15 Airplane Hacks to Upgrade Your Flying Experience for FREE

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I'm going to tell you right now that the actual  travel part of traveling does not need to be   dreaded. If you want to take your airport  and airplane experience to the next level,   keep watching because I'm sharing 15 ways  to upgrade your flying experience [Music]   When you're booking a flight somewhere, you  typically do it months or even weeks before   departure and if you want that better economy  seat you typically have to pay extra for it.   Except I'm going to teach you a way where  you don't have to do that, and you can get   it for free. You can check into your flight 24  hours, sometimes 48 hours, before departure. So,   set an alarm on your phone that will alert you  when it's the earliest time that you can check in,   so you can be one of the first, if not the first  person, to check in. This will give you the best   options for the seats that are still available  including the ones that were going to originally   cost you more in economy. Choose a seat in row 13  and get the whole row to yourself! A seat in row   13 is the least likely to get booked and here's  why... It is a long-held belief in many cultures   that 13 is an unlucky number. Several Airlines  have actually gotten rid of row 13 and they   just go right from row 12 to row 14. So, airlines  like Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, Lufthansa,   Air France, just to name a few. But then there are  other airlines like American, Delta, Southwest,   JetBlue that still have row 13. So, if that row is  available, and you're not a superstitious person,   choose a seat in that row and you're more likely  to get the whole row to yourself. If the flight   isn't overbooked, book the middle seat. If you're  flying solo, book the middle seat only on flights   you know aren't going to be overbooked. So, those  are flights that are in the very early morning or   late at night. People are less likely to book  the window or aisle seat if someone's already   sitting in the middle, so you're more likely to  get a whole row to yourself. If you're flying as   a couple, one of you books the window seat, one  of you books the aisle seat and people are less   likely to book that middle seat unless the plane  is full. And if that's the case that the flight   is fully booked, you can always ask the person  who's sitting in the middle to switch with you   to have either the window or aisle. Which I'm  sure they would be fully up for. And if no one   is sitting in the middle seat, that gives you  and the person you're flying with some extra   elbow room. Be loyal! If you're loyal to one or  two airlines, then there's a better chance that   you'll get loyalty status on these airlines, which  leads to free upgrades and other perks. Just be   sure to choose an airline that you love traveling  with and that goes to many of the destinations   that you want to travel to. And before you  know it, you'll be climbing up that loyalty   ladder and finding yourself in first or business  class. Use ExpertFlyer to get the seat that you   want for free. You can use ExpertFlyer to set an  alert that will notify you when the seat you want   becomes available if someone decides to cancel  or change their flight. This feature is free   to use and when you do get that notification, you  just go and change your seat by checking into the   flight again. Ask for an upgrade. I know it seems  like a simple thing to do but it works sometimes,   especially if you're traveling solo. Get to the  airport a little bit earlier, dress a little bit   extra nice, go to the check-in counter and talk  to the agent there. Ask them if they have any   upgrades available in first or business class.  Ask them how much it is and when they tell you   you can say along the lines like, "oh, that's  a little bit too much for me," and sometimes,   it's happened to me twice in the last 10 years,  you may be lucky and get a really nice agent who   will upgrade you free of charge. Even if you don't  get boosted to business or first class, there's a   chance you could get boosted to a better economy  seat like premium economy. If that doesn't work,   once you get through security, you go to your  gate and as it gets closer to departure time,   go to the gate agent and ask them for an  upgrade. At this point, a better seat might   be available because someone canceled or didn't  show up for their flight, and it's time to you   know start boarding so you might get a chance  on getting an upgrade for free at this point.   Claim your spot! Once you actually board the plane  and there's an announcement that they're fully   boarded, doors are closing, ready for takeoff,  stand up look around see if there are any rows   that have nobody in them. And if there are, ask  the flight attendant if you can go and claim   that row once you are in the air and it's safe  to move around. They will have no problem with   it. They usually just don't want you to do it  before takeoff because you have to stay in your   assigned seat for safety reasons. Bid on a first  class seat. Did you know you can actually bid on   a business or first class seat? Now, this does  come at a bit of an additional cost but really   that additional cost depends on you. Once you book  your flight, a lot of airlines actually email you   before departure at some point to see if you would  like to bid on an upgrade. That means you can   actually set a price that you are willing to pay  to be upgraded to business or first class. Other   passengers on the flight do have an opportunity to  also bid, but if you are the highest bid at $200,   you will get upgraded to First Class. If you you  don't win the bid, no problem, you don't have to   pay anything. So, really it's a win-win situation.  24 hours before departure call the airline and ask   for a bulkhead seat. If the person asks why you  want a bulkhead seat, you can make up an excuse   like "my child kicks the seat in front of them" or  "I have restless leg syndrome" or you can just be   honest and say you want the extra room. It's up to  you. Even if you don't get the bulkhead seat, your   name is officially in the system for a potential  upgrade. Then when you get to the airport,   make sure you're nicely dressed, go up to the desk  agent, and kindly ask, "Is the flight overbooked?"   If they say yes, this is good. Most of the time,  airlines like to overbook economy because people   don't show up and they still want a full flight.  And in this situation, because the economy   section of the flight is already overbooked,  you're more likely to get an upgrade because   you're already on the potential upgrade list, you  asked nicely, and they have to put you somewhere   because they've already overbooked economy.  Scope out SeatGuru. Before choosing your seat,   there is a site called SeatGuru, which allows  you to put in the aircraft that you are going   to be flying. It gives you a full diagram of  what that aircraft looks like and the seats as   well as all the details about each seat and what  they have. So, if they have like outlets, Wi-Fi,   extra leg room, SeatGuru will let you know, so  you can see which seats are the best seats for the   flight that you are going to be taking. Book your  flight for the very early morning or overnight and   save big. Flights that leave in the very early  morning or are overnight flights are typically   the cheapest because they are the least in demand.  This means that they are least likely to fill up,   which means a better opportunity for free upgrades  or very discounted business and first class seat   tickets. Choose the middle of the plane. Sit  in the middle of the plane if you don't like   turbulence. This area is less bumpy than in the  front or back it will make for a smoother flight.   Choose a special meal. Meal time on airplane can  be a little cray-cray. If your flight does include   a plain meal, choose a special meal. There's so  many to choose from if you haven't done it before   because you can get vegan options, gluten-free  options, kosher options, vegetarian, pescatarian,   the list goes on. By choosing a special meal,  you don't have to pay anything extra for it and   you are one of the first ones to get served at  meal time. You'll also be guaranteed a meal that   you'll you know enjoy enjoy as much as you can  enjoy plain food. Often when it's a full flight,   the best meal option goes to those who get served  first and those who get served second or last   don't have any options to choose from.  They're just getting what's left over. So,   if you don't want to be that person who's looking  at their meal looking at the person beside them   and really wishing that you could just swipe  theirs, get a special meal. Get yourself a points   card ASAP. You're already spending money daily,  so why not earn points while you're doing it that   could lead to free flights and seat upgrades.  We put everything on our points cards. Gas,   groceries, clothing ,and even travel. And then  each year, we're able to use these points we've   accumulated to book flights for the whole family  without paying an extra dollar. And that is it for   these travel hacks. Let me know if you've already  tried out some of these hacks before by leaving a   comment below. And if not, go and test them out  and then come back and let me know which ones   worked for you. And if you want more travel hacks,  be sure to check out my 27 packing hacks as well   as more airplane and airport travel hacks, and  I will see you in the next video. Happy travels!
Channel: Kristen & Siya
Views: 116,619
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Keywords: travel hacks, travel hack, airport hacks, airplane hacks, flying hacks, free flight upgrade, travel tips, first class flight budget, how to fly first class free, airplane upgrade, upgrade to first class for Free, hopscotch the globe, kristen sarah, flying tricks, airport tips, airplane tips, business class, travel hacks for a plane trip, travel hacks 2023, travel hacks and tips
Id: P5Bnj2kyysQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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