2025 UK Carrier Group vs 2025 US Carrier Group (Naval Battle 98) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're doing very well time for a new naval battle and a big one a really big grudge match who really rules the waves is it a 2025 UK carrier strike group or a 2025 us carrier strike group let's find out before we battle there's a lot we need to talk about so first overview Reds are the UK British today 220 nautical miles away are the Americans in blue first thing to note is that all Naval battles so far we've had the carrier groups going towards each other you guys have complained and said no they should be off board by about 30 degrees the reason for this is so that all guns or Sea Whiz missile defense can come to Bear some of these ships have Sea Whiz On the stern that can't fire forward so from now on all Naval battles will be done at an off-ball angle and to be honest it's something I should have spotted a long time ago but I didn't but now we have the British are now heading directly east and the Americans directly west which brings into question the all-important naval formations both are going to have the same formation today they will be a modified Jeffrey formation as you can see here I've translated them through to the game you can see in this case we have a carrier here it's a 20 by 10 Mile rectangle formation we have in this case a cruiser here a cruiser here a destroyer here a destroyer here and a destroyer here I apologize my voice today viewers I have a code I'm just going to do my best to get through it next unit overview UK one CV Queen Liz class four destroyers type 45 two frigates type 26 these will not be in service by 2025 but as they are mainly ASW and will be purely used in defensive fashion today I think we can swing it aircraft 36 plus some humans f-35bs and 80 air now some of you have said but the Queen Liz class was designed to carry over 50 f-35bs and of course you're right but due to budget cuts this is Real Life mod have confirmed that the maximum amount of lightnings the UK carriers will ever sail with will be 36. uh two a-waxes that's a total of seven ships and 38 aircraft the blues US 1 CV a supercarrier two Cruisers take on the Rogue CMP four destroyers Ali Burke flight 3. like the British we are maxing out what's the aircraft carrier could possibly carry in this case we've got three full squadrons Squadron one 24 plus humans f-35cs air-to-air squadron 2 24 f a 18 F Super Hornet air to Air Squadron 3 3. 24 super Hornets again and his ship and two-way waxes total seven ships 74 aircraft no submarine or ASW today because we're having problems integrating them on the large Naval battles next the nitty-gritty detail that start with the British first in the formations we looked at earlier but in verse we have the Queen Liz carrier here defending her are her six escorts we have type 45 there there there and there and a type 26 there and there type 45 and type 26 have been upgraded in game by CH the type 45 we used to use was a phase one we now have phase two the Asta 15 and Asta 30 have been removed replaced by 48 Asta 30 Block 1 the upgraded Asters also note in front front of the VLS we have these guys here a mushroom farm carrying 24 cam sea scepters so this is the upgraded type 45 she does have anti-ship missiles but they are NSM label strike missiles with a range of 110 nautical miles only half what's needed today to be effective so no anti-ship missiles from her today interestingly type 26 frigate has also been upgraded we now have as well as her sea scepter defense missiles spear 5 land attack cruise missiles and spear 5 supersonic anti-ship missiles again futuristic missiles they will not be ready for 2025 obviously but they do not have the range to play a part in today anyway 165 miles for the spear Andy ship missile so we're allowing it because the only thing that's going to be used is this sea scepter and C whiz Air Wing we have 36 AI f30 35bs from the Queen Liz all AI today will be set to maximum skill level far at the maximum range of the missiles but crucially not to return to their carrier after they've run out of missiles why well because this is going to be a stealth versus stealth match there's no slinging missiles out at 150 miles it's all going to be close in within 20 miles so if I hamstring his aircraft by saying return after you find your missiles it will actually do worse for them it's actually better in this case to leave them out to go into dogfights in terms of its Loadout the maximum and f-35b can carry in stealth configuration which is what we're going to do today is four missiles we've gone for three meteor long-range missiles and one as RAM aim132 IR close range missile now you'll note two of them are on the wing pollens today that's because I'm having trouble getting them in the bay reliably so visually two of them will be on the wings but don't worry I've set the radar cross section up as the new calculated reader cross-section of 0.002 meters squared simulating them in the bay so it's a small visual glitch I just haven't had time to fix it and it won't matter today a couple of a wax they're not the correct type of a box that UK would use but we need them to be this type of a wax to get the modern missiles to work so we'll just have to put up with it and finally the humans the humans are not driving B models today because the humans can't drive the B models at the moment so they're going to be in a models it's going to make zero difference with the same Loadout as the bees respawning from a few miles behind the carrier that today is the British one other thing to point out are these permanent green boxes set about 30 miles away from the ships today I can't simulate the ships shooting down stealth aircraft f-35s in real life they would be able to once they got close enough roughly within about 30 miles so today there is an exclusion Zone from any human f-35s of these green Rings please do not incur on the carriers because I can't simulate them shooting You Down The Radars are just not compatible at the moment and onto the Americans we have the carrier here All Ships today are moving at a cruise speed of I think 12 knots I set them at we have Ticonderoga here and I think there and the other four are Ali Burke and Jeffrey's configuration an example to weapons that they'll be carrying today will be sm-6 sm-3 sm-2 and of course everything has Phalanx today as well a carrier will have a three squadrons the f-35cs set up the same as we've talked about with the British but f-35cs can carry two extra missiles in a weapons Bay with the sidekick American modification allowing them to have four long range missiles aim 260 jtams and they're going to have two a9x same thing with the British I couldn't get the close range missiles in the bay properly but they will be simulated that they will be in the bay full stealth configuration it's just a small glitch again 24 of those squadron 2 super Hornets with uh serial killer spec of 12 J terms two sidewinders on a fuel tank and finally today the all-important anti-ship full Squadron of super Hornets carrying four agm-158c stealth larasm anti-ship missiles Sidewinders and a fuel tank twin a wax needed for Support also to humans in f-35cs with the same air-to-air stealth configuration we've got an F-15 shovel here in case the carrier gets jammed up but finally upper God knows how many years I've been doing this I found a way of stopping the aircraft carriers getting jammed up guys so you should no longer theoretically see any aircraft carriers getting jammed up it's nice to have that little bug sorted guys and that is today's battle a big important Grudge Match which brings us on to prediction guys who is going to win I've debugged it and run some bits through in isolation but I've not run the whole thing through and I really don't know who's going to win well I I do know actually the only guys that can win this are the Americans because they're the only guys with anti-shipping missiles with enough range all that brings me to something really important I've forgotten actually and that is that the British can't win they can force a draw but they can't win they don't have anti-ship missiles with the range the defeat the Americans um and that goes back to the British F-35 bees guys they are at air only they don't have anti-ship now some of you guys said they should be in 2025 equipped with Andy ship the spear 3 air launched and his ship missile which was due to be in service in 2025 but if I show you this cut out here from the basic Wikipedia page it tells you they have now been delayed the spear threes to 2028 so we can't use them because they're a missile that could be used to fully destroy the Hostile carrier it would be unfair if I was going to give them spear 3 I would have to start giving the US Tomahawk version 5 La razum B and his ship LA rasm and stuff like that from 2028 so and I don't want to go there yet let's just do 2025 it's hard enough just getting that working guys okay so that's why the British can't win today I can't give them their spear three okay so sorry back to predictions all the bottom points talked about so the British can force a draw or the Americans win guys my predictions very quickly um I think the British really have a chance here as we've known the stealth 5th gen aircraft are absolutely dominant in these battles as they are in real life I have absolutely no doubt about it and the fact is the British carriers carry more 5th gen in an average configure or average maximum configuration than the American supercarrier fleets we've got uh 12 more it may be that the first 24 f-35bs wipe out or neutralize the f-35cs on the American side and then we have 12 left over which could easily wipe out two full squadrons of super Hornets bear in mind that they're stealth aircraft in which case we might force a draw which is the best we can hope for today and I'm going to be biased today as well I've set it up fairly as I always do but I will be biased towards Britain guys your predictions I think the the US has got it in the bug to be honest with you for me personally the the UK C power isn't geared up for this type of Engagement anymore this scale taking on a massive Carrier Group um it's about projecting power via sea but at a scale comparative to the size of the UK so I I just think it's going to get overwhelmed really good point there by Mike in terms of realism this isn't very realistic viewers because the us could easily muster up this carrier strike group they've got way enough units to do this in fact they have loads of carrier strike groups as we all know at full strength the UK would probably never muster this up we've only got four destroyers in the entire of our Navy uh these frigates don't even exist yet so we would probably never do it but it is theoretically possible hence we're gonna do it yes I'm afraid I think Britannia will not rule the waves I agree with squirrel but then again two stealth aircraft after each other so I don't really know and welcome in viewers today's humans will be American wombat Strider and squirrel Boo the British will be Simba Brandon and bird yay Heroes a really important thing I've just been reminded about viewers neither the f-35b or the f-35c have internal gun in real life they have exterior gun pods I have allowed them their exterior gun pods today so everyone has a cannon today for dogfighting I can't show it in 3D unfortunately it's just another glitch with our lightning but everyone will have guns today guys I wish you the best of luck three two one go I'm super excited about this viewers don't take my weird voice for thinking that I'm not excited I am it it's the first time we've done a naval battle with full stealth Against full stealth what's gonna happen absolutely no idea let's go and have a look at some beautiful humans first the British hello boys they're flying at 35as in case you missed a briefing of you as just the humans are because um they can't fly the f-35bs at the moment I just haven't got it working yet f-35cs my beautiful humans on the American side boo in reality they would have a gun Bob that kind of drops down in the center here uh stealth gun pod just gonna have a look at the ships today Queen is one of our two carriers no aircraft on Deck yet still down below I'll type 26 frigates the shipping service I think 20 27 2028 you'll see VLS you can see our sea scepter mushroom Farms mainly anti-submarine Warfare frigate our type 45s are phase twos with our new mushroom farms and our block one Aster missiles that's pretty interesting and some further war games again it's going to be no use today because they don't have the range to take on the Americans today but against say lesser foe they will be very useful uh we've got our super carrier today operating differently than usual to stop any gumming up that uh can happen as you know four Ollie Burks and here's a great example of why we've offset the angle of travel the track viewers because look it's an R facing sea Wheels which wouldn't work if we were on our traditional forward-forward battle so that's an improvement always improving things viewers bit by bit by bit uh Ticonderoga not an old one it's a new one it's a CMP modernized Ticonderoga now in terms of the missiles viewers in case you're new to gr Naval battles what you would usually see is long range grim reapers missiles j-tems meteors being slung at each other from huge ranges well over 100 miles but that won't be happening today all combatants are released the first stage combatants rule stealth 5th gen modeled in full stealth that means they won't see each other at best until about 20 miles it's gonna be a while before anything happens and when it does happen it's going to be furious close combat and I cannot wait to see what happens other than that viewers there's not going to be much to see for a while so we'll probably skip the video until we're closer to action camera back on on guys we're five and a half minutes in let's have a look at our guys are about 70 nautical miles away from each other we have Strider going at probably the maximum speed of the jet which is Mark one point six we have a wombat you missed the briefing uh why is there missiles on the wing tips viewers it's because I couldn't get them in the belly but we're modeling it as if they are in the belly they all will be full stealth configuration today one of the small glitches of today that's just not important enough to worry about Simba is leading the British look at you representing British doing it right for one Simba very nice of you British Pride again um missiles on the wing tips viewers for the same reason pretend they're inside they are modeled as if they're inside and in real life they would be inside obviously Brandon number two his Dutch which is right next to Britain so go Brandon I guess which is a popular phrase I believe for reasons I don't understand AI doing AI things um bird doing Birds things who is sort of British foreign distance between front is now a very fast closing 35 miles it's not going to be long before they burn through the stealth of each other's fighter maximum detection ranges will be about 20 nautical miles today and to be honest cap uh talking about burning true stuff yes uh I think we're going to burn through our fuel before we get there that is a problem you've not got a vast amount of fuel so yep do a thing now what's going to happen with you is we've not seen this before where they even find each other will they just blow by each other I don't know and another really important thing to do is the radar missiles even if they track won't be very effective today against stealth of this small RCS the missiles just tend to miss we have our first missile out Jay time ons that person there which I know it's on me apparently Simon knows it's on him and my target lock is not bound all of a sudden it's Miss missed him it's missed him as RAM now this won't miss this is a heat so you can miss our viewers because the stealth has little to no effect on this missile that's a great shot with the nasram it isn't obviously long range missile smash let's get another day now is this uh the missile he fight is tracking and the J Thomas got a kill and the British down trade Simba's fixing some tech problems while the Brits are firing meteors the Americans gone into a minute oh no yes no no shitty son of a b that's because of the stealth the RCs messes these missiles up big time it almost certainly would have tracked a 4th Gen aircraft pretty much guarantee that everyone's just pummeling each other now at 20 miles and lots of meteors being fired not many J terms there's a J-Town being fired firing and getting a chop out of there but he's got this sucker only on on him okay that's full of Revenge now American down but but but Brit stodged we'll take that oh three Americans down one breakdown that's not bad guys and another one about to go chuff chuff nope evaded okay there's meteors 100 can be beaten another J-Town Jaden's just not doing that well today viewers seem to be more susceptible uh to this the small radar cross section the stealth yeah I got panned out this guy uh 15 miles still picking nothing up on radar five long range missiles fight and the Brits have fired one as ran this missile fired from a long way away and probably dead today it's going to be a hard hard fight I would not want to be a human in there guys we've got a merge they've not seen each other I have not seen each other they have seen each other that's going to be interesting all stuff and things meteor evaded good American Dodge j-term self-dominance thing last meteor he's got this guy no everything's evaded bit of chaff bit of dodging but mainly the stealth and now we've got mergers viewers we've got Sidewinder oh this guy's guns only it's guns only merges probably at this point this is going to be fun hold on Lightning versus lightning which would be better at 35c or f-35b probably to see because there's bigger Wings question mark J Thomas coming out close range oh Jason's coming out medium range on that guy there oh there's a lot to watch viewers there's a lot to watch maybe yep oh Jesus Christ did you see that stealth messing with the secret hit um weird ass dog fight there jtem there Miss caught up in the Trap Cloud meteor there Miss defeated by stealth The Killing today is painfully slow viewers because the radar missiles just aren't tracking the dog fights are so fast four Americans down to one Brit armed I'll take that as a freaking win nice unexpected is there any reason why that should be happening for you it's not really just luck of the drawer I would imagine these planes are basically modeled equal in pretty much every way apart from their Loadout today same rate of cross section same kinematic ability pretty much another American Dunder just uh the blues just aren't flying as well for some reason also the j-tams are just tracking terribly today I did do a little bit of practice viewers and they were working a lot better than this let's carry on anyway the good Lord was one thing is just to carry on and see what happens oh God six to one that's really bad so many more meteors being fired now oh no I'll take that back more J towns have been fired to meteors I don't know why the blues are suffering I didn't get any of this behavior in single player interestingly meteos be absolutely Superior everywhere today wow eight to two eight to two now and the Americans have five more missiles which suggests it's a missile problem viewers look at data link and if you zoom out and go towards the blue Jesus Christ Simba what is he doing I don't know how he got there viewers but Simba has somehow oh he's finally dead he got above the American Carrier Group and hunted down by Strider squirrel uh red to now pushed 20 miles past Bullseye go Brits okay five Brits down now Americans are catching up is now five to nine are you x five go down oh oh where oh Simba you sneaky dog you gotta missile off before he died if he takes a wax down that is a major major part now the good Lord shall fit to give them another oh it's either got another one you cheeky sauce yes now in any here's the thing viewers in any normal naval battle that would be that would have won the game for him but because everything's been done within 20 miles I'm not sure these missiles are even using dating but let's see how that pans out it's certainly going to affect firing against the super Hornets because we're far against the super Hornets at long range well done Simba you've possibly won the game for the break Reds by doing that cam Blues you mean the Brits the Redcoats yes the Redcoats exactly right okay the Americans are drawing drawing up even again it's now eight down for 11 Americans down yes Simba does that make my uh 1700s British Imperial Overlord happy um sure yes okay the Brit's pulling ahead again now how much is that a-wax loss gonna affect these gross range battles I am looking forward to seeing that viewers we should get even less PK from the American Americans now okay nine Brits down for 12 Americans I must admit I didn't even see symbols I didn't even think to look around there I don't know how he got there to be honest jaitam just not doing well today viewers more J tends to be 5 35 to 27 meteors meteor just doing a better job for reasons maybe it's just better suited for and he's still the way it tracks I immediately take that back let's go and chased by this jtem I am chasing you down that's tracking look you see it's all nose Trucking that one was beaten kinematically oh two America it's now 10 to 12 10 to 12 in Brit's favor oh just smack two American sound I think now 10 to 13. oh you lucky sop stealth messed up it's an as RAM asram probably the missile of the day viewers it's been used incredibly effectively I think every time a nasram's fired it's done a kill oh for any fire no so far I'm happy happy with the Brits performance guys that said we've actually lost as many f-35s as the Americans have it's the two yeah okay it's more or less even at the moment guys as I guess you would expect it to be man at the moment so far definitely Simba with this cheeky cheeky I'm gonna have to start hiding these a boxes even further back the problem is viewers they only see about 300 miles and there's only so far I can put them back before they've just become useless another as RAM is going to be another kill in America viewers that has had 100 PK so far why are they not flaring uh I don't know whether or not Flareon I have given them flares so so I'm gonna reason I imagine well if they don't get it super Hornets on the deck Super Hornet super Hornets on the deck right viewers all 24 American f-35cs have now taken off now super one is Squadron the air-to-air serial killers are taking off are they going to be any use no they're fourth gen against fifth gen aircraft they're gonna get smashed I've seen it time and time before but let's see right so far okay the British are pulling away ahead again we've lost 12. the America 13 the Americans lost at 18. so all things are good now ah come on we've lost 14 Americans have lost 18. and stride is about to get a face full of American English mustard that must have missed what mine I think right viewers so we've now got super American all that fifth gen like Simba said in reality if America knew this fight was coming they could prep loads more F-35 C's they've got hundreds of the things but for reasons I said in the briefing we've done what we've consider a realistic Max loadout of a Harris Drive group in real life now these guys are going to be useless because they're going to be seen over 100 miles and they're only going to see the f-35s at 20 miles oof a load of Brits just went down not good 15 Brits now down ah we're gonna ask around me out you will die they're just not seen the house Rams today don't know why uh okay it's stride is coming in let's try this yesterday I just got did you get a lock okay with your radar Strider yeah it should work it's going to be kill the looks of it 100 feet again the beauty of stealth it's going to get in there is going to use a Sidewinders I imagine yeah see 100 is and that's uh is a kill kill a human getting a kill in this configuration with the baddies set this hard is almost impossible viewington's so that's good work 19 Americans down 16. so our earlier lead has been 100 bitten into which I'm not happy with obviously but miss meteor Miss damn your small radar cross section the size of a bumble bee or whatever the hell it is now in terms of the guys who calculate these rcs's if you've seen any of those videos that I've done we've now finally got in contact with them and we're gonna make a video with them which would be interesting guys you can tell the Tactical situation has 100 equaled itself our viewers because look both factions are meeting at Bullseye so the British early gains have been won back by the Americans as annoyingly as that is I imagine iff must be a nightmare in here because f-35c look just like f-35b is 100 doing a thing what he's doing I'm not sure he's going for a freaking gun skill no idea if it's got a gun sight or not but he's got a gun why is that guy not fighting back his Ai and he's run out of fuel when his Ai and he's run out of fuel he's just gonna sit and die pretty much I take that back he's gone 100 defensive you're gonna have to work for that kills now Strider always lost his tail he's lost his tail oh let's try to just dodged her J-Town he didn't even notice oh yep one super bog down oh too much to cover now they're all the way back here getting shot by meteors from 100. here's the thing viewers these guys are shooting meteors at 105 miles and killing the Hornets Strider got his man finally well done 18 Brits down to 21 Americans down not sure what to look at next if I'm honest let's go for a tiki 113 another commercial shot yep you do have the option now to put 19 Brits down to 22 Americans down man this freaking fair fight there's a proper fair fight although I want Britain doing obviously it's nice to see us getting their s together after a shaky start viewing two momentums bang good kill on that American we might get another one we might be pulling away here Americans down 19 to 24 back in the freaking game and straighta you lucky sword he uh Barrel rolled and flared and dodged at azeram now is 100 in the brigging merge Amy best dog fire I was shooting missiles at me oh friendly fire from squirrel and Strider that is not gonna please him got that locked on to the uh 20 Brits now yeah I I have not got a radar lock in anybody this far Roger 20 Brits down gunfight going on here with Simba trying to shoot down this uh American strangely enough 25 Americans down we need to do better or do we I don't know actually I'm confused yes sprit dodged go on Simba go on Simba I'm not sure if it's gave them radar gun sights but Cannon's certainly working yeah I don't think that Pepper's accurate but he's just real jerky stick squirrel's got himself in a dogfight now with AI I saw gun dog fight at the moment I crashed and bring my crash you might crash maneuver kill Simba that's legal tender squirrel's still in trouble wow we just took a massive leap there 20 Bricks down for 27 Americans down and All American F-35 now shot down apart from respawning humans obviously we are pulling a good sensible lead viewers all right careful Tim because there's a friend in there as well as a buddy or Simba overshot that could be his undoing I was human versus human it's human versus human whoa that's why it's the people champ viewers but he's got squirrel on him and he is not a happy squirrel he's having all sorts of tech problems it's now a daisy chain of f-35s I was hoping it would end like this remember guns [ __ ] oh the squirrels now got some running there's a whole daisy chain of f-35s it's red red blue red symbol with a brake check Simba's trying to take initiative vertical scissors hit each other squirrel retains the rear Zimmer almost takes a bullet in the face oh Simba's lost a bit of his airplane can he still fly I swear those British f-35s are made better even though they're made in America we don't care about that world squirrel drop players look like it's just smashing everyone and but his merged with about 30 Reds you die American wombat you die right now speak of the devil son of a fee put the flares out yeah I said Son of a beat they'll get a Flying Dutchman on top of you it's got a Flying Dutchman on top of him and here comes Flying Dutchman meteor oh this is exciting I am excited I'm jacked to stink lack of non-excite God damn it one Matt just die look at that he's absolutely surrounded by Brits Brits in my country Brits on his 12 Brits on his three Brits on his nine just died the ride is on the Brigham wall I'll go on my sword your sword is blunt yeah we got a human gum skill Brandon The Flying Dutchman but he's not dead wombat remains a brand one oh the Brits down the bridge down how did that not kill yeah as well that's still the stealth coating saved him from those 35mm bullets or whatever the hell they are my Lockheed Martin it's your favorite Square guys they're using the same damage model same engine same everything also by lucky indeed right let's try and get back of what we've missed all the sexy dogfights viewers uh 24 Brits are down that is yeah 24 f-35s a bit of 36 plus humans Americans have lost 33 now that number's going to climb a lot quicker now because a lot of those are going to be f-18s which are non-stealthy they're just gonna get smacked by meteors 100 miles in fact you can see this guy is just starting to Pace out now long range meteors if one battle finally die get out of the freaking finely Jesus Christ you're coming out fashion quick right now here's the problem for America they've got a million super Hornets but they are going to get smashed at long range that said the British don't have a data link because the AO Alex are down so the meteors will only guide at a certain oh it's kind of hard to explain they will guide sort of if the blue plane is in the basket see that one it lost guidance because it's got no Air Max to write it because the blue you got it backwards foreign oh supplies that don't have airwax right oh that was spam why this meteors are actually now just smashing the horses opponents out the sky right yep thank you for reminding me there guys all right guys just wondering but we wouldn't wouldn't there be a thing that the ship uh ships relate data to the aircraft real life real life they would uh they would in DCS they for the ship uh can't guide the missiles I have no idea why also the 5th gen aircraft can't guide other people's missiles like they could in real life so it's just limitations we have because it's not really designed for this in fact we're massively abusing DCS just to get this sort of working merge apparently the Villa rosins have like a data link camera so you can control them I read that the other day it's pretty cool I would justify the price tag right with now and I don't know how this has happened but we've now got Hornets merging with f-35s then that was not expected they should all be shot down a long way away 26 Brits down for 35 Americans down in terms of Mrs fire the British and find more huh some weird ass stock why are these guys not fighting very well and guess it whoops I'm guessing they're just out of fuel out of ammo and out of fuels they're just dicing around the middle here looking for a fight but not really achieving anything right finally the meteors are starting to funnel in oh come on meteor didn't guide battle guide Striders missile oh right past him let's try to immediately dog fight 35 and 35. 33 minutes into the Sim and it's been Non-Stop and my voice is about to go because I've got a stupid code video I don't have a shirt that's close so unknown reasons something too much Jackson is too much uh that is 27 Oh I don't like that 27 British why do you freaking horn no Hornets are going down I wanted to get smashed they'll get Smash 11 Hornets down it's just taking a little longer than we thought for reasons some kind of reason uh right m9x or don't know that don't like that players all the players finally the AOS started flaring but it didn't help him another m9x don't like that don't like that didn't see it coming viewers why don't they flare sometimes it's because they don't know those missiles are coming the uh IR missiles don't admit anything so Strider don't you dare shoot me another one of my beautiful planes down he fled him now he's gonna come and get you they're built no you chewed him up Schroeder not to rest eyeball oh no my beautiful British down try the best dog fart at the moment kicking pop we need to get him in the dog like the Simba I think no thank you tactically it's perfectly even again viewers look Bull's eyes here Simba and bird coming in they're facing Hornets now they've probably been following missing harder no oh oh oh oh oh that was on lucky bird your RCS did not save you there did it no aimed on x barrel roll and players always beat a9x viewers if you head on I'm a bit lucky someone's gonna get similar notches the missile and the aim9x destroyed up does the same number J-Town headed straight towards Simba bang finally these out squirrel's got his missiles working and he is full body RCS yes full body RCS go Brits 31 Brits down to 40 Americans down those numbers winning oh that means I've not got many left are we still taking off we're still taking off the carrier we're still taking off and I've done it fairly it will be 36 views I can guarantee it plus obviously we're spawning humans but that evens itself out on either side so don't worry about that completely merge around Bullseye that shows how fair the fight is Strider yet another dogfight 37 minutes no right oh I Brit down 32 Brits down to 40 Americans But Here Comes the meteorologist Chuck pipe Super Hornet supernut is going down at rate of knots look 14 super Hornets down already and to be honest we've made a bit of a mint of that we should have killed a lot more we should have killed him before they even get to the AO but never as simple as you think viewers let's try to still shooting down Baddies now crooked Gun Sight you could also Gates gave you a crooked gun sign that's the last Brit is out the last Brit is fiery meteors off at long range the last AI should say things are 100 coming to an end in terms of air-to-air viewers and the first anti-shippers are out from America we are 38 and a half minutes in these are agm-15 C marathons they are fully stealth anti-ship cruise missiles viewers and I do not want them anywhere near my carrier so I'm gonna have to ask a red to do something very brave very brave indeed meteor duped 34 Brits down for 42 Americans down I would like a I'd feel more comfortable with a better ratio did you win your dog fight Strider are you crashing to the Sea I'll be a win then go meet you go on yes American didn't even see it freaking coming oh 34-44 that's a better ratio I can handle that viewingtons right that there is apart from humans that is the last um and the 48th that's the 48th American viewer AI air and their last air to air essentially but that said here is our last hit uh AI oh I don't know this is it's gonna be tight we can still do this we have got better Jets viewers we could smash these super Hornets if we'd start flying freaking problems my AI flying stupid at the moment smash these super Hornets then charge the anti-shippers and shoot the anti-shippers down so this is still doable we just gotta up our game up a little bit viewers up our game up merge how did he do those meteors viewers a lot of traffic coming out squirrels merge Turnpike ship on the air misses around oh no all right we've got time no they are are they no uh it's because the Hornets are getting too close Okay this is the block one has to improve faster viewers just gonna finally start shooting some of those stupid bugs down squirrel's still locked in a dogfight super on it being chased by f-35b Hero being chased by Strider not a hero anti-hero annoying thing is the super Hunters has done a lot better than I thought I thought they would have just got wiped out immediately they haven't why well it's never as simple as you think remember they've got self-protection Jammers on Jammers always messed his missiles up so we're not stealth they have ways of beating his missile oh damn they can also be missiles schematically they're relatively powerful kinematic Fighters so I guess I was wrong to write them off as useless yeah I think it's a missile count issue the bridge just don't have that much missiles yeah well we've always had only uh four missiles per jet where the Americans have had either six missiles or 14 missiles per jet so the Americans always always had more missiles than us so 39 Brits down to 44 American stand viewers Strada is still chasing that guy around oh and that's a 30. look at that huge range when he's after 30s viewers in fact let's see what range it is oh come on 64 nautical miles that's pretty good for Sam now here's the bad thing look where the fight is compared to Bullseye so always a good way of judging the Tactical you know and we're 20 miles back towards the Brits which means we're now losing somehow those super Hunters have got on top of us reasons like we said before kinematic dodging Jammers there are 260s are doing good and the Swarm yeah m260s has started doing good why f-35s are starting to run out of fuel and they are not being able to dodge as well and stuff like that ah come on we are going down down now that could be friendly fire that'll cheer me up that will Jeremy up yeah get some sucker face it will happen with fox 3 missiles viewers oh the rasm is around 500. erasms are 100 out dog name it and there are going to be lots of these viewers they've got 24 times four can't do that my head but that's a lot all right viewers I thought we're gonna do a lot better let me talk you through the numbers 24 American f-35s I thought were going to be nullified by ir24 f35s plus we get another 12 more because we carry more of them so 12 remaining f35s and the Brits against the 24 first air-to-air super Hornets we should have smashed them we should have done better than this we should have beaten to the first two American squadrons we didn't why I don't know I'd love you to tell me that and they're performing meteors under certainly the asram worked well and we should have had a few left over maybe a flight left over to shoot these anti shippers down that's what should have happened if everything worked perfectly obviously it didn't work perfectly the Americans got top of on top of us why reasons we've been talking about also numbers do count damn it because it can confuse things that can mess things up it can create distractions create inefficiency so the Americans have won the air to air damn so now it's all about the lorazem let's talk about laurasm viewers it's a very expensive terrain hugging or I should say you know sea hugging anti-ship missile it's fully stealth its RCS is unknown classified so we've had to guess it which will always give it a degree of unrealism but we've done the best we can in fact we've said it the same as an F35 water ships defend about against it well is 100 untested against the new type 45 and the new type 26. I've asked CH for his opinion and he says probably the main Radars won't track them which probably means that sounds weren't fire but the sure Rod should still work the EOS systems which means Phalanx will still work and maybe even sea seceptors will still work on the EOS but it also means that my f-35s which also have EOS can track them and find them so if my human f-35s now can win the air-to-air war and um go and start shooting down those erasms tracking them with EOS and just shooting them down with their Cannon or whatever the missiles will be set to track the ship for the biggest radar cross section which is in theory of course be the aircraft carrier will that work we don't know okay all British AI now down meteor app from Brandon suck it this one's just respawned out and it fueled up that was that scraped past wombat what an annoying young man I like that cat indeed don't worry my flying Dutchman's got a little surprise for you bran uh wombat no one likes a Flying Dutchman on their six hey viewers ah good F Hornet now out of fuel he's out of fuel he's out of fuel and even the humans friggin out of fuel so we now don't rule the sky but we have an empty Sky we can now get my humans to track those larasms down that would be beautiful lots more anti-shippers taking off total air-to-air kills out of Interest are 44-49 bragging rights for what it's worth and it's not worth much and similar let's try the eight kills what how have you guys done so well Stratus killed eight assuming the scoreboard was working uh Stratus killed eight Brandon it's called four squirrels kill three or four because he got a negative as well simbisk of three vertical three and one match score two right what happened to wombat I missed a fight because supercap I was trying to find Brandon around the water that's kind of a yep sounds like one better because you said no one likes a Dutchman on the six yeah well you know what that is I really thought we had Murray so that's coming back and nothing was there come on today well I want restaurants oh come on oh it worked well done Brandon that's another kill on his belt that's five now according to scoreboard over accurate days we're trying to find these missiles there were 40 anti-ship missiles in the water now what's gonna happen viewers one good thing is viewers are not far well they are fast but they're not supersonic they're they're trans Sonic 0.9 so at least we can keep up with them easily if there were YJ 21 or something they wear masks it's random you see his little Optical system on their viewers it's tracking those missiles right and what use is he gonna be seal Landing Strip yes that's where that's where the AI is landing and all the AIS literally landed look at that viewers I have landed shut down uh it didn't even go back to his carrier uh the mark 0.9 um they're fast but not fast six two five he can't catch up with the missiles he's too fat Fat Amy too fat 2019 The Strider any chance you can recovery 363 um I'm trying to get a lot I got no fuel he's out he's out the freaking game guys he's landing on a pregame tanker as we speak which we're gonna watch I'm gonna predict predict this doesn't go well viewers but you know me I get those things wrong sometimes have uh damage almost uh should do I've we've learned them up before haven't we guys yes yeah we've blown them up before guys well guys I don't want to be that guy but you got 30 miles to stop them right Bird I would do a thing try not to shoot Brandon that's why I didn't fire yet right [Music] what else you found it all right here goes third that's so low look how low they are it's so hard to hear for Brandon to hit any luck I see what's happening Brandon yeah I see what's happening Brandon you see what Brandon's shooting there viewers there isn't a missile there or not on the server he's got decent missiles so he's shooting a missile that doesn't actually exist Brandon oh wow I don't have a solution for you uh that is a bit frustrating I'll give you that you see he's shooting one that's there but it does it oh yeah it's not there on our screen it's on it's just multiplayer decent it happens it's annoying but uh yeah I would respawn and get some missiles if I were you Brandon that will probably work a lot better because the blast frag will shatter them even if it misses right Simba's in the game very cool oh a whole bunch just died yeah a whole bunch just started as in three dies so I think those ones that you've been shooting are finally updated on the server so if you do shoot them on yours it'll say it will update the server you know after a while shot that hit that killed one bird so you'll missiles are working the radiogated missiles are working the heat Seekers are not yep I mean I know we've shotgun we've shot them with Chinese on the Chinese bird could kill so of the first 16 there are only one two three four five six seven remaining so you've killed nine so although it's buggy de-synced and all that crap you are killing the missiles the annoying partition is like 40 more of them kill six left but then obviously the next battery coming right here we go viewers here we go what is Type 45 gonna make of these missiles obviously no um sounds have been fired so far is working the independent radar on the seaways sorry the EOS on the sea Sea Whiz God damn it missed the series has radar it also has EOS guidance and there's nothing to do to stop the US cards they're going for the BAM only five left guys five left come on zimba no it's too late four miles away they're 100 percent symbol used his face with this full episodes coming boys throw everything I did think about the oh the Queen's dead think about the queen this carrier you can't defend yourself dagnam it boom Oh God just down guys one Queen is and a type 45 dead yeah the missiles couldn't track it with The Radars and the ship couldn't track it the EOS have to see whiz could but it wasn't accurate enough for the update wasn't good enough to actually hit them at that speed in the altitude guys the Americans win but a warm but on the what a match we put up an amazing fight at some point I thought we were going to do it I thought we were going to smash all the kill ratios at the beginning were brilliant I thought we were going to kill the first two squadrons and then just walk over obviously just snipe the uh the uh anti-shipers but it just didn't work viewers but well done the Americans for getting their s together and they started just pulling it back and it was too hard to recover at that point and then the lorasms just couldn't be stopped I'd need more boys with more missiles I don't know I'd need ships like 10 feet away from the carrier to be able to stop those erasms in it like a shield or something which we could do with human captains and stuff but anyway that's a thing I'm gonna go um it's quiet I'm gonna give my guys a couple of minutes to finish off some more rounds you did shoot down a load of guys you must have shot down probably 20 21 I think also worth the lack of uh missile missiles and then they're mole may be going to the same targets uh didn't help Roger I could have given the Brits I could have given the murder spec viewers I could have given them like 10 meteors or something but then I would have to remove the stealth ability and then they would have been shot at at 100 miles well maybe not that far but 60 miles or something so you would have hated me for doing that trust me it would have Jesus the type 45 is we're going to smash now and the top 26s which are just refusing to oh dear no Lizzy Island coming for you yeah I've only got it I'll play between Brandon and this world they have guns guns only um I've also got 200 pounds I'll fight you Brandon bullseye well the cost of the British 18 billion dollars are about to go up guys I hope you enjoyed that viewers I hope you enjoyed that bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 57,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Type 45 Destroyer, Type 26 Frigate, Queen Liz Carrier, F-35, Lightning II, Meteor, AIM-260, JTAM, LRASM, AGM-158C, SPEAR 5, Super Hornet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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