How to make Salmon Tartare - 2 Way! Avocado and Orange - Quick and Easy Recipe

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let's take salman tartar to a whole new level with these two beautiful versions get me in my tummy i keep looking for summer and as i do that i like to cook things that remind me of the sun the beach things like that just just cheers me up and one of those things is raw fish and today we're going to try to do two versions of salmon tartare so one of them is going to be more the classic avocado cherry tomatoes mix and the second one is going to be more like orange and citrus flavors and all those kind of wonderful things so i got from the fishmonger some sushi great salmon when it comes to doing raw fish make sure it's sushi great which effectively means that it's either coming farms from places they can guarantee there are no little buggies and parasites or if it's wild that means it's being flush frozen and by flash facing it you kill all those like nasty bugs so we got some sushi grade salmon here and to prepare it is quite easy you just make it into little cubes start cutting them slices as you cut the slices you then start making little cubes out of it like this all right so we finished them we're going to put this already divided into two little bowls so our two little tartars are here and when it comes to doing a tartare we're looking to marinate them in two different ways like i said we're doing with oranges so we get to squeeze one orange you would think with something this bigger beezy but it's not that easy one orange is in so we take the orange and we add it to our salmon and the citric acid from the orange is going to slightly cure the salmon as we do it on top of that we're going to add some pepper a little bit of salt and we start off with some high quality olive oil got a little mix and now with this done a little bit of cling film this goes in the fridge for 20 minutes and now with our other friends some lime zest and the zest is going to give an amazing smell to this when we're doing raw fish it's always good to add some acidity to help it cure it so we're gonna add half a lime just a little bit a splash of rice vinegar which is nice and it's sweet and is gentle just a little splash like this and then to top it off we prepared some ginger i've grated it with a grater so we can take it between two spoons and we just squeeze the juice a little bit of pepper a little bit of salt a little bit of chive look at this it's already looking absolutely gorgeous again we're going to cover it with cling film and we're going to put it in the fridge for 20 minutes as our friends are curing in the fridge it's time to get ready for the second bit so we're going to prepare first avocado and then the orange and by the way what do you think of this new outfit so ellie's been telling me that you know my videos i've kind of been looking a little bit scruffy and she told me to suit up and she made me buy this apron she made me put a shirt on and this is the outcome ellie you happy now yeah okay thank you it's so difficult to please women these days anyway so the avocado comes in by the way the best thing to take the pit off rocket turn it comes off so again we're gonna just slice it up like this criss-cross just a little bit easier to come out and it'll be easier to squash it in italy we have a huge culture of eating fish raw if you go in the summer anywhere by the beach you're gonna find the most amazing gumberry and scampi and all kind of fish that is either complete raw or likely curd with citrus fruit or vinegar it just just reminds me of summer just most amazing thing and when you cut avocado the first thing you want to do is add some lime or some lemon because the citric acid helps to avoid the oxidization of the avocado which means that the avogadro is not going to turn black so the lime goes in and we're going to keep this simple so we're going to have some fresh chili just a little bit just to give it a little bit of a kick just like that this goes in and then we're going to cut some little tomatoes when you cut it like this some of the water stuff comes out so you just left off with the meaty bit and that's what you want when you make guacamole or any kind of avocado style thing so it's just a good way of cleaning them up see all the seeds and all the watery stuff remains on the cutting board you're left over with a little fork we start squashing them up i think this is fine a little bit of pepper i got a little bit of salt and i like to put just a splash of extra virgin olive oil you just i feel actually makes it a little bit smoother and it just looks a lot better when you play it up all right that's prepared so we put it here next one up we're going to prepare the orange so let's clean the orange up remove both sides when you have the orange come in and just we slice it up as a child i remember my grandma used to slice an orange up like this sugar on top of it olive oil and that would be my snack after school tastes amazing if you ever never tried it don't thank me trust me so we remove all the white bit in the middle and we're just going to slice them in half and we use this orange to then plate up once the salmon is ready i absolutely love fennel fennel it's got such a refreshing taste so with the fennel we can just slice it in half look gorgeous and we just cut really thin slivers and we're gonna add this when we plate it up it's just it's just a way to freshen up the mouth it's very similar to when in japanese cuisine when you have sushi they give you pickled ginger it's just a way to reset the flavor in your mouth so this stuff is ready last one of our ingredients to prepare is some spring onions so we take away the little rooty thing and we just slice it very very thinly and we're just gonna mix this up afterwards okay that's gonna be plenty so we just make it nice nice and thin and this will add a little zing we've got 15 minutes to share so why don't you give me company as we open up some white wine this is a fantastic white from umbria from paso de la rumba and it goes so well with fish it's delicate it's dry amazing and by the way as you're waiting for the tartare to get cured if you're liking what you're watching why don't you put a big like in this video and if you haven't done so already subscribe to the channel and we publish videos every sunday so you really can't miss out so subscribe of course you want one yes please okay so i'm gonna get ellie a drink and i'll see you in 10 minutes we're ready to play talk so first one is avocado so we take a little guacamole style avocado we create this base here and we just flatten this out give it a shake about you can see slightly whitened and that's the curing effect from the acidity that we've added to it and the top it goes another guy ready we just carefully remove this decorate it a little bit we put some chives here some little chive on the top and also some little chillies at the top now for the orange version our little thing goes back in put some oranges at the bottom and this one we need to drain it from all the juices and let's add just a little bit of spring onion and we mix this guy around and here what we're trying to do is that we're trying to layer up this salmon and the orange so we put a little bit of salmon and then we enter up with the orange and so forth and so on inalie is probably thinking why are you being so untidy but i'm trying my best daily please forgive me and he's young and he's thinking about instagram pictures so this needs to be instagram perfect and to be honest i'm rubbish all that stuff and then we take this little thing this little fennel hair thingies and we can use this as little decorations curl full take this out that on we can add a little bit of spring line in the top just a little bit of color if you need it that's it and this is a salmon tartare two-way so which one is your favorite you
Channel: Get Cooking! Italia
Views: 42,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Easy, Italian, Meals, recipe, healthy, easy meals, easy recipe, tasty, good food, meal ideas, salmon tartare, salmon (ingredient), how to make tartare, avocado recipes, salmon recipes, tartare recipe, japanese cuisine (cuisine), how to make salmon tartare, salmon sushi, salmon recipe, salmon tartare with avocado, salmon tartare recipe, salmon avocado tartare, tartar salmon, salmon tartare plating, diy salmon tartare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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