Salmon Tartare | Fast and Easy Entrée | Jean-Pierre Dumas

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hey guys welcome back to my parents kitchen i don't have an intro for this video i couldn't figure one out but with that being said we're making a salmon tartar let's go [Music] here's what we need for our salmon tartare it's a very fast easy recipe no cooking involved if you're pressed for time and have guests coming over this is the perfect recipe for you for our recipe i will be eyeballing most of our ingredients for our salmon i have about 750 grams of fresh salmon i have about 50 milliliters of olive oil i have cilantro one lemon couple shallots capers and parsley and to serve our tartar today i am using a baguette i was a little bit hungry on our way back from our store today so i'm missing just a little bit but no worries our guests will never know if you want to serve your tartar with chips pita crackers it's up to you i like baguette so i'm using baguette and of course salt and pepper to taste our first step will be to cube our salmon but we have a problem we can't do that right now there's no room so let's make some room grab our salmon flip it over i forgot to ask the guy at the store to remove the skin from my salmon if i try to do it myself i probably end up with half my salmon believe it or not i'm not great at removing skin from the salmon so our next best thing is i have a chef at home to do it for me look at him go in his natural habitat the chef with 40 years plus experiences acting like nothing's happening perfect form and incredible he's done what a savior incredible and with that being said i'm going to go back in front of the camera and we're back now we have to remove this brown part of our salmon get your long knife make a small incision make sure you don't go too deep all the way to the end and we'll do the same on the other side and just like that it's removed flip our salmon over we have a small nerve right here that will remove same thing go on one side we want to make a sort of v put our knife 45 degrees on both sides and we'll pull just like that cut the rest and we're done this part of my salmon i'll give to my dog she absolutely loves it and now the fun part a lot of editing on my end but it's gonna look pretty nice in the video grab your salmon and we'll make thin incisions lengthwise ideally to cut your salmon you want a really sharp knife it's going to make your life a lot easier we'll cut our pieces about the same size it's not the end of the world if they're not the same size if you want bigger chunks or smaller chunks as always is up to you it's your salmon tartar after all and not mine we'll grab our slices and we'll cut them in two and make our pieces even smaller [Music] these are quite small this one's thick back in two and now we'll cube them i switched up my knife to a shorter thicker blade we'll grab all of our salmon and we'll start with about half thank you our first batch is done bring our bowl and we'll put it all inside our bowl bowl reserve and our second batch we'll start now repeat bring back our bowl and we will reserve now we gotta clean our board and our hand because they're absolutely disgusting if not nice my board is cleaned now let's move on to our shallots i have way too many i'm only going to need four the rest will be for my father's video hopefully you won't notice that there's missing a couple the shelves are red so i'm using a red knife cut them finely rotate and chop chop next one slice slice rotate chop slide and slide slice and dice swipe and slide one last one in a separate medium bowl we will reserve our shallots cilantro i am using about this much if you want pause this video and count how many i have and finally shop [Music] we missed one here we missed one there bring them back together and cut and our shots are a little bit lonely we'll add in our cilantro and reserve we have our green knife still let's continue with some green stuff bring our parsley over grab just a few heads let's heat our parsley out of here grab our parsley bring it all together and finely chop three fingers on top as always the two other ones away and dice we are done swipe and in our parsley in our bowl 4 capers let's put them in a small container so they don't fly everywhere and we can pre-portion them better i will also add a little bit of vinegar to my mix over here like this and now i will grossly chop our capers and good enough capers inside the bowl no one's left behind and now our green knife and finally go take a break in the sink moving on to our lemon we want half a lemon grab our yellow knife cut into half a lemon over here let's grab our bowl put the sieve here and we'll press one half of a lemon shake and let's go half a lemon i'll cover it in plastic wrap and keep it in my fridge for another time and now bring our bowl in the middle 30 milliliters of olive oil pour that all on top grab our spatula mix it all in grab our salmon pour our olive oil mixture on top make sure you grab every last piece of this beauty and now salt and pepper to taste and salt if you want to spice things up just a bit you have the option of adding isu go check out my dad's video isu to know how to make the spice really complicated it's two ingredients and we'll put just a little bit we don't want it too spicy incorporate all the ingredients together make it nice and even as my dad would say tony raton sally today there's no shake and bakes but we have a toenail we will cover and put in the fridge for 25 to 30 minutes if you want to eat your salmon tartare with a spoon that's up to you but i'm not about that savagery so we will eat it with some baguette red knife extremity will be for me [Music] and i'll put my bread on a pizza tray that's enough for a video i put my oven on grill and now we will grill our bread we'll wait 15 seconds we'll turn our bread and now we'll have 15 more seconds to wait after after 15 seconds bring our toasted bread out flip over and back in the oven for another 15 seconds after one last 15 seconds for a total of 30 seconds let's pull out our bread we'll put our bread on the table just a tad of olive oil on top dab it on ever so slightly if you want to save some calories and not do this step be my guest we will now place our bread after about 25 minutes in the fridge our tartar is nice and firm came together really well we'll do one last tony vertong and now we will fill in our circle get some of the air out and let's stack perfect and there's no social distancing today and the bread will all come and see what we have and let's remove our circle perfect our toyotaro is done and now we will eat this tartar honor to rest with my parents cameraman let's go and see you guys next week see you bye you
Channel: Jean-Pierre Dumas
Views: 35,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tartare, entree, salmon tartare, easy salmon recipe, salmon, tartare recipe
Id: waal69E5Wo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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