Mike Tyson Asks Sadhguru: Why Am I Afraid?

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that was so easy huh wow why am I afraid I'm successful and you know it has some hard times but I came back but why am I afraid what am I afraid for like I'm just afraid that somebody might think I'm a worthy or a wimp or something why am I so afraid of that thank you we need to understand this this has been usually misinterpreted and misunderstood and various dimensions whether it's fear or love oranga or joy we need to understand it's not about something it's by itself it is not that there must be something that you must be afraid of it is not that there must be somebody that you are in love with it is not that you're happy about something or miserable about something you can be simply miserable hello thanks or you can be simply happy you can simply sit here just by yourself and be very loving you can sit here and be terrified about nothing because Human Experience is not created from outside human experiences happening from within so what happens from within May sometimes find Outside stimulus but you can work it even without external stimulus hello all of your experts without any external stimulus you can create Spain you can create Joy you can create misery you can create anger love fear whatever you want because the seat of experience is within you only thing is you are not sitting there you're crawling around it you're supposed to be sitting there on the seat if you are sitting on the seat of your experience you decide and what should be the nature of your experience right now because you're crawling around something happens accidentally we find an excuse It's because of this guy I'm so even if he's not there we would find somebody else hello if that guy is not there we'll find somebody else if that is not there we'll find something else so this is not about something this is about that you have not taken charge of the seat of your experience that's all you just need an excuse and the world will of course the world is quite enthusiastic about providing you the excuses it will they will provide lots of excuses but believe me if you were alone in the desert you would still go through all these things without anybody around you without any threat to your life yes or no so this is the fundamental flaw with life [Music] instead of fixing myself I want to fix the whole world well do what you want you can't even fix one more person absolutely in your life 100 did you get anybody ever just the way you want 100 if at all if you're looking for that kind of success 100 you can only try with this guy try anybody else you will find yes sir hello try anybody you will definitely fail there's only one this one you could do him hundred percent the way you want if you manage this one the way you want where is the question of fear suffering Misery all this this is not because of situations this is because of the state we are in because no investment has been made for the being first of all we must decide are we human beings or are we human creatures the difference between a creature and a being is a creature is a consequence of compulsive reactions to everything around us that's a creature a being means you know how to be if you knew how to be would you be blessed out or would you make yourself fearful or miserable or what what's your choice you must choose I'm going to bless you Jesus definitely highest level of pleasantness isn't it for yourself what you want for your neighbor may be debatable and what you want for yourself is very clear highest level of pleasantness why such a simple thing is not happening it is not happening because you know we gave you a very complex machine but you don't even bother to read the users menu simply somehow you want to do it such a complex machine if you try to do it somehow accidentally oh it will cause much pain so fear is not about something fear is just your inability to manage your thoughts they are running away ahead of you fear is always about something that's yet to happen isn't it yes so that means you're suffering something that does not exist if you suffer something that does not exist there are medically very bad terms for that it's not about one human being it's just literally 99 of the human population is in this condition different levels maybe but 99 of the human population is in this condition they are suffering things which do not exist what happened 10 years ago they still suffer what may happen day after tomorrow they already suffer what happened 10 years ago does not exist right now what may happen Day After Tomorrow does not exist right now but things that don't exist they suffer simply because two major faculties two major faculties that you have which sets your part distinctly from other creatures is you have a very Vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination these two faculties which are the best things you have this is what most human beings are suffering they are suffering their memory and their suffering their imagination these are the greatest tools you have so what should have been the most fantastic well-being when I say well-being you know Charles Darwin that kind hello he said all of you were monkeys not me that all of you are among were monkeys and you became human so essentially on this planet you're the peak of evolution yes so if you are the peak of evolution that means you have come with the highest level of faculties because there are so many possibilities of Being Human because your life is not fixed like that of a creature when I say not fix like a creature for every other creature Nature has drawn Two Lines within which they live and die the reason why an animal's life looks so much simpler and better is because there are no possibilities so what human beings are suffering is their possibilities if you destroy the possibilities you will also be fine if you want we can have a portion of your brain remote you will be so peaceful you will not know fear you will not know suffering you will not know anxiety you will not know nothing yes all we have to do is take away the possibilities with the possibilities the problems are also gone [Music] so right now the problem is the Fantastic possibilities that have been invested in US so to take away the possibilities either we can remove your brain or we can soak it in whiskey both ways you can do it you take away the faculties then you're okay so the problem is just this that when you are given something so complex you need to spend a certain amount of time knowing the nature of the machine that you're using see some people are handling these cameras that's not a spacecraft a simple enough machine but I'm sure these guys have spent years trying to know it the best does any of you get there and do it what will happen out of it just see a simple machine like a camera yes or no somebody invested their life the better they know it the better they use it is it so yes why is that not true with this the better you know this the better you use it isn't it so if you know it really well people say you realized [Music] foreign
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 549,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru 2022
Id: gcmjQQru2fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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