Expert Flyer as you can see here on the 24th of April, London Heathrow, Dubai to London, so these are all the fare buckets representing how many seats available in each class. So economy is the highlighted bit from Y class. Y is full fare economy down all the way to the sub buckets. Each class represent a different fare much lower fare is the buckets towards the end. So what you're seeing here is this flight EK7 has completely sold out in the economy. It has actually one seats available in business class which is J class and then it has three seats available for selling full fares class fare. So what that means is, yep, the whole economy's oversold basically, it doesn't sell any more. It could not sell any more. But there is still a few seats available in first and business class. Let's have a look other flights here. EK31 this one same situation, four seats available in first class, one seat available in business completely oversold, so what that means is this is a target flight for those people who want to have a operational upgrade happen. You will rank by your frequent flyer status and the fare you paid. So if you are one of those paying high fare and top, elite frequent flyer in that airline programme Emirates, then your chance to get upgrade is quite decent. Now I'm gonna show you another situation here. And this is a flight departing on the 23rd of April from Abu Dhabi to Rome on Etihad. So now you can see here this is another reverse situation of earlier of what we've seen is there's a lot of seats available in the economy up to seven seat available for sale. But in business class it's full, J class zero. So in this situation here you would not get a operational upgrade because there's no seats to get upgrade to the front. So for an operational upgrade to happen or for any upgrade to happen you gotta have a situation that there's gotta be seats available in the premium cabin for you first. So now let's talk about the pay upgrade. So there's two different types of pay upgrade you can upgrade yourself. One is using cash and the other one's using miles. So these days the norm is that airline when you're booking economy they would recognise you as a candidate for upgrade. Before the flight you would get an invite email or you can go to the airline sites and type in your flight reference and look for an upgrade option there. The options generally available for bidding or the airline would nominate a range of price that you're willing to pay and there's a minimum and maximum and if you pay higher the chance to upgrade is obviously better, and so now it's very important to know a few things using this find of upgrade scheme. One is that you should always pay below the business class ticket price. What I mean that, for example if you're economy fare is $500 and you're business class fare is $1200. If your look at Expert Flyer or Google Flights or Skyscanner for example you found out the difference of the fare. So the difference of that is $700. Then you should never pay more than $700 'cause otherwise you're defeating the purpose, you're buying economy and paying more than a business class fare at the end. And secondly also the bid upgrade only works when there's seats available closer to departure and your upgrade will get confirmed. Well I would suggest to leave the bidding towards later, not immediately months ahead. If you can bid about a few days earlier before your flight and using resources like Expert Flyer then you can probably put in a lower bid because you know if you look at, there's a lot of seats available closer to departure then the airline will be accepting a lower bid. So you don't have to bid so high to secure your seat. Now the other way to upgrade like I mentioned earlier is using miles. Now I'd be more careful with this approach because generally I think they're are a better way to use your miles than paying for an upgrade. This is just my own view. What you need to know is whether it's worth doing this. It may cost you a lot of miles because you have bought a very restrictive economy class fare and it might cost a little bit less miles if you bought a flexible economy class fare. So the miles you have is not free, you know, is not free. This is very important to understand. You should know what the miles you have is worth. What I really recommend and value the miles is around one to one and a half cents each. So let's say that if the upgrade costs you 40,000 miles. 40,000 and one and one half cents each means it costs you 400 to 600 US dollars worth of miles. And the other type of upgrade maybe is at a check in counter when you go to check in you can always ask if the premium class is available. Whatever airline sells for a fixed price upgrade. So some airlines like Thai Airways they sell a fixed price upgrade no matter what the economy booking class you do. You might book the cheapest and then they will sell you a fixed price upgrade to the front. So this strategy might be worth to consider. Again if you knowing the far difference beforehand that will help you to make a much better informed decision so you know you're getting away without it. You don't wanna overpay for the upgrade and end up paying more than what it should cost. So the importance is to know the valuation of your miles. To value your miles carefully so you can make a informed decision here. Thanks for watching this week's video. I hope the content's useful. Again if you have any feedback or you know any deals you wanna share, please let me know. Next week's very exciting for me. I'm flying the Malaysia Airline A350 in first class so watch next week's videos review. See you next week guys.
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 485,591
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Keywords: Sam Chui, Travel Hacks, How do you get an Upgrade?, Cheap fare on Lufthansa, Cheap fare on Swiss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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