Music Hour 01 | 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021

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[Music] free angels broadcasting network is pleased to bring you something better a faith-inspiring picture of a loving god from the book of hebrews welcome to 3abn's virtual homecoming camp meeting hello and welcome to 3abn fall camp meeting we have had this date marked on our 3abn calendar now for a number of months and we've been a long time a long time that's right and we've been looking forward to this date three and fall camp meeting what a wonderful time it is to spend this well what three four days with you we wish that you were here in person but praise the lord for technologies as we have mentioned before that we can still broadcast camp meeting and you can still join us there at home but i know i enjoy camden i know you do too and we're sorry because normally oh the opening to camp meeting we always have danny and dr yvonne shelton here with us something came up at the last moment and they could not join us here tonight but their hearts and prayers are with us they are okay that's right they're doing okay yes that's right and they'll be joining us tomorrow but i love camp meeting to me it's a time of spiritual rebirth a time of spiritual renewal i was just today thinking about how so many times in life we take things for granted i take for granted that the car's gonna start when i get in it i take for granted that i'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and sometimes even maybe i take you for granted sweetheart you know the the person you love the most sometimes we take for granted the word of god or his grace or forgiveness or sacrifice i was just reading psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul to me as i come into this camp meeting this is what i want to do i want to bless the lord o my soul forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals your diseases and redeems your life from destruction what an incredible god we serve and as we open up this camp meeting and we go through the next several days of spiritual renewal spiritual rebirth remember who your god is and what he has done for you and we're so glad that you are our family and joining with us here tonight amen you know just thinking about the family aspect and you're absolutely right we're so grateful that you are part of our family but what a blessing that we're part of god's family as well you know we're all children of the heavenly king and i'm thinking about this past year what a year right i know that jill and i we've had to lay to rest some of our dear family members we sure you have too we received letters here at 3 abn saying our loved one has passed away maybe from covet or just some other terrible disease we've received letters and phone calls from you that say we've lost our job we don't know where we're going to go next we don't have a house we're worried about our children they don't know the lord i love romans chapter 8 and it talks about the love of god you know many times it seems like so many things can separate us maybe right now you're thinking man kovat has just separated me from 3ab and i can't be there in per in in person you know what don't worry about covet or anything else nothing can separate us from the love of jesus that's what really matters is that god loves you loves me and that we have something better to look forward to which is the theme of our camp meeting is something better but romans chapter 8 the last few verses is wonderful who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword skipping down toward the end verse 38 for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from what the love of jesus christ praise god i'm encouraged tonight you know god is on the throne we have nothing to worry about we're just passing through this earth and while we pass through this earth we have responsibility and that's to share the love of jesus with someone around us we're here on the platform this evening with um pastor ryan day pastor john loma kang tim at the piano over there as well but uh brother ryan what's on your heart i know you love camp meeting as well and you're going to present a message a little later on as well absolutely no i love camp meeting kevin egan is a very special time it's a time to take inventory to do some self-examination oh i love it and that's certainly what we're going to be doing especially going through the book of hebrews one of my favorite books it it reminds us that jesus christ is our high priest that there's nothing that we have went through or experienced that he cannot sympathize with right uh you know that he is the living word of god the author and finisher of our faith and indeed i just love this camp meeting theme because we're going to learn about something better and christ always has something better prepared amen amen pastor ryan who about you pastor john well cam meetings camp meeting is a time of recalibration that's one of my favorite words because during the year when we are all going in different directions camp meeting is a gathering time unfortunately cobot has done its job to kind of keep us away from each other but still it gives us the privilege to gather together under the auspices of technology and as you just read nothing can separate us from god's love through technology and god's holy spirit nothing can separate us from one another and so i'll be talking about a topic called the leaning church which is going to show us what are the issues that are causing the church to lean and how we can remedy that in the last days amen yeah praise the lord we've already prayed before we went live this evening but uh on the air pastor john why don't you open with the word of prayer for us please let's bow heads our gracious father and our god we are so small when we zoom out from where we are you know from a plane we can't even see people moving and yet in your infinite love and your sovereignty and your god-leanness you can see us in the most crowded city in the most obscure places and you care for us as one who loves us with an everlasting love this camp meeting father we pray that as we talk about something better we can discover there's something better in our hearts we know that there's always something better coming from you to us but father we pray that we could dedicate ourselves that something better from us will be given to you so come near to us through your holy spirit surround us by your holy angels and may the sermons the songs the testimonies may they all be a constant reminder that god has not finished his work yet that through jesus we can all experience something better we thank you for that reality in jesus name amen amen amen thank you so much pastor we were talking earlier about being family we're here family at 3abn but you're part of our family at home you know let's sing a song i'm so glad i'm part of the family of god shall we do that okay all right we hope you sing with us at home let's do it together now i'm a part of the family of god i've been washed in the fountain cleansed by his blood [Music] the family of god i'm so glad i'm a part of the family of god i've been washed in the fountain cleansed by his blood joining us with jesus as he traveled this [Music] amen pastor john nothing like being a part of the family of god is it that's right every nationality every continent amen we're all from one heavenly father praise god for that so this is a music hour we always like to start camping with the music hour and i heard you three gentlemen pastor ryan pastor john tim singing a great song practicing jesus shine on us is that right shine on us okay yeah you want to sing that for us yeah okay all right thank you so much [Music] lord let your light light over your face shine on us lord let your light light of your face [Music] shine on us that we may be saved [Music] to find our way in the darkest night let your light shine on us let your grace grace from your hands [Music] let your grace grace from your hands [Music] we may be sad that we may to find our way in the darkest nights let your for us [Music] come on [Music] us that we [Applause] [Music] that we [Applause] [Music] may find a [Music] let your love come on [Music] let your light shine on [Music] amen thank you so much do you want the light of god to shine on you what a blessing thank you thank you so much i love that shine on us and to me that's what camp meeting is all about we come into the presence of jesus we sit at his feet and we ask for him to pour his spirit his light his goodness his grace his glory upon us so what a blessing we're going to go to some more music in just a moment but right now we were so excited to share with you what god is doing in and through your ministry the ministry of 3bn the evangelistic outreach of 3bn and how the gospel is being spread to the whole world so we're here with jason bradley general manager of the arabians dare to dream network as well as pastor john denzie general manager of 3db and latino network as well as director of 3abn cuba and we're going to hear about that in just a moment but jason let's start with africa tell us how the gospel is going to africa oh jill i'm super excited about this particular project in africa we've we're presented with a unique opportunity to spread the gospel all the way to nigeria and west africa through freeview africa and so we have the uh opportunity to reach 45 million homes so 45 million homes are getting the gospel of jesus christ they're getting practical tools for living and you know just like we just heard that song the family of god we're seeking to grow the family of god you know when people are you know in a family and the family starts to grow people usually are pretty happy about that right and so we would be super happy to see more people following the lord and so we're excited about that opportunity that's taking place you know and you mentioned jason about 45 million homes but that would be just one person in that home so then we multiply that is that right two or three people may be in that home i would say about four or five in nigeria and west africa i would say about four or five people and what we're finding is that they have some of the same issues that we do right here in the states and so they're facing some of the same problems so the programs are universal and that's that's beautiful i think you have a map showing us the coverage do you not of what's taking place there with preview africa we can see it covers nigeria and some other countries too yes absolutely cameroon and some of the other countries there that you see within that line so that yeah there's quite a bit that is being covered and you know this is going to expand and this is a direct to home satellite service so that means that they only have to purchase the equipment the viewer only has to purchase the equipment and there's no monthly subscription fee so that's a huge huge benefit amen so 45 million homes now have the potential now have access to the dare to dream network there in western africa what an incredible blessing yes absolutely and we do have something else greg you looked like you were going to say something go for it are you getting ready to talk about prison ministry oh you know i get excited about prison ministry yes near and dear to your heart oh absolutely so we've been blessed with another wonderful opportunity to spread the gospel to fill the correctional facilities across the u.s with christian lifestyle programming so what we want to do is we want to reduce the recidivism rate we don't want people going back to prison we want them coming out christians if they're if they're there we want them to grab a hold of the gospel to live it out in their life and they need to know how to do that and so these programs we have celebrating life in recovery we have the new journey we have dollars and cents so we're giving them practical tools for living so that when they get out they know what to do there's health health programs as well and so we just want them to be equipped and ready to be reintegrated into society so we're using the mysda tv interlist box and thanks to uh brother moses primo i i call him doctor i know exactly yes he's he's modified those as well and made them just perfect for the prisons and i'm so thankful to the viewers for their support i can see the box right there so that's what it looks like the interless box that will be going into the prisons yes yes and it's loaded with 3901 programs you sound like you counted every one of them i've looked at that spreadsheet quite a bit yes many times 3901 programs some of those are an hour some of those are 30 minutes so it's it's going to be a lot of great content i was going to say you know god actually he asked us to plant the seed you know and that's what three even dare to dream and all the other networks here at 3abn that's what we're doing and that's thanks to you at home because you're mentioning those that are standing behind these projects jason it's incredible people love evangelism that's what 3abn is all about amen and you know i think that's why god continues to grow through abn because if you notice the wonderful ministry of 3abn highlights other ministries that's right i mean we we have so many other ministries that come on and we share because we want the gospel to go forward and god blesses that amen i'm so excited because the gospel is going to africa i'm excited because the gospel is going into prisons so that people the inmates who need jesus christ will be able to find truth and hope in the word of god through the inner less system i'm also excited because the gospel has gone and is going to cuba amen so pastor johnny tell us about the incredible miracle we know of course we've talked about this with our viewers before on june 8 3 abn latino launched on the package in cuba meaning that 11 million cubans across the entire country of cuba now have access to 3b and latino they buy a little um hard drive every week they can go to the corner market or the corner store in the cities and they can purchase their tv programming for the next week and that programming has 3b and latino as the first ever christian channel so tell us a little bit about the impact and what's happening there with great joy amen it's amazing god's timing because we have been working on this for two or three years and in the time that you see difficult situations going colbit and problems that seem to not have an immediate end our programming is available on the package but for those that don't know what the package is let me give a brief brief uh description uh in cuba you do not have cable television nor streaming services like you have in the us and perhaps other countries you know and no satellite television either no dish network or directv none of that so in cuba the people have access to five national tv channels but the people you know how people are they want more so they uh people have uh from the government uh has has given authorization to organize a package of television programs soap operas sports and these are downloaded by and and then they offer it to the people for sale and i've visited several homes and i say homes because that's where the center purchasing centers are or or store or shop let's call it and people have this in a garage or on on in front of their their porch or something and people go there and they buy the programming they want whatever it is sports movies whatever they can buy this and uh three even latino is the very first christian television channel to get on the package on the package there from time to time there was like a church that produced something uh but it's very limited so when private latinos programming started on june 8th it was like wow this is marvelous and the uh we were hearing words like this is exquisite this is great and uh god is blessing even uh with limitations because uh you you know how you had in the u.s uh remember last year they said uh new york is closed you can't come into new york there are some cities that are like that in cuba you can't get there there are restrictions to go from one city to another even with these types of restrictions you have um the package still working it's still being delivered to every city and chaplain hernell as a matter of fact he's still he's there right now i came back i came back from cuba about two weeks ago and uh he has gone to remote areas to verify if the programming is on and it's on even in places where there's not even a seventh-day adventist church it's on the package so pastor johnny then three ap and latino has been there in cuba on the package since june so june july august september i'm just doing the math here right so about three and a half months or so yes what information are you getting back from people already viewing the um three of them latino well we do not have direct contact with some of these people because of colbit and where we are you know we put our phone number on the on the screen and on the when the people watch the programming they see our phone number and we also mention the email what are we hearing i told you before about there's a city called sien fuegos in cuba so i'm giving you the spot sien fuegos that means a hundred fires that's the name of the city by the way uh i don't know yet why it's called uh cienfuegos or hundred fires but uh jorge hidalgo uh chaplain harnell said uh hey he's got a testimony to share so i got in contact with him he was elated he was so happy because he saw the programming and he thought it was so good that he decided to share with some other church members and when he showed that programming to them they said this is fantastic it's like a dream come true and so they were so happy they said hey there are some people in the second floor that just recently moved in uh people from another religious group and they started they showed them the programming they thought it was fantastic they thought it was fantastic and they decided hey this is after two days they said we want bible study amen praise the lord so many exciting things going on thank you is there a part two we'll share that tomorrow next day god is doing marvelous things you know and all we ask all he asks of us is to be a willing vessel that he can pour through to others and thank you for being a vessel as well as you're supporting also 3abn cuba we're talking about dare to dream and all this happening there all the other networks here but there's something else that's exciting going on and that's the focus on truth project that's right over three million of these books have been printed are in process of being mailed out to zip codes throughout the united states or people you can do a zip code mailing you want to pull that out jason can you pull that out so there's the three booklets there's the focus on the ten commandments focus on hell fire and focus on salvation and these three booklets can be mailed to the zip code of your choice and people are doing this as well as you know we just had a story this is incredible we shared this on the air a little while ago that a baptist minister received one of these booklets in his mail and then he said i love this material it is wonderful look at the truth and the word of god i'm discovering here and he ordered cases a case of each one of the booklets to pass out to his congregation so this is another way that 3dbn is evangelistically sharing the gospel through truth-filled literature and i don't know if you want to talk about three-man plots that's another yeah i do you know what's incredible to me is that you can send all of these like you're mentioning in this envelope in the us for less than the cost of a us postage stamp and you know that postage just went up i think it's up to like 58 cents a stamp well you can send all three booklets in one of these envelopes to a zip code of your choice for how much 54 cents so less than the cost of a postage stamp absolutely incredible what an incredible way to evangelize and so many people so many of you at home have already jumped on board on this evangelistic project and only the lord knows in eternity the true impact of this project along with the kova 19 what's next that happened last year but talking about 3abn plus brother jason some of this technology is almost going faster than i can keep up with but 3abn plus is our brand new app and i don't know if some of you have downloaded it on your computer it's on roku it's on amazon fire it's on apple tv we're getting ready to launch it on the smartphone well what is 3abn plus well it's 3abn plus something else right so you can watch the live streams but not only that you have vod well what in the world is vod that is video on demand so in other words you can watch sabbath school panel after it's already aired on 3av and you can go back and watch previous episodes including camp meeting right that's right when you see camden live you can go back and watch camden again and that's what's on this app 3abn plus brand new god we know is using this and will continue to use this project as well to reach many souls i love it because you can stop the programming how many times have you heard someone present a message and you think but i need to take notes but i need to i didn't get that scripture reference how do i rewind it i think that shows i'm dating myself rewind it like the tape oh dear but you can you can hit the pause that's the incredible thing about video on demand it's video when you want when you have time i love that so in other words when you give your three to seven points on sabbath school panel they can pause it they can rewind it they can take notes or salvation good job some signs that's good explanation take those notes amen you're absolutely right you know we just want to ask for your prayers you know for all these projects there are many um god opens so many doors and we just continue to step through them like three being cuba but your prayers that's what we solicit are your prayers and of course your financial gifts are a tremendous blessing for the ministry of three even in all these projects but we know joe mentioned this pastor that received his envelope in the mail somebody one of you donated money sponsored a zip code and went to this pastor i don't know who you are god knows who you are in eternity as we mentioned you will realize the full impact of your evangelistic giving your sacrificial giving for these projects i want to just touch on this too we were talking about dare to dream and there's a brand new program this is the end of september right now camp meeting at the beginning of october unshackled purpose is getting right to air brad walker edited it put it together along with the rest of the team lemieux vega with christmas behind bars but this is a prison ministry program i want to just touch on that briefly jason yes a very exciting program that that shows that people have purpose you know there is a purpose for your life whether you've made a mistake or you ended up incarcerated there is a purpose for your life and lemuel demonstrates that by sharing these practical illustrations using everyday items and it's a powerful program that you don't want to miss amen amen i'm looking forward to that program it launches on 3bn october 2nd and is it the same day on dare to dream uh no we're going to let three abn since there's a 3 abn production we'll let you do it first and then we'll come behind okay so you can watch it on both networks and check it out on 3b and plus but this is after all a music hour so we want to invite tim and ryan to come back out and they're going to bless us with a couple songs this is a special song it actually talks about not worrying giving it to jesus because we live in a day and age where people are experiencing anxieties and fears and depression and you know compulsive disorders and all kinds of things that are real that real people experience these real things but the good news is that jesus has the whole world in his hands even though we go through these trials we just turn it over to him and he'll be with us it says i'm not gonna worry i'm not gonna fret i'm not gonna speculate or contemplate what hasn't happened yet i'm not gonna worry cause he's got the whole thing in his hands that's right i won't let it haunt me i won't let it win i'm not gonna ruminate or meditate on how it might have been i'm gonna release it cause he's got the whole thing in his hands yes maybe lately i started to resign so here it goes god only knows it might just ease my mind i'm not gonna worry i'm not gonna fret i'm not gonna wait and see an in between you [Music] you've got to accent to ate the positive healing my nathan negative latch on to the affirmative don't mess with mr in between you've got to spread joy up through the maximum bring gloom down to the minimum [Music] to illustrate my last remark jonah and the whale what did they do just when everything looked so dark man they said we better accentuate the positive healing my nathan negative latch on to the affirmative but don't mess with mr in between you've got to accentuate the positive eliminate the negative latch right onto the affirmative but don't mess with mystery in between you got to spread spread joy up to the maximum bring gloom right down to the minimum have faith or pandemonium allowable to walk up on the scene to illustrate my last remark jonah and the whale noah and the ark what did they do just when everything looked so dark man they said we better accentuate [Music] but don't mess with mr in between no don't mess with mystery between no don't mess with [Music] [Laughter] oh i like that i like this praise the lord don't mess with mr in between you know this next song a beautiful song i love this one it's one that you don't hear often um but it's a it's a beautiful prayer of giving thanks to god and we certainly need to learn to do that more but that's basically what this song is it's a prayer to god saying lord thank you for this day and all the things that you provide and all the things you do for us for morning light [Music] the sun rise hues for earth and sky the greens and blues for every mercy may brand new lord we thank you for this day [Music] for sights and sounds and warming fires for keeping us from wrong desires forgiving all that we require lord we thank you for this [Music] for all [Music] that drives out fear [Music] for choice and trials work and rest for calling us [Music] to be our best for grace is a win we [Music] the felt lord we thank you for this [Music] wash our sins for all your holy disciplines for love that drives out fear [Music] for thine the kingdom in thine [Music] for these we ask lord inion [Music] lord we thank you for this day yes we thank you for this day [Music] thank you jesus amen my friends at this time pastor john loma king is going to bring us some special music okay thank you ryan thank you tim what a beautiful song thank you for this day you know when i was listening to the lyrics i had never heard that song before but the message is so powerful because there's a day coming that we are all looking forward to with great anticipation a few years ago when 3abn decided to put together a hymns project i was out of town and when i came back they said john pick a song that's left and i said well how many are left they said one and i thought well pick a song that's the only one left he said you'll learn it i didn't know it but i since found out that this song was instrumental at the turn of the century helping the early advent believers to revive their hope and the coming of the lord it's in our hymnal i didn't even know that and so as i sing this song if somehow your hope has been waning and so many things of the world have been chiseling away let me remind you as ryan 4 saw and ryan laid the foundation there is a greater day coming that we can look beyond our trials and say don't you see my jesus coming [Music] don't you see my jesus coming don't you see him in yonder cloud with ten thousand angels around him see how they my jesus [Music] will you go to glory with me highly o praise the lord don't you see the saints ascending hear them shouting through the air [Music] jesus smiling trumpet sounding now his glory they will share for i am bound [Music] will you go to glory with the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] don't you seek the heavens open and the saints in glory sounds of triumph bursting around them glory glory everywhere [Music] [Music] will you go to glory with me praise the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen amen one day we'll be able to say praise he the lord as we allow our trials to dissipate on the heels of the greatest joy we look forward to you know this world has really challenged so many of us as we said earlier at the beginning of the program we would love to have had you here but there's a wall that is an invisible wall between us and there are those who were looking forward to camp meeting to be able to fellowship and but they're at home some have lost loved ones some are sick and in the hospitals and our nation and the world has been racked by just this unpredictable atmosphere that has challenged our faith well the songwriter of this song i believe they envisioned beyond the trials beyond the difficulties and in a world like today the moment that is sad can be replaced with a moment of encouragement when we bow our heads and talk to our god in prayer and as the songwriter says sometimes a prayer will do [Music] sometimes we stumble [Music] sometimes we even fall and we can find a friend [Music] can't comprehend at all and we are lost [Music] with nothing to hold on to when we can find the answers sometimes i pray will do [Music] uncertain if we will [Music] get through to face the future sometimes a prayer will do [Music] sometimes we reach for what's not really there sometimes we lose our grip [Music] [Music] and we are searching for something to hold on [Music] to but when we can find the answer sometimes a prayer will do and though we want uncertain if we will get through to face the future sometimes a prayer will do then we are stronger somehow we know we will [Applause] get through to face the future for sometimes i pray we'll do yes yes we are stronger and somehow we know we will get through we will get through to face the future sometimes a prayer will do sometimes a prayer [Music] amen i'd like to welcome tim parton right now i've always been blessed by tim's ministry a young man who knows music and also knows the lord tim bless us amen john thank you for that great song and thank you for that sharp suit that's a beautiful color on you it's a beautiful color on me too isn't it we're we're wearing matching suits don't adjust your color at home folks that's the real thing we didn't even plan it but it's a glorious thing to be a part of this three abn camp meeting and i love that song that john just sang and it talked about the assurance of knowing that jesus is listening god is in charge he is in control and when we can do nothing else we can pray and sometimes that's exactly what we need to do first but i want to play a couple of songs from the 1800s some great hymns and this first song is one of a favorite of mine from the pen of fanny crosby she spoke of that blessed assurance and i hope that that is part of your story tonight [Music] so is [Music] this is my story [Music] amen this is my story this is my song praising the savior all the day long hallelujah and one more song i want to play before i leave my hope is built on nothing less another song of assurance jesus is there [Music] wow wow when i was listening to you played tim back there i was thinking are there three people on the piano or just one praise the lord you know that song is so significant for the times in which we live on christ the solid rock i stand this is a story that the world needs to know in this world where so many things are unpredictable where so many things are unstable that songwriter says on christ the solid rock i stand and jesus made a beautiful comparison in the book of matthew in the gospels he talked about the trying times that will try us and he likened a wise man to to one who built his house on the rock he said in the winds and the reigns came and beat thee eminently against that house but it stood because it was built on iraq and then he compared those who are not wise and i believe in this world today there are many who have not learned what it means to build their house on the rock and some are building it on the promises of frail men some are building it on the issues that challenge our freedoms and our liberties some are building it on their financial empire but then sickness and illness comes and they realize that no money in the world can buy peace and joy and that peace that passes all understanding so as we're getting camp meeting rolling we have some wonderful messages pastor james rafferty is going to come and bring his first message for camp meeting about relationships the love languages and that is something that we all need to know in relationships as husbands and wives in relationships as church members and family members how often do we gather on our family members and we feel that we can express a lack of love because they are just family well friends i want you to pay particular attention to not go away because we're just going to come right back in a few moments with a wonderful message by pastor james rafferty entitled love languages but keep this thought in mind in times like these in uncertain times in times of frailty and times where men cannot make a difference build your house on christ the solid rock we'll be right back [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 12,205
Rating: 4.9700375 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Christian music, 3ABN Camp Meeting
Id: v_2ibN_xf_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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