Dealing With Difficult Passages | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 12 Q2 2020

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if you are student of the Bible then perhaps you have ran across those passages that are just tough to deal with perhaps they seem contradicting the nature or just it's just simply hard to understand well this week on 3abn Sabbath school panel we're gonna be taking on how to deal with these tough passages we're on lesson number 12 we're almost to the end and we're talking again about how to interpret Scripture so please join us this week and you know what if you don't have a copy of the study please go to ABS G dot Adventist dot org that stands for adult Bible study guide and there you can access a copy of this study for free so get your pencils get your pens get your iPads notepads anything that you need to take notes because we're going to continue on through this epic Bible study adventure together [Music] hello and welcome back to another edition of 3abn Sabbath school panel we are continuing through our study and this quarter of course is entitled how to interpret Scripture and we're actually approaching the end of this train we are on lesson number 12 dealing with difficult passages and this is a much needed study because when you're trying to learn the Bible understand the Bible read the Bible in your Christian walk with the Lord you're gonna run across those difficult passages from time to time that you simply just don't understand might even seem contradicting whatever the case may be we're gonna talk about it during this lesson and before we go any further I just want to introduce this wonderful panel we have brother Kenny Shelton to my left how are you brother I'm well and it's a blessing to be here today and look forward to the study amen praise the Lord it's good to have you brother John Danzig it's always a pleasure to have you on the program it's a wonderful opportunity to learn from others and to share God's Word I'm I'm looking forward to it amen good job and you did a phenomenal job last week with that tough and investigative judgment topic that was really really nice pastor Alma King it's always a blessing to have you brother yes and I'm excited about the topic determination and patience something very needed absolutely praise the Lord and of course miss Jill Morricone she's holding down the lady's fort on the end of the table there and throughout this entire program we appreciate your presence here always always a privilege to open up the word of God and study together amen well before we get started into our lesson here I'm gonna ask brother John Dean's if you would have a prayer for us sure our loving Heavenly Father we are grateful for your kindness and mercy we come before your throne of grace in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we ask for your grace we are holy spirit that you through us will speak the words your children need to hear we pray that you will teach us all new things and draw us close to you we ask in Jesus name Amen praise the Lord dealing with difficult passages if I have time I might tell a little bit of a personal testimony you know I when I first came into the seventh-day Adventist Church there was some passages some topics that I were running running across in the scriptures that I just simply couldn't quite grasp and understand and it almost caused me to leave the faith leave the church but praise the Lord I had a great pastor I had a great teacher and we were able to study that the Scriptures together to approach the topics from a relative and and a very responsible perspective healthy perspective and that's what we want to talk about today our memory text comes from 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 15 and 16 we've heard these text before and of course there's a second Peter chapter 3 verses 15 and 16 and the Bible says and consider that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation as also our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given him has written to you as also all his epistles speaking in them of these things and which are some things hard to understand which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction as they do also the rest of the scriptures I think that's a great foundation text in the sense that you know one of the major reasons why many people leave the faith or they simply approach Christianity in a different way that's not necessarily in harmony with God's Word it's because of a twisting or a misunderstanding or a misrepresentation of God's Word and so I'm gonna be talking a little bit about that in my lesson today which is Sunday's lesson entitled possible reasons for apparent contradiction and I love this first text this is probably one of the one of the texts that I quote often in my sermons and in my ministry because it's foundational it reminds me of my responsibility as a student of Scripture second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 we have referenced this text many times throughout our study at 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 which Paul says and I'm reading from the King James Version I like how its worded a little better it says study to show thyself approved unto God the New King James Version says be dill Ghent and so we want to study we want to be diligent and studying to show ourselves approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and that is key we need to learn to be able to rightly divide the word of truth Sunday's lesson brings this out it says no thoughtful and honest student of Scripture will deny the fact that there are things in the Bible that are difficult to understand the situation should not disturb us in fact in a sense those diff those difficulties are to be expected after all we are impacted we all excuse me we are imperfect and infinite beings and no person has a comprehensive knowledge of every area of learning let alone of divine things hence when ignorant and in finite human beings try to understand the wisdom of infinite of the infinite God of scripture there is there's bound to be some difficulty such difficulty in understanding biblical teachings however does not in any way prove that the Bible is untrue so we want to make sure that we are responsible when we approach the study and there are multiple multiple reasons as to why someone might might struggle with a difficult passage or consider it to be apparently contradicting in fact if Ellen White brings out one of those reasons and selected messages book one I'm not going to read the quote but in selected messages book 1 page 16 Ellen White has stated that some discrepancies in scripture might be due to minor errors or copyist of copyist or translators and I have seen this to be the case for the record there is no perfect translation and I want to say that you know I tend to study more from the King James Version and the New King James Version of Scripture not that those are perfect translations because they're not in any way I just believe in my personal studies that they are closer to the original text than any other translation there a word translation rather than a thought translation but still even the King James and New King James as well as every other Bible translation there's not a perfect translation out there and from time to time you're going to run across some what appears to be a discrepancy of from the copyist perspective or the person who translated a particular text and so that's why Paul tells us study to show yourself approved sometimes you get a dig in to the Greek and the Hebrew and the Aramaic which is what we studied in one of the previous lessons we have to put it in its context we have to study the text deeper and understand what the Bible is telling us sometimes even from the original language sometimes it's just a simple misunderstanding of the text sometimes we can approach a text and read it and I find that many people try to isolate certain text to Jill I think you mentioned or reference this in one of the previous lessons where some people study the Bible literally they'll just you know wherever their eyes fall and then I'll take that text out of context instead of reading it in context and so you simply have a misunderstanding of the text and of course another reason why someone might find what appears to be an apparent contradiction or a problematic text in the Bible is simply not studying the subject through thoroughly sometimes we'll read a text and it's like whoa this seems to be contradicting everything else that I've read and that I've learned and that I've studied in the Bible instead of digging deeper and trying to find what the Bible says harmoniously across the board on that particular topic or subject some people just take it at face value they misrepresent the text they miss calculate the text and of course simply just not studying it through thoroughly can cause some interpretation issues I want to give a couple examples of this because recently a prime example of think of this of this misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the Word of God would be recently I'm not gonna say the name of this particular person but there was a professional NFL football player very well-known and if a football player that came out recently and I want to read his quote here this is what he says he says I don't know how you can believe in a God who wants to condemn most of the planet to a fiery hill like what type of loving sensitive omnipresent omnipotent being wants to condemn most of his beautiful creation to a fiery hell now why did he make that statement and how did he come to that conclusion there could be a series of reasons but I'm sure probably some type of misrepresentation that he might have heard from someone about the God of the Bible or about a particular text perhaps maybe he himself has read scriptures and he has maybe misunderstood or taking it out of context without thoroughly studying it across the board in harmony with the rest of Scripture whatever it may be or just simply hearsay just hearing others say something and it's like you know what I don't want to serve a god like that and you know what I can actually say I agree with him I don't want to serve a god either that's like that right I don't want to serve some you know unloving you know you know you're supposed to be a sensitive omnipresent omnipotent being that wants to condemn most of the beautiful creation of a fiery hell he must have never read Ezekiel 33 verse 11 in which God says again as I live says the Lord I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live God says turn you turn you from your evil ways for why should you die o house of Israel that is that is evidence of a God who loves his people and when we study the Bible responsibly and we allow the scriptures to speak to us harmoniously across the board we start to see a bigger more clearer picture of what the Bible actually teaches on a subject you know I could imagine that someone who holds that position like this particular person that I just quoted perhaps they've read a text from Revelation chapter 14 verse 11 that says and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whoever receives the mark of his name or subjects / hints or takes perhaps like Matthew 25 verses 41 and 46 where it's Jesus is talking about everlasting punishment everlasting fire Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed with eternal fire there found in Jude chapter 1 these are texts that again you can read them and without thoroughly investigating without thoroughly studying you could easily isolate those texts and misunderstand or think that there's a contradiction or a miscommunication if you do not thoroughly study these things that's why again our text the beginning study to show thyself approved we know that the bible does not teach such a thing about God we do not serve this six sinister evil God that just finds pleasure and seen people roast and toast in an eternal Hellfire for all eternity when you study those texts we find that you know those words like you know forever and ever in the Bible the terms forever and ever do not mean the same thing in the biblical older days than they do today forever can mean a definite period of time if you do a proper research and study and of course it goes on everlasting punishment we know that it's not talking about a continual ongoing forever and ever concept where everlasting punishment is a definite period of time he didn't say everlasting punishing wood which would communicate an ongoing thing we're just giving an example of some text or some ways in which someone might come to a conclusion like this because they read hear of or understand a text that seems to be contradicting in nature another thought that came to my mind is you know on the concept of death I think of that text and second Corinthians chapter five verse eight and I think pastor you referenced us in a previous study you know being absent from the body means to be present with the Lord even though the text doesn't actually say it in that way there are a lot of people that take that text they isolate it they pull it out of context as as Peter said they twist it to their own destruction because they take and say see being absent from the body means that I'm immediately present with the Lord but that's not what the text actually teaches from Sunday's lesson I think what we need to grasp from this overall and I really wanted to go into detail in much greater detail here but I think the main thing that we can take away from this is again study to show yourself approved just because you read a text that seems to be contradicting does not necessarily mean it is and you know what it's not necessarily a bad thing if you go and find a text and it's a hard Texas seems to be a difficult text to comprehend to understand that's a part of our growing process as Christians that sometimes over time the Lord wants to build our patience he wants us to build faith in Him and to trust in His Word even though sometimes we may not have all the answers so brother Kenny on that note I'm going to turn it over to you now good foundation thank you and they would probably be using some of those things that you're talking about there because it harmonizes with what Monday's lessening is dealing with difficulties honestly and carefully amen you know how do we do it because sometimes when we think you you've got the truth on an issue some time we just blurt it out maybe you've never done that I think I have and and sometimes it's very offensive so if even though you have a beautiful truth you want to handle it right because our purpose is to win a soul not lose a soul not drive anybody away so we're gonna look at this carefully as we can and it goes right into the beginning in 1st chronicles 29 17 so get your Bible and look those things up because there's a couple of questions I want to go over it start our lesson starts out with several questions and it says this I think you hear on some of these have you ever come across a text notice this or a set of text that you didn't understand it's probably everyone here at least at one time say yeah I'm still going across those I'm still I find him all the time number two have you found a text or text difficult to harmonize with other texts what you were talking about yes three so how did you respond let's try the vehicle how did you respond and then number four how should you have responded there could be a difference you know so we start off with three passages of scripture I want you to look at and then ask ourself this right here how do we deal with difficult passages 1st chronicles 29 17 the Bible says and reads I know also my god that thou tries to the heart and has pleasure in uprightness as for me in the uprightness of mine heart i have willingly offered all these things and now have i seen with joy thy people which are present here to offer willingly unto thee now we're talking 1st chronicles 29 17 tells us that davis goes over his preparation for the building of the the temple here and he's I like I like this because he's appealing for offerings right is that okay to do that people say oh there's never a strong he's appealing for offerings here we have some biblical text and that right it's okay to do that for the temple listen because it's under the direction of the Lord it's okay to do that and then David thank God and then David acknowledged that everything belongs to God that's right that's a good way to begin in it thank you God for give and why it all belongs you what's the familiar Psalms 50 10 where every beast of the field is is mine and the cattle on a Thousand Hills right God just making clear everything belongs to me anyway I just loan it to you just my grandpa always said when he gave me a shovel he said I want to see how you're gonna act it see how yak so God's loaning us things of this world to see how we're going to act with them are we gonna do what he's asked us to do with them and that's simply to share better to give then certainly to receive and so so he said you know in Psalm 7 verse 9 says for the righteousness God triose the hearts and the veins for the righteousness notice God try it the hearts and the reins so God calls for a religious heart that will produce like the word fruit always produce fruit in this life David is being honest with God in this passage and God appreciates I accept simply God appreciates honesty he appreciates integrity from his children and so he's listening to David and he's blessing David in a wonderful way which it gives us an example as we study this lesson here that we should follow in the footsteps first steps of Jesus but also in his people when they were doing the right thing based upon scripture gives us a good example we emulate his character so simply you know be honest with difficulties in the word so what are we to do you're gonna call something that's difficult be honest it's right about it don't try to hoodwink don't try to skirt it we'll see that in a moment this will help to give us a correct answer to someone we hear a lot about cover-ups nowadays right even in Bible study we need to be careful be honest don't try to cover up something because you just didn't know it little embarrassed that was one of the reasons I'm gonna say many years ago I was just a teenager and had a opportunity to give some some Bible studies and I was afraid to give a Bible study because I prayed that they had asked me something that I didn't know and finally I came to my senses finally I came to my senses said they're gonna ask me a lot of things that I don't know what what is the best next the best thing to knowing miss Edwina is knowing where to find it it's knowing where to find it so you can always point I came to the point I say you know what I don't have the answer right now but I know where I can go to get that answer or let's go there together and find that that answer so you know again we want to be honest let's go on proverbs 2 verse 7 here goes on and says he layeth up sound wisdom I love this for the righteous he is a buckler to them who walk up rightly so if we lack wisdom where do we go first that James tell us that James 1:5 if any of you lack wisdom what do we do we go to God to God and he gives to men liberally and Brady he'd give you all the wisdom you want you know that's why we prayed that for the mind of Jesus Christ now again where does this sound wisdom come from that we need now we're talking about wisdom what when it's dealing with scripture you're dealing with a soul that you may turn toward God or you may turn them away from God by the way we handle questions by the way we give a study and I've be honest I've talked a lot of people if that's you know we talk about a certain study and so on and so forth and if I didn't know better I'd probably turn away and never come back because sometimes they hit you with a 12-gauge shotgun some of you you know what I'm talking about it's too much at once then Jesus say that he said I have a lot of things I wonder what share that I want to share with you but what you're not able right now that we weren't able to reach and there's a time in the place and I always like tuna to say it's right wrong I always like to get to know the person where they're at in their relationship with Christ and then you kind of know where to go and what to give to encourage them along the way Ernest searcher of truth well you'll never fail in receiving that truth you'll never never fight you'll always find wisdom if you go to God and you ask I want this wisdom God will always give it to you Hebrews 11 verse 6 he said he is a rewarder of them who do what he's reward of them that diligently seek Him we need to be diligently seek him so as it people we need to love Jesus with all of our heart our soul and our mind and we need to learn may I emphasize this truth amen truth is very important because we look at life-and-death issue Thessalonians 2:10 11 speaking of them that perish they said those that are perishes because they receive not a love of the truth people think that's not important truths not important or love the truth you may know the true I know a lot of people who know the truth but man the way they come across I'm not trying to create I just the way that come across some time and I'm sure I've done that too but it's consistent in their life there's a turn-off to people so we want to make sure that we have a love for the truth you have a love for the truth that means you take it into your heart and what does truth do inside does it not change you that's right it changed you to the image of Jesus Christ receive a love the truth that it says that we might be saved so if we don't have a love for a truth pray oh god help me to have a love for that truth that I might be saved in the Kenan the first eleven if you're going down it says there in 2nd Thessalonians 2 10 and 11 it says for this cause God shall send them strong delusion you know that they should believe alive that simply means if we don't accept what his truth is their turn our back on that right God sees it again we turn our back on that pretty soon we're just gonna accept whatever is out there the enemy comes and takes control of the mind so always be careful how we deal with difficult passages even truth never present information in the context that you mentioned about twisting it or doing whatever and and never take it like you say and rapid-fire you know there's a time we just don't do even though it's true you don't rapid-fire someone with that we don't use can I use the word loaded language long time just loaded it's fiery language it comes across and it comes across there maybe the wrong way to someone and you meant it was a passage 2nd 2nd Peter to 3:16 and so on is that we'd be careful we don't twist the scripture because it's gonna lead to our own destructions we don't want to do that again we're wanting to seek and save by the grace of God those who write that maybe have lost their first love or they're coming back or they're trying to find that about the grace of God better to wait now remember never try to manipulate the evidence I think sometime I've been a manipulator and I don't mean to be have you ever maybe in your life you think it's growing up and growing and reading the word we kind of manipulate how to make it say something maybe it didn't or the evidence better to wait and better to study some more better to get counsel nothing wrong with asking in order to be honest and this helps build trust to with the one who were studying with we won't have time to go into first Timothy but I'll just read that real quick 4:16 because you can do that study on on your own it says to take heed unto thyself and then to the doctrine continue in them for in doing thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee that's kind of a bottom line that we suffer to me to say those who are studying with and certainly is for ourselves seekers of truth are not intended to think I well I think so it seems like well the theory of this thing is we like to get in say this is what God's word has said it really really works and it solves many many of the problems you know praise God he's a problem solver praise God we can get his word find out what truth is and love it and be gentle with our our neighbor mmm amen praise the Lord well brother Kenny thank you so much that was a powerful approach to that subject thank you so much hey we're going to take a short break don't go anywhere we'll be right back ever wish you could watch a three-bean sabbath-school panel again or share it on Facebook Instagram or Twitter well you can by visiting 3abn sabes cool panel comm a clean design makes it easy to find the program you're looking for there are also links to the adult Bible study guide so you can follow along sharing is easy just click share and choose your favorite social media cheryline save a life for eternity [Music] welcome back to 3abn sabbath-school panel we're gonna move on to Tuesday's lesson entitled deal with difficulties humbly Pastor John Dean's ahem thank you very much and this is something that is sometimes difficult for people to be humble but the Scriptures tell us that it's wise to be humble absolutely we are going to first define humble okay now you go to the dictionaries and you find definitions not proud or arrogant modest yeah a person that is low in rank or importance that's another way and there's another definition called courteously and respectful especially when you're dealing with other people you know courteous and respect for them now there is another definition that I like to bring out and that is meek because this is another definition that goes along with being humble and this means to be humbly patient or docile well especially under provocation from others so when you go into the Bible and you find the word humble and meek there are definitions to consider in Hebrew means to bend the knee to humiliate to bring down to be humble the Greek will bring out to make low or bring low hmm so I first like to point out a person that is a great example of humility Jesus Christ oh man so Libyans chapter 3 chapter 2 chapter 2 Philippines chapter 2 verses 3 to 8 let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself let each of you look out not only for his own interest but also for the interests of others mm-hmm and let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the cross there's our example Jesus himself says I am lo yes meek and lowly of heart is what the King James has meek and lowly of heart so this is the attitude we should have as we approach the reading of the scriptures this is an attitude we should have as we're talking with others be respectful in James chapter 4 verses 6 through 10 the Bible tells us but he gives more grace therefore he says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you and good draw near to God and He will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded lament and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up when we take that that attitude when we humble ourselves before the Lord we are really opening a door for the Lord to bless us and even to use us and even to use us there's a passage that I really really enjoy I'm blessed by his second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 14 I like to ask sister Jill to read for a second current second chronicles I'm sorry second chronicles second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 yes a wonderful passage and it's really God talking to his people and talking to his people back then and talking to us today second chronicles 7:14 yes if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land amen these are the instructions from the Lord to his people back then and even for us today considering this if my people know he's willing as well and God is willing to heal God is willing to give us messages God is willing to do so much but what do we have to do if my people which are called by my name humble themselves pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land so I encourage you to do that I would like to that's what I like go to the Lord humble myself before him and I know if he wants to lift me up you lift me up and if he doesn't praise the Lord anyway anyway now even when we're dealing with people that have committed mistakes in Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 2 and 3 we have a message that we need to consider you know brethren if a man or woman if a man or woman be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted well bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ verse three for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceives himself so the place where we should be is at the foot of the cross at the place where we need to be it's a it's a need that we have is at the foot of the cross humble before the Lord and we have heard you know sometimes people take demand things of God they be man yeah but we need to come home before the Lord what confidence because he has promised he has invited us come that's right come there are many invitations of calm which I ask and usually see these invitations do not have a time limit you know how sometimes you hear these sales for a limited time only God has these invitations for us and they are open to us today because the door of mercy still open in that place that's good now as we are considering these things let's go to Ecclesiastes chapter 7 in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 16 we have these words do not be overly righteous nor be overly wise why should you destroy yourself so these ideas of being oh I am better than so-and-so I am wiser than so-and-so you know we think ourselves better than others we are in danger as a matter of fact it says here why would you destroy yourself and these things do us harm when we see that our example is Jesus Christ yeah now let's go to Matthew chapter 18 and I would like to ask pattern love okay if you read us I help us with Matthew chapter 18 verse 1 through 4 Matthew 18 verse 1 through 4 and here we have Jesus talking to his disciples with a big message at that time the disciples came to Jesus saying who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven and Jesus called a little child to him set him in the midst of them and said assuredly I say to you unless you are converted and become as little children you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives me amen amen thank you so much so we see here that we must be as little children we're approaching these difficult scriptures and you know the Scriptures the Bible is a treasure waiting for people to discover wonderful things now the surface readers the ones that just read the surface they're gonna be blessed but those that dig deep dig deep they receive greater blessings because they we should I like what I don't you I says we should tax our mind put an effort into trying to understand these things asking for the Lord to bless us because he has promised the Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truth God is willing God wants to reveal things to us but we must comply with these conditions of coming coming to the Lord with humility is I like to read this quickly see if I have time it's it's from my review and Herald article in August 22 1907 available anyone can find it online we need to humble our hearts and with sincerity and reverence search the Word of Life for that mind alone that is humble and contrite can see light so if you want to receive light from the Lord come humbly before heavy man and he promises to open things to you just like he was concerned about the disciples he opened their understanding let us ask the Lord to open or understanding man and we will be blessed thank you Pastor James II now mine is determination and patience have to be determined have to be patient I want to give a couple of examples why as the Bible writer points out that if you really want to learn something determination and patience are very very necessary real achievement requires tenacity and they said what we obtain too easily we often esteemed too lightly now what I've done when I study the Bible is I often go through different translations there are three most common translations used today King James Version New King James Version and New International Version and then there are those who use the amplified now I want to show you just to show you the difference between the King James and New King James and then the New King James in the NIV now in the King James Version let's call him let's go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 5 pastor Kenny has the King James but I want to read it there and then I'm gonna show you why the new King James Version primarily came into existence the King James Version Genesis 3 verse 5 for God doesn't know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's Lord ye plural knowing good and evil now that now the New King James corrected that because this whole suggestion that Lucifer made to Eve was you gonna be just like God because later on in the passage when they fell into sin the Lord said they had become like one of us now look at how the New King James corrected that it put it in the proper context and I'll tell you what the word in the Hebrew is now the New King James for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God singular capital G knowing good and evil and that's the correct translation because it's the word Elohim God later on you find clearly that the Bible is delineating that Eve was not Satan was not suggestion she'll be like God's plural but she's gonna be like the very one who warned her about the consequences of disobedience now one more before I give you the principles I'm gonna send an interpretation let's go to Romans 8 verse 1 in the New King James Version and then I'll compare it with the NIV Romans 8:1 there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1 NIV there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit that's the New King James Version so there's no condemnation if you do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit the NIV now let's read the NIV in the very same passage there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus mmm and it ends right there oh wow where's the rest of it who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit has been completely taken out so it's a to me there's no condemnation if you're in Christ Jesus it's not saying wait a minute wait a minute you've got a walk right you have to walk not according to the flesh but you have to now walk according to the spirit and I believe my own opinion I believe that's vitally important if I'm in Christ Jesus I want to say be careful how you walk avoid slippery places be careful with the choices you make that's why the King James and New King James left that latter part in but the NIV took the latter part of the verse out right here are the principles that I believe are very necessary to find answers to difficult questions in the Bible let's go to Isaiah 28 verse 10 first one and Jill I must admit this as a list the first one leave nothing out leave nothing out Isaiah 28 10 for precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little leave nothing out you want to find the answers don't read the Bible for answers read it for information and the answers will come that's right second one don't give up Galatians 6 verse 9 don't give up you know sometimes we give up too easily it's like running a race and stopping inches short of the finish line yeah don't give up Galatians 6:9 could you read that for us and let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart sometimes you got to fight with that scripture sometimes you gotta wrestle with it and then all of a sudden one day the light comes on because the Lord says now you need to understand it don't be weary I'm tired and you know what happens in this generation today where everything happens in nanoseconds and milliseconds and we've got a Facebook and people don't do homework they google their answers that's right you know in our day you couldn't just give the answer to the math problem you have to show the work that's right and I had math problems that was sometimes the work alone was two pages then the answer came today quickly don't give up easily be not weary in doing well for in due time you will reap the answer will come if you do not lose heart or if you do not faint the other one be patient kind of along the same lines but James 1 verse 4 be patient be patient but let patience have it's perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing that's why that that's why the Bible says that the man of God may be perfect right that you may be perfect in other words you'll have all that you need if you are patient let the Lord do it in his time the other one make it a matter of daily study I think you know where I'm going acts 17 verse 11 you study your Bible daily and you'll see the answers will come according to God's timetable the Bible says acts 17:11 these were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica in that they received the Word of God with all readiness and searched in the scriptures how often daily daily to find out whether these things were so what would happen if churches today searched the scriptures after the pastor preached the sermon mm well I think more churches would be empty then will be full people will start finding out what the Bible says not just what the preacher says right now that's what's missing today that's why many churches are set up like a show entertainment because they want a sidetrack really examining what the Bible says the fourth one make it I mean the fifth one be a servant of God this is powerful this is powerful God does not just give answers but he does give answers to his servants amos 3 verse 7 surely the Lord God does nothing unless he revealed his secrets to his servants the prophets be a servant of God and the answers will come that's why Jesus spoke in parables because he didn't want people that were gonna do him harm knowing what he was about to do right that's why he called his disciples aside privately and told them apart from the crowd what these things meant be a servant of God number six live a spirit-led life how you live makes all the difference yes first corinthians 2:14 but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God why for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are what spiritually discerned some people want to read the Bible to argue with Christians and they come up just as ignorant as they want when they open the Bible all right some people thought I read the Bible they want to argue with us but they'll God will never give them anything because they are carnal he does not receive the spiritual he does not give the spiritual to the carnal you got to be born again unless you are born again jesus said to Nicodemus you cannot see it's right he made it very clear yes number seven be obedient to God's commandments John 14 verse 15 to 17 if you love me keep my Commandments and look at the promise this is why keeping God's commandments is so vitally important and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever verse 17 the Spirit of Truth if you obedient the Spirit will bring more truth to you the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you my brother my sister the only way to receive truth is to be obedient to truth that has already been given that's right number eight nurture your walk with Christ John 8 verse 12 then Jesus spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world this is powerful he who follows me shall not walk in what darkness will not walk in darkness but have the light of Life nurture your walk with Christ number nine pray for the spirits leading pray for the spirits leading John 16:13 however when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into how much all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come and lastly wait on the Lord wait on the Lord that's right God knows when you need to understand it will wait on the Lord Habakkuk two three four the vision is yet for an appointed time wait on the time for it is yet for a point of time but at the end it will speak and it will not lie though it tarries wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry wait on the Lord when difficulty is there apply these principles and you will be blessed thank you so much Pastor John I gotta get my notes out I was so focused on what you're sure I got a look at what I'm supposed to talk about thank you that was powerful Thursday's lesson that's what I'm talking about deal with difficulties scripturally and prayerfully the lesson says the best solution to bible difficulties is still found in the bible itself yes if you're having difficulty interpreting understanding a difficult passage in scripture the best way to find answers is in the Word of God okay we're gonna look at six keys to deal with these difficult passages in Scripture both from a scriptural perspective and a prayerful perspective rule and one of the keys actually overlaps okay number one compare Scripture with Scripture don't take scripture out of context don't take one scripture in isolation from the rest of the Bible Pastor Ryan you talked about that pastor Kenny I think you mentioned that as well I think about the scripture on the Lord's Day mm-hmm and people take one scripture and say oh we need to keep Sunday as sacred and they ignore the rest of the evidence in Scripture and just take one scripture out of context what about this scripture in Matthew 7 Matthew 7 verses 13 and 14 Jesus speaking he says enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it some people could read that one Scripture and think Jesus is saying it's impossible to be saved right narrows the way I can't even make it so I might as well not even try and that's not at all the context of what Jesus was saying in that passage he's saying many people were refused - follow me many people were refused to accept me as their Savior that's why it seems like a narrow path and the path might be a bit difficult at times but that is not impossible it's right Isaiah 28 9 and 10 you reference this we must study precept upon precept and line upon line we must compare Scripture with Scripture principle number two keep Jesus central as you study the difficult passages always seek to keep Jesus central acts 8 Acts chapter 8 verse 35 I think about Philip remember the Holy Spirit whisked him away to the Ethiopian eunuch he was reading the scroll of Isaiah the Ethiopian eunuch was reading that as and the Lord knew that the Ethiopian needed a bit more understanding and we come to Acts 8:35 it says Philip opened his mouth and beginning at this scripture preached Jesus to him now remember the Ethiopian had difficulty understanding and what to Philip do he kept Jesus central trial number three Pastor John references so we won't look up the scripture study the Scriptures daily that was the scripture in acts 17 speaking of the Bereans who studied every day they researched and study it's important to continue to study the Word of God number four allow scripture to confirm theological decisions let's look at Acts chapter 15 this is what we call the Jerusalem Council taking place in AD 49 remember there was this whole concept in the New Testament church once the Gentiles started accepting Christ as Messiah started being baptized and enjoined the church there arose this dissension in the early Christian church did the Gentile Christians need to be circumcised in order to be saved so there were Judaizers who said no they have to be circumcised and then others in the church said no circumcision is not essential for salvation so the church came together in 18-49 week just call it the Jerusalem Council and they gathered together to discuss this issue so we're in Acts chapter 15 and to me it gives an outline for how we handle theological issues in the church acts 15 knows we won't look at all of that but a couple points number one they brought the question to leadership the Judaizers came from Judea to Jerusalem to settle this question they just didn't say we're gonna have her home private meeting pastor John over here and we're gonna have a huddle and this is now what we're gonna do know there was an issue of discussion and dissension they brought it to the church leadership then the leadership met in acts 15 6 we see that the Apostles and elders came together to consider the matter number three we see that discussion is allowed you can see that in acts 15 7 it says when there had been much dispute Peter rose up and said to them so in other words they didn't just stifle that they didn't say okay no one's allowed to talk there was clearly much discussion and much dispute then we see that the leadership spoke if you read it you see Peter shared his experience with Cornelius he shared about how the holy spirit had fallen upon Cornelius in his household and yet he was a Gentile we see paul and barnabas stand up and sheriffs the miracles that God had done to the Gentiles we see James as leader of the council stand up and this is where we see that he allowed Scripture to confirm their theological discussion James stood up and he quoted Scripture we see that in acts 15 15 through 17 James quoted scripture in order to say that yes the Gentiles should be saved as well we see that and verse 15 and with this the words of the prophets agree just as it is written now this is James quoting scripture after this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen down our rebuild its ruins and I will set it up so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord even all the Gentiles who are called by my name says the Lord who does these things principle number five be humble enough to accept what the scripture teaches pastor Johnny covered that well be humble enough to accept what scripture says even if it goes against your preconceived ideas now that's a serious point because many times we have a preconceived idea or presupposition now this is the way that it ought to be and then we are not willing to accept what the scripture actually says number six pray before studying the word this is where we come to the passage the section of the importance of studying these difficult passages prayerfully I want to look at a couple things where to pray for first we pray for wisdom James 1 verse 5 if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him God is the one who gives wisdom into those difficult passages of scripture if you don't understand it ask him for wisdom the second key pray for understanding psalm 119 verse 18 some 119 really focuses on the law of God the Word of God someone 19:18 open my eyes that I may see wonder things from your law ask God to open your eyes to discern the truth in his word third pray for focus on God's Word we're still in psalm 119 but verses 35 and 36 psalm 119 35 and 36 incline my heart to your testimonies and not to covetousness turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in your way we can ask God to keep us from being distracted we can ask God to give us a desire for him and for his word number 4 pray to see and experience God's love Ephesians 3 I love the book of Ephesians visions 3:18 and 19 that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God ask God to show you his love in each and every passage of Scripture number 5 pray to practice what you learn James 1:22 we're called to be doers of the word and not just hearers only deceiving our own selves we're called to practice what the Word of God says and the sixth thing we pray for is that we pray that what we learn is going to help someone else we don't study for ourselves we study so that we can share that with someone else 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 11 therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you also aren't doing so the Word of God is given for me to understand the Word of God is given for us to delight in him the Word of God is given for us to focus on him the Word of God is given for us to experience God's love the Word of God is given for us to practice and finally the word of God is given for us to share with other people this has been a powerful study it helps us to refocus our attention on you know properly approaching scripture in a responsible spiritual way in which you know we can be edified we can learn we can grow I'm gonna allow some time go ahead tell us a little something about your day or a final thought okay final thought is that people who really want to know the truth doesn't someone doesn't want someone just to give you a hasty conclusion based on I'm not really sure I'm not I don't know where to find it or flimsy evidence but every aspect every detail is very very important because God says in Matthew 4 for every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God amen amen God gave us the scriptures so that we may understand so we may learn from him but I'd like to share the Scriptures before I finish psalm 25 verse 8 and 9 Psalm 25 verse 89 good and upright is the Lord therefore he teaches sinners in the way the humble he guides in justice and the humble he teaches his way and a quote that was said earlier in my lesson which I really appreciate it's important that we understand the value of what we are studying and make the value of what we're studying drive us to understand that the Lord would not give us something valuable and have us handle it lightly what we obtain too easily we often esteem too lightly I think sometimes we look at these difficult passages and I know in my own experience too in the past sometimes I'm afraid of them so I would just encourage you don't be afraid of difficult passages in Scripture the Holy Spirit wants to be your teacher God's Word can't explain itself and don't be afraid to dive in and study praise the Lord you know just considering all this a text came into my mind there may be there may be passages that are considered to be confusing or difficult but first Corinthians 14 verse 33 says God is not the author of confusion that's right he doesn't want to confuse us and you know the text that came to my mind also was Matthew chapter 23 verse 37 o Jerusalem Jerusalem the one who kills the prophets and stones those that are sent unto thee how often I've wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing we have to be willing to receive the truth when it comes and sometimes that truth may not always be easy to understand at first but remember he is not the author of confusion he wants us to understand we are so blessed and thankful that you've joined us this week for another edition of 3b and Sabbath school panel join us next week for the final study which is entitled living by the Word of God Douglas [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 68,454
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Keywords: sabbath school, 3abn sabbath school panel, sabbath school lesson 2020, 3abn, How to interpret Scripture, quarterly, seventh day adventist, bible study, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, lesson 12, ryan day, john lomacang, kenny shelton, jill morikone, John Dinzey
Id: twt3JTWplko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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