Salvation Army London Citadel: September 12, 2021

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[Music] oh [Music] um [Music] my [Music] you [Applause] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the salvation army london citadel here in southwestern ontario canada thank you for joining us today it is our prayer that as you join us online you will sense the presence of god right where you are and that your heart will be open to what he has to say to you this day god bless you [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to worship here at london citadel it's so wonderful to have a full church this morning it's so nice to see so many of our church families here for in-person worship this morning welcome to those of you that are joining us online we're so glad that you are here for us with for worship this morning if you're new in joining us for the first time again another welcome please let us know that you've joined us if you're online if you're here in person i'm sure you've been greeted at the front doors but also i want to give a special warm welcome to our students that are coming back to the city we have many students that live here within the city but there's those that have returned and if you are new to the city and you are a student please reach out and connect with us we'd love to know that you are here within the city and if you'd like to join us for worship we can help you by doing that so just send us an email at londoncitadel and we can connect with you further that way thank you to those that continually and generously give the offering plate is located in the foyer if you'd like to drop off your offering there either before the service or after that would be greatly appreciated as well those of you that are online if you would like to give the link for the donation is in our weekly newsletter as well as you can continue to drop off your tithe at the office during the week weekly bulletin weekly programming is starting up and that is exciting news here at london citadel so if you'd like to connect with our programming please make sure that you are checking the bulletin for what's coming up if you'd like to connect with our bulletin and you're not yet doing that please reach out and send us an email at londoncitadel and we'd be happy to connect with you our church is growing and today there was or this week there was some exciting news congratulations to steve and victoria chart on the safe arrival of their baby boy that is exciting news our church is growing and we can't wait to meet him in person someday soon weekly programming this week exciting songsters starts on tuesday we are so excited to be announcing that so uh if you are interested in joining the songsters please reach out to our songster leader craig woodland and we can connect you to the songsters but songsters we will see you at 7 30. please make sure that you use the front doors as well on wednesday ladies fellowship is via zoom the link is in the weekly bulletin and on thursday there will be band practice so that is coming up this week now also coming up some other exciting things for our youth we have youth programming happening and our junior youth group is heading to fun villa so please check out london's citadel youth facebook page for details about that and our senior youth group is going to the factory so please these events are excellent opportunities for our youth to gather and to get together safely the cost of this is ten dollars a great deal so if you'd like to be a part of it check out the information on the london citadel youth facebook page and as well there is more programming in the works so um please stay tuned and look in the bulletin for further weeks for more program that will be available and coming up next week if you would like to join us for in-person worship our seats are really full today so and that's great news for us but we'd like to know that you're coming so please make sure that you register send an email by friday at noon to london citadel and we can get your name on the list so you can join us here for in-person worship uh it is with sadness that i announced the promotion of glory of lydia clifford lydia is uh the mother of bill and grace dodd and brian and lois clifford the funeral will be in friday on friday in kitchener so please be in prayer for those families this week as well we'd also like to announce that laura rousell she is the mother of dave and joan rousel grandmother of jonathan and saritha she was promoted to glory this week as well so please keep it in your prayers the arousal family this week that's all of our morning announcements let's head into worship together well thank you trish for those announcements good morning it really is good to see you this morning and uh i know we keep talking about our seats again in full and then we sit here and see all these big empty spaces it's a bit of a mind mix thing isn't it but the reality is that if we were to measure our pews for the government distancing they're six inches too close to go alternate pews and so rather than take all the screws out and move them we have to block out every third one for sitting in and so it just makes things a bit more complicated for us but that's life we get on with it and it's so good to actually just be here isn't it in god's presence we're talking about hope this month as we use the uh the theme of oh this is falling off uh the theme of there is a hope and we're going to introduce a song of that title in a few moments and work our way through that each verse this month and today we'll look at strength for every passing day but as we worship together this morning let's rejoice about the fact that we get to be together in god's presence even for those who are watching us online via the live stream we rejoice that we mark out this sacred time of our week to be united in the presence of god with other believers psalm 111 says this praise the lord i we're taking ownership here i will extol the lord with all my heart i hope you're prepared to do that this morning in the council of the upright and in the assembly for great are the works of the lord they are pondered by all who delight in them glorious and majestic are his deeds and his righteousness his righteousness endures forever he has caused his wonders to be remembered the lord is gracious and compassionate let's remember that he provides food for those who fear him he remembers his covenant forever he has shown his people the power of his works giving them the lands of other nations the works of his hands are faithful and just all his precepts are trustworthy they are established forever and ever enacted in faithfulness and uprightness he provided redemption for his people he ordained his covenant forever holy and awesome is his name the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom all who follow his precepts have good understanding to him belongs eternal praise as we continue to worship we're going to stand and sing together and heather's going to lead us through this song we're going to sing beautiful words of worship together it's number 45 in the song book if you've brought your own song book or if you're at home and you have your book with you the words will also be on the screen very often we associate these words with thanksgiving now thank we all our god but we can always be thankful to god for all of his precepts for all of his ways for everything that he does for us each and every day and we have so many things to be thankful for let's sing this together please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen all praise and thanks to god the father now be given and always be given because our god is great and i stand here this morning and declare that i believe in the goodness of god and i hope you do this morning as well we're gonna sing some more about our wonderful god at 699 in the song book if you have it beautiful words that have been penned that say every promise we can make every prayer and step of faith every difference we can make is only by god's grace and that is why we can be thankful in all things let's sing this through together you may be seated if you so desire or you can stand whatever your desire is we're going to sing we're just going to be easy breezy today okay but we'll sing these beautiful words together as we head into a time of prayer and thankfulness to our god this morning let's sing together [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign foreign [Music] alone which god supplies that grace that we can be thankful for each and every day and we can be thankful for so many things from god today we can be thankful that he is god if nothing else he is god and that is reason enough to praise him and to be thankful this morning but we do have so many blessings that take place in our life miracles that we can see each and every moment of each and every day of our lives trish announced a wonderful miracle that we can be thankful for as a church family this morning in the arrival of a beautiful new baby that we can call ours here at london citadel and we are so thankful for the safe arrival of that beautiful baby today in our lives in our families we can see miracles and blessings happening each and every day and we thank god for those and we also can thank god that we come to him in prayer for those many things of our lives that we can reach out in prayer for we think of the clifford family this morning for the promotion to glory of lydia and we can pray and lift up in prayer members of our congregation that are part of that family we think of the dodds just now as that is grace's mother and we think of the arousal family as well and we thank god that we can support them in prayer and through practical support as they mourn the loss of a loved one there as well a mother and a grandmother and a great-grandmother as well and we just thank god that we can praise him that he allows us to be with them and support them in prayer and we continue to think of the richardson family a number of months ago my aunt was promoted to glory and because of covid we were unable to celebrate her life and get together as a family and yesterday we were able to do that and we were able to properly give my aunt a send-off and many miracles occurred yesterday through the gathering of that family and so we think of the richardson and the hewitt family at this time that we can support them in prayer and evelyn mccoy we support her in prayer as she has had some health issues recently and she's asked for prayer but is our privilege and our thankfulness that we are able to do that and we think of our world as well and the privilege we have of praying for our world yesterday was the 20th anniversary of 9 11 20 years ago when our world changed i don't know if you remember where you were but i was in gander that day i went up to the camp and worked with passengers from flights that had landed in gander newfoundland and i praised god every single day that i got to meet some of those people and minister his grace he allowed me that privilege and so we can continue to pray for the families and for all of us who have been affected by 9 11. we are in the midst of an election and we can pray for all of those running in the election for the leaders of those various parties and we can pray that god's will will be done in and through this election and of course afghanistan we continue to pray for the effects of everything that is going on in afghanistan let's pray together as it is our privilege to do so just now father we come before you and we thank you that you are god and that you are god who loves us and cares for us and desires to be in relationship with us you are a god who is present in this world even though we may not always see it we know that you are there you are present caring for us going through our grief our trials our turmoils are suffering with us and we praise you that you are god this morning and we brought all of our prayer concerns to you and we praise you that you hear those prayers and that you are in those situations we think of the clifford family the roussel family the richardson family as they mourn the loss of a loved one as they prepare to say their final goodbyes or have said their final goodbyes and continue to miss their loved ones and we just ask that you would be with those families just now lord in the situations that have occurred we praise you for loving those families for caring for them for being with them and through the midst of it all for providing miracles for providing moments of thankfulness and so we just leave though those families in those situations in your hands just now we pray for evelyn as she continues to recuperate from her health issues lord and we just ask that you would be a very real presence in her life just now we praise you for the gift of new life into a family and into an extended family and we just ask that you would be with the chards now as they celebrate that new life and they continue to adjust to having a new baby in their midst again be with them just now lord in all that they do and say and lord we think of our world and we think of the situations that we've mentioned and we just ask that you would be the center of all that is said and done that our election would point to you and bring you as the stronghold of decisions being made within our country we think of the people in afghanistan and the suffering that they're going through lord and we just ask that you would be a very real presence with them in the midst of their suffering and we continue to think of 9 11 lord i'm sure we most of us can pinpoint where we were in that moment and we just ask that you would continue to be with the families support them through the memories the continued feeling of loss and sorrow and as people move forward from this point lord we ask that they would turn to you because every blessing that you pour down we will turn back to praise so that we can say blessed be the name of the lord in your name we pray amen amen well as i mentioned a few moments ago our theme song for this month is uh entitled there is a hope and it's 550 in the salvation army songbook if you're following along at home the words will be on the screen and this is a great song written by stuart towneend where each verse takes the process of a statement of hope how it looks as to where we are now and then how it affects our future and our now how it connects us to home i'm going to ask the band if they will play through the verse for us follow the words on the screen see if you can hum along and fit some words in and then we'll stand to sing afterwards but here's how the melody goes [Music] there my is i stand in christ with him [Music] my it's a beautiful simple melody that doesn't take anything away from the wow of the words for me at least and so i'm going to invite you to stand and we're going to sing the first two verses together this week i'm going to save the third verse for another week but i'll invite you to stand as we sing the first two verses thanks craig [Music] hmm me [Music] foreign [Music] is is [Music] right [Music] beautiful thank you please be seated our scripture reading that i've chosen for this morning to tie in with that first verse we're borrowing that line that says strength for every passing day and the various parts that fit around that it's found in colossians chapter one paul's letter to the colossians chapter one beginning at verse 9. so paul has already said that we're always thanking god for you in our prayers and how he's grateful for those people because of their faithfulness then he goes on to say this at verse 9. so for this reason this thankfulness for those people those prayers for this reason since the day we heard about you we have not stopped praying for you we continually ask god to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the spirit gives so that you may live a life worthy of the lord and please him in every way bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of god being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have endurance and patience and giving joyful thanks to the father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins the son is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation for in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him he is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that in everything he might have the supremacy for god was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him and through him to reconcile himself all things whether things on earth all things in heaven by making peace through his blood shed on the cross once you were alienated from god and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior but now but now he has reconciled you by christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight without blemish and free from accusation if you continue in your faith established and firm and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel this is the gospel that you have heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven and of which i paul have become a servant amen thanks be to god for his word today before we look at that i'm going to invite the band to contribute to our worship again thank you [Music] my [Music] so thank you to the band you alone are my heart's desire and i long to worship you so important that we recognize that isn't it of who is the center of our heart's desire let's pray together lord as we take a few moments to look at your word we ask as always that you give us the ears to hear your voice the mind to understand what you want to say to us and the heart that would respond the way you want us to respond because of your love for us let your holy spirit do a new thing today in our lives and bless us each in your presence as we share together this day in the name of jesus we pray amen amen i don't know if you're a gps user one of those kind of map things in the car so you can actually find out where you live in some cases maybe i don't know but particularly if you're actually going to go somewhere it's a really handy tool for some of you might have that device that we used to stick on the front window with the sucker that he had to lick and it was really horrible and uh it was there but it told you exactly where you need to go following the map or now most of them are built into the car or unless like us you have the apple play thing and you plug your phone in and it all pops up and it's a fantastic thing because it uh it helps you get to where you need to go but there's this wonderful shortcut thing on there if you programmed it called home that wherever you are in the world providing you've got a signal that quarters out a couple of times wherever you are in the world you push the work the button that says home and it tells you exactly how to get there so useful it's a great tool and i'll tell you exactly how far away it is in fact when we've been overseas at different times back home with visiting family or to israel a couple years ago every once in a while it was fun to just push home and see how far away you actually were from that place but home itself is a word that has lots of different connotations isn't it it's as we make these connections in our minds to family or a geographical location or maybe comforts the connotations they perhaps take us to our starting place maybe home for you is where the family is maybe home is where the dog is waiting for you to get home or maybe for you home comes under some kind of category but this thing it it's usually in that setting it's our place of origin the place where we start from it's the place that we return to when we've been somewhere and actually if you remember something about what jesus said it's also a place where we store our valuables the stuff that we possess we keep there home stewart townhend stuart town end in that song that we sang a few months ago concluded each verse with this thing about going home a place that takes me home a place that i associate as home and in this first verse there is a hope with significant reference to home the first one is my highest calling and my deepest joy to make his will my home my starting point my place of origin to make his will my place of returning from wherever i've been and wandered my place of comfort my place of familiarity now it was paul in the letter to the colossians who uh told the people about when he was praying for them he was praying that they would be filled with spiritual wisdom and understanding i like that prayer because i need more of it let's be honest we all do spiritual wisdom and understanding but the purpose of that is so that we can learn to discern the will of god that place of home that place of origin the place that we come back to each time and we pray this paul says in order that we live a life worthy of god and here's what happens to us along the way the bearing the fruit growing in the knowledge being strengthened for the great endurance and the patience and i'm going to pause there for a moment at the great endurance and patient thing because that's the bit that we really don't like isn't it we don't like the patients and the endurance thing it's the hard bit in fact the infamous joke tells us that you should never pray for patience and endurance because god will give you ways to learn it as opposed to give it to you and so we don't like that bit but you see paul singled these things out as the necessary bits that the everyday requirements the strength for every passing day they're the everyday bits that paul points out for living real life as followers of christ you see the greek word that he uses for great endurance is it's similar to fortitude in our english language it's talking about a conquering patience one that will get there eventually it will get there it will get through a faithfulness the ability to deal triumphantly with anything that life can do to us william berkley describes it as and then the word that paul uses for patience in that particular verse is referring to long suffering again that doesn't sound overly attractive does it long suffering but that's what paul's talking about in patience a hopefulness a quality of mind and heart william barkley says that enables us to cope with people in such a way that their unpleasantness and malice and cruelty will never drive us to bitterness that their unwillingness to learn will never drive us to despair and that their folly will never drive us to irritation and that their unloveliness will never alter our love it always puzzles me that william barkley who gave us that definition never seemed to want us to point to ourselves for our unloveliness and our malice but it's the stuff that we're learning to have patience with and to tolerate so if just for a few moments you can take your mind off that person that's now come into your mind that fits all of those categories maybe uh elbowing the person next to you i don't know hopefully not but just come back with me to this idea of being strengthened in those areas that paul talks about being strengthened how do we allow that to happen that's my first question and the answer is this for today by recognizing that our identity is in christ that's the first bit and the second bit is recognizing that our hope is in christ remember those two things today our identity and our hope you see in verse 12 paul writes this giving joyful thanks to the father there's a first bit of identity who has qualified you to share in the inheritance another bit of identity of his holy people identity in the kingdom of light more identity you see our society today we know don't we is becoming more and more divided as people are scratching around and searching for some kind of identity and some of us probably many of us are doing our best to avoid the individualism identity where i do my thing don't tell me what to do and probably many of us having seen the new stuff are also trying to avoid the i the nationalism identity of country first god second oh and by the way they're the same thing and they're the things that we need to avoid because you see our identity is in christ in our society in its desperation to find identity we're approaching aren't we election day that's coming up very soon next week don't forget that you have a civil responsibility if you are eligible to vote to vote according to what your responsibility and ethics and morals tells you to do so so please do fulfill your responsibility next week however that turns out to look but we're reminded daily of identity politics in our society aren't we we're reminded it doesn't matter what this party or this leader promises i'm gonna vote for them or maybe you were kind of pointing the finger at somebody else and say if you vote for that person then you must be convinced your own sentence and then the other part of the identity is that uh perhaps rightly when we get to the voting booth we have to prove our citizenship and show yeah i'm part of canada on that little card or whatever we carry around then there are the people in this world who their identity for them is wrapped up in their career choice or maybe it's where they choose to live because i live in that neighborhood or maybe it's their identities wrapped up in the car that they drive or maybe the brand of the clothes that we wear it's kind of ironic that i make that comment with it uh wearing this today but the reality is that we find our identity in our clothing some days or maybe our identity is in our sports team that we follow don't you ever confuse me with that team over there [Laughter] the dark side or maybe it's what instrument we play never ask somebody if they're a trombone player apparently because i'm told it's only one step higher than a drummer [Laughter] and then there are people in our world who have a completely different identity based on whichever social media account they're on and you're trying to kind of figure out who's who and what they really mean in their life and what's what's really ticking up there in fact there are some people out there who use so many photo filters that if ever they were to be on a missing person's poster we really wouldn't know who to look for would we because they look so different and what about the more recent identity crisis of whether we are vaccinated or not vaccinated yes i said it that identity thing of oh you're one of those you actually went and got it did you and yeah identity regardless of reasons either way that really don't matter it's an adult choice yet we claim an identity when our identity is in christ and then there's parts of our society where there's an absolute obsession with identity being primarily about our gender or our sexuality people who their entire world view begins at that place i watched a video recently where somebody was trying to explain briefly that their pronouns change according to what mood they're in and so they've devised a color-coded clothing system to let their friends know which i thought interesting okay but that's that's their choice that's their choice but what if as people of christ we were strengthened when we acknowledge that our absolute true identity regardless of any of the other stuff is in christ giving thanks to the father who has qualified you how in christ paul writes yes who is christ well look at the next few verses at 15 the son is the image of the invisible god the creator emmanuel god with us he's the number one he's the first and foremost of everything everything begins and ends with him he's the head the body the nerve center the intelligence holder of the body of christ the instruction giver the emotion giver the part to which the body actually has to be connected to stay alive because if you cut somebody's head off they are no longer alive we have to stay connected and it was through him that god reconciled himself to all things you and me and this entire world of people by making peace through his blood shed on the cross therefore it here's the question who am i therefore who am i i am one qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light one who has been reconciled to god one who has been saved one who is a sinner sinner saved by grace through faith in our lord jesus christ created loved forgiven surely that is our absolute true identity not in a political party that's going to disappoint us not in a career or a neighborhood or a car or a blend of brand of clothing not in a keyboard warrior opinion of whatever i want to tell people i'm thinking this day not in a dose of medicine not in a he she or they statement not in a multi-colored logo even though all of these things are absolutely essential conversations to our society today and making us live and work together and figure this stuff out together but the reality is that on that day when christ comes on that day when the heart monitor stops beeping and starts with that long tone and the doctor calls the time on that day when i get to meet with jesus face to face and he welcomes me home with open arms and his question is this nick samuel do you love me welcome home heather samuel welcome home do you love me put your own name in there welcome home do you love me because on that day the other stuff suddenly just won't matter as much it's part of our world now but on that day it's jesus what does matter is that because of god's love i am a sinner saved by grace through faith in my lord and savior jesus christ and that is my true identity a child of god a member of his family what about you where do you claim your identity when it really matters the next part of that strengthening just very briefly is about our hope in christ and it's uh paul says at verse 13 for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins hallelujah a glimpse of glory now revealed in mega part we sang a few moments ago yet drives all doubt away i stand in christ with sins forgiven christ in me the hope of heaven fantastic our strength is built when we know our identity christ in christ and when we exercise our hope in christ that's when it's strengthened when we exercise our hope in christ that our hope is that one that's confident in our redemption in our citizenship in the kingdom of the sun now yesterday no doubt you will have seen in various articles and online was of course the 20th anniversary of the 9 11 events and as heather mentioned earlier you can probably pinpoint that my place in your mind where you were on that particular day but these were a series of events that were significant enough for people to place that market in their lives that marking stone say that's where i was when and it was a series of events that was also so significant to many people whether we're in the states or anywhere else in the world it was so significant that it began to raise again those existential questions of what am i doing that's significant what am i doing why did i survive and not them what if what what's my hope for the future now what do i really believe where do i place my hope now and i have to say i believe that for many people both believers and non-believers when it comes to our hope in christ that there are two main points that we struggle with when it comes to understanding our redemption i've simplified it that far and the first is that genuine question of did the death and resurrection of jesus christ actually happen how and why and why would god do that that's the big question stuff isn't it and we ask well did it how and over the years thousands of theologians historians scientists so many people i've done all the research that tells us yes it probably did happen because the eyewitness accounts and we've got all the records that tell us this this and this and they've done the research that it points mostly to a yes and it happened and actually many of them tried to come up with the theories of how but really we'll we'll find that out when we get to heaven and jesus tells us because we're not going to find that out now because god's capable of doing things far beyond our understanding but when we get over that first hurdle of the did it really the second if we stop hanging around in that place the second is this god did all of that for you and for me and i can't do a thing about it that's where we get stuck isn't it god did all of this and i have no control because i had no part in it because we like to save ourselves we like to be in control and if i didn't do anything and if there's nothing that i can do to change that if i can't save myself then i'm not in control and huh imagine that look with me at verse 21 and 22 once you and i were alienated from god and were enemies in our minds because of our evil behavior but now he has reconciled us by christ's physical body through death to present us wholly in his sight without blemish and free from accusations but then the you see the confidence part of that particular verse is found in the smallest word of the verse if oh if because it goes on to say if we continue in our faith established and firm and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel we're required to trust the one who made all of this possible that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life the hope that gives me strength for every passing day it requires us to stop trying to control what god is doing and let him do his thing and be god whether it's for ourselves or for others to trust him instead of me telling him what to do we're going to sing together a beautiful song you are my all in all you're my strength when i am weak and again it talks about my highest calling my deepest joy the ultimate reason for me living my life jesus you are my all in all my purpose the thing that gives me the most fulfillment to make the plan that god had to make me in his image to save me and keep me holy to make that my starting place my identity my coming home place of my identity the place where i invest my most because my identity is in christ i hope yours is too and our ultimate hope is in christ as we sing these words if you need to take a moment to come and kneel at the mercy seat please do so it's here for use under covered restrictions we can't come and kneel with you because it'd be too close and it wouldn't be polite to shout as we pray and so you can come and kneel and we'll talk afterwards and we can pray together afterwards but it's here and uh take these moments to reflect on christ our all in all let's pray together lord we thank you for who you are for being out all in all keep us focused on you loving you chasing after you just like you come after us because of your extravagant love for us that made all of that possible in the name of jesus we pray amen amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] [Music] that's a great proclamation jesus worthy is your name amen can i invite you to stand as we sing together our closing song number 30 he giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater because his love has no limits his grace has no measure and because of that he giveth and he giveth again and again and again and again and and you get it let's sing [Music] together yeah [Music] foreign [Music] wow [Music] [Music] amen as we go from this place as always i pray that the amazing grace of our master jesus christ the extravagant love of god our father and the intimate fellowship of the holy spirit will be with us and stay with us this day and ever more as we go from this place and all god's people said amen god bless you and have a great week [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Salvation Army London Citadel
Views: 607
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Salvation Army, London Citadel, London, Ontario, London Ontario, Salvation Army London Citadel, Sunday Worship, London Citadel Band, LCB, London Citadel Songsters
Id: Kkmqr6KcnyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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