What Happens After Death: Sadhguru and Shekhar Kapur

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what happens to that energy once the body is gone is their individuality after the end of the body do I exist as I do I have a soul is there reincarnation or is it just my ego that is saying actually even when I let my body go there is an eye that still exists but if that ident forms part of the larger universe and it has no identity it's a question and I can't answer to people so would you answer it for me so I can tell people that I'm quite wise now it's very clear if you close your eyes and sit right now you're looking at me if you close your eyes you cannot see me but you are still there isn't it so right now is it you who is looking at me or is it your eyes which you're looking at so it's you who is looking at here through the window of your eyes you're looking at me if you close the window yeah do you still exist I still exist so you are clearly saying you are much more than the body isn't it yes and you also know very clearly that this body you slowly accumulated yes or in other words what you call as my body is just a bit of loan that you have taken from other earth just a piece of the planet she's pretty generous generous with the loan but when the time comes she wants to collect it atom by atom see now I hold this pebble in my hand yeah initially I say this is my pebble I'm not willing to give it to you after some time I start thinking this is me now when the time comes that anyway this pebble is going to be taken from me I am being terrorized because I am being taken away you're not being taken away only the food that you gathered the piece of planet that you gathered in the form of this body the planet is asking it back if only you are aware this is only something I've accumulated not intellectually every moment if you are constantly aware that I am NOT this body this is just mine all right this is just a gathering I've accumulated this I'll use it and when it's necessary I'll drop it if this awareness was there all the time in your life death would be just change of clothes isn't it it actually more simple than that so what happens after okay I pay it back the loan a question you only willingly or unwillingly but whichever way the loan gets taken your body as you know it physical body has to go to the earth because it belongs to that but there is a subtler body which is like a scaffolding only because the subtle body there is a scaffolding you can build this gross body you eat a banana it becomes body you eat a piece of bread it becomes body you eat a brinjal it becomes body because there is a subtler scaffolding this body that you see the physical body is only gathering around the subtler body so when this body Falls the subtle body which is generally referred to as etheric body or whatever else you still on it still has some information but the important difference is when you had a physical body and a conscious mind you had a discriminatory capability so once the body falls down along with your thinking mind logical mind and a discriminatory aspect of the mind is fallen there is no more discrimination you only happen by tendencies so still there are certain tendencies why so much care in every culture particularly in this culture that at the moment of death if a man is dying warty relationship with him you try to utter the gods name or you try to create the right kind of atmosphere for him even if he's your enemy you save ROM Nam's at the air whatever you know whatever simple things have been taught to the people but something to create awareness and pleasantness around him because you want him to leave well because at the moment of leaving in case he is in a certain mode whatever the mode is let's say he's in fear mode right now now once he loses the discriminatory mind now there is no control over the fear many times fear arises in your life because of your discriminatory mind you'll say that's okay but that it's not like this you'll reason and try to get out of it if there is no discriminatory mind it just snowballs into paranoia paranoia are not like as human living human beings know paranoia which grows into your million billion faults because there is complete absence of discriminatory mind but suppose you create pleasantness at that moment of death now this pleasantness also multiplies into a million fold over because there is no discriminatory mind whether it's sweetness or bitterness pleasantness or unpleasantness all of this can take on a big proportion if only there is no discriminatory mind so even when people are living very little of their discriminatory mind they're using mostly they're functioning our tendency which is unfortunate but once you have shed the body there is no other way you will only go by tendency unless you've reached a certain level of awareness where you can carry a certain dimension of awareness with you otherwise whatever is your quality will snowball into something very big if it snowballs into unpleasantness we say he's in hell if it snowballs into pleasantness we say he's in heaven so heaven and hell are not geographical places it is a state that somebody gets into under reincarnation you want to come back now so if the substantial amount of information still stored which is the karma the karmic substance is still strong then once suppose you left out of feebleness of energy that is you became old energies became feeble and it rested for some time so this kind of life energy just rests for some time without too much activity but suppose the energies did not become feeble but you broke the body by accident or suicide or somebody shot you in the head or you somebody broke your heart whichever way you broke the body and you left energies were still intense now this will take a long time for it to become feeble without the body and the mind if you had a regular body and a discriminatory mind let us say you would have worked out your karma and then extend yes and made the energies feeble but now that you don't have a body these ten years may telescope into a thousand years so this is the reason always they told you should never die of suicide you never should be murdered accidental death is bad because now you're limbo situation is long very very long because you have no discriminatory mind we don't know which way you will roll and the chances of finding another womb are very little because you're in a certain level of intensity you cannot find so unless you come to the right level of intensity you are not suitable to take on a new body so if you died of old age energies became feeble you just everything is fine with your body you went to bed and you never woke up such a person may get back into another womb within 48 hours but a person who died by breaking his body either by accident or otherwise this person may take we don't know how long depending upon what level of intensity and how much of the information is still there and worked out we are going into areas which needs much more elaboration if it needs to be properly understood speaking just like this not good that's why we always joke about it and skip we never talk about it because it will lead to all kinds of imaginations unhealthy imaginations believe me to believe in spirits and ghosts yeah it is not needed then people start to every dark corner they see they'll start seeing things
Channel: Isha USA
Views: 1,981,855
Rating: 4.7460852 out of 5
Keywords: Isha foundation, Sadhguru, Sadhguru on, Shekhar Kapur, death, what happens after death, reincarnation, energy, Mother Nature
Id: 2fjTr5-wtII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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