F-16 vs Gripen E - Which would win?

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serving as a workhorse of 30 air forces around the world the legendary f-16 has proven itself as the world's most capable multi-role fighter jet the f-16 has been in continuous combat operations somewhere around the globe since the late 80s on the other hand the gripen e is an information age multi-role jet fighter capable of carrying out a wide array of missions like the f-35 the nordic war machine is the most sensor-packed and smartest fighter among the 4.5 generation fighter aircraft in the world both fighter jets are considered top of the line yet cheap to maintain aircraft both have exceptional radars queuing systems engines technology and the latest weaponry we thought it would be cool to compare the mighty f-16 with the smart grip and e and determine which aircraft is better don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon so that you're alerted when we make a new upload [Music] [Music] number one the f-16 was first introduced in 1978. around 4 600 f-16s have been built so far depending on the configuration the cost of the latest variant of the jet is around 35 million dollars operated by a crew of one the f-16s empty weight is 20 300 pounds and the maximum takeoff weight is forty eight thousand pounds the jet is powered by a single engine producing twenty nine thousand pounds of thrust with a ferry range of twenty six hundred and twenty miles the aircraft's top speed is 1570 miles per hour the combat radius of the jet is around 340 miles with a climb rate of 820 feet per second the f-16 can reach a maximum altitude of 50 thousand feet the fighter jet comes with nine hardpoints in addition to a 20 millimeter rotary cannon in contrast the gripen was first rolled out in 1996 around 271 jets of different variants have been built so far depending on different configurations at present per unit cost of the latest variant is up to 63 million operated by a crew of one the aircraft comes in at a weight of seventeen thousand six hundred pounds with a maximum takeoff weight around thirty six thousand four hundred pounds the jet is powered by a single engine generating twenty two thousand pounds of thrust with a ferry range of 2500 miles the top speed of the jet is 1530 miles per hour the aircraft can conduct combat operations within the range of 932 miles the swedish jet can climb at a rate of 833 feet per second and can reach a maximum altitude of 52 000 feet the aircraft is outfitted with 10 hardpoints in addition to a 27 millimeter cannon number two the f-16 was intentionally designed to be unstable to enhance its maneuverability however it's compensated by its digital flight control system which means that the pilot's controls are interpreted via an electronic interface instead of manual controls fly-by-wire controls are more reliable and they made it possible for the flight computer to correct the pilot's errors the fighter jet has a 1.095 thrust to weight ratio and its airframe can sustain 9gs on the other hand gripen has a delta and canard type wing configuration with flexible stability a triple aerodynamic control system allows highly agile maneuvers the flight control system compensates for difficult environmental conditions and minimizes drag in the air a pair of air brakes are located on the sides of the rear fuselage the canards are also angled downward to act as air brakes which decreases landing distance during dogfights the aircraft is capable of achieving 70 to 80 degrees angle of attack the fighter jet has 1.04 thrust to weight ratio and its airframe can also sustain nine g's number three the latest variant of the f-16 is equipped with apg-83 radar this radar can search continuously and track up to 20 targets the radar can detect enemy fighter jets with rcs of one square meter from 85 miles the latest variant of the f-16 is fitted with a faster computer multi-function displays helmet mounted cueing system and high-speed data bus the aircraft is also equipped with link 16 theater data link identification friend or foe and multi-band radio communications the jet is also fitted with upgraded electronic warfare equipment and modern threat warning systems including jammers threat warning receivers electronic countermeasure pods shaft and infrared flare dispensers likewise the gripen is equipped with a high performance raven es05 radar which features roll repositionable antenna to provide 120 degrees field of view the radar is capable of detecting 14 enemy aircraft simultaneously with rcs of one square meter from 93 miles the avionics software is so flexible that almost any weapon can be integrated and the jet can be programmed as permission requirements the information acquired by the jet can also be shared with other fighters and ground-based assets the aircraft is outfitted with a passive infrared search and track sensor system which makes it difficult to detect the gripen an improved electronic warfare system helps the aircraft to disrupt the enemy communication the sources and sensors are integrated into one high-level sensor fusion and situational awareness system for the pilot to enhance the effectiveness of the mission number four the f-16 has nine hardpoints and can be armed with a wide range of air-to-air missiles including the aim-9 sidewinder magic 2 aim 7 sky flash and aim 120 the high off for sight infrared air-to-air missiles such as aim 9x python 4 aim 132 and iris t can be fitted the aircraft also supports integration of anti-ship and air-to-ground tactical missile the fighter jet can be armed with paveway laser-guided bombs gbu-15 and wind-corrected munitions dispenser weapons the aircraft is armed with a 20-millimeter rotary cannon with 511 rounds similarly the gripen is armed with a wide range of weaponry the air-to-air missiles include infrared guided short-range missile iris t and bvr meteor missile the jet has the flexibility to be fitted with sidewinder and a darter missiles to replace the iris t and the aim 120 to replace the medium-range meteor missile it can further be fitted with long-range weapons such as r-darter and derby and short-range weapons such as python the grip and e can be integrated with a number of guided and unguided air-to-surface weapons the aircraft is also armed with a 27-millimeter high-velocity gun providing both air-to-air and air-to-surface attack capability both fighters can do over mach 2 and fly about 50 000 feet above sea level but the f-16 has better load capacity and therefore it can also carry more weapons around 4 600 f-16s have been built in comparison to the few hundred gripens manufactured to date the f-16 is cheaper to acquire but more expensive to operate than the gripen comparatively the f-16 has a slightly higher ferry range but comes with lower combat radius one area where the gripen has a significant lead is sensor fusion technology and lower rcs than the f-16 the gripen is equipped with the next level of sensors that can detect and track even stealth targets without compromising its location the swedish fighter has a smaller engine than the f-16 but due to its lower weight the gripen has almost the same thrust to weight ratio the gripen has a slightly higher service ceiling and has a better climb rate the swedish jet has a much higher angle of attack and better maneuverability at low speeds due to its canards and delta wing design both fighter jets are equally armed with a wide range of weaponry however the gripen can be configured with both european and american weapons so what do you think which fighter jet is better the united states f-16 or sweden's grip and e let us know in the comments section also be sure to check out our other military videos thanks for watching and as always don't forget to like share and subscribe
Channel: Grid 88
Views: 1,146,517
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Keywords: F-16 vs Gripen E - Which would win?, F-16 vs Gripen e, F-16 vs Gripen E, F-16 viper vs Gripen e, Saab, general dynamics, Lockheed martin, US Air Force, Swedish Air Force, fighter jet, Lockheed martin F-16 viper, f-16 block 70, Saab Gripen e, gripen e, f-16 viper, fighter jet comparison, air force comparison, aircraft comparison, specifications, maneuverability, firepower, United States Military, comparison, army comparison, military, air force, USAF, Grid88, grid 88
Id: 8uer_Tn3wpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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