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Hi, I'm david so today I would like to show you how to prepare a home-grown lard no then it is very simple to prepare it the only thing is the seasoning time it takes the ingredients and now I will list you we will refer to the type of seasoning method who make colonnata lard from colonnata I do not want to combine it with their lard but we will use more or less the same system I state that they use marble basins where they put the lard inside to season for 60 90 days and we to be able to do it in case of course not everyone in the house can have a basin even if in the description I put the link to a site that also produces housewives more or less of this size when in question not even so much with its marble lid but I have not I wanted to buy because I see that with my system the same is missing and therefore I proceed with my system and we will still go to pickle it inside a little facinelli na plastic of those practically hermetic and you can use or plastic glass if you want you can also buy the count the basin is nothing more than a block of wizard dug inside it this hole is created inside where then later inside it uses the lard senate and seasoned and spiced let's say in brine let's say it is left there and in the seasonal fact then I state that not only a small preface the pork fat does not pull the salt therefore it does not absorb salt the pork fat so the taste that you feel in the lard of colonnata in the lard of arnad and all the various types of lard is practically the first layer of crust that is given to us by the salting and spicing of the piece so there is the fat does not pull the salt but this in any cured meat ok it is just a rule the fat does not pull the salt and so now I will show you my spices that I use to taste my lard then I start by making first of all see where the lard is obtained from and then it is seasoned and then it is aged it is obtained from the pig cave ok the cave is the part above I had already shown it to you in the video of the frolli greaves however cleverly an image to make you understand more or less where it comes from and I had the whole piece sent by my supplier which is practically the same piece that I then diced then I boiled I made the cracklings instead we would use the highest part that normally it must not be lower than 3 cm to have the IGP let's say the original but unfortunately they sent a rather lower one too but we will also try to do with this as in any case it will take about 90 days for the seasoning me that is the piece previous already seasoned and in these days it has come ready so I will do this one by doing the preparation and I will show you with the other ready well then let's go to prepare our ro piece of lard look at according to the box you have to use go and make the piece of lard of the size you want then in this case I will use a box of this kind so more or less the size this here I do it slightly more abundant because we will go then to trim it well for rlo team is that the way is what there is more possibly if you want to try it also the next part could come to us another piece but it is much lower ok so I keep this one aside and then it will go to make us cicciolina here is an important thing a very important thing if you have it sold by the butcher and I recommend it must have the rind not unleashed while the one to make the shortcrust cracklings must not have the rind because otherwise in cooking the rind becomes hard as a stone just splits the teeth okay let's start by going to trim our little piece of lard let's see it's nice really fat I give you this is just this information one is the lard in the highest part that is, let's say this part here to the fat practically much softer than the one closest to the rind ok so the most central part more from the center up is the softer part the part below instead in the part that we should go with the brine go and soften it ok well let's start I trim it at the edges just for the team rlo this way so I also used a knife that cuts quite well because the rind is a bit hard to cut look at mine but we squared the piece of there to pull away the very thin that I am not interested in because it only interests the fattest part let's say as I told you before it is that the fat does not pull the salt and I say it for the record, a personal thing of mine because having so many customers and so many salami customers ask for lean and sweet ham what from sweetness to ham is just the fat you understand so when you go buy the ham purchased with its fat underneath because it is what gives it the sweetness to the whole slice goes to mediate with the savory salatino of the red of the ham so it will make a harmonious taste it will give just this taste to the ham that is sweet and salty ok so do not go do not go to ask the delicatessen for the lean sweet ham ok and then maybe you want it lean is bought a piece of lard ok this salami this sliced ​​is a sliced ​​that is used here a lot for the crescentine does not also recall ribs or tigelle however there is a video especially for tigelle with crescentine you can go and see what on you understand what they are how we make dinners where it is therefore good to leave cold cuts he ate this and tigelle and lard is a bit master because it is inserted in the hot tub with a little bit of Parmigiano Reggiano on top and it is fantastic and I do not dwell much in chatter maybe we will talk about it later once we have squared our piece of lard the first thing to do is turn it in the rind part I will use a burner and you can also use the case it was in the kitchen in short, the flame of the kitchen let's burn hairs because it gives me a lot to do so a quick puree we have just pulling out of the pork sector is enough if you really feel that there is something to give slaves with a knife we take them pull away at this point we are ready to go and break ours I will show you what I put in it then and then or useful of the mortar to go and crush the peep the various the various the various spices I will still use in the info box I put it in full with the exact weight 3 grams of black pepper a dozen juniper berries 78 cloves half a stick of cinnamon half a nutmeg and 2 grams just a pinch of dry rosemary ok this here is the first part that we go to crush they don't go put in the mortar start pounding it then going to add i add a little bit of salt i use medium cervia salt i put them so scattered over already powdered i like to crush them together so they mix well and they go to amalgamate better let's say ok the more or less coarse plague victims now i'm going to add their own a pinch of salt two or rather three ok it is continuous other it seems and slightly coarse roads are fine if there is some piece that remains whole nothing happens then the next part after having minced our experiences let's go to salt the lard then the lard we will use this coarse salt of cervia medium sorry and let's go and massage all its parts with this salt many many lard seasoners once this is done this operation here of the rubbing of the salt let's say of the salt massage they leave it about twenty young people from 10 to 20 days only in salt so after they take it back in their hands and make us the brine maybe we go solar even below do not worry that then the doses that all describe in the bag info here we are going to save the part below too then now it's time to season it with I will try to season it inside the basin and then we do an operation that they also do in the colonnade to let's say disinfect the cones that they use with using some chopped garlic they use a tea a whole head from the battle in half this way and with the garlic they go to rub the inside of the basin this way to go to disinfect it because you know that in any case also in ancient times garlic was also used as a disinfectant this this this power of django we go and rub it on the walls everywhere even if in any case the basin surely you see it washed well okay I will show you this operation this small operation on the bottom of the vaccination we will put surely the salt of the salt the best I did we put a couple of sprigs of rosemary from the leaves d the laurel a little bit of the text that we have prepared before spice and we have prepared created the part underneath where the lard will be placed I recommend on the side of the rind under this point with the spices that I made before we take them we go just to spread underneath in politics there are those who, before adding salt, I put a drizzle of oil and so the spices stick better but I don't like it because the oil after leaving it there could still run out of lire as we say well you have to pass good to those who app like this ok now I'm going to get my boxes I turn the lard and continue with the operation of let's say a perfect spice massage I forgot underneath we put the garlic the slice of who we are still in time I add some pepper on top of ground black pepper ok a little fine another massage neither rosemary bay leaf perfect mistake let's say the preparation and the lock and the aromas we have finished it now we have to c to make the brine I add just another little bit of salt on top to cover it done and let's go make the brine then I have a can with three liters of water in it I know because having already done it before I am already as much as it goes in there do you have to do a test and see a will base the writing that you have so done the right dosage let's say ok then the time has come to prepare the only spring I have 3 liters of water I go to add 600 grams of salt up to the inside and we melt it to create the mortuary room ok let's go pour it perfect now let's go and close it with the lid with the lid okay it does not let the air pass but our piece of lard needs to be soaked in water I made myself two small cylinders of food material with the third non-food material that is used to make the worktops sky goes to be placed on top and closing our lard is drowned perfect and where to store it d where to clear it then if you have a cool cellar 10 maximum 15 degrees it is fine you can put it inside this cellar that there is this temperature do not go further do not go to 20 degrees no then from 10 to 15 but if you do not have room you do not have the cellar put it in the fridge maybe in the drawer where there are some hard ones that there is a little less cold than it is the right place for the lard keep it 90 days you forget it you do not have to do anything with it anymore only find that the tray the container is hermetically sealed not you have to turn it did not have to touch it nothing leave it there after 90 days they went to see now I go to bring out mine it is ready and I will show you the result then here is the screaming that I had prepared previously then now it has been buffered a little a bit of quarry is definitely if the water turns yellow a little bit changes now we know how to dry a moment even if before putting it in cut let it breathe about half an hour etta that you rearrange a little bit you will get a nice result then let's say how compact and compact nice hard cold dance if we pull away a little slice to see with me the whole scoop for now I throw a bit of rind and then we go to slice with a slicer because it is the lard it must be nice thin so it melts b in the meantime today he has started to heat or to make a lire bust of the slices of bread and I go to slice improved I recommend from the thin one with an exaggerated scent et voilà the lard is served let's say this is a very classic way to taste it in its a toast of hot bread that the slice of lard melts is really fantastic we use as I said at the beginning on tigelle and it is really really good you can also use it to stuff roast guinea fowl chickens and it is really really good then no more chatter let's go and do the essay test because if the bread doesn't cool and fair that tells me feed let's go to the test ssaggio the face of the cream of pumpkin very good is sweet and leaves some of all those aromas that we put in it you can feel everything and everyone in the mouth the taste is really a very good explosion really good for now I am rude more than the video okay then it is easy preparation you have seen that it is enough to follow the steps a little and then it takes a little patience to mature but then you will get an excellent product let's say that you have an abundant consumption dream of using a lot now there is not next to do so many me I made I put another one is ready in three months this I have to eat it I say in the next three months we are used to that on Saturday evening on Sunday we all frosts in company and we all eat together now we can no longer do it for the moment we are satisfied normal alone with facts I would have put them 2 or thirty days a hand and puts a 1 ground for precisely this reason I want to remind you that everything I I prepare my cured meats I prepare them for personal use so they are all the products by chance and I show them how they can do it at home so you can replicate them too at your home for fact I hope I have said everything eventually ask me the questions below in the info box I hope you liked it so put a like below so the channel goes on and I would say that we can easily see you in the next video recipe I remind you subscribe to the channel click here ok thanks for watching hello to all from david
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 219,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lardo stagionato, lardo di colonnata, salumi, affettato, come fare, tutorial, ricetta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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