The Best Mexican Salsa Roja Recipe | Boiled, Fresh, Roasted Salsa

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hello and welcome to the views kitchen on today's help wednesday we're going to be going over basics for salsa roca you know that's how you want to dip your chips in really quick the salsa you need for some tacos the salsa that you want when you don't want to spend so much time doing it but you know that you need a salsa for that recipe well today we're going to go over a boiled salsa a fresh salsa and a roasted salsa and the wonderful thing about the salsas that we're going to be doing today is that you can make it for 20 people or 30 people you just have to multiply the recipe but the basics are going to be right in the description area for you so let's go over the ingredients roma tomatoes are the ones that i usually use for salsa because they're affordable and i can buy a huge three pound bag for a few bucks now i know some of you get fancy and some of you love these you know ripened and the vine tomatoes and if you can get all a hold of these little fancies right here go for it they tend to be juicier and they work great for salsa so if you have that extra butt to spend go for it so you can you know maybe use two roma one fancy tomato mix it up and give those juices a great combination it really is up to you and you know what i say make it comfortable for your home when it comes to tomatoes and every other thing in your house you're gonna need a green pepper you can use serranos you can use jalapenos if you don't like spice you can even use a bell pepper and for those of you that grow poblanos maybe chop one in half because those are pretty large and you can also use a poblano for your salsas you'll need some cilantro now we know some of you don't have a preference for cilantro guess what just keep it out you'll be okay substitute it for a little bit of the green onion and that'll help you give it a good balance and a good look to your salsa here's a topic for conversation some of you just don't like onion in any way shape or form so you can just make it with garlic now for those of you that enjoy both flavors these are great personally i prefer for roasted salsa i prefer the garlic and the onion and if i'm going to have the fresh or the boiled salsa i'll prefer the onion and not to add garlic but it's going to be up to you friends you'll need lemon or lime if you like tart salsas go with the with the lime and if you like more of a sweeter a subtle citrus taste go with the lemon you're gonna need some salt i tend to use himalayan salt for our recipes and you'll find that if you're using regular table salt that you're going to have to use less of my recommendations for salt but you do need to get salty with it especially for the roasted and boiled salsas add your tomatoes jalapeno if you like onion in your boiled salsa this is where you would add your onion but for me i like to keep the onion out of our boil salsa most of the time we're going to continue to boil our tomatoes and our delicious jalapeno for another 10 to 15 minutes until our ingredients are nice and soft do you see the skin how it's just coming off of your tomato that means that you boiled your tomatoes long enough and they're going to be nice soft and juicy for our boiled salsa now it's time to blend i'm going to slice the stem off of our chile i was scared my knife was scared of that jalapeno guys if you see a little bit of bruising or drying from your lime juice don't be scared it's still really sweet in here it's delicious for the cilantro the same amount of stems a little bunch about 20 stems friends squeeze the juice if you can get a hold of key limes i think that that's the best for salsas you use a lot less of the juice but it's so so good and balanced the ones that come like 50 to a bag yes those those are the ones that i like at the latin american markets yep and i wanted to keep this recipe super basic so that no matter where you are in the world that you have access to the ingredients that we're using for the sunset today friends your salt and now let's blend until smooth and boom done and friends i don't want to sound like a broken record but you do want to taste the citrus you want to taste the salt and adjust from there okay yes anybody say okay okay perfect [Music] chop up your tomatoes and this is for a fresh fresh salsa i have to blend our tomatoes first okay salsa fresca salsa fresca i love that chopper you know what i understand you got me into it just enough to have the rest of our ingredients i'm telling you my jalapenos are so spicy that i'm only gonna put the tip in okay now we're gonna need some cilantro and when i say a little bunch you're gonna need about eight to ten little stems yes i counted them for you because i love you so just break them up because they're gonna make up in this blender oh you don't think that was funny i'm wondering if you got some sleep last night you know i don't sleep i don't like sleep no you don't i do the necessary sleep friends to get by and you know it works so if you get you know a scary lime not to worry it still works squeeze the juice and you're gonna need about one tablespoon of your juicy juice i don't mean the juice box i mean your citrus friends okay i'm being silly today salt to taste but my recommendations in the description area now let's blend [Music] and boom done friends after you blend you want to taste your salsa if you need a little bit more citrus you can add it if you need a little bit more salt that would be the time to add it and then blend a little bit more this is the kind of salsa that i like to put over my whole pinto beans i like to use this also when i'm making like a quick chicken taco a burrito and you know this is great for dipping so let's give it a taste say ah oh no no those mignons the ones that are watching are saying ah okay kids see ya and this is the kind of salsa you want to make for your kids so that they can get all their nutrients uh when my son wasn't eating a lot of vegetables and he's still not very fond of them i sneak some things into the salsas and i'll tell you guys at the end when i sneak in there okay so this is great so if your kids don't want to eat anything and you have a little bowl of chips and salsa there's a lot of nutrition in salsas friends especially these fresh ones [Music] yeah i can just keep going for a few hours like this pretty exact and boom done friends no my pen is not from oakland but it is smoking when you're roasting your salsa you want that pan to be smoking okay so go ahead and add your tomatoes and if you have that fancy tomato watch out because that one's gonna burst in about two seconds from when you put it on this pan add your little piece of onion and your pepper of choice okay now when you're going to roast your salsa you don't want to do a half of onion you want to do like a fourth of your onion okay now if it's a small small onion go ahead and use half and we are roasting we're gonna need the garlic i would add up garlic per tomato if you're a garlic lover now if you like that subtle taste maybe you know two garlics one you're gonna have to decide that i have my pan on a medium heat and i'm going to continue to roast our ingredients and you'll see that i'll just come in here and just give it a little turn after a minute i'll come and check it i'll give it another little turn and we want it charred we want it nice and dark and you know kind of like my skin guys just like that nice and toasty been here about eight minutes and i'm just gonna start you know moving them around oh that's how we want it you want to roast as much as you can and i had a little bit of this jalapeno left so i'm going to roast it too making it comfortable for my belly after about 15 minutes on a medium heat we have a nice roast and they're soft and juicy inside this one just was like hey what do you want let me just give you what you want okay wanna pop them into the blender look at that roast yummy and i like to blend my salsa to make it thicker with the skin of the garlic if you don't like the skin of the garlic you can take it you can take it off but i think it helps with the thickness of your salsa i'm going to cut the stems off of these jalapenos and then we're going to start blending i'm going to be using lemon for our roasted salsa and a bunch of cilantro and by a bunch i mean you need somewhere between 18 to 20 uh big stems okay you're gonna get some small just just around that it should help you out your salt and the juice of half of your lemon juicy and now we just blend until smooth after you blend your salsa make sure to taste it if you need a little bit more citrus you can add more citrus and then you can taste it for your salt content okay one of the things you're going to find when you do the roasted or boiled salsas is that they tend to be a little bit spicier but that does wear off after a while so don't stress it too much friends this is where you want to cook with intuition i looked at my salsa and i'm like i like it but i want just something a little bit redder and that's where that juicy ripe vine tomato comes in i roasted it and i'm just going to place it in here and i'm going to blend it and you're going to be able to see the color difference after it's blended okay so hang tight and if you can see it went from more of a muggy reddish green to more of a red salsa so you don't have to buy that many of the ripe vine tomatoes when you're trying to impress your family or your belly you can just you know balance out with both and that's how you cook intuitively friends when you roast your uh your tomatoes you're going to see that some of the skins come off and you want to use those for your salsa because that's going to give it more of those roast bits that we all love to see in that special you know gourmet salsa so you can use those bits to make it more aesthetically pleasing and also the flavor [Music] is [Music] and boom done [Music] and this is the consistency of our salsa we had juicy tomatoes if you wanted a little bit chunkier roasted salsa then don't blend at a high speed maybe like a a low and if you want it super thin and dippable definitely go for a medium high [Music] as always views club and bell notification squad cloud and i are wishing you the best we absolutely adore you and we have a special you know thank you a little love a little extra everything for all of you's club junior and we have one in particular her name is alicia trejo yeah she's our little yakuzita we heard you're doing wonderful things with your family and that you're a sweetheart keep doing what you're doing we absolutely love you and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 420,256
Rating: 4.9423223 out of 5
Id: GzpN92yNkAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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