Sadhguru - If You want to live Sensibly you should Do This !

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[Music] me i must tell you this experience we had a yogic hospital in our yoga center in india we called it yogic hospital we did not want to grow too much because we don't want to turn into a hospital full-time we are a spiritual center so we're keeping it low-key once and i came here i spoke and a few doctors american doctors who were interested they traveled to india they came and stayed there for three days and after three days one of the volunteers came and told me all the medical doctors are up in arms they want to leave i said what happened they said it's best that you meet them they're just off then i said okay and i went to meet them then i said what's the problem they said you said there is a hospital where is a hospital there is no hospital here i said right now there are about 60 and odd patients that where is it their idea of a hospital is that there must be beds you must treat sick well and everybody should be if you treat them so well they will not want to become healthy where are the patients i said they're all in the garden i put them to work we give them the treatment and therapies and medication but rest of the time i put them to work whatever they can do they must do above all they must sit and work barefoot and bare hands in with the soil just being in touch with the planet because you're just a drop of this planet you're forgetting that what you call as my body is just a piece of the planet isn't it if you lose connection with the source will you not get disorganized fitness and well-being does not mean walking on a treadmill having bulging muscles like that no to strengthen the integrity of elements in our system is very important so is there some way to do it yes there are specific methods with which we can do one simple way right now is work with the earth and water and plants and stay outdoors that itself will do something [Music] so fundamentally if there is a certain certain assurance of nourishment happening to the body in terms of food and there's clean air to breathe and being in touch with the earth can complete the health process altogether so if you can't be in tune with that if you're a very affluent and fashionable you can have a mud bath that's another way so today you take vacations go to the spas have mad bath a very expensive atmosphere but every day if you stick your hands into the earth or at least for a few minutes a day you would see the body would be in a much better condition because whenever it's in contact with the earth the body reorganizes itself the more you're in touch with it's better you can't all of you can't turn into farmers now and maybe you're living on the 12th floor and you can't be a gardener either so at least being in touch with the earth palms and souls are very sensitive to this if your hands and your bare feet in contact with the earth it will make a difference or at least you do your uh i don't recommend this but if you are doing your afternoon sister do it under a tree with your spine in contact with earth things will happen very well or to be in a natural pool of water which is in the earth like a lake or a river or ocean will do tremendous things to the system you know uh the grounding you know the electricity groundings we do is it called grounding here what do you call it earthing it's called earthing or grounding you know it's called earthing actually so when you earth the electrical connections one thing is to keep it wet because if it is wet it gets conducted better so this is why in all the indian temples why do you think people are making their bodies wet and lying down on the floor in prostration is just this not just earthing that special earth where which is energized earth around so you want the entire body to be in touch with everything so men go bare bodied at least their upper body is bare women go with wet clothes so that that contact is there this contact with nature whether it's earth or air or water is most important if that is not there the body will slowly lose its integrity it'll lose its stability it loses it many abilities that it is capable of it may still survive it may not die tomorrow morning but it loses its variety of capabilities that it has come with the many possibilities the array of possibilities that human system carries is lost as you lose contact with the natural element [Music] especially before you go for dinner or for lunch especially before that at least for a half an hour walk without footwear not on this granite either in the grass or in the mud outside you will see body being in touch with the earth when you eat the food that you eat the way it integrates it is very different digestion will anyway happen but how much you can integrate into the system depends on how much you're in tune with the earth so even half an hour if you walk [Music] without users footwear and the body remains in touch with the earth you will see the elements will function with little more integrity than the way it is right now walking and playing barefoot is really coming into vogue the yogic systems have always recommended this and now science is getting there too [Music] especially for children not only does this give them better balance it also helps develop their cerebral capabilities the nerves of the feet are sensitive and as they come in contact with the ground the child develops a better understanding of their environment and also experiences better awareness of the body walking barefoot has been linked to better agility stronger leg muscles and lower risk of injury being in touch with the earth has many other aspects to it in the ashram i always told people no matter what work you're doing at least for one hour a day you must stick your fingers into the earth you do something with the garden somewhere your hand should get muddy this will build a natural physical memory in you a bodily memory in you that you're mortal every day if you're sticking your hands into the earth you will constantly your body will know that it's not permanent because a body has a memory of its own its body's memory far more significant than the mental memory right now the memory that your body carries is ruling you far more than the memories of your mind physiologically on the cellular level on the elemental level you are constantly being reminded that you are mortal if you are close to the earth see the reminder of your mortality is the most key element in your spiritual process why would you long to know something beyond the body only because you know it will end one day isn't it suppose this body was immortal who the hell is going to sit and meditate who the hell wants to know anything beyond this if this was immortal by itself isn't it because somewhere even if you are not consciously aware somewhere deep down you know your expiry date is on the expiry date is on you're trying to stretch it a bit but you know you have an expiry date it is because of that the longing to know isn't it so the fundamentals of spiritual process is your mortality if you are reminded of your mortality naturally you will want to know there are various practices in india as to how to connect to the earth experientially many many practices just sitting now cross-legged on the floor the body in some way experientially is reminded there is a reminder for the body that is this is just this the moment it is in touch with earth it knows it is this those of you who have very unstable bodies that is you tend to fall sick very easily and you know constantly those kind of things if you just get off your court and sleep on the floor you will see it will make a big difference just that much just maybe 18 inches away you are just get 18 inches closer you will see it will make a big difference in terms of reorganizing the system i would say 80 percent of your health depends on this how much you're in tune with the earth eighty percent eighty percent of your chronic ailments can just vanish simply because you kind of found a little rapport with earth on which are walking or sitting right now [Music] one simple practice that all of you can start is the buddha if you have the time and the necessary focus to do it means you know bhuta means pancha bhutas or the fire elements should be means to cleanse that whether it is the physical body or the larger body of the creation itself essentially is made of fiber elements of earth water wine and space what you call as myself is just a mischief of these five elements if you know how to organize these five elements properly if you know how to keep these five elements within yourself then there is nothing more to life in terms of health well-being perception knowing everything enlightenment everything is handled if only you know how to keep these fire elements properly this elemental play happens in a different way when it's in touch with the earth every time i hear this particularly when i'm in united states i still can't come to terms with it people calling earth as dirt [Music] maybe it's just another word but in our mind dirt means what what is dirt for you huh trash isn't it dirt is trash isn't it yes or no even in america dirt is trash no what is it [Music] something that you don't want yes it's trash that's what is stress something that you don't want but soil here we call it thai monuments mother earth why is it we are not reverential to all those things which make our life sustain our life moment to moment [Music] you just treat them differently suddenly they behave differently within you if you did not drink water for three days even if god comes you'll only ask for water if you if you hold your nose for three minutes you don't want god you want a breath isn't it one simple thing that everybody can do is the air that they breathe the water that they drink the food that they eat and the earth that they walk upon and the space which holds us five times a day let's say if you are too preoccupied at least three times a day consciously just bring a certain sense of uh reverence this is a very common thing as you're being told matru prema pitrupa this one that that is love for the planet on which you're walking because that's not different from you what is the significance of walking barefoot also is there additional physical and spiritual benefits of walking barefoot on amavasya and shivaratri days recently somebody said this just a week ago or ten days ago this was published because you know mf hussein died you know this [Music] hussein the artist died so one of his most recent interviews which he did with a famous [Music] or a well-known anchor in this country hussein died in london at the age of 92 92 he remained very active and energetic till the last day so what is the secret this i think this interview was taken just three months before his death what is the secret of your longevity energy and health he said just two things eat less walk barefoot [Music] do you know this has been an issue with him there in many controversies where he was not allowed into certain very elite clubs barefoot but he always insisted he walks barefoot so for him to live long and healthy this is the recipe he gave eat less walk barefoot it was very amusing for me to hear him say that right now a new range of footwear is becoming very popular in united states which is called as barefoot where the shoes are made with this you know just like the feet very thin some kind of special synthetic material which makes it feel like you're walking barefoot that it doesn't feel like a thick sole almost barefoot for running shoes climbing shoes regular walking shoes all kinds called barefoot it's nice that you're asking this question just now so what is the significance of barefoot especially those of you who find your body is not integrated enough constantly it's troubling you such people should walk barefoot it'll be nice if you can crawl more contact i mean this is why you prostrate what do you think is the purpose of taking a dip in the temple pond and going and prostrating inside that everything in your body comes in touch with what sashtang means that the key points in your body must be in touch with the earth for one who is on a spiritual sadhana particularly on those days shivaratri ammo is here and the next day after that those three days what is available on the planet is phenomenal and it's also a reminder for you to intensify your sadhana on that day not missing the opportunity of what is there so on that day walking barefoot [Music] every day there is benefit but on those days there is a particular kind of benefit which is not only for physical health but also for spiritual well-being [Music] also for creating the necessary momentum in the system for an upward moment you can't cut off your legs so just the shoes [Music] for those three days it'll be good to do that [Music] [Music] me [Music] my [Music]
Channel: OnePath
Views: 130,127
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Keywords: sadhguru about healthy life, how to stay healthy, sadhguru on living healthy, sadhguru about elements, sadhguru about healthy way to live, sadhguru on methods to be healthy, sadhguru about simple techniques for health, sadhguru, sadhguru onepath, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadhguru yoga, sadhguru isha, isha yoga, isha foundation, adiyogi, sadhguru meditation, sadguru, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru spiritual awekening, @onepath, sadhguru update, sadhguru latest
Id: TK8e9fKffCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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