3ABN Today Live - Interview with "Little Richard" (TL017532)

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well listen we have a special guest today and I can tell you right now a bond that there are people around the world that would love to be sitting in this position to get into the mind of what the world knows his name is Little Richard but we call him brother Richard he's a brother in the Lord that's our brother Richard and Little Richard so the world will know we're so glad that you are here today and allowed us to interview you there are very few people in the world that just has one name or don't have to give their last name to know who they are IRA's elvis there's Little Richard and Oprah yeah beyond a few few folks like that and he and course you are one of those that are known around the world yes and what's been amazing to us is that you reach an audience that stretches generations it's like my grandkids yeah when I said we're interviewing Little Richard they eight nine year olds really we want to be there well they're here today they're sitting back there the teenagers well we want to be there we love little Richard so you have people who love you I appreciate a round the world I appreciate and you and they've loved me for a long time I remember when I met Elvis in Las Vegas I heard somebody in my audience just kept screaming I didn't know it was Elvis I was getting ready to go into the army okay and so I talked to him but they call the manager will let him go back to my suite to talk to me oh he wasn't allowed to have no visitors nobody it was almost like there a restriction you know you couldn't eat you and free to talk to people yeah and so I would just tell them I've always talked about Jesus Debbie Reynolds just coming to see me every night Rock Hudson every night now you know and and you know the different ones and Margaret never know Wow and I will be screaming and singing and I had a song that I was saying called in the name ah and we were saying that son and I would walk the audience and I just the boss knows all about this he see me walk to audience many times and I was walk to audience and I would just be singing the song in the name he brought me a little joy mmm he told me I was his baby boy yeah he said to me will never leave and then I was screaming oh lord have mercy don't poke me yeah and I was saying that night I was saying that it and my brother would be their baby and and he was on him I never took my brother um cause I'm my brother uh Bobby did never travel with me but most of my brothers traveled with me and and we were always fuss Baloo still there and and the Lord just showed me some service be traveling I got so I was afraid to fly hmm and I got so defined everything I wasn't free when they are playing near the airport a pocket and gold yeah yeah just take my mind mmm and so I don't fly no mo and I had a bus my bus yeah and I have to go in a way I go in the bus we have 13 bits on it and I'm gone and then one night the Lord showed me we were just thinking and and and how good god has been to me and my mom I have 12 children mmm and just show me that Jesus was getting ready to come and I got my nerves you know says that and what was this when was this it was a few years ago now okay and Jesus was getting ready to come you know people got oh they were saying that for years my grandmother the save was coming to her day my grandfather said yeah I said but the Bible says in a little while he that shall come will guess that's right okay and I believe that yeah and so I stopped read that Jesus is coming soon and he gave you signs to look at when his coming was near you know how all these things have so much unnatural affection so much so just people just doing everything and don't think about God don't want no parts of him and you know and all of my shows and concert I would pass out something about God I had four guys that I paid $800 a week to each one of them to pass on my books and you're still not hiring Aria cuz I I'm still not hiring re 800 week that sounds pretty good and there was traveling all around and I'll give the people of this book close to Christ yeah to come close to Jesus mmm-hmm and and I just I just felt that I said Lord and you know when I was a little boy they taught everybody that when you die you go to heaven yeah and there was a guy that he would teach you that that that the person could come back oh then what they would do they would let us change and the wonder when the prisoner was dying and they leave a certain sort of spirit come out the wooden and I believe that then and it had me so believing that I was afraid when the president died was scared it was coming back yeah and if you was mad with them you don't want them to come back [Laughter] really something and then when I got closer in reading God's Word I started reading about how the Lord let let you know that that when a man died he's dead Wow you know he's sleeping in the dust if he died in faith he's in the dust and then he's sleeping in Jesus and if he died it was wicked he died with that and when he cometh forth in the resurrection he gonna have that same thing I was talking to Michael Jackson's mother and Katherine and she said she believed in the resurrection I stopped believe in the resurrection too but I believe also that you got to live right now okay in order for you to have a good resurrection of success you got to live right now in Jesus you can't play with him he's a real guy he's a real Savior and he is the prince of life all right he say yes power to lay down his life and his power to take it up yes all right you know and when I saw that it makes me just want oh Jesus please God please Lord don't let me be loath God save me save me Jesus let me go with Jesus mm-hmm and that's the Lord please show me he says Richard you sing into the food you say in good golly Miss Molly you sing a long tall Sally yeah you sing it rip it up and read it Eddie you say the girl can't help she's got it you say it be sad all these things and just was plant-based making the base talk yeah that was the on and talking base on the stage yes he likes that he's here today locking the bait I was talking all over everywhere I said Lord you could you just help me and I said no Lord cannot do this and still be saved the loss of Richard no man can serve two messed oh oh he said he's a loved one to hold two one unless you would hold to one and this one and the spice other you can't do that we got to love Jesus with everything else let it go so Jesus showed me said Richard said you got to release that so they come to me with millions of dollars I'm not rich I don't have a lot of money and so the guy came to me a few days going off of me all kind of mine a few days ago it he I mean too much what they want to do is show under my name Little Richard where come alone every week yeah and I'm not gonna call the guys name of course you know he's very popular right now mm-hm and he wants to do that with me and he says Richard he says if we don't have do you be the hardest thing on the planet hmm I said I don't want to be hot in the fire but it's hard once you've been famous once you've written a guide where you make a hundred thousand dollars a night for singing there now I will get $100,000 for singing one out mm-hmm I wouldn't make under fifty thousand dollars a night yeah you know and we were packed a place in this state we girl the people screaming sleeping out in front of the hotels yeah yeah mercy just wanted to touch you you know and that's the lord please help me please save me I didn't know I just I didn't see no harm in serving God and serving the devil and understand what was wrong with me singing rock and roll getting paid and doing everything else and and say what's wrong with it then the Lord show me sir Richard says that I'm your father I made you I created you ma'am and not only did I create you I'm gonna save you I'm gonna give you life everlasting yeah I'm gonna give you immortality yeah that you're never die again okay you're gonna have wings there you go that you got worried about the pilot and you gonna fly they said but all you got to do is do what God said do I said Lord I've said but I ain't got no money okay see I've always believed in sherry mm-hmm my people used to tell me you're crazy hmm you giving these people your money but I believe that God blesses you to be a blessing and I brought along here and God blessed me together you know I am standing it alone because I've been sick has surgery with me up and it didn't come out good for me and I read that the Lord permitted it to come the way it came to save me yeah okay because I was still trying to stay here and go to church and still trying to sing rock and roll on the side yeah one night I went to Prince to go to Florida it was cold cold I went there and I was singing and my little nephew came to me and Csonka Richard I said what he said want to tell you something he said you won't get mad with me yasuno he says you need to stop he said your piano sound awful you don't need to do that no more he said he said you used to be sounding good but it don't sound good he said so the devil ain't telling you the truth about it make like you said but you don't sound good so when my nephew told me that I said I got to give this up that's my blood nephew yeah he's telling me something that is not good for me and so that's the last date I did in Las Vegas and the cloud it was so big - they moved us not just you remember they moved us out in the yard in the parking lot dad's bring me don't know how to put them and people just screaming and I'm banging and singing and my I had to Taylor's to travel with me and what they do we would go to town and they would go into the entertainers just boom and super kind of outfit they're gonna wear but then he would go back and make me one better than that [Laughter] super glass shoes just you know the lights every way yeah we go way to you the living flame I was getting ready frame in the fire Jesus as you got to me yeah you got you some because by my mama having all of them kids I believed that I was right and I believe that I was famous and the law of the Lord made me famous but the Lord saved me all right he saved me and and I would go to singing and scream and his sons and each one would get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger I remember I was hearing and in Nashville and the guy called me from Sony records he said we got something for you little and I said what is it he's not God for you he came to me and I hope yeah and he gave me a check a cashier's check it was $500,000 Wow he said you take the stock market I love the shores and I felt so funny but that by 1000 hmm although I made more than that but it's if you ain't never had nothing yeah five hundred thousand dollars you feel like you don't drop on the moon that's right the Sun and the stars a lot you got to help me yes because I don't want to be lost if this money gonna cause me to go to hell okay is it gonna called me to move and to do this and do that and I said then and I was singing a song called directly from my heart to you and now you see a Whitney Houston how would he agree sir all these friends of mine when his mother sits in all of them and then why all of them and and obviously that's the Lord I said these people you know they keep singing this says I don't care for these little if they are not doing my wheel well they won't be saved he said the ten commandments is my will Wow he says it's the law of God it's the law of holiness it's the law of righteousness and that's what you got to give in order to go to heaven you got to be holy because I'm holy that's right the angels are holy okay the Spirit of God is holy and and if you don't live that way you can't make it in hmm and and it's just a beautiful blessing of a lesson to wanna be like Jesus okay to want to do what he wants you to do tomorrow to eat what he wants you to eat - wanna drink what he won't choose a drink but you get so that you want to follow people and you want to be popular see people giving their life in a solo way just to be popular hmm yeah I don't know this man who it is cumin cumin and you gonna be boom coming the Friends of fire you don't therefore Jesus you are not make it in that's right okay and if you don't make it through ain't nothing else what you do but live for Jesus give everything you got to Jesus then you'll be oh you feel so much better you know just it's just like air about is turning one way or the other this man here when I first came in show business they they uh they wanted you to look like arribada but yourself you know and anybody covers up anything oh say you're gay yeah are you straight are you a homosexual something yeah they go said but it's that God Jesus made men men he made women women okay you know and you got to live the way God wants you to live but see he made that and he loves all of us yeah loves whatever you are he loves you that's right oh come what you are love you and he can save you and he will save you he can help you he will help you all I got just the Lord taking me as I am I'm a sinner but we all have sinned and come short of the glory that's right don't hold it right see person is Jesus and and he wants us to be just like him because they normally go to heaven we got to look like him when the father look daddy got to see a song that's you know son you ain't gone nowhere okay God knows I want to be saved in God's game I'm 84 years old I'm gonna oh my momma never lived together so my dad was 39 when he died my best friend killed my daddy and evolve my dadís night club we called it a night club and I have a back then it was old juke joint they called him cook there was no club you know but he killed my dad I came home one night my mom I said Richard dad is dead he had a raincoat lying on the front porch blood everywhere and I just it just shook my mind hmm and my daddy fared the Pope he was a bootlegger so they called the moonshine some people called a stump stop whiskey and it's they sold half a plank and the soul of plank and it was everywhere you know but when God touches your life you don't want none of that normal you know I don't want to say rock'n'roll Lobo I don't wanna to do - I want no drink or no truck I wasn't that no way but I don't want to ever be that I want to be holy like Jesus okay ain't been there but I want to be there and that's right I just tell my friend just the boys he been for a long time with me Jesse 35 years I believe was voted all these years and he was just you know just just wonderful he's from Greenville South Carolina and I just he is another guy named yes Karina he was from there Jesse Jackson is from there and I just were not got this boy I never heard nobody play music like that and yet all these rugs you heard on a reason that was him mm-hmm playing bass Oh baby makes the base talk he makes the piano zone he makes the oven walk [Applause] [Laughter] we're gonna interview him next I don't want you to put it off I feel impressed that you won't want you to do it now okay all right and God blessed and God came that's so glad y'all came down from Illinois to do me oh I was enough for you to think about that you would talk about well and then I'll be the regroup or not think of everything then it's kind of heavy on me right now we were wondering yeah and and we're honored by it but as I said earlier you know literally there's thousands and thousands of people in the industry or business we are those ministries and you haven't done any interviews for years and with maybe we got word that you would do 3abn we were very so thank and a together got to come I got to regroup myself yeah and I got a whole lot to see we want to get you to three avian studios will bring a crowd because people love ya what you you've got to say and they listen to you yes we do we gonna take a break and we'll be right back [Laughter] you know I have never seen that before me neither that is so hilarious and I've done thousands of interviews you've done lots of interviews John and CA you ever had anybody do that first time I've seen you lost no words absolutely loved it and I mean now I'm gonna talk to the folks at home here I said oh he took the break I don't know it's 20 minutes whatever it was into it and took a break maybe it needs to go the bathroom or something you know so soon as we stopped so I look at him I say yeah little richer do you need to go here no I said oh you you won't take a break no I said oh you don't want to take a break he said no I was just giving the people a rest at home he said I thought it's time they got a break a minute and then we'll come back and talk some more he just did it as the host as a television person somebody who knows his audience you don't get where he got without knowing you're all that's true so what he showed me was I'm still in control yeah you know know what I'm doing this is way to do and you know what he's right right I loved it so when I called him I said I said now the interview is done we've got it attitude we're ready to show it I said I just got one bone to pick with you I said you showed us up he wanted me on the interview when you when you took control and he said oh I'm sorry I said no don't be we loved it and the people will love it because you just been yourself he's just being himself you know what I loved with him was it was so interesting because I didn't know what to expect how was he gonna look was he gonna look like Little Richard or was he gonna look transformed I know you can attest to this he looks transformed absolutely he is a transformed man by the by the power of the Holy Spirit we can see the power of the Holy Spirit in his life yeah yeah and the way he looks yeah I mean he's he is just himself didn't have all the makeup to all that other stuff just worry about the big still handsome oh yeah I have some handsome and incredibly sharp Oh incredibly sharp yeah in this body so funny oh my bird just it was it I love talking to him because there's such a wealth of knowledge and history yeah you know he has all that history behind him and then the spirituality to OSH's it was so much you know what what hit me and I'm looking at it from the white person angle right mm-hm what hit me was it's because we hear about it we know about racism and Prejudice and and back generations but Richard lived in a time when what he's saying and people say that they were public open about it and the you know he's talking about going to a theater and blacks and whites and more about drinking at fountains and the whites only and and all of this and you actually young enough so I'm not telling your age but but you said that's right dangerous you're in the dangers to Richard but the reality of someone who's lived through all of this still has a great attitude still loves the Lord doesn't hate people he could say you know some of us just hear about things and so all we're upset about what no he lived through it but you know what all that's with him his past he just worried about today his future our future those around him he just wants to be a witness for Jesus that's so great and you know how he talks about his music was the prime draw the thing that was interesting to me also he said he didn't sing rock and roll because there was no such thing called rock and roll he said he just sang his music yeah and later became it received that tidal rock-and-roll now he's on the rock that will not roll on Christ Jesus yeah a wonderful about this he's talking about and and he deals with some topics that some people might say wow oh we're gonna and when we do the interview are we gonna keep that in i'll bian take that out and i think that we made the choice to keep it in because people had to understand that the man that they're listening to now and we have some more to show that the man that they're listening to now came through all of that you know we're living in a generation i remember the years ago up we all know pasty some of our audience might know a cleveland hi any of the adventist church resting in the jesus now he had the ability to tell you something and like he'd say to us he wants they looked at once you look at me said well okay shut up he says honey i want to tell you something but he followed it but he said the lord has an anointing on you but he had he just said it in his own way when nobody else could get away with that but him quintessential Peter now when people tell me shut up quintessential et Cleveland this is quintessential Little Richard you cannot trim his tree and expect to appreciate who he is to come through what he came through to survive it even even to go through like he talked about the the first big check and then to know now that money is not the draw any longer but eternal life is the draw and and I'm I'm excited about that person that wants people to know yeah I've been through I've been where you think you gonna go mmm and there are a lot of people today even a lot of these modern singers that are famous but they have not gotten to where he was was let me specifically what he still is he could pick up that phone as you said earlier and call somebody and they'll know right away as we were down in Nashville we had a chance to drive drive around and look at some of the sights in Nashville and you mentioned his name is like yeah I know no matter who they are they could be from Nashville from New York from Boston visiting out of the country he's had a name but now what I like about it instead of his name he's now leaning on his name so that's who we're talking about today the man who is the king of rock and roll but he's with the king who is the rock that will not roll praise the Lord you know I was listening to the the names he was dropping and and your other names and one can be very impressed and very awed by that but two things occurred to me one those are the circles in which he ran those are the people that he associated with and God needs witnesses in those circles also I could never get in that circle I said look I couldn't get in that circle but he can and so God will use people to get to places where we could not go but the gospel needs to go to those individuals also the gospel needs to two to infiltrate those circles so he knows a lot of people but isn't it nice now that he's on the Lord's team that he lets God's light shine in those circles also so that they do get a chance to know about Jesus Christ absolutely I think about folks that we have singing at 3abn and lots of times I'll say like Reggie and ladye lovable aren't you glad the wrong God side and get on the other side yes and with with a little Richard you can we can say aren't we glad he's on God's side yeah and here's the thing he's always had a good heart he always wanted to to be a Christian he always desired that but again the struggle and it gives us each one of us hope that no matter where we are no matter where you are today I want you to think about your own life for just a moment no matter where you are Lanny wolf wrote a song years ago and it talks about all the kingdoms he says our heart is divided into little kingdoms and sometimes we surrender all the kingdoms but maybe one but we really haven't surrendered to God if say there's your divided into ten kingdoms in you hmm you keep one have you really surrendered to God right no you really haven't because you feel like you have and you made such progress so to speak and you talk differently and you do these things but in reality light and dark doesn't mix God is not the ruler so this song is you know until you give Jesus all the kingdoms of your heart you really haven't given it to him because we try to work our way into heaven we try to give away the books we try to do you know and a lot of times I noticed people that I deal with are most miserable and if you don't act just like them or dress like them or look like them well you're not a good Christian that's it I think to myself Lord you're the judge but I have a feeling these people haven't surrendered everything because they wouldn't be talking to you in acting like that but that's the beauty of it Little Richard now knows I mean show me a face that's more peaceful a person that hasn't had more peace in his life than what you're watching right here yes funny happy you know and yet he goes through a lot of pain I know they do does he oughta mobile accident and there's things that still he suffers from so life's not easy by any means and it is age 84 years old you know it everything's not easy so this should give hope to all of us and some of you watching doesn't make any difference how old you are how young you are God has something big and in store for you what Richard is doing now and giving us testimony witnessing is far greater than anything he ever did in the world what he what Yvonne is doing would dare to dream here at 3abn is much bigger than those seven or eight golden old albums that she has at home there there's no comparison no there's no comparison and you know that from watching listening to Richard that God has had his hand on him the whole time he was in the struggle which it was in the struggle but but God had his hand on him and over time that Holy Spirit just works on him works on you and was you and brings you totally to him so that all the kingdoms of your heart are surrendered mm and that's what you feel with him that he has surrendered all the kingdoms of his heart and he's given him to the Lord and he has peace and he has joy and even though you might problems in this life when you have Jesus he carries you through so we just feel that from from Richard we just feel that he is being carried I want to say too before we close this hour Jessie that was on his friend yeah telephone maybe about guessing his wife Jesse boys and his wife Shirin were there in the audience Jesse boys was a wonderful friend to little Richard who was his bass player his pianist on some stage he was and and Jesse Richard was saying that Jesse would make the guitar just talk he would make the guitar talk and what a wonderful man of God you could just see the peace in Jesse's face and a German they love the Lord and Richard has been such a great influence in their lives a spiritual influence yo Jesse was I interviewed Jesse and a German for dare to dream and we're going to be airing that soon and Jesse was talking about how Richard had impacted his life spiritually so much and how he learned about the Sabbath through Richard so it was it was amazing and Jesse is resting in the in the last couple weeks yeah he we knew when we were there in doing the interview they had cancer yeah and that he wasn't expected to live but still what Jesus just shown and it shined out of him uh me going through him so beautiful it was and to see the peace that he had and really that's all we all can look for is is that peace that passeth all understanding we won't find it till we really submit and commit our lives to Jesus we got a minute left John you or wanted to say something see I wanted to say because there might be someone who's sitting and saying you know they are foaming and frothing over Little Richard and we are not and I think it's important to know you can plug any number of names near you could plug in Manasseh you can look plug in Nebuchadnezzar what we are highlighting is God's ability to reach down into a life no matter how rich matter how famous and pull that life as a brand from the fire that's right and use it as an instant for the kingdom of God so you can plug any name it's not about Little Richard birthday it's about God's ability to grab any life and turn that life into a tool in the hand of God for the salvation of the souls of men and winner so that's what makes this important because as God has done it to him God can do it for you God can do it for anyone no one is beyond the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus trying well this next hour is going to be most of the hour of little Richard we're gonna do it on two different interviews because I think you took another break take another break but so most of this next hour won't you during the break real quick call your friends everybody and say tune in because you are gonna be tremendously blessed so after the first next section here the interview we're going to come back talked for a few more minutes then turn it over to brother Richard don't go away we'll be back in just a moment [Music] welcome back to three Abyan today life and we had a great first hour didn't we oh we did he is so funny I think he's trying to take your job I know what's the deal on that brother brother and Little Richard yeah brother Little Richard we're here with pastor CA Murray pastor john lumic King and it was such a treat to go to the Nashville area and do this interview with Little Richard and see a right at the end of the the first hour at the top of the hour you brought a really good point because we were saying Little Richard s and Little Richard so we don't want people to think we're licked lifting up Little Richard but we're actually lifting up the Jesus in him now then we see you notice we're not concentrating on all of his hit songs and all what he's saying and all worried and all his lifestyle we're not doing that because that's not what this program is all about Richard went through all of that now it's his testimony why if he wants to bring it up and talk about it then that's his testimony he can do it we're not gonna spend time oh I like this song it didn't like this when I did whatever with this we leave that up to him but all I know is God has brought him through and he wants to bring you through yes and is using him to bring others through yeah absolutely well I guess without any further ado we're gonna go to the next role and we'll just stay with you until brother Richard says it's time to take back we want to kind of start back when you were a child and what it was like growing up and making Jordan with your parents what was life like for Richard Penniman before a little richer well as I stated my dad was a bootlegger so moonshine whiskey back when I was a kid there was so prejudice is real hard mm-hm it was hard for you to do certain things and and you know it was hard just to eat mmm you know a lot of people you know you go to people house and they were no fun is it sleeping on the floor and I remember when I was a boy it was so cold what no gas in the house my mom would take a smoothing iron was on shine with DG and she would wrap it up in a towel and put it in the foot of the bed feed the bed that's not cold it would be and that's what I know if she endured all of that fuss that God has to be a good god not only it's your good god he's a merciful God and we didn't have anything she had 12 children and the carnival give you a big bag of beans and that's what your grandmother were featured a big bag of rice and when the bags get empty they would take the bags and make my sister dress out of the bag mm-hmm that's what we had to live and I never knew I was gonna be famous mm-hmm you know I never knew I was gonna be famous when did you know when did you know you had music abilities well I was a little guy that stayed busy in other people's business there have a business in it and when I would do would I would I would go around to different places I would see a bus coming to make it with New York on their license plate okay now I wanted to meet those people god I've never been to New York okay and I'll go right now trying to meet them then I was so drinks and then for Coca Cola's they would give you a dime a bucket okay to sell those things and I will go now and meet the others Amos and I would tell him I want to be famous but my favorite saying was Sister Rosetta thought oh yeah and she had made to get Tok Tok mmm-hmm and and this black woman could play that guitar and and I I got a chance to go on the stage with her one night okay and she said we got a little boy here named Little Richard and he said you beat me singing I was to tell that woman her please it worked and she she had a big ol purse around her waist full of money but she had balled up the money rather than put him in and just pack and she gave me two hands full of those Wow yeah and and and then they were saying tool efficiency five loaves of bread okay and they were saying strange things happening every day hmm and her mum was named mother cutter Katie bill she was saying nine nine and they had won't do and all these songs and and you you just you poor you you ain't got nothing and you can't ask nobody nothing you can't stop on a white restaurant and eat cuz you weren't allowed in there although you wash dishes in there but you weren't allowed to eat in there right although you cook the meat that they are you but you weren't allowed to eat it yeah that's where it was mm-hmm and but God was good he let me live and brought me through it yeah now was your mom a Christian at the time I once said she was a Christian she was a good woman but what we call Christian today she wasn't that but she was a good apprentice she was a Baptist mm-hmm we was a member of New Hope Baptist Church and and my grandmother was a AME Methodist and you had to go to that church and my mother's Church yes you can't go to the movies on Sunday and if he was black you go upstairs in the bed if you're white you sit down mm-hmm so you had a chance to see life pre-civil rights and post-civil rights right with segregation and then desegregate right what role did your music play in the desegregation play well my music got so popular you've got her when I first started black people wasn't screaming over me white people was they were screaming over me and they were screaming over fast Domino and over Chuck Berry and they were screaming over uh uh uh Hank Ballard at midnight us and a man called Louis Jourdan and the temporary five yeah they were screaming over him you know but but the black people in order to move black people you got to be in what they call the groove okay you got you got you got to really feel the rhythm that's what Jesse just as the rhythm master yeah he got me going so many temples and music and see everybody don't have that gift and see with black people you got to be in that you ain't got that they don't care for it with white people lot of times they offbeat anyway it's a boom over you they they they kept on it and when I started getting more and more popular they started really supporting me hmm and some of the song that song black everything care for really then actor to to fruit of course you know bop a loo bop a lop and but a lot of the things they didn't they didn't care for now your your your city when you were young you're making you kind of got asked to leave town didn't you oh yes the police came to me and III I was at home on Fifth Avenue and they told me so we got to lock you up oh I said for what what you you have a white woman and you call I said no I don't they said we heard that you do mm-hmm so they weren't down trying to make it and when they locked you up they put you up on the clock it was the clock to jail and you would hear it ring you near bamm-bamm and so it was a judge that's what he told the judge said your honor said this here is gonna leave town and he ain't will never come back I said they're right your honor I just want to get out of here yeah and I got out of there and I went to Atlanta Georgia Margie and I went to clear my mother auntie and I all doing my real big frame on up I wouldn't go there James Brown I had barred him and it got him famous he will come but I wouldn't go because dad told me to get out right I didn't go back to the fame that died down okay all right and now they're gonna name the street south of me and everything they named them the Lawrences Boulevard downtown go back to a Mercer University and so merged universe they gave me a pH I have a Doctorate degree you know okay from Mercer University yeah I wonder if he ever got to go back and see the judge and the guy who locks I think he's dead I was not good I'm dr. Little Richard you get into you you sang with Sister Rosetta Tharpe yeah yeah and then how did you transition into the whole rock and roll well well but I really didn't know I was singing rock and roll okay cause backing it wasn't no such thing as rock and roll there was rhythm and blues that's right and see when I was the boy black people were singing in country music the booze yeah wonder why we were singing those black people singing it hmm you know you um singing a all kind of beautiful song yesterday forgive me that I was off time a little bit use the one keeping it together we never sing we did okay so Little Richard you did rock and roll but you did some gospel songs but I want to tell you something that you didn't know no not too many people can tell Little Richard something that he didn't already know about himself but last night I put on Facebook that we were gonna be interviewing Little Richard hmm a woman wrote to me in facebook and she said 1989 or 90 I was just walking down basically aimlessly down the streets of LA just walking and a car pulled over the window rolled down and I couldn't believe my eyes Little Richard was there and he said I have something for you didn't know the woman from Eve handed a book piece above the storm she still has the book you gave it to her it changed her life she's now a Seventh day Adventist Christian all these years later now how many books when I'm thinking about because I talked to you once with wintley phipps 25 28 years ago and you've said one concert you'd hand out 25,000 books how many people Yvonne will be in heaven yeah he doesn't know right now that will say Little Richard back in 80s or 90s or 2000 you handed me a book when no one else did he goes up and down the streets of Nashville Tennessee passing out books yeah I do it every day now why do you do that I just it's just is something within I feel that if I don't do it you know I'd be going down the streets and I have one show for that really not fought and I said stop stop he's a man leave that man alone he's a homeless man he's I said you know what then maybe Jesus standing over there oh okay maybe I got to give him a book okay and I'll give that man the book and I do it every day because I feel that God wants me to do it that the world is getting ready to end and Jesus wants me to pass out these books to let people know they got time not to get ready so come on yeah now what book would be so good that for 40 years you continue to pass it out it's a book called cepsa Christ was it written by Ellen G well Angie white in that book for 40 years times have changed but the message in that book hasn't changed though it's still the same still the same and it's still alive is the truth and it's the truth and it's still changing people's last right after all these years I think all of our viewers you're watching this you've never heard of that book you can look it up fact you could order we'd give it to you free at 3abn if you write to us we'll put up her dress later on steps to Christ was good enough for Little Richard and he's literally put hundreds of thousands out to people giving them away I think it's maybe something even me ought to read and find out about if it mean that much to this man I think a lot of folks are gonna want to read this yes and I want y'all to ask me some more questions so let's go back to again how you transition because see what it's so obvious for the Richard that God has had his hand on you through your whole life that even though you straight away he reeled you back in so we want to kind of see what life was like before you knew God and then how God has changed your life so so how did you get into the whole you had started I was talking about it wasn't rocket roll then it was country music so you started singing rhythm and yes how did you get before audiences yeah what happened is I used to listen at a station from Nashville late at night called WLAC okay out of Nashville and I would hear all these blues and all these boogie woogie piano players and and later night it sound good and and and I saw what if I would get a chance to do that and and and if I were chance to do this and and then the rhythm and blues people like Sonny Boy Williamson Muddy Waters John Lee Hooker Elmo James hmm and they guitar slim Fats Domino mm-hmm and and another mother named what another guy named Larry Daniel big maybe oh okay willie Mae Thornton sheer old hound dog I gave my brown and he he had a brother named wide mouth [Laughter] mouthing might be related to me they call me big mouth nobody his brother would call widemouth and then you're another brother go no mouth it was three and they they they what they did was and but he can make a gift art talk mmm cuz the famous gets up rose back in the town was called t-bone Walker okay black and he makes a good talk talk hmm and then they had uh uh what's-his-name Howlin wolf okay Harlan wolf and Roscoe Gordon okay that's before L green no that's way back before that yeah yeah and and these people they can make guitars talk but they weren't making no money but you know I was singing the club and I will get $15 mm-hmm but she was glad to get that cause you have nothing yeah when you playing piano at that time no okay I was learning to know what I would do I was copping and and everybody to play i watch the hands and and then I met uh named Georgia white yeah and she was a book of what they called him booger will get piano player yeah but you don't know the PlayBook well you got to be fast uh-huh did them some really good piano player is dictated but Morgan you some people said ain't nothing yes they are play was she prayed right you can't find nobody can play somebody told me Jerry Lee Lewis copied you no no no Jerry knows that's my buddy did he copy you on Jerry if you hear me how you doing boy come on - Jesus get the steps to Christ there you go come on to the Lord that's right you can t do that don't forget now and tell Alabama to do it - that's right that's good that's good yes but he has the same style he has his own stuff yeah Jerrod he can play any case you already can make a piano talk and walk what is it about you though there's thousands and Benton yay hundreds of thousands but a few people get to where you were what is it that we're trying to get to about Little Richard you're singing it wasn't just your singing it wasn't just your playing it was your persona it was your joy yeah that people saw that you made them happy yeah that took you into a realm that very few people on planet earth ever go to this way I mean that's amazing I told her this morning I said you know very few people on planet earth if if Little Richard dials somebody's phone number there's nobody on earth that wouldn't answer it I don't care if it's president in United States President Africa Worf is a movie star you name a movie star rock stars they're going to answer you realize how few people on planet earth but also that great privilege turns into great responsibility yes doesn't it and you sense that and that's why you want to share Jesus yes right I want to show the world that I know a man come on now that created everything all right I know a man come on they gave His life and I may have a right to the Tree of Life yeah I know a man that was willing to give his life that then have to give it what people gather or not if Jesus had not given his life he would still be Jesus okay he was still to be the king of kings and a lot of roads he did this cuz you wanted to do it he wanted to see you me you and you and you in the kingdom and by giving his precious blood he gave us a right to the Tree of Life yeah and that we can enter in through the gates into the city the City of God that's right and there's a wonderful thing to know Jesus yes he is a wonderful thing and he was he was willing to die he was willing to give it up for us and I want you to know that you got a chance to live for him to show him that you thankful and you appreciate that He gave His life for you and that he resurrected for you that's really when he came out of Joseph tomb he says I am the resurrection all right I am the life hmm all power is given to me yeah that's right and he has them to this day you have a right to the Tree of Life don't let it pass you by what color you are don't let it pass you by that's right I don't care if you're rich or poor don't let it pass you by ain't nothing like Jesus that's right brother Richard how did you come to know Jesus cuz you you obviously have a relationship with him now how did you come to know him well what happened is so many churches so many preachers teachers so many different things mm-hmm and most all of my lies Wow they teach the people you don't have to do this you don't have to keep the commandments you don't have to eat like this you know how to dress like this Wow because people want to go to heaven but they don't want to give up nothing come on brother okay now you don't want to give up nothing they want everything but they don't want to give up nothing come on and in order to see Jesus in order God you got to give up something cause they don't give you a new walk a new talk come on a new life yes sir you understand me yes sir and if any doctrine about to tell you but don't know about know the date that you're gonna die but Jesus that's all right nobody know when you're gonna leave but Jesus and if your faith is strong in Jesus okay because that's the right power that's the right way that's the right day Jesus is the answer and if you've got Jesus you got everything right ain't nothing too hard for God ain't nothin amen nothing I'd rather have Jesus than told ya brother have Jesus and how the way yeah I'd rather be true to his holy name he's a mighty God yes as the wonderful Savior how do you answer people though you brought this up about churches they teach things it's not true yes how do you answer because it's very popular today that people say well you don't have to keep the commandments of God they've been they were nailed to the cross yes of course so what you just said you you need to keep the commandments of God but it's I mean millions of people are being taught you don't have to keep those commandments of God they're nailed to the cross cost you could tell us a lot see when Jesus died the only thing that was nailed to the cross was Jesus okay all right okay yeah that song they were nailed to the coast to commands of God he died because you had booked two commandments mm-hmm he died because you're supposed to keep the commandments right okay the commandments is God's rule of life it's his way of showing you what is right and what is wrong the commandments of God the Bible says they're horny they're just and they're good and they're righteous and if you love God you don't mind keeping them all of them y'all tenable life you keep whining offend in one point your guilt of all of them and you don't have to live like that Wow it's not hard living but with the commandments it's not hard to keep God's Word so you don't know no he asking you to keep but you going up you keep them that's right but you so you honor like the fourth when most people keep them all but the fourth one says remember the Sabbath day to keep you worship the Lord on the seventh day so I've worshipped God no savatthi then most people you used to get drunk on okay yesterday they're about to get drunk and and do that that dirt and and you think that's important that that day is not that day is very important hmm Jesus wants you to keep the same Roly remember the Sabbath to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor do all that was but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou should not do any work thou nor thy son now that dog'll out that man sir no I'm a so now that cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates hmm why because in six days come on come on the Lord made heaven and earth sorry sea and all that in them is and rested on the seventh day Wow the law blessed the seventh day and keep it holy you sanctified that day Wow and that day is meant for all of us is the seventh day is the Sabbath of God and we keep the day that garden tell us to keep Wow we keep because a group of people got together and change it and it's they said that this show that we have power go we changed that day around [Music] 8321 that's right that's right this group actually changed or attempted to change that's the good part nobody can change about it but it's rented and so today there are many many groups who follow what this particular groups write and they say that well Sunday's a day of worship yes that's not the day that God is not the god set up as SC it's popular and the airline is doing it but the Sabbath is today the seventh day yeah then God said remember that every and he said remember cuz he started you gonna forget it that's all right he was gonna keep it out of him he wants you to remember and do it and keep it a part of you that's right that's right there's some spiritual vigilantes as in the book that Danny wrote spiritual vigilantes people who take trying to take God's law into their own hands and change it and God's law cannot be changed no it can't be changed let's see the reason it can't be changed ladies and gentlemen it's a transcript of a scavenger that's the reason you can't change it that's right it's holding just and it's good didn't know wonderful mm-hmm yeah a transcript of it thank you for bringing that to me Jesus yes wonderful yes so so again brother Richard how did you come to know Jesus for yourself who kind of led you into that this whole spiritual path did you just read about it just know when I was a boy my mama had a stack of books land on the design of Ages the great controversy and the corpora had been by and she had got some books on credit well you paid so much at one right and and I'd like to book on their pictures of angels that's mean I liked it okay and and my brother's mother's brother was a 70 evidence minister and he had met a girl who was an ami and she was that man she brought him in and then uh about doing that and by reading and studying and all you want to be that you want to be like that because you saw how you know what when you when you read about what Jesus gave up us and what is going to give us eternal life that's something to think about absolutely no mode I know most sicknesses ya know both poor scuffling people you got trees but everything that you won't own it you're living in a mansion that you've never seen in this world mm-hmm and you're able to go to other planets and see your brothers in your sisters yes oh god I really want there so what you're saying is with all the wealth that you've had with all the homes that the fame and the money and the the prestige all of that none of that compares to what God has for you when I read about people time I read in the lottery I said forget about the lottery Jesus is gonna give you eternal life the lottery angry be eternal life no more death no more die no more sickness yes what more do you want yeah well thank you Jesus thank you Lord yes what do you want if you had it all to do over again your life is there anything in particular that you would change if I had all of the do all over again I would be a little richer the preacher Wow a little bit of the messenger from Jesus I would teach people to get I won't want a preacher in check I wouldn't want to preach on street corners downtown I will stand out on the corners happy that's what's gonna happen for Jesus come yeah I'm gonna stand on the cones you gonna stand out and plug this order preach it mm-hmm and that's what I want to do I love that yeah well we found out today you are a little Richard to preacher yes Jesus shows a lot of stuff that I ain't thought of that I matha think of the long god I must tell it yes and and we'll be right back I sure hope they're having as much fun as we are I know I'm learning so much yes for sure learning so much it's interesting that he came from such a large family and in poor Labatt and poverty stricken yeah it was just it's amazing how he was able to navigate through that whole through all of that dis a disadvantage and become Little Richard but you know he said something very important the Bible talks about it says where there's no vision people perish but he had a vision even his little boy yeah you asked him about himself and what did he say I was a busy little guy yeah and he said I was every time somebody came to town entertainers he followed the bus because they'd been there so what he did he had a vision that he wanted to go somewhere hmm it navigated a long time the children of Israel went 40 years John that's right they did make it many of those to the promised land Richard Richard's making it through with God's help that's right and you know how the journey ends is more pertinent than how the journey begins if it endures to the end and you find in the Bible we don't know who the thief on the cross was we just know who he's going to be oh we know who he became at that pivotal moment and everyone has a pivotal moment in their lives that one the voice of God comes and becomes so overwhelming that you have to respond and that's what I like about it brother Richard I like to call him brother Richard yeah Little Richard known very well well he responded and what he said when we when he finally acquiesced to do the interview he said anything for the Lord mm-hm anything for the Lord I love the Lord I love Jesus and and and he said I just want to be ready when he comes and I want everybody else to be ready so praise God that's the life that's gonna matter when the trumpet sounds let's talk for just a moment about Peyton yes a brother Peyton what a wonderful man and you first met him and then we were able to talk to him tell us a little more about Peyton Peyton is a caring man he he his brother Richard raised him they travel together he was a part of the inner entourage he would care for his brother make sure they had everything he needed but he's very comfortable being in the background he's not the kind of guy that will want to be in front of the camera a very humble individual himself and a lot of who he is today was shaped by the life that little Richard and the places they went together and the people they met together and so but a very private man but what I like about him is a very Christian individual very Christian very connected to the Lord we prayed a nub of time together and and in the strength of their both relationships while they are where they are now is they have seen the other side they've been in the best places they've been in the wealthiest of hotels they've been in the you know the in the presence of dignitaries and presidents and they have been on the stage but all those places they've been there are seeds even during the concerts I think that the concerts I think was a part of his agreement that I'll do this concert but I'm a pass out to Christ and even though he was playing both sides of the coin you cannot take away the power steps to Christ that's right I cannot think away the power of the great controversy those are seeds that have planted like that like he is ago if the Lord can talk to Balaam with the donkey yeah he could use a tree or a rock to get a message oh he uses us even at our weakest point his faith is made perfect in our weakness so but now he's strong in the Lord and the power of his might yes that kind of man doesn't want the spotlight doesn't want the interview it doesn't want to be out front he just wants to be there for his brother and be there for the Lord and and it shows all the time absolutely well with that I think we have one more section of this and I think we're ending this time we've had her a couple brakes he had to break we've had those but let's go finish this interview you you are synonymous with dress and with clothing I mean when people watch Little Richard they love not only what Little Richard's saying how he's saying how he played getting on top of the piano you may do no matter what but they love to see what you were wearing because you kept them you kept people guessing okay what I want to do is I want to ask you could I flip you a coin for those shoes when I flip you a coin for those shoes to see who gets those shoes I wonder what I'd look like it no shoes if you put on these shoes I wonder would that make me keep time and dancing you down the street yeah let's see I got the cowboy boots you gotta know what you've been amazed how thank you you got the real thing gonna keep them all right I'll just I'll just I'll just keep these on all right [Applause] part of your yeah I had to tailors to travel with me yeah now why did you do that was that just part of your persona was part of me yeah and you know back in there was Josephine Baker oh yeah out of singulars Missouri and it and this just you know I just wanted to be flashing and fancy yeah and because you could and just what some pretty stuff yeah tell us about some of the folk that that you that you knew did you you said you liked country music yeah cuz for some of us we think man Little Richard is not we don't think about him with country music oh but you're saying a lot of the the older black folk did country music it's all I heard from walking down the middle of the streets playing guitar not electra is regular and the guitars be talking you know yeah okay doing then all the moves today though you have a number of friends in the country music like Dolly Parton Oh dog is an old friend of mine Toby Keith so many of them Tom Jones Oh Tom don't you just called me I just talked to you about about three weeks ago he gonna do you want me to record footprints of Jesus within yeah yeah that's wonderful are you gonna do it yes all right we have to get him to 3abn to do that god I gotta chew some gingers so the clear my boy clear your voice let's get that on 3abn we'll get people around the world watching that'll be great brother Richard when you first came into the church what kind of adjustments did you have to make coming into the church leaving well you kind of still stayed out there singing but you were in the church how did you how did you adjust to coming where was hard first of all I wasn't used to just in the same way mmm how I was used to how I used to wear plain clothes like everything was flashing yeah and I won where najjar do nobody with just the way I dress yes and I used to wear makeup on my face every day wore on face ever every day and and I had to stop all of that if I want to be saved yeah and I think my life was worth more than powder yeah and you know I can see how men people are screaming I'm in where they called air this said this is the never air bottle where near rings and nobody saying nothing yeah everybody got an ear ring on the air and mercy and back in the day of an award a ringer be the top of the world yeah that's amazing things have changed is but it's accepted now yeah yeah you see men wearing mascara in and women's in fact women's clothes now these let me ask somebody that your age you already said you're 84 years old what do you think when you see somebody in a dress about 6 foot 3 in a dress and a wig and women's makeup on and they got a voice lower than went Lee Phipps I mean how do you adjust to that because in your era nobody would come out and say hey this is me and I'm proud of it what do you think about it is that shocking to you to see people well I never see no bar 6 feet before know that with no wood no makeup and no wigs and no dresses uh-uh uh-uh it's just it's just it's it's this hard thing for a real man to know what a real man will weigh no dress yeah he won't feel right with that cybertown yeah not a real man but they're accepting that today there's people all over I mean you see it there wind 'red everywhere and and and ain't nothing strange man was just a part of that right now yeah it's acceptable it's acceptable yeah you think that's acceptable to God or says no how many of God accept only that accepted to God he may might be the garden made the Lord tells us in the Bible that that a man should wear that no and a woman shouldn't where he is yeah is in the Bible I had somebody the other day they call themselves Millennials the young kids he said there's not just two genders man and woman they've discovered there's a hundred and 909 genders of people cuz now you can decide what you are you're no longer I'm necessarily a man or a woman you just decide what you feel like you are today and you can be that you think that's true there dad yeah well that sound like a lie of the devil doesn't know my god yeah that way you can nobody can judge you they said nobody can judge me today I might wear women's clothes tomorrow me where farmers with the gender gone the best you know I don't think that a woman should go in the man's bathroom I don't think a man should go in a woman's bathroom absolutely not because there are nothing in this but just it's just right to do it yeah yeah absolutely it's interesting times in which we're living you're right when you say Jesus is coming soon but we're seeing things I know you're saying things you never thought you would see pop yeah we're never but the good part is God is also giving technology to people like 3abn that we can sit here in this little church and people around the world can watch and hear your testimony yes though they've watched you for so many years yes they see Little Richard as totally committed sold out to God you're not ashamed you don't care who you talk to you don't care if it's anybody in the world you want to tell them there's only one way to heaven and I don't call nobody no name because they go into a woman's bathroom I go into a ladies I don't put no title on nobody I don't call about nothing I just say they did I just said that when I was a boy we had to respect that not to go into the women restroom yeah and we had to respect not to go into the men's bathroom that's where was things was like they're not it's different you know people have their own thing in mind on setup I can't tell nobody but doing nothing I tell them no about what to do and I love you all I don't care what you are why are you from a who you our color I love you and God loves you too and don't you forget that that's wonderful and that is the the commission of every one of us this all ye into all the world and teach the gospel and teach the gospel and that means to love everybody regardless as they are yeah you know it's interesting to me brother Richard there for a while you had a foot in both worlds that's right so you had your you had one foot in the world still singing that music yes that wasn't leading people to God then on the other hand you were passing out the books that's right doing all of that at what point did you realize that I can't be in both worlds what happened to you that you realized well whatever maybe figured the Lord show me that you got to do one another mm-hmm says no man could serve two masters well the other one love 180 others they were hold on the one despise other you can't do both mm-hmm if you go serve me serve me if you go do this do that but it ought to be my child you got to give it all to me I don't only half of it I want all of you I want to direct you and keep you and I want to sanctify your life I want to cover you with the righteousness and holiness and if you live for me and keep my Commandments and do what my spirit show you got to do I would guide you and keep you and lead you all the way yes yes we're gonna close this part of the interview down but I want you to do something and I want you maybe to look into this camera and there are people there who are hurting there are people who feel like there's no hope for them they're so miserable with their life some of these folks are Christians that's why they're watching this Christian network but inside they don't have peace mm-hmm what would you tell these folks what would a little richer at this point in your life if you could look in into a lost and dying world what advice would you give them I've tried everything I'm sure did you've tried everything but you ain't tried nothing till you try Jesus he will show you the way because he is the way enable one way and that way is Jesus he would give you eternal life he would give you peace and serenity in this world here and go give eternal life in the world to come make up your mind you don't care what your friends say about so what they think about you make me remind to give everything to Jesus let Jesus live in you let him walk in you let him show you the right way and let him let you know that he can keep you from falling to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy don't forget that he loves you brothers and sisters and we got long before we're going home I know you want to go home you're tied your pilgrim on the strange land you want to go home Jesus want to take you home he want to give you that peace that passeth all understanding he gonna give her that joy that nobody can give but him yes oh try Jesus oh try Jesus yes that's everything that's all of it oh my brother's my sister's trying give it to him it's not for sale it's a gift from a holy righteous God and I won't let you know that you'll be so glad you'll be so glad that you did and Jesus waited because he wants you to come because he's saving this gift for you for me for you and for you and for you all of us thank you so much for listening to the wonderful message from Jesus it's fine thank you so much for trying all right why don't we do a closing prayer Yvonne I don't think there's anything we can add to that sure and we're just gonna do a prayer right now with him yeah and you pray for sure father God we just thank you so very much we thank you that you've been miss that your spirit has been here we thank you for the transformation that you've made in each of our lives thank you for where you brought brother Richard and the fact that he knows you the fact that he's experienced you we thank you or because we can see that we just praise you we ask you to continue to be with him as he continues this journey we ask that you will continue to bless him and enlighten him and be with all of us be with everyone within the sound of my voice that we may all turn to you with our whole hearts to give you everything within us we thank you Lord we praise You God we thank you for all that you've done and for all that you're gonna do and one day we'll be able to stand on that sea of glass and we'll be able to say worthy is the Lamb that was slain we thank you God for all that you've done in Jesus oh Jesus oh God in the name of Jesus Oh Lord that your spirit goes to this audience Lord let them know that you're the only god Donuts living Savior and that you're ready to give us a right to the Tree of Life Lord you want us to know you've already given want us to accept it yeah thank you for putting me with these people that love you these people have determined to see you know God and thank you for being my sister and my brother oh god please let write our name in the Lamb's Book of Life yes give us that Lord we thank you for hearing us yes we thank you passing our prayers Lord yes in Jesus name Jesus and for Jesus sake amen raise god thank you thank you well I don't know about you but I've got chill bumps oh yeah I'm so gonna fire yeah he's on fire for God and that's what we want to see you know one of the things that I was thinking Danny is that you and and I think Pastor John kind of brought it out a little while ago is that he has reached Richard has reached a mountaintop and yet and he said all everything that money could buy and yet he's choosing God because he knows that that's the right thing there's so many people want to be famous and rich and all that and they're thinking that this is gonna work for me but Richard has been there and you can see from him that it doesn't work it it's all about Jesus and that's what he's all about yeah fame and fortune know that that stuff is it's fleeting doesn't matter and Richards been there and his life is a testimony to that fact that he's been there and he chooses Jesus and that's what you should do choose Jesus amen now you know what I'd like to do all right I like go do another interview with him okay be ready bro you're watching yeah be ready we've we want to hear more that's right we only got a couple minutes left you guys give us some closing comments but what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world what can he give in exchange for his soul there's a day that's coming it's in an inevitable day it's a day that cannot be can so cannot be deterred delayed cannot be cannot be stopped it's a day that's coming and Richard knows that yes so the humility that he had to go through and I remember I remember the point that came out I think in a conversation somewhere I think he alluded to the idea that because he has dealt with some physical challenges he said that may have been the Lord's way mm-hmm I've slowed on him okay so he could get him ready for eternity okay and so there may be people that may be wondering why do I go through what I go through and why do have to hit this wall and it has to Henry right years ago he says God sometimes allow the lesser evil to prevent the greater evil mm-hmm so he hasn't lost anything that money can buy but there's one thing money cannot buy and that's the free gift of salvation and that's the praise the Lord that's why he is now every day when he's awake he he travels wherever he is whether it's in the Nashville area of the places he could be sure somebody's gonna get a steps to cry somebody's gonna get peace above the storm or great controversy or desire of Ages and those seeds planted are going to lead somebody to Christ and you had a story kind of along that line that was yeah I've never heard that in the interview it actually was in there but her lady years years later on Facebook actually said when I told about this interview mmm she was aimlessly walking and Hollywood and and somebody stopped rolled a window it's a little Richard she couldn't believe it gave gave her steps to Christ and she's a Christian today seventh they have in his Christian Wow you know see our time is is about gone I could very quickly I'm so glad that God looks at our life on the video and not the snapshot forty years ago and he's jumping on pianos and to the food in other place and taking a snapshot of his life and used that for judgment he had been lost what God looks at the video from the now at the end of the video God sees a man who's on fire for the Lord and that's what he's gonna take in the judgment the fact that he's on fire and living now for Jesus my school kids college kids Yvonne they're there wanting to make something life they want to be famous they want to make a lot of money what do you tell them right now that you have to really think about where your priorities are if you've never experienced it then you can't really you can't really make a good judgment about it try Jesus first once you try Jesus you're not gonna want all the rest of that because you're going to realize that it really doesn't matter it's not gonna make you happy it's not gonna it's not going to buy you that peace that passes all understanding but Jesus Jesus is the way he's the way and you know it not on the scale of a little rich but you know your best friend Luther Vandross I mean you you you saw you with him you spent a lot of time with him sang with him and you saw what the world had to offer but you chose all of the places I've been anything that I've done I trade that for my relationship with Jesus and what you're doing it dare to dream oh that's right so you can't compare your experience is not just somebody she's been there to an extent you got seven gold and platinum records you've been there but Jesus is the answer that's Jesus Jesus is the answer Jesus is the only answer absolute everything else is smoke and mirrors I love it okay well thank you guys for being here and thank you at home for joining us do each and every day thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of 3abn as we endeavor to take this great gospel of the kingdom into all the world our time is all gone for today until we see next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask for theme [Music] [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 829,731
Rating: 4.6833601 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Little Richard, Rock-n-Roll, Rock legend, Danny Shelton, 3ABN Today, Richard Wayne Penniman
Id: 0XldBnWFjB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 49sec (5689 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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