Quarantined | God Warned His People (Live Church)

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[Music] hello friends welcome to the 3abn worship hour where we have prepared another encouraging message for you and thank you for taking the time to tune in today the sermon is entitled quarantined and the question is what do we do when everything that we have trusted in and relied on is suddenly gone and vanished well from the Word of God today we will answer that question but before we do that you'll hear some wonderful thoughts of encouragement laying the foundation not only for what is to follow but to give you something to ponder in your relationship with Jesus Christ and my good friend Tim Parton is going to share with you but after he sings the next thing following will be the message entitled quarantined thank you Pastor you know it no doubt we are living in some anxious times and feeling anxious when I am feeling anxious I think of the Apostle Paul as he was in prison he certainly had plenty of reason to be anxious as he was locked away unsure of his next move whether he would be released or put to death in writing to the Christians in Philippi however he urges be anxious for nothing and I doubt that anything has the power to immobilize like anxiety and worry we're anxious about things that haven't happened but could this leads us to all sorts of health problems and fear and distress Paul gives a simple solution in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God so we can leave it with him in exchange for a peace that passes all understanding those situations when the world goes berserk God's children should exhibit peace so if you're experiencing anxiety why don't you lean on God what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms what a blessedness what a peace is mine leaning on the everlasting arms [Music] I believe [Music] safe and secure from all alarms I'm gone the everlasting father I thank you that we can lean on you in the good times and the bad I thank you precious Lord that you are in charge and I pray father for those who seem to have no strength who've given up the precious promise in Psalm 29 11 that says the Lord gives strength to his people the Lord blesses his people with peace for the child of God I would ask that you represent your father in heaven act like the person that he declares us to be shake off our fear wipe away the tears and put on the peace of Christ you and lord I want to thank you that your grace your mercy your peace there with us and I thank you for the promise that your peace which transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus and Lord we know we live in a day where it's every man for himself but I want to encourage those who are listening that God's Word instructs that if it is possible as far as depends on you live at peace with everyone how can we win people to Christ when we're tearing away at each other over issues that only divide us we're ruining our testimony to the world and robbing ourselves of the joy of living for Christ when we don't live at peace with each other we are called to be peacemakers who sew in peace so that we will reap a harvest of righteousness [Music] and I'm resting right now in his wonderful peace I'm resting sweetly in Jesus control for I'm safe from all danger by NIDA by day and his glory is bloody my soul [Music] so I see [Music] wonderful came down from the father above sweep over my spirit forever I bring in fathomless Bulow's of [Music] those fathomless billows of [Music] thank you Tim praise the Lord for the words we can find peace in the presence of Christ as we walk with Him and as we talk with him I invite you to bow your heads with me as we go to the word of the Lord father in heaven we pray now that you will focus our hearts and our minds that we will find peace that peace that truly passes all understanding that it will keep all hearts Nevada will guide our lives and that in this turbulent time nothing will be able to disturb our walk in our relationship with you in Jesus name I pray amen the message entitle quarantined quarantined you know when the Diamond Princess cruise ship set sail on January 20th 2020 the passengers had no idea that they were about to be exposed to one of the world's largest coronavirus outbreaks outside of China after one of the passengers tested positive for the novel coronavirus the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama Japan and then following a full investigation they discovered that more than 700 passengers had contracted the köppen 19 virus and for the next 14 days the ship was quarantined think about that word throughout this message quarantined and the question is what happened when the cruise that they look forward to turned into the crisis that they did not see coming you know friends we live in a rapidly changing world infected with unpredictable tragedies the society around us is fastened together by fragile promises our planet is revolving on the shifting sands of uncertainty in other words people don't know what to do next where to turn who to trust who to listen to what network to turn to and what president or King or leader has the answer for these troublesome times but some people miss understanding the meaning behind these signs call them fear-mongering fear-mongering they say but the Bible calls it a sign notice the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 16 and verse 3 and he says you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the times in other words one of the things that we like to do on a daily basis is look at the news report what's the weather going to be tomorrow and if you live in the Midwest like we do it could be raining one day sunny the next warm in December coal and March the weather changes but Jesus is saying in this quickly changing climate people can tell whether tomorrow's gonna be sunny or bright but they can't tell by the signs that are surrounding them that Jesus is soon to come but friends when you study God's Word with unmistakable evidence Jesus is forecasting the nearness of his return praise the Lord for that we can look at the signs around us and know for sure that every sign that is taking place is one more indicator that the exit from this world is not too far ahead because in the Word of God Jesus is sounding the tsunami alarm telling us that a catastrophe is on the horizon you may remember December 26 2004 when a 9.1 earthquake swept across the Pacific Ocean in generating a tsunami that would have eventually take more than two hundred and twenty-seven thousand lives now think about that for a moment here we have Koba 19 we have it earthquakes we have had fires we've had floods we have had tsunamis December 26 think about that the day after Christmas when people are celebrating completely unaware of what's coming all of a sudden a tsunami in the Pacific Rim and even as far as Africa sweeps 220 7,000 lives into eternity I always ask the question what would they have done differently if they knew that that was going to be their last days was it fear-mongering when the tsunami alarms began to sound was it fear-mongering when Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years that the flood was going to come and people surely probably said this man is out of his mind there's no way that a flood is ever going to come but Noah faithfully preached it was not fear-mongering because the Bible says in Luke chapter 17 and verse 27 noticed the Word of God the Bible says they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and the sad words and destroyed them all that's the unpredictable environment we live in things happen that takes lives into eternity I was watching the news and thinking about how many people the statistics tend to go up from city to city from nation to nation from from country to country we can see the ticket tape of the lives being snatched into eternity without a moment's notice and people are saying well that's just fear mongering but that's not fear-mongering but the reality is friends people that love this sinful world call it fear-mongering because they cannot fathom that the world that they are addicted to is crumbling around them but the Bible tells us that as it was in the days of Noah so also will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man people doubted in Noah's day they doubted in the days of lot and today friends people are doubting but some of them are choosing to willfully forget notice the words of the Apostle Peter in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 notice what he says to us he says for this they willingly forget that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with but the heavens he continues and the earth which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men friends when you think about it it's not fear mongering but for the person that's studying the Bible they know that these are harbingers these are the soft blowing winds that are preceded by the Hurricanes by the tsunamis by the tornadoes they take the changing clouds as indications that something tremendous and stupendous is on the horizon was it fear mongering also in the days of lot when lot warned his family of the coming judgement on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah listen to God's Word one more time and Luke chapter 17 verse 28 and 29 notice what the Word of God says it says likewise as it was also in the days of lot look what they did they also ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and sadly enough the same words and destroyed them all it's not fear mongering friends it's an indication that this world cannot sustain itself beyond the pleasure palaces beyond the large stadiums beyond the restless nights when clubs are filled with people looking for the next thing to throw their souls when people are drinking endlessly give me another drink when people are trying to find the thing that stimulates their senses and they go home without even knowing how they get there we are living in serious times and the Word of God is saying to us if ever there was a time to be alert the time is now in the book last day events page 12 and paragraph 6 I share with you this very sobering quotation here is what it said God has always given men warnings of coming judgments those who had faith in his message for their time and who acted out of their faith in obedience to His commandments escaped the judgments that fell upon the disobedient and unbelieving they escaped friends they escaped in other words if you were living in the days of December 26 2004 and you knew that there was tsunami warnings you would quickly leave the beaches leave the low-lying landscapes and look for higher ground but there are people that are feeling the rumblings beneath their feet and they're saying it's just an anomaly it's just a shifting sand there's nothing really coming that I have to worry about I remember watching television when the waters began to recede and people not knowing what it was began to walk out deeper and deeper in the oceans of the Pacific only to be swallowed up by waves that were traveling for more than 600 miles at 500 to 600 miles an hour underground they said at the shallowest point these waves with two feet but when they began to build steam as they got closer to the shore they were traveling at 500 to 600 miles an hour and once again the casualties were by the hundreds of thousands warnings yes warnings indications Fria mongering no indications that the Lord is coming soon and so when when I stand up here and I looked out at those who are watching the program I can't see you but I know that God has given me the Commission to preach with eternity in view understanding that the warnings from God's Word friends is the deepest indication of his love for mankind you know the familiar passage I shared with you right now this familiar passage that reminds us that in spite of what's taking place in spite of the great loss of life the Lord's love for us has not changed let's look at this together you've heard it before but the Bible says in John 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him notice the words should not perish but have everlasting life that's what the Lord wants to give to us everlasting life but some people rather than next cigarette the next movie the next club the next invention people are looking for stimuli on things that are always changing what thrilled you two years ago no longer thrilled you but friends when you give your life to Jesus let me encourage you when you give your life to Christ you don't need stimuli because the power that is resident in Christ does an ebb and flow it is just constant as he is it's the same yesterday today and forever if ever there was a time to believe God my friends it is now if ever there was a time to trust God with your life it is now if ever there was a time to walk with Jesus it is now because many are preparing for the return of Jesus but he wants to live with us now in other words don't wait until then to get ready the best time to be ready is right now when you don't know what's coming next when you are not aware of what's on the horizon it's always best to be ready the Bible says that Jesus is offering us something that every one of us in need of every one of us is in need of right now people are quarantined people watching this program are probably watching with a small family or in their houses by themselves but here's the invitation of Jesus in Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28 in this Restless Society these words fit right here he says to us come to me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and noticed the promise and I will give you rest you know friends think about it think about it for a moment the Cova 19 virus is horrible as it is I found that there's something in it a message hidden in it for a restless society for a restless world I mean think about that environment let me walk you through it as never before movie theaters casinos bars and clubs are closed watch this quarantined you can't go to the movie theaters the bars the clubs they're closed never before amusement parks and malls are closed quarantined we cannot even go outside of our homes some cities some major cities have declared lockdown or curfew we can't do anything but look at the message as never before worldly distractions are at a minimum and there's a cry of frustration why because the objects of your affection are gone and this is the hour to ask the question why why is the Lord allowing all the things that we love so much to be snatched away one at a time why is he allowing them all I mean can I be quarantined and enjoy the mall or the movie theater can I be quarantined and go to the amusement park friends get a glimpse of what's coming one day there will be nothing for us to turn to that's why the Lord is saying if ever there was a time to make a decision to turn anywhere the time to turn to Christ is now this hour of quarantine is creating an atmosphere get this for just you and Jesus I'll see that again when you can't go to work when you can't go to the store when you can't allow other people to come around you this is a time that the Lord is creating in this disaster is setting a time for just you and Jesus quarantined together John the Revelator encouraged us with these words in Revelation chapter 22 and verse 17 quarantine kind of like words here's what he says and the spirit and the bride say come and let him who hears say come and let him who thirsts come whoever desires notice let him take the water of life how freely the Lord is saying this is a time I'm not gonna charge you for being in my presence you know you have to pay to go to the movie theaters you got to pay to go to the clubs in the amusement parks and today I tell you you pay if I could use a phrase loosely you pay large sums of money for something that only lasts for a short time and it vanishes away but the Lord is saying today there's water think of that water take up the water of life freely my wife and I went to the store we have Walmart we have other stores Kroger and some of the smaller stores in our community but water something that seems to be always available people can't find water and in some cases no matter how much money you have you can't buy water but Jesus says come and take of the water of life freely I'm telling you today friends when money can't buy it because it's not available when you can't find it because the stores don't have any Jesus is saying to us come and take of the water of life freely and the water that Jesus gives us is purer than any water that the world has ever attempted to make no matter the company no matter the bottle the water that Jesus gives you will quench your soul and wash away all your despair this is the hour to take up the water of life freely when all that you had is gone you'll discover that Jesus is all you need think about it let me ask a very pertinent question do you miss Jesus as much as you missed them all do you miss Jesus as much as you missed the clubs and the movie theaters is your time with Jesus more precious than your time with the videos or Facebook or Instagram if you can't catch what's happening the Lord is shutting the world down to say this is the time to seek me while I can be found because friends one day one day people are gonna look for Christ and they won't find him he's saying to us let go of the world and hold on to me I remember growing up when I had my first bike I was a little guy I had my first bicycle was a lot larger than I was and I tried my best with mine if you could imagine I had short legs at one time I stood on that bicycle tried to pedal as best I can and I could hear my father in the background saying don't forget hold on to the handlebars and you won't fall and in my fear I let go and I fell well friends Jesus is saying this is the hour to hold on to him if we hold on to Christ and not let go we will not faul but on the other side he is saying don't hold on to the world it's going down it's gonna be shut down permanently I'm a New Yorker it always startles me when I look at the news and I listen to Governor Cuomo in New York City and he shows Times Square like a ghost town the freeways hardly a car to be found I received a phone call from a friend of Los Angeles and she said if you could imagine as my wife and I are talking to her she said if you can imagine the Los Angeles freeway hardly any cars to be found the malls are shut down and people are now making large circles around their neighbors fearing that somehow in some way they may be affected by the Cova 19 virus but this is the hour the Lord is saying to us let go of the world because the world is going down notice the words of Christ in the book of first John chapter 2 verses 15 to 17 look at what he says he says do not love the world or the things in the world why if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him he continues in verse 16 for all that is in the world and notice the three categories the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world and then he says and the world is passing away there's gonna be a funeral for the world one day and the lust of it but here's the good news but he who does the will of God abides forever do you want to live forever I do I hear about people that are dying young we got some sad news that a friend of ours lost her brother-in-law took over 19 a gentle man a man that sought to bring relief to so many of his patients doing therapy and they estimate that possibly one of the patients he cared for maybe caused him to get contagious and he passed away lost his life but because he knew the Lord he fell asleep in Jesus friends this is the time to let go of the world I know there are some people watching that are saying well I'm not a Christian he really doesn't matter to me soon this storm is gonna pass by and I'll be able to get back to life as normal I'll be able to go back to the park we'll go back to the mall we'll go back to the clubs I've even heard of people in spite of all the prohibitions saying I'm gonna have a party at my home friends this is not the time to take this hour lightly because the cities of today the world of today is not where the answers are found the answers are found in Jesus notice in the book Christ object lessons page 54 we get a glimpse of what the Lord showed his servant about the cities of our world here's what she said she said the cities of today are fast becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah the many holidays encourage idleness the exciting sports theater-going horse-racing gambling liquor drinking and reveling that means partying stimulate every passion to intense activity and the youth are swept away by the popular current now if Ellen White wrote this today she would include all the other media vices Facebook and Instagram not that these things in and of themselves are evil because I post things about Christ I try to put encouraging words but there are some people that are addicted to these stimuli and they can't really tell about the things that really matter for eternity they're not investing in anything beyond the moment what would happen if all of a sudden all the electricity in the world all of a sudden stopped working and we are plunged back into a primitive society I believe it'll be one more indication that God is trying desperately to get our attentions but friends don't wait for any other change before you decide to give your life to the Lord and I want to say again colvett 19 is not the end of the world but it is a reminder of our frailty it's a reminder of how mankind really is not fit to face anything that's ahead of him it is a glimpse of the growing intense of events that are on the horizon you know when kovat 19 pass and I'm praying that it does soon something else is going to come we've had Wars and rumors of wars we've had we're all one World War two we've had the Vietnam War we've had the the Gulf War we've had clashes between nations and governments and in our own country we have our own problems and if you're in the United States you understand what I mean but if you're in Great Britain you have your issues are there in this islands of the sea you've got your issues there if you're in Asia you've got your issues they're everywhere in the world there's some issue somebody is struggling with but there's something coming still on the horizon another storm is coming with greater intensity than what we're facing today any evangelism page 361 notice these inspired words we are told the storm is coming the storm that will try every man's faith to what sort it is believers must now be firmly rooted in Christ or else they will be led astray by some phase of era think about it not only storms that are cataclysmic storms that are filled with disease and pestilence storms that bring in war and strife and bloodshed but there are all kinds of storms and we've got to focus and understand where this is coming from let me give you an idea there is a satanic demolition team well-organized and they are committed to one goal they are strategically listen to me and methodically mapping out our destruction they're thinking of ways to bring about our demise they are painstakingly examining the lives of their intended victims you and me the worst is yet to come these masters of destruction are looking for our most vulnerable points something that's not talked about on the news the satanic component has not even talked about ABC NBC CBS FOX al Jazeera BBC they're not saying that the devil our adversary is behind this he's looking to sweep away humanity in his web of destruction he is examining the weak places in our characters and unless we wake up Satan and his evil forces will reduce us to a pile of dust that's why when the Apostle Paul was in his journey in his journey of freedom he appealed to the powers in the city of Rome and the weather began the weather began to be beautiful when he began his journey but suddenly the environmental precious changed and something happened that he was not looking forward to in the book of Acts chapter 27 and verse 4 we think about these words as the Bible gives us a glimpse of the journey of the Apostle Paul notice what he talks about when he started his journey from where he was appealing to Caesar in Rome and the Bible says in Acts chapter 27 and verse 4 he said when we had put to see from there we sailed under the shelter of Cyprus because the winds were contrary the winds were notice contrary friends were living in contrary times we cannot tell where the winds are coming from we can't tell where the winds are going we can't tell where the next disease is going to come from we can't tell what country what city what form and for the first time at least in my lifetime I'm listening to people that I thought are great medical professionals and they're saying we don't have an answer for this virus we're seeking tirelessly billions of dollars of being plunged into finding an answer for the köppen 19 the winds of contrary we cannot control the winds every one of us is victims of the contrary winds of our time but friends God never said that they would not be contrary winds but he always said I am the master of the sea I am the master of the winds there's no wind blowing that can ever catch Jesus off guard I'll see him amen for myself there is no wind blowing no storm that ever arises that the Lord cannot handle but some of the same challenges that confronted the people in Christ day are the challenges that front us today now I want to make a point when Paul began his journey the winds were lightly blowing then the winds became contrary but as I read this next scripture you'll notice how things change drastically not for the better but often for the worse Acts chapter 27 and verse 14 notice these words and the Bible says but not long after a tempestuous head when aroused called euroclydon euroclydon now you know very well when you give a name to a storm it's either a typhoon or it's a hurricane your aquaeden your rock lledon that means it went from soft bowing winds to contrary winds to a full-blown storm let me make application as bad as things are at the present I'm not fear-mongering I'm being clear with you I'm being direct as bad as it is there's a storm on the horizon with a name our aquaeden coming but praise the Lord he has not allowed the worse to come yet he's still holding back the winds of strife heaven is completing its work there are people to be saved friends I appeal to you if you don't know Christ this is the hour to give your life to Christ this is the moment to say Lord I'm afraid right now I received a phone call from a young lady in Minnesota on the phone she's crying she says I watch your message on television but I don't know what to do I know that my life is in trouble I'm facing difficulty I know the devil is after me what do I do and my wife and I sought to console her and pray with her people are filled with fear but as bad as it is praise the Lord he's holding the doors open so that maybe you or somebody else can come into that relationship with Christ before it is ever too late it may be a frightening horizon but there is no fear in love because perfect love casts out all fear but let me calibrate your thinking with another quotation from the book education page 179 and paragraph six notice what we are told angels are now restraining the winds of strife that they may not blow until the world shall be warned of its coming doom but a storm is gathering ready to burst upon the earth and when God shall bid his angels loose the winds notice this there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture Wow think about that for a moment as no pink in picture that means if you try to write it down you couldn't come up with an explanation as no pen can picture so friends why would we wait until the uncontrollable grips the entire world as it is now but this is just a build-up to what's coming that's why this is the ow of my brother this is the our my sister this is the our young lady and young man to say lord I need to find a place to hide in the times of storm I need to know that with Christ there's hope there is courage there's faith I don't need to be afraid I don't need to look at the news and go to bed tonight trembling in my shoes I need to be able to lay down my head and say if I don't make it till tomorrow morning I have the assurance that when Jesus comes I will be in that first resurrection you know Paul makes it clear his journey went from soft winds to contrary winds and then a strong storm your rocket and the hurricane hit but if something Paul did that we must also do look at Acts chapter 27 and verse 15 with me the Bible says so when the ship was caught and could not head into the wind we let her drive oh this is a powerful application Paul says we let her drive when we could no longer control what was taking place we let her drive wow what is it saying to us today it's saying to us today that we are going to face circumstances that we cannot control it's at that moment that we have to let the Lord lead the way we have to let the Lord guide his church we have to let the Lord open the passage before us because friends as great as we are in the country as advanced as we are technologically we have found something that we just have no idea how to control how to curtail how to prevent and how to slow down but the Lord is saying to us when you face circumstances like that let her drive and why did Paul say they let the ship Drive you know why because God is the god of the ocean and his precious faithful servant the Apostle Paul was on that ship and he would not allow any danger or harm to come to the Apostle Paul what am I saying to you if you give your life to the Lord friends you have to simply some day just let go stop trying to control everything and put your life under the control of Christ he's the only one I say that again he is the only one that can bring us through the troublesome times ahead of us Jesus can save us but there's something we have to do we got to let go and let the Lord control I heard something today from one of my my governors when I was in New York City I was born and raised in New York City but I like what New York City Governor Cuomo said and it just thrilled my soul I was working on my message and my wife said did you just hear that and I heard it she said you heard that well but the sized ears I have I could hear anything but he said these words he said we must be socially distanced but spiritually connected I'll say that one more time Governor Cuomo of New York City he said we must be socially distanced but spiritually connected and then he said I don't have the answer on how to do that and I thought wow what a great statement Governor Cuomo but why makes such a great statement and not know how to accomplish it well friends I'll give you four ways to be socially distance and spiritually connected the Lord has a formula when governors don't have the answer the word of God has the answer here's the first answer on clutter your life on your life look at Acts chapter 27 and verse 19 as Paul was in the midst of the storm of his life notice what he did in the midst of the storm the Bible says on the third day we through the ship's tackle overboard with our own hands oh I got a make application in other words nobody came and lightened the ship for Paul Paul had to do it himself you know friends you know very well as I'm speaking to you right now you know there's something in your life that the Lord is saying to you in this crisis hour you got to throw it overboard you got got to get rid of your entertainment get rid of your cigarettes get rid of your addictions you got to get things out of your life that are blocking your relationship with you in Christ Paul says they threw them overboard they decided there's no room in the midst of the storm there should be no place in our lives for the things that can cause us to lose our lives they threw it overboard they lighten their load this is the load lightening hour this is the time to lay down that very thing that causes you to sin and fall so easily it may just be your temper it may be an addiction in your life but this is the time to say father I want you to give my hand the power that I need to throw it overboard I want to have a relationship with you that's pure that's holy that's based on the solid counsel of your word I don't want anything to be between me and you Lord give me the wisdom to know what to throw overboard and not tell your friends when you pray that prayer father show me what the throw overboard he'll all of a sudden start noticing in your house in your car on your iPad on your iPod on your Android device you'll start noticing what you need to delete what you need to get out of your lives the relationships you need to end God will give you wisdom to throw those things overboard there's something else you got to do the second point you got to nourish yourself spiritually I'll say that again you have to nourish yourself spiritually that's right spiritual nourishment now what do you get that from let me encourage you right here the best meal in town restaurants are closed but I got the best meal in town the living thriving word of God the Apostle Paul says the Word of God works effectively in those who believe it in other words if you look at television on Thanksgiving or any holiday when there's food on television you'll get absolutely no nourishment you'll see a great picture but there's no nourishment to just look at God's Word this is the hour that we have to open God's Word and get into it ourselves my wife and I have made that daily commitment we're now in the Book of Psalms we finished a book of Job a book where God reminded us that when trials come he is the ever-present help in time of need you got a nourish yourself you can't wait for something that's flippant and something that's transient to nourish you you got a nourish yourself here's what we are told in Acts chapter 27 and verse 34 notice what Paul writes notice what he says as dr. Luke writes these words he says therefore I urge you to take nourishment and this is powerful for this is for your survival since not a hair will fall from the head of any of you what a word of encouragement the Lord says when you take my word and you make it your daily diet you are quarantined with just me and my word there's nothing that's gonna come near you you won't have to worry about it hear from your head falling you don't have to worry about trials and tribulations or supplies drying up absolutely not the Lord will provide but you got to nourish yourself I was mindful of the fact that it's hard to find food on the shelves but there's food on this shelf it's hard to find water but there's water here because Jesus is the living water this is the our friends to start nourishing yourself I noticed something that the weakest point in my walk with Christ even as a pastor at the times that I was at my weakest point point was when I was using the Bible just to find sermons I wasn't feeding myself and I've learned friends you can be the best cook in the world and you could be starving yourself pastors let me encourage you you might have great sermons but if you're not reading the Word of God for your own personal nourishment your congregation may be well fed but you can be starving to death nourish yourself spiritually it's for your survival the third thing be a spiritual example be a spiritual example what do I mean by that you know people are looking for places where they can find courage somebody is saying what's pastor John doing what's my president doing what is my premier doing what is the Queen of England doing what are my governors and captains and mighty men what are they doing somebody is looking to someone to find encouragement so you have to be an example but what kind of example should you be look at Acts chapter 27 and verse 35 it makes it clear as to what kind of example the Lord wants us to be in this very trying hour the Bible says speaking about the Apostle Paul and when he had said these things he took bread and gave thanks to God in the presence of them all and when he had broken it he began to eat notice what he did he took the bread he thanked God for it he began to eat so that the other soldiers could watch him eat and when the soldiers watched to me that's an amazing story you should read it in a book of Acts chapter 27 it's a very long story but what a powerful example of endurance in a time of trial that's what we need the sailors lost all hope of being saved they lost their appetites they couldn't think about food the winds were contrary the hurricane was at its full force the ship was being tossed to and fro and for 14 days straight there was no light of the Sun they couldn't even see the moon they couldn't even guide their ships they had no GPS then they relied on the star to guide in the by night in the Sun to guide them by day 14 days they couldn't see Sun but torrential rains ship rocking winds just like the time in which we live today they couldn't find courage and Paul as a prisoner with chains on his hand stood up in the midst of that rocking ship and said to the sailors in the captain he opened his own bread he began to eat as they watched and with their dry and thirsty tongues with lives losing all energy with people losing all hope their appetites were almost dried up but he started to eat he started to eat in the presence of them all and when they saw Paul eat they decided to also follow his example now there's a very powerful lesson here when Paul broke the bread and ate they decided we'll follow Paul's example being example friends be the person that's studying his or her Bible be the young lady that carries her Bible with her be the young man that's sitting in the park reading his Bible in trouble sometimes be an example don't wait for the multitude don't wait for the crowd the crowd is never right be an example let somebody see in you in this Koba 19:00 environment let somebody see in you this person is not afraid why are they not afraid because they're reading the promises from God's Word why do they look happy when everybody else seems to be sad because they know this is not how the story ends be an example nourish yourself be a person who uncluttered his life because I tell you one thing I've learned in this crisis it's hard to find food and water it's hard to find good food it's hard to find the things that we need but friends let me warn you right now there's something else coming that's a lot worse than just not having bread and water there's a spiritual famine coming that's why if ever there was a time to pick up God's Word and read it the time is now notice in the Book of Amos chapter 8 verse 11 and 12 we get a glimpse of what's on the horizon the Prophet Amos says these words behold the days are coming says the Lord God that I will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord and notice what's going to happen they shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east they shall run to and fro seeking the word of the Lord ho but they shall not find it friends if ever there was a time to get into it with God's Word the time is now seek the Lord while he may be found but not only that seek the bread of life while it's still available drink the water of life while it still quench your thirst II Sol don't spend a ton of time looking at the bad news I know that every time my wife and I turned on the news we sit there spellbound because we're hoping for some good news but it's still bad but here's a good thing the gospel of Christ is good news no matter what happens around us it's always good news which brings me to my fourth point no one can force features you gotta feed yourself the fourth point believe God say that with me believe God now notice what I didn't say I didn't say believe in God I didn't say believe about God I didn't say believe doctrines that tell you about Jesus I said believe God you know friends right now people say well do you believe the Republicans or Democrats do you believe people that are atheists do you believe people that are agnostics who do you believe I want to tell your friends I believe God I can trust his word Acts chapter 27 verse 25 says it this way therefore take heart men for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me friends I believe God that it's gonna be just as it was told me you know right now the world is in crisis somebody watching right now may have lost a loved one we're praying for you somebody right now may have heard the news that a friend or family member may have just contracted the virus we are now afraid of somebody around us cause if somebody says my chest hurts well I feel flu-like symptoms were filled with fear it is in this trying hour that I'm saying to you my brother and my sister believe God the story ends so beautifully one day Jesus is going to come believe God he says in the world one day I'm going to come but not your heart be troubled my brother my sister you believe in God Jesus said believe also in me while the hospitals are filled he says in my father's house there there's many mansions there's a mansion with your name on the front porch there's a mansion that God is building for you there's a road that's being put together for you but in this quarantine time you got to find that there's no better place to be them with you and you and Jesus you know friends I could preach a message of peace and safety but I know better in the words of the Apostle Paul I believe God that it should be just as it was told me I can tell you that one day the world's economy is going to stabilize and there'll be jobs for everyone but friends I believe God that it will be just as it was told me I can also report that political leaders and doctors and nurses will finally find an answer to the köppen 19 and they may invent error ISM and hunger and crime and war and disease would forever cease put friends until Jesus comes I believe God that it will be just as it was told me to the skeptic that doubts that Jesus has gone to return I believe God he said he's going to come again and all the signs around us or indicating that the coming of the Lord is not far distance if you can tune your ears you can hear the angels rushing from earth to heaven if you can open God's Word you can hear names being added to the Book of Life that's why in this trying hour I want to continue to pray for all of those on the front lines the medical professionals the doctors the nurses there are some people that are quarantined from their family members because they're trying to find an answer for you and for me it's in this hour that I want to say to you it looks hopeless it looks like this cloud will never lift but one day we're going to see joy forevermore why because I believe God that it will be just as his word has said to the atheist that doubt that God exists oh my brother you've maybe swallowed philosophy and vain deceit somebody told you that you are a biological accident but I'm gonna tell you that's not the truth you are a son of God you are created in the image of God young lady you didn't come into the world by accident you came into the world by a divine plan and God is saying this is the hour young lady that you need to give your life to the Lord young folk you're waiting for a faster internet well there's no greater internet connection than the connection between you and Christ call on his name he says before you call I will answer and while you're still speaking I will hear to the Christian that thinks that Jesus has forgotten you my brother and my sister the church may be closed but heavens still open you may only be by yourself at home you may be just you can't even pick up the phone because you don't know who the call but if you get on your knees you can call on Jesus he has not forgotten us he has not forsaken us he has not left us to our own demise in this time of quarantine it's time to just be you and Jesus in prayer you and Jesus talked to him you don't have to close your eyes you can say father I need you in my life right now more than ever before recently I saw a caption my wife actually showed it to me I don't remember where it was but it said these final words it said he said we used to sing side-by-side we stand but in this time of quarantine now I sing I come to The Garden alone let me tell you friends when you come to the garden in these times of quarantine you're not alone on a day-by-day basis you're not alone you can find courage hope and strength in that garden with Christ in that time of Prayer when you live your life with Jesus you are never alone but think about this what has God allowed this hour to teach us quarantine yes think about it quarantine you're not alone but this is a time for you to be alone with Jesus this is a time for you to be shut and with Christ if you're hoping to find hope in the future if you're praying to find relief we are praying for you here at 3abn we are praying that in this time of quarantine you'll discover the secret is just you and Jesus alone may you find courage and faith in Christ until we see you again [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 195,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live church, john lomacang, 3abn, quarantined, church live stream, live, sermon, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, worship hour
Id: DQ28kSfMb8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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