Salamini cacciatori di Giorgino

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hello i'm david then today i'm in the company of giorgino what a pleasure even today let's go to prepare youtube let's go to prepare what not only one but many is the mini hunters hunters or type milan ok then we now what we do take this meat in hand we look at that that for us we are the best and we start going well then we have pork ham cup and pork belly let's go and make a couple of kilos that if we do then we will make a couple of kilos salamis that will come about 78 are mini show man and friends we make salamini alternating traits that he has from three acts or that in the two and a half traits that when they are seasoned are on the bed and a half there are like those hunters who are on the hair tests also maybe from supermarket lands certain there is between them percentages how much pork meat then we do it we say we do in percentages we say a kilo of lean meat that we will look at what it is if we put two 210 acts of bacon ok in the ca rne mario and let's put the ham as you said a little while ago the reason for the cup also inside 30 percent no more is the bacon as just mentioned this is ours let's go and make two who make three killers and we do it with the right percentages that we believe goes well in the morning that is, in this salami he wants slightly blonder than the typical salami we make in modena there is more blond it means a little fatter there is more I call it broad hunch because the fattest and it was just better ugly I understand you but since they also look at you in Brazil maybe then said in dialect it means more via tails slightly more arm let's put a little more bacon on the parts and what if it provokes but it is not all French as it is not large in size it could make a few holes said to tighten the meat is made like san sisto jealous then we help him with a little bit of bacon that remains more dead and is more It is therefore easier when the salamis pierce it means that they are a little too little fat year it means that there is little fat and the environment is not suitable little humidity you can understand why it keeps the gut dry the model is dry and of the meat that now the blue from the name guide towards the meat so if we help with a little more white we already have a fatter more elastic dough inside we say understood and it helps us more then after we have the environment that this is an environment or the boys in reality not temperature and humidity a lot a lot I pray it's all yours if we pull away what I call the turn the level the evil but I call it turn it raco this we pull because doing this operation is not so suitable for us to throw you a piece so this you I screw up like this because bob could also help me here this here we pull him with us we do with the watch videos and then we do with iran this here is the fish is the bell let's say he is more muscular we do we just go out then I go if the alberti is a piece of meat choose a piece of meat and rubber then we run sugar because we in the white you say we could also no no no we in the white we put the bacon the air you understand if we just put a piece of this ham fat that is not bad analysis is very good because a different fat so much a very sustained fat let's say the noblest is more mobile good now we are going to get you a piece of this not all is that everything is not good he did we have vetoes wind but I go listen so true it comes to us now you understand leave what starts so as from as a black caregiver then we do currents david take david 6 he knew them in all this there is who no no the piece of didier turin 0 because in October 08 50 are two kilos 452 kg 450 we make them all two and a half kilos is 2 kilos and 450 all this we do was we make two and a half tvs p because we do this little bacon thread now let's go and see what we put on now we do it I do a good job if we run, look at it from here to them who the 6 of ham bravo nova t of coppa 707 just in abundant it becomes more washing or all david oral the doses of the meat of the precise qualities can also inscribe under the video we have a killer 6 of pork ham meat arranged without fat and also we have eliminated the nerves we understood 900 grams of pork cup and 700 grams of bacon bacon ok these are the doses of meat to make cacciatorini for sure meanwhile david I think we are doing very well but if by chance we see them that the thing that is not exactly blonde I always go to the eye it is not according to our judgment we just stretch a bit of bacon you understand but in my opinion you will see that we should not go bad indeed I would say that we are doing very well once all the meat is chosen to small pieces that can enter other takhars it is defended that meat grinder has taken note of the legions two wings are like this and must be made small from the meat and then after we will go to do the tanning we will see what it puts in we will do slightly different from davide re from salami little difference, however, we make it to him so much that he tears the meat into pieces I show you the gut because it starts from the day before when one of the salami headlights learn things no as you can see inside this dry now here there are other models that they have nothing to do with these preparations but I am marinating you get sick in the marine area I put on three liters of water that there are three liters of water inside I put a nice orange a nice spear cut into small pieces the juice in a small glass from coffee of apple cider vinegar I put an untreated lemon always also this has cut has squeezed and then cut into small pieces that there are peels inside you see and 2 3 spicch garlic glee cut or crushed and put in the gut, however, before putting it in here, you want to rinse it well under running water hot water because when you are not born to buy a happy salt in salt to its gut odors because it is under salt for exactly you got behind these small pieces vico ave of those three that at the tip of the blood from possible this after you see it will be no less it is not beautiful then you would like to give me a total total weight now it is true where we go to put our concepts 3 kg 23 kg 200 in rome from there we have the pepper we have the walnut we have the salt better than cervia sweet six the rai sweet salt salt they call it sweet salt of cervia ra we call it the same okay I just wanted to finish the speech of the gut that we did I did I put it under this marinade to remove the smell from the gut and for hours and salt from the rooms so it has been inside for a day one night I do not sleep at night okay it is the to remove it in short , the salt and the smells so this here is the gut talk now giorgino is preparing the tanning that he brought from home sweet garlic today and we work we work it was not nario that attacks the same is a much sweeter area you see that wedge ni true see exactly we use cervia salt that sweet we use we use the sweetest cut not aggressive and I did this time we do so dear dario shows you why we go back in time david we go very far in time and there are those who do it still a lot there is a lot of people that I do I do not do it anymore that does the part but make up we do it that way then you said that this comes in the meantime what is this here these are two cloves of large garlic they look more at the amount of water the quantity above here I have a handful of garlic then you have cut into pieces of cover here there is no dose then we take our rag this is a girl is a dairyman's piece da dairyman and where we do this look david lee and we put it there okay provisionally we put it here we take it and we put it there in a corner there that after we see how we do now we take the salt we said that as announced the psyche beach we spend the salt and you take something we do weighs 3 kilos and two of cobain and three children and 2 32 32 x 2 64 are 64 g 32 grams go here 22 20 grams bari 22 are 44 22 for 22 large for earrings and two of meat 32 sila where 24 26 644 64 grams 66 6 22 20 aventino san cesario 62 62 with jesi 60 files 62 ii degree robbery and do 62 and 62 grams of salt we make pepper we show how we do it you can also weigh them after the weights this oa a little more abundant this and ground pepper and normal not in accordance with black pepper and black pepper was also very good white pepper and less and less aggressive but wanted less aggressive lario at least that we go back up we put even less pepper we put nothing must be q his must be heard and I tell you how much to my exact brown then in the miss 5 grams 5 grams we have successful programs on 62 grams of salt to propose on the meat let's say that an hour and a half nutmeg let's say that a not and a half a and a half and a half per thousand the first we put at 12 13 in the salami here is slightly exact if we show it is true but this is a light gray yes now we here instead take a spoon we show that we put a third of a grated nutmeg grated and that's why a nutmeg a teaspoon and a half this is a third is fine and we put it there and put it I'm with there and here we mix it with our hands so well here david we put it here then many but many ask me why you prefer to save before the apple tree let's say it not after the grind but no only here many ask me after you asked me they say then I know what to do those of them here if I had colt elli and the plates of the past those in steel not treated so it goes back ruin the salt after 15 20 grinding the machine should give the plate should give us a spin but since today it is not so because they are all nvidia michael kors it is true I the I have never mentioned this because I am sure that now we say that if a pact that the v with the mixes as I like but when on removing either 40 kilos of meat or 50 and that there are two of us to mix it if I treat it before it is already out mixed if eighty percent later wanted and lakes give a tap I'm sure that the distribution of the balances of things are kind I am certainly perfect instead doing I repeat a quantity of meat in two people only but even if on the train you mix well you risk that on the one hand the siena of flavors on the other another time then I in order to avoid this was and this type of processing is fine but to me you had already explained it to me I just wanted me to say it to see a laglio we put it after this time you see we do only here and here you see what I say you see that every piece of meat in its real salt there is no need to overdo it but people who have some problems on their shoulders but there is only one there is a person of a certain age that is , it does not need freedom look it does it in hot weather and it does it has done things here look what you see it is already seasoned with a chamber then grinding plate of 6 of governments that a single pass yes that if they do not want to do it with 10 to pass it twice and it is not a good thing because then the meat makes the chain glue the word more than the grolla does not go well ok also because it is a salami that you have to be very careful because the risk is that it becomes hard this is very easy da it is not easy at all david it is not at all easy pleasant that I like good cinema we go badly so okay let's not say fat I would say no to say in my opinion it is just what I was looking for it to be then as you know this point normally normalm ente vien me 7 exactly in this case we do not drink we do something different you take a barrel year uncorked bottles Lambrusco wine boasts even if it is possible they want to put it white but possibly heavy because it helps me to evaporate this is for these smells you now what are you doing crush the crushed garlic vallo was wife vote after time then we make the glass 6 with the glass there is yes well well well the moment so the nose let's say half a glass of wine let's go through the garlic water photo disease or not that's enough so it is light so very little and then we made this different so it is used as a filter but it passes through the audio a pole and nice flavors here dear david put it still happens if you put put put then put the other poor empty with the bottle it is good which is more characteristic is another given way of seeing well so thank you 15 my put a bb that i don't wonder and as for your thirst as for my 7 this time metereol today we do not take it white because giorgino took away the rose I brought some muscat made from a good because I do not only make salami I also make wine only for you only exclusive at family level mine indeed this and moscato I can open you know well that I get married to the paths once but sometimes the others since it calls white piano that we do not fill it treat it well they treat it well than in glasses of wine and now when you have tasted it you will tell me why it is good so we can see our Muscat what done with successful your health mine is ours to yours and then another hundred years as 695 digg health health this is a wine a lady i told you so good sweet lady and when people always ask me this she approved once I heard they always ask me this but also people who know maybe the wineries also I can tell me it came out very well they played a good game that's what I told you if you hold on to the bottle just play the game and get there and it stops but as soon as 1 you shake this good well and this david is also good for people who drink little in itself because at the alcoholic level it will not have 6 6 and a half of arcore a little more than a beer mount large beers large than this that is what is sweet that this brown a 7 a set of 78 sugar daddies who knows knows sicily congratulations then this is here I am very much much better you see and how we are doing better yes it seems very good so a nice mixed but as it should be because he has to do the thread of the networks that awaits him in kabul and urban this that you have your hands already knead if you want to insert it which we are having minute another thing that I want to ask you that they asked me in a lot of comments once that you make the dough already seasoned the thigh the Basque in short, this one here if it would not be better to put it a few hours in the fridge of the hut never never badly wired it is forbidden because it makes the skin the meat I use it makes the skin even if you put a film on it no sir but it must be done as usually the fridge is not good because the davis what to do in the fridge if it says that yes the meat absorbs more no no no the salt already polished meat so I have the habit of closing it the micro as the microorganisms begin to stanley a little two minutes I always do so this will be the slice of salami when we go to cut it will be of that shape here in the dough who is finer perhaps that of the chickpeas we have done with their sense but there were twice this it's more artisanal you understand but I don't have to eat from the glue I have to eat some meat on the side you see everyone on them but they do this twice with four also for the seminar you understand that you look then we go to see we don't see it micro as we see it but there is a lot of graph inside it yes because the denser it is there is so much big I do not say 50 and 50 but then now we have removed it from the jar which is self-made clear that it has been in the fridge a day and a half ok I'll put some hot water in it sometimes in time the gut must be turned over but now it is not the right way so once the gut has been washed well inside so now it has been overturned in the meantime this here is a model is called the cake if you search on the internet you will find the position of this gut ok it is not the gentle gut but slave the cake is before the different and long before it washes and externally it has been flavored it has been soaked let's say now he turned it over under hot water the whole point as he says to remove if there are these Filipino parts of fat are that before they were inside its result not external Mr. it was then rinsed with a little vinegar to disinfect a little bit also on the part that there was fish there and now when he goes to insert quinnell spout returns to turn over and then the meat will end up in the part where there is the fat that was internal that returns inside as before then I am not forbidden to put the meat inside to death me ntre arrival I put the v from the opa blind so we show it comes to us we put circus the buddha stake nico as soon as it comes out that the penalty or you see that by doing so here then it is back to overturning doing this now will give us a fort away that we give a few years slowly we made children with the goal more as very well very well then so it goes well go on ok go go go go top but now it never happens we start now from the end as already closed with a wooden spoon center after after we also do like this after then tying like sausage more or less now we do so no after but it was a bit short and we said that to proceed as one does if I do it 9 I invite you to shawl there is me you do not feel a little less I want however you can smell the scent of the oil yes no ok since then once the salamis are attached we go to forlì to run on the back tied to run after exactly luck naturally serves to purge the air and let an that a few drops of liquid that by accessing the water of the famous casing drips of the salami now for a day and a half two days if you believe here they should be left hanging at room temperature just to favor this dripping and then you can put them on this day the seasoning l 'ideal are always a 75 percent humidity is a temperature that can go from 13 to 18 degrees maximum maximum maximum 18 would be happy if he said well 18 however the period still allows it and a good cellar a good cool room then there is no there is always a need for a cold room it is important that there is a mild cool that there are no foreign golds that there is a bar circle of fish then I have made these here also in the fridge I have tried to season them also in fridge they are nutes they are minutes pretty good if you want to try them you can hang them in the fridge with which I give you the great what timing we have here giorgino this is a type of frame this is here that if everything goes smoothly 30 35 days are ready to slice here look then two days at room temperature that you have at home the temperature you have at home to do it dripping then after 30 days in the cool cellar as said before see you for the word wise then we changed location as you could see from the images of the salami of all those so the beautiful lines that are inside the cellar we are in giorgino's laboratory let's go and do the saab the tasting of the hunters at inter house we waited how many days it is already about sixty euros 60 days we had considered less but in reality to make the facts later the branch having done them later it took a little longer than you do not understand it is a 60 58 60 days and from away then they are not very hard they are just as a hunter because the hunter wants it so we understand then we say that there is the cellar that helps us for that exact path because if it is the cellar it does not have enough no humidity at this time they would be dry stradi I threw you vocate so it means that many ask me when the salami gets the holes in the rotors giardina it is a matter of seasoning you have a dry environment and for that because you know that the gut outside the meat instead of keeping the gut instead of giving with the meat to railings and the meat that goes towards the gut because you budan the ski and stiffen 15 minor mines of the village but I can because it takes the visit the humidity is needed because they keep guided the gut and then he follows the meat barasson beautiful I would say that they are beautiful let's say one I would say data to take one we live already has a little mold the others we can leave them a little longer if we want if we want if it depends also for food interested I like it soft here you see areas of it is not the footballer I like less I like diseases that many people there is also this speech then we take a normal toothbrush if we make them here we make it do us or to see so look it is nothing special this will be done we are already ad hoc that there would also be the broom brush but not suitable because it is given for salami this I do so it is useless and if we take it these we take the our knife indeed I do not take that for us my small knife from therefore the opel I call before cutting it we do so david before cutting it we do koleva we make a cut there is a cut here david this because because if you want to cut the salami we clean the knife because the knife could get mold if we cut the salami directly on the skin the knife pulls the mold behind it and on the fe the door of the door inside so do nothing but show what a show and as usual always want to cut sliced ​​salami on the bias bias to 45 let's say is that the perfume is exceptional really really exceptional we take a saucer that I put it on from there but let it go that goes well because we have here after good what Moscato after we say it you want to know the last one I said the date is that this is bottled in the bottles of the cellar at the greenhouses and serves years of valdobbiadene prosecco that I take from these camillo urinates a sir saw your videos of venice phoned us and bought 8 cartons 48 cartons of wine through it's our time he told me when then sir of the greenhouses but given there is one also understand the fir camille and there is who he would like to our to our here who makes ours our videos are beautiful and good as the sun thanks under the wise man because I know it too why not you know why because the scent teases me and it is also good cow that makes a hunted holy god is a deep mars or not even a piece of bread not so much seventy davide matin that like it tender I think it melts in the mouth is one thing I don't like them slightly firmer but you put it in iraq very good but we still have to say we have to make a toast for the successful product this is not our salami here because they deserve it is our health and yours is very good tv very good is my muscat yes this is equal false baby here I can do it but not because I do it because I do not put into it that he was fine then george that I thank you for all your teaching of all the processing I would say that I interrupt you look at that we do these things together so the credit we divide by two less well or less goes well I wait for you for another idea tar devised yes another idea tac and then we will decide what to do we still have the cracklings which morgan if to make them remember that it will not be the time now give them because if we do them now we are in of a handicap when we pull it away from the fire that we squeeze them in the press but they want a fresh port because otherwise when you take away the rag we have the ciccio also opens ni because they do not harden so it takes a cool season I don't say cold dama theme frescoed fish harden you have to go down but if well or even pine young car the one to change 6 directs damer we are part of the jokes I renew the invitation to subscribe to my channel at our channel now because it is our channel go to david that david a2a but it is not so look at me okay thanks here lyss be there is an icon subscribe my channel if you want the bell on this side here below the other my channel also follow the other social networks I was pleased to say that see you at the next video video of del salami sorry davide for colombo understand why the other one is missing as soon as they will excuse me a Bourbon agreement botta hello everyone hello guys it's because my meat that did not give david is special felt but since madonna fregano is the palate but also the sense of smell this yes does not have too much garlic well unfiltered it was a very good davide good but without all those s tories of the world no no no bon bon
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 128,227
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Id: dwCWf5A3xfU
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Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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