Salt of the Earth

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hi everybody i'm back with another science experiment that will help us to understand something else that is true about god so this particular experiment is tied to a bible verse that comes from the book of matthew and in matthew jesus is speaking to a crowd of his followers and he is teaching them about how god sees them how god wants them to be in the world and jesus says to them you are the salt of the earth now remember that jesus often used objects or people's jobs or occupations or other things in people's lives that they were very familiar with that they knew well and would help them to better understand god's messages and so in this particular lesson jesus is using salt and everyone in biblical times was familiar with salt salt had many uses it could flavor food it could heal wounds it could preserve meat which was very important because they didn't have refrigerators to keep their meat fresh so if they didn't eat the meat right away they'd have to pack it in salt and that would preserve it until the time they were ready to eat it again and those uses of salt are still true today so jesus was using salt and saying that god wants us to be the salt in the world he wants us to flavor the world make it a wonderful place to be he wants us to heal each other and and take care of those who are feeling sick or hurt sad or lonely so this experiment kind of shows you another power that salt has and so what you need for it are two glasses of water and i've put one and a half cups of water in each glass you will need regular table salt a tablespoon and you will need two eggs that are not cooked they've come straight out of the egg carton i have colored them with red permanent marker some lime so that you can see them better when i put them in the water you won't need to do this at home because you'll be right there in front of your glasses of water and be able to see it very easily okay so let's take this glass of water nothing in it the water just came right out of my faucet over at the sink and let's think of this as god's world and sometimes in god's world people are a little sad or lonely and they sometimes maybe feel like this egg let's see what happens to the egg when we put it in plain old water sinks to the bottom it doesn't stay afloat that might represent somebody who's feeling sad or lonely feeling like they have no flavor in their life their life doesn't have much happiness in it same water in this glass came right out of my faucet one and a half cups of water let's see what happens when we add ourselves into god's world when we are the salt of the earth i'd like you to take two tablespoons of salt there's one and there's two [Music] and with something i'm using a knife stir it up and stir and stir until the salt is completely dissolved dissolved means there is no more salt just lying at the bottom of the glass it is completely mixed into the water so you can see that the salt water looks more cloudy than the clear water out of my faucet so nothing's changed except we've added salt let's see how salt what it can do to this egg can you see it floating [Music] the egg stays afloat the salt is lifting the egg up just like we can be the salt in the world lifting someone up who's having a bad day we can add our flavor to god's world our own personalities we can be the salt of the earth that god's asking us to be and and adding our special unique qualities that we all have the scientific explanation for this is that the egg when put in just the plain old water is actually heavier than the water and that's why it sinks to the bottom but when we add salt to the water the water now is denser heavier than the egg and that is why the egg floats and there's actually a body of water called the dead sea and the dead sea is located uh near the places where jesus lived and it is filled with salt and it's filled with so much salt that people who visit it can actually float in the water without sinking and here's a picture of two kids who are floating in that salty water because the water is so dense it it can actually keep bodies afloat so that's today's experiment when you do it at home think of yourself as the salt of the earth and how you can add your flavor to god's world how you can heal somebody's hurt feelings um and add happiness to their lives that's all for today take care and we'll see you next week bye
Channel: Central Presbyterian Church
Views: 1,963
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa, Matthew 5:13, Salt of the earth
Id: 05zg_Zfs-7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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