AUTHENTIC MEXICAN SALSA recipe | THE BEST SALSA EVER | RED salsa recipe | AMAZING salsa recipe

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you may be wondering what this is for today's recipe I brought out my multi-hit they actually my pig shaped monk I hate them I don't know sometimes I feel like it looks like a dog what do you think let me know down in the comment area okay welcome to my kitchen my name is Rosanna and today I will be showing you how to make a very simple easy and authentic homemade Mexican salsa this is a family favorite it has always been present in our table and I'm so excited that I get to share part of my roots and my culture today all right so let's get started let's get the salsa going okay so I will be showing you how to make two types of salsas it's actually more of a different technique for these but they're both incredible so the first one we're going to do we're gonna be cooking our tomatoes in hot boiling water I'm just gonna add - as you can tell my tomatoes are kind of large so if you have smaller Tomatoes just add another one and my husband got me these beautiful jalapenos growing up my mom used to tell me that this meant that your jalapeno is hot if you want less heat you may want to find jalapenos that don't have all these little veins in here but I love heat so this is perfect for me and I'm just gonna go ahead and add one to your water you don't have to add anything else just let everything cook well [Music] okay so for your second salsa I'm gonna be using a comb and we use this to heat our tortillas if you don't have a comb and make sure you grab something that you're not attached to because it is gonna get a little bit of stains some of that char in there it can get really hard to take off so you can actually use a pad if you don't necessarily have a go model but just make sure it's not something you're attached to so we're just gonna add three Tomatoes a jalapeno because my jalapenos look very very hot a quarter of a red onion and also I'm gonna add four garlic cloves now watch your garlic cloves they Brown really really fast okay so your garlic should look nice they cooked already so here's how they're gonna look just take them out these cook really fast see this one be a little bit longer we're gonna take our garlic out finally just let everything else keep cooking and just keep turning it around us and ease it our tomato still need to cook a little bit longer but the jalapeno and onion are good to go these look soft and ready to turn into salsa okay so back to our pan these are also perfect they are soft and the skin of the tomatoes is starting to peel itself so let's remove from the water also I would like to invite you to subscribe like and share our videos and don't forget to click the notification bell so you're notified every time there's a brand new recipe alright guys now that our tomatoes are nicely cooked I'm gonna show you two ways that you can make your salsa the first one is with this beautiful milk I hit it like I've told you before this is just very authentic to our culture this is where we make our salsas and tends to be a little chunkier but it gives us such a great flavor to be honest I don't even know where the flavor comes from if it's the rock but I I can tell you it makes a difference if you are an adventurous person and you like to try new things I definitely encourage you to try making it in a multi-hit that's gonna rock your world the second way because this is probably not as friendly as learning in a blender cuz imagine if you had to like mash for a big crowd it's just way too much work so I will be showing you a second way with a blender which is a little more friendly and it still comes out delicious so let's do the first way now [Applause] first add two garlic cloves and start pressing down with your rock to start breaking down your ingredient by the way when mashing my garlic I get this very similar smell to roasted garlic it's wonderful once it is well mashed move on to your jalapeno if the stem gives you a little bit of a hard time and it doesn't want to come out easily you can just simply remove it with a knife when pressing onto your jalapeno make sure that you do gently to prevent any juices from squirting out abruptly and you can also add your salt at this point this recipe brings so many memories I still remember my mother making fresh tortillas on a chimney made from clay our fire was fueled by hand-picked Mountain wood she would take a tortilla and turn it into a taco shape add some queso fresco and top it off with salsa and was instill as the best add your Tomatoes one at a time and press down as well you can remove some of the chart if you want but the more you leave the smoke here your salsa will taste don't worry it's not an overpowering taste keep pressing gently but firmly you still want to get through your tomato with enough force to break it up and get everything incorporated once the salsa is done traditionally we like to add finely chopped onion in cilantro then with a spoon finish mixing up if you don't like the idea of raw onion in your salsa you can just leave it out lastly taste to make sure that it has enough salt and serve as you please [Music] our second method includes a blender at the two Tomatoes one jalapeno two garlic cloves the cooked onion salt to taste so you're gonna need to remove the skin from your Tomatoes which should be pretty easy you may have some tomato juice left go ahead and add just make sure you don't add too much liquid or it could make your salsa running then cover and blend there are a ton of ways to make salsa just think of all the different Chili's you can use and every single one of them varies in flavor also if you want to check your salsa then don't let your blender run too long in this case we will go for a smoother one growing up the kitchen has become a place where I bond with my sister and mother we laugh sing and play jokes on each other my mom's authentic recipes are the ones I cherish the most because they have unforgettable memories I treasure and let's face it her recipes are undeniably delicious my love for food definitely started at home we love salsa so much we would probably choose salsa over salt but thank God we have access to both so here you have two salsas same ingredients just a different technique they're both amazing and crowd pleasers you can use them for countless dishes to top your tacos dip your tortilla chips the possibilities are endless now if you would like to see more Mexican recipes comment down below in the comment area and give us a thumbs up if you like this video and also don't forget to share with friends and family make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Villa Cocina
Views: 1,356,203
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Id: NYCZF3ciXto
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Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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