Sadhguru on How to Handle Sexuality

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strange but most people are like that we spend a lot of our energy our life thinking about other sects and I likely hear something what this nothing strange about it it's just that your intelligence has been hijacked by your hormones it's not you which is just compulsive behavior isn't it when you were a child it didn't matter what reproductive organs a man or somebody carries didn't matter to you the moment the hormones started playing within you now you can't think of the world beyond that your whole intelligence has been completely hijacked by your hormones and you will see beyond a certain age when this harm on the Play of hormones goes down once again it doesn't matter and you look back and see you can't believe you were the one overdoing all that body knows only one thing survival procreation he doesn't know anything else isn't it so does your body know anything else so if you go by the way of the body some pleasure may come to you not that it won't nothing wrong with the body it's just limited that's all nothing wrong being limited but it's not the ultimate that's all is it anything or is it a crime to be limited it's not a crime nothing wrong about it but you will always live an unfulfilled life that's all no matter how what you have how much you have you will still live an unfulfilled now you are thinking about the opposite sex all the time let's say tomorrow I'll grant you your boom all the woman in the world are after you you will see you will still live in an unfulfilled life yes you will still live an unfulfilled life so definitely it's not going to get you beyond the bar it will make you maybe a pleasant little bit of pleasure a little bit of pain will happen nothing wrong at all with it I am NOT trying to make it dirty make it something else no it is fine it's perfectly fine but you will live live within the ambit of the body if you live within the ambit of the body body knows only survival and procreation it doesn't know anything else and body every moment of your life no matter where you think you're going you think you end up the mountain you came down the mountain body doesn't all that body is straight walking to the grave every moment nowhere else isn't it so you think you're going to many places you think I have come to India I will go back to Lebanon you end up the mountain I came down the mountain no such thing every step body is only going walking straight to the grave nowhere else for the grave so right now because you are young because of the play of hormones you've forgotten that slowly as time passes it becomes more it will become more and more apparent that it is walking towards the grave if all that you have known is just the body and anyway you're going to lose the whole of it fear becomes just the way to live recently you know however I don't know probably you didn't see the news or anything four or five days ago George Best's died you know George best you heard of him he was one of the greatest footballers he died he died before the homeless program oh I'm sorry he died just before dollars I was just seeing a little bit of clippings on him this guy his name is best he was a great footballer very natural footballer okay and he went out all out to live his life the way they described him was every film star every you know popular film star or model or something else this head somebody else huh any not celebrating them he had them on his own at some time or the other sometimes he had all the three on his own but by the time he passed his 35 he was such a broken miserable man he's such a broken miserable frustrated man at the age of 56 or 57 he died that is not the issue but the way you live is the issue isn't it he lived a terrible life he had everything at him because the way of the body if you try to make the limited unlimited you will suffer there is no other way the body's ways are very limited if you try to make it the everything you will suffer like anything so you don't make it all human being in a little bit of a motion a little bit of mine little bit of society and try to manage it somehow but it doesn't matter what you do if you're sincere with your life you will see you're still living an unfulfilled life isn't it so nothing wrong with the body nothing wrong with the ways of the body it is just very limited it can only play that much role in your life if you try to stretch it to all your life you will suffer because you are trying to create falsehood the truth of life is body has to play only that much role in your life now you are trying to stretch it all over you will definitely bring suffering to yourself suffering will come in a million different ways people who think they are just perfect nothing will ever happen to him such people you will see after sometime what will to their life has its face to bend you on break you or need you on grind you in a million different ways in most unexpected ways it will do it to you yes have you seen it happening to people around you so nothing wrong with your hormones but it's compulsive once you live a compulsive life you're living the life of a slave isn't it yes do you want to be a slave something within you never wants to be a slave is it it's oh there is something within you which cannot be a slave whether your slave to something or somebody or whatever but once you are a slave unknowingly slowly you'll become a long face in your child you are like this because there was not so much slavery slowly as different kind of compulsions take over without knowing why everything is going on fine with your life your business is going fine your family is good you have good relationships you are making money everything but slowly face is becoming longer and longer you're doing desperate acts to be happy as people get richer and older you will see they start doing more and more desperate things to be happy isn't it so yes oh you are not seen the things they do on the planet but get soft going to them so the more desperation comes because you are trying to make a small aspect of your life everything it will not work and today especially the culture is becoming like this especially the Western cultures have made body into everything suffering is untold please see for no reason their suffering everything is well physically everything is well you can't think of more arrangement physically everything is well arranged health care insurance cars everybody's got everything to do but people are suffering immensely where almost every second third person is on some kind of medication just to maintain mental balance that's not joy yes where you have to take a tablet every day to remain saying is not joyfulness isn't it definitely you're on the verge of breaking down every day because you made a small aspect of your life the whole of life that's all life is just taking its toll nothing else so don't go that way everything has to play that much role in your life that's all if you try to make it the whole it'll not work
Channel: Isha Foundation USA
Views: 827,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sexuality, how to handle sexuality, focus our energy, sadhguru on sexuality, how to handle sexuality compulsions, types of sexuality, puberty, isha foundation, wisdom of sadhguru
Id: j2QXcMZcqaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2015
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