What Kind of Friend Are You?

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(group cheering) - Whew! Okay, okay, Switch! I can already feel it! Tonight is gonna be something, something special! My name is Gavin. I get to be the Switch Pastors. And I need you to do something for me real fast. I need you to look to the person to your left, left, yeah this way right and here say, "Neighbor." - [Group] Neighbor. - No, not like a robot, like a human being, like neighbor! - [Group] Neighbor! - I'm glad you're here! - [Group] I'm glad you're here! - Cool, now look to the other way, the other, the right side. Say, friend! - [Group] Friend! - It's gonna be a good night! - [Group] It's gonna be a good night! - It's gonna be a good night. Neighbors, friends, Switch! You already know it's gonna be a good night. I'm believin' God's gonna do somethin' incredible. Before we jump into it, we're gonna play a quick game. What I'm gonna do, is gonna name one of a duo, and you give me your best guess to who the other partner in that duo is. Famous duos, for example, start off, this is easy. Batman and-- - [Group] Robin! - Robin, very good! No one messed that up. How about this one, from Nickelodeon? Okay Nickelodeon fans, Drake and-- - [Group] Josh! - Drake and Josh, so good! How about this one? I know you guys have been binge watching this from Friends. You have Joey and-- - [Group] Chandler! - Chandler, okay, ladies that was for you. Guys were like, I don't know. Pass. Now, from The Office, okay. Okay, you're ready, you're ready. Now this one's kind of tricky, 'cause you can say a few different things, but there's only one right answer. You got Michael Scott and-- - [Group] Dwight Schrute. - Dwight Schrute, that's exactly right! There's some passion in that. I could feel it! How about another one? Woody and-- - [Group] Buzz! - Woody and Buzz! How about you singin' you got a friend in me? - [Group] You gotta friend in me - Ah come on, it's so good. I can feel it, there is some song in your voice. ♪ If you got troubles ♪ ♪ I've got 'em too ♪ ♪ There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you ♪ ♪ We stick together and can see it through ♪ ♪ 'Cause ♪ - [Group] You got a friend in me! - Ah come on, we're ready! You got a friend in me, absolutely! (group cheering) Absolutely, you got a friend in me. (group applauding) And tonight what I want you to think about is what it actually means to have a friend, to be a friend. So what are some qualities you look for in a friend? I actually want you to play back with me? What are some things that you find admirable in a friend? - [Group Member] Loyalty! - Loyalty, that's a big one, loyalty! What else, what else? Honesty, huh? Sometimes we choose friends based off of common interests, like you do a lot of the same things. You like the same music. You're really into a lot of the same things. That's okay. But tonight we're gonna look at how we choose friends and why we choose friends to see what the Bible has to say in accordance to that. I want you to recognize, is when you look in our society, we live in a time when we have the ability to be more connected, globally than ever before. Yet, for some reason, we seem to be more divided. It's an us versus them kind of mentality. You have black versus white. You have Democrat and Republican. You have Christian. You have non-Christian you have us versus them. And there's so many things in this world that we try and divide ourselves from, but I think God has something different and something better for all of us. A study was done in Harvard, to say what is one of the keys to human happiness? I want you to realize this is is what they found, it's not that shocking. They said it was not wealth. It was not being able to work hard. It was not even fame that attributed to human happiness. But the big thing was relationships. Relationships. And a number of human studies were done on this, on both genders, and it points to the positive influence on people, the positive impact of nurturing relationships on physical and psychological health, has to do with relationships. Okay, great, we just covered that. Here's the staggering part. On the flip side, social rejection in human activities activates the same part of our brain as does physical pain. Social rejection activates the same part of your brain and my brain as does physical pain. What you've got to recognize is as a follower of Christ, as someone in part of this world, we have a responsibility to love the people around us. You know, there's this really cool news story about a young boy, a six-year old boy who felt in bulled in kindergarten okay. This is kind of sad, bullied in kindergarten, felt like he couldn't really make friends. So, the next year he decided to go to school, he decided he was going to make a shirt for himself, because the way that he felt was so alone and so sad, he didn't want anyone else to ever feel that way again. So he made a shirt. It said, "I will be your friend." - [Man] Come on. - I will be your friend. And he wore this to school on the first day, so that everyone would know, no matter what, no matter where you come from, I'm here for you, I got your back. It's great, 'cause in a little kid, we can say, that's cool, that's admirable. That so cute, we had some awwws. But somehow we grow up, and not in a good way, and we lose that attitude and we find that us versus them mentality. That's not what God has for us-- - Come on. - That's not. - God's best for you and for me. - [Man] Right. - Let me let you in on a little secret. If you and I are 100% honest with each other, we would be real, on the fact that we need relationships. God created us for that need. Maybe some of you only need a few key relationships and others of us, we need many more relationships. But we all have that need for relationships. So we're gonna challenge the way we look at being a friend to someone else tonight. Because what I've been a follower of Christ, isn't about the value others can add to your life, but about being a friend to others as God has commanded us to in his Word. In his word, absolutely. So we're gonna do right now, is Switch is gonna get a little bit different, right now. The message is gonna feel a little bit different, because we're gonna look at story within a story. A story within a story and this is something that Jesus actually answered a religious scholar who had these questions for Jesus. They were always trying to trap him. And it can be found in Luke Chapter 10. And the story goes, Master, Jesus, Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life? And in Luke, Chapter 10, Jesus replied, "What is the law of Moses say? "How do you read it? The man answered, "You must love the Lord your God "with all your heart, all your soul, "all your strength and all your mind "and love your neighbor as yourself." "Right," Jesus told the man. "Do this and you'll live." But the religious man, looking for a loophole, asked Jesus, "Just how would you define a neighbor?" How would you define a neighbor. So Jesus goes on to tell a story of a man, who is traveling along this road. He was actually mugged. He was mugged, he was beaten up, all his things were stolen. He was left on the side of the road for dead. Then what happens? The story goes, a priest comes walking by. When he sees the man, instead of walking towards him to see if he was okay, it said he cut catty-corner, across the road to steer clear of that man. Okay, a priest. That's messed up! Wouldn't you say that's messed up? Then another person came by. This one was a Levite. A Levite was supposed to be the good guys, the best of the best of the Jewish people. He walks up, same kind of response, just keeps on goin', pretends like he doesn't even know that guy exists. And lastly in Jesus' story, a Samaritan comes by. And to the Jewish people the Samaritans were despised. They were not friends. They were against us. It was us versus them. He was not supposed to stop and help the a Jewish man, but that's exactly what he did. He saw him. He saw him where he was at. He saw him in his pain. His heart went out to him. He picked him up, loaded him on his donkey, took the man to an inn. And you could say, man, that's pretty awesome. The guy didn't stop there. The Samaritan said, "Hey Mr. Innkeeper, here's this money. "I'm gonna pay for this man to become well. "And if he incurs anymore charges, "add it to my bill and I will pay you when I return." That's lovin' somebody. After Jesus told the story, he asked the religious guy, "Which of these was the best neighbor?" The guy replied, "Well the one that helped him. "The one that helped him." Jesus said, "Now go and do likewise." And that in itself, is a really great story. But I'll imagine if Jesus were to tell that same story today, it might look a little bit different. It would go something like this. And as I tell this story I want you to pay attention and see which person you are, who you identify with, and we'll talk about it at the end. One day, a kid by the name of Charlie, went to a new school. He was to himself, he didn't know anybody. Every day he walked around, from class to class, AirPods in, listening to music. He really kept to himself. At first people tried to reach out to him. They tried to get to know him, get to know his story. But Charlie just kind of wanted to keep his distance. He was a loner. He was okay with being alone. He felt like he didn't need anyone. So eventually people just started to get tired of his attitude. Like, you know what, who is this guy? Maybe he just thinks he's better than everybody else. So people started to talk and say stuff about Charlie. One day a group of guys said, "You know what, Charlie's the perfect kind of a person "to have a little bit of fun with." So they said, "At the end of the day, "we're just gonna beat him up. "It can be good. "We're gonna get video of it. "It could be funny. "No one really cares for him "so were gonna have some fun with the guy." Word started to get around school that this was gonna happen to Charlie. And a straight-A student hears about this. She hears about Charlie situation, and she thinks to herself, my classmates are so immature. I cannot believe that they would do something like this. But her being a straight-A student, being focused first and foremost on her grades, said, you know what, I gotta distance myself from this. So she spent all afternoon in the library, so she could study, because to her, getting the best grades, was the most important thing. The day went on and the time had finally come for Charlie to get what these guys thought he was going to deserve. He walks to the bathroom. They get him in there. It's just about that time. As everything's about to go down, a Switch student walks into the bathroom doors. He sees this commotion. He sees guys out with their phones, ready to press record. In this moment he thinks, man, I've been gettin' an awful lot of tardies lately. If I get one more tardy, my mom said, I'm gonna be grounded. If I get grounded no phone, no fun weekend with my friends. I might not even be able to go to Switch. So the switch student weighs the possibilities, quietly steps out of the bathroom, and hurries up to class. Then the random student starts makin' that way. But it's too late. The guys grab Charlie. They hit 'em, they threw him to the ground. They started kicking him, making him bloody and bruised and embarrassing him. And this random student walks into the door says, "Hey, cut that out! "Stop, what are you guys doing? "He doesn't deserve this!" As soon as he spoke, it's like the veils dropped from everyone's eyes and they scurried out of the bathroom. And this random student walks over to Charlie, he picks him up, "Man, I'm sorry." He hangs out with him. He gets him cleaned up. He didn't just get him cleaned up and get him home for the rest of the day. Somethin' sticks out to him. He says, you know what, I need to here for this guy. So slowly, day after day, he starts to build a relationship and it takes time. But he ends up becoming friends with Charlie, not just this one time help charity case, but decides to make him a part of his friend group. And about this time, as we're asking Jesus within the story, and he would ask you, "Which of these students "was the best neighbor to Charlie?" And the thing is the answer is quite obvious. But what you gotta recognize, just because it's obvious, doesn't mean we're automatically gonna do the right thing. There's three lessons we can learn quickly, from the Good Samaritan, or this random Switch student. One, friendship is being available. You see we have every opportunity, whether it's in person, at school in our activities, or online to be available to help those that are there, that are existing, that have needs, that are hurting or feel lonely on the inside, but sometimes we get so caught up, so busy with our own life, our own direction, our own plan of what I need to achieve to get here, and you could be missing out on the very people God is asking you love and to reach out to. - Come on. - Come on. - Number two, friendship is having compassion-- - Right. - The Good Samaritan. - Didn't just see the man. But he allowed his heart to go out to him. What you gotta recognize about compassion, is this is a quality that drove Jesus to do everything, from when he walked into a room and saw someone hurting, saw someone sick, he reached out and said, "I can heal you." He said, "Be well." When he walked and saw a widow, who's son had passed away, Jesus had compassion on her, and he raised her son from the dead. Come on Switch, when Jesus, when Jesus (group applauding) stepped into a place, and he saw and had compassion. (group cheering) He didn't just have compassion, but he did something about it. With that same compassion, he fed 5,000 people. See what you gotta recognize Switch, is having compassion is one thing, then doing an action step with it, is whole nother thing. But that action step is what leads to the miracles in someone else's life that God wants you to be a part of. And the third thing, being a friend is meeting people where they're at. People are messy. They're hurting, they're broken, sometimes bloody and bruised and beaten. They may have a lot of baggage from past relationships. Maybe they do have a history of being a gossip, but what you gotta recognize is God's callin' you to love them where they're at. (group cheering) You see right there, in this story, (group applauding) that's what Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." But he didn't stop there, 'cause Jesus said raised the bar one step further. He didn't just say, "Love your neighbor as yourself.", but he said, "You should love people "the way I have loved you." - [Man] Come on! - And the way Jesus loved you and me, is by laying his life down for us. (group cheering) That's what we are called to do Switch. That is what being a Good Samaritan looks like. And you gotta recognize, that you have the power, just one word, just one positive interaction online, playing video games, commenting on someone else's post, can have so much of an impact on someone else's life, that you may not fully understand, until you reach heaven one day. (group member shouting) Let's pray. God I thank you for all of us here in this room. I thank you that we have a purpose, God that we can be a real friend, that we can be available, that we can have compassion and we can meet people where they're at. And right now there's people in this room and everywhere else, watching online, knowing that you can use us. You can use us to make a difference in other people's life. So God for those of us that need to have compassion, for those of us who need to remember to be available and look at the people around us, for those of us that need the boldness to step out and meet people where they're at, no matter how messy it can be, I pray that you could just give us that boldness. And for those of us who want me to pray for them right now, raise your hand high in this room. Yeah, there's hands goin' up all over the place. God I thank you for these incredible young leaders. God I thank you that they recognize that they have influence and that you can use them where they're at to make a difference, not just by loving other people, because that's what you tell us to do, but loving other people 'cause it's what you've showed us, that's who you are. Let us be that reflection. With every head still bowed and every eye still closed, there's another group of you in this room. Because earlier I asked you to pay attention and see who you felt like you were in the story. And the truth is, that in the story of the Good Samaritan at some point in our lives, you and I are every single one of the characters. But what you've got to had to recognize is at one point we were all broken, and in need of a Savior. That's where Jesus comes in. That's where he modeled what his love looks like. Because his love is nothing you and I can earn, or it's nothing we deserve. But he gives it to us freely, because his love for us is so big, so grand that we can barely even comprehend it. But all we have to do is confess with your mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved and that same love that rose Christ from the dead is available to you and to me right now. So Switch, in this moment, you've been to Switch before. It could be your first time, but whatever the case, right now, you're ready. You feel God calling you forward, saying, yes it's your time and you can feel that welling up inside of you. You don't have to pay attention to your friend next to you because God's grace is here and it's available. And it starts with a simple act, and the act is by raising your hand, so for those of you in this room, ready to receive God's grace, his love, his forgiveness and start a new life with him, raise your hand high, right now. - Thank you so much for joining us here at Switch. We hope you're inspired by what you just watched and we would love to help you take a next step in your faith journey. Some great resources can be found right here. In addition to that, we'd love for you to be part of our community. so subscribe to our YouTube channel. Follow us on social and until then, hope you have a great week. (soft music)
Channel: Switch Youth
Views: 43,520
Rating: 4.9793816 out of 5
Keywords: life.church, teen, high school, youth, switch youth, you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend, relationships, us vs them, i need a friend, be a friend, friends, how to pick friends, choosing friends, how to be a friend, friendship, peer pressure, being a friend, love your neighbor, love your neighbor as yourself, peer relationships, irl, online, toy story
Id: NWQmipM8fXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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