Ryan Reynolds Gave Me The Nicest Compliment

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to meme time roll the intro it's me time it's mean time gather all your friends it's meme time it's been time it's pain time the only cure for sadness i am in a great mood today so we gave a classic intro for the lads why not this is going to be a good one uh a lot of stuff has been going on since the last mean time i'm sorry it's been a very long time since i did one of these but what better time we've had so many things going on not only in the community but in just in my life in general there's been a lot of things happening and let's get into them let's see what you guys have been up to in the meantime that's the double sided nature of that intro by the way that title that's not just it's time for memes it's meme time it's that what if what have you guys been posting in the meantime in the meantime some of this is lost in you big news everybody all right everybody knows jacksepticeye big hollywood movie star right now but did you also know that i'm in a game called monster legends what is monster legends you say out of your uncultured mouth i'm gonna lay the facts on you monster legends is a free-to-play game on apple ios and android you get to collect monsters choose different skills use different techniques and strategies in action-packed battles there are over 800 monsters to collect and your boy is one of them probably the strongest monster this game has ever seen have you seen these biceps i play a character who is a down on his lock street dancer from the streets of ireland who's coming into a battle to lay waste to every other puny creature in the game so if you want to play monster legends and have the greatest character that the game has ever seen you can click the link in the description and get my character by august 30th you know what else my monster is going to be available in the game for free in the breeding event and even if you can't wait that long there are special offers that you can get the character as well if you click the link in the description you also get 50 000 food 10 jacksepticeye monster cells and 10 gems but all you have to do is click that link to get them so if you've ever wanted to tell people that you've played with jacksepticeye before now is your chance okay we have to start with this clip because it's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me free guy came out super exciting there's been a lot of talk about it the reception has been great a lot of you have been tweeting me pictures of like the credits and showing me my name and the cast list and everything and that's been incredibly heartwarming i'm so emotionally overwhelmed over the last few days for what everything that's been happening and like i don't even have the biggest part in the movie but a lot of people have been making it feel like that i have so thank you it's made me feel very good about myself but it's finally out i finally got to go see it in the cinema with friends and i was so nervous the entire time because i saw the movie already at like a private special thing that only the people who are involved in the movie got to see and then when i knew when my parts are coming up and i was sitting there the whole time like so nervous so terrified that people would not like it and all my friends like were like yay okay they're not booing okay that's good yeah and everyone seemed to be having a good time so very relieved um but it was very surreal to see my face on screen at the same time as ryan reynolds in a aaa blockbuster movie so i'm so overwhelmed thank you for all the support and everything but ryan reynolds went on to today fm which is an irish uh radio show that's been around for many years and i've known about it ever since i was a kid so which is also surreal to see it like come full circle uh but they asked about or they talked about me in the interview and i posted this on my tic toc and somebody's posting it here but i wanted to show you because this is this is phenomenal what a great idea it was first of all to put real youtubers who play games and stream and do all that stuff in it but jacksepticeye one of the biggest youtubers in the world he's an irish guy and it was so great to hear him see him in the movie and also just a class act i mean what a just a great great guy i mean i've known him for a long time outside of this and and i was super thrilled when he said yes to jumping in and playing with us he's uh he's he's a special human being and i hope i hope ireland's proud of him he's uh he's a he's a good lad dude that is so cool i've never oh god i'm doing it again when i saw this clip for the very first time um my sister sent it to me my little sister talked about it before my other sister then sent it to me and i legitimately cried when i saw it because it's just so first of all it speaks for itself it's the coolest thing ever but as a huge fan of ryan reynolds for so many years and like basically wanting to be him uh because no one says a bad thing about ryan reynolds everybody loves him he just seems to have fun he loves what he does he's trying to get the most out of everything he does he's trying to make people laugh and i've always kind of tried to do that myself but in the last year obviously a lot has been going on and my mentality has been sort of all over the place and i don't really know really what i'm doing i don't know what i should be doing i don't know what to do next i don't know if i should double down on the stuff i have been doing or you know it's just a lot of doubt and worry in my own head about what i'm doing and i i do that a lot because i don't celebrate the things that i do very often i can't like just do them and hope that people like them and thankfully a lot of people like the stuff that i do but i never want to toot my own horn so whenever stuff like this comes out it's just it's like oh god okay i'm doing something right like it just kind of validates but to come from like the person that you admire the most as well is one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me and i'm just so emotionally overwhelmed at everything that's been going on around the movie and again i don't play like the biggest thing in the movie i'm j i just play myself and have like a couple of cameos here and there which is already mind-blowing but to have it be celebrated so much by so many people in the community has been oh it's made me so happy it gave me such a boost of confidence so thank you i don't know what else to say ryan you're the best you're a good lad to be to be a certified good lad by the big man himself is phenomenal and i i dm'd him when the movie came out was like so glad the movie's doing well like congratulations and he said some nice things back um he's just the nicest guy ever he's always been super nice to me and i feel like i don't deserve it so thanks didn't take any pics into theater but was paying good that's illegal paying attention to sub count and he went from 26 million to 23 million yeah and the amazing new movie free guy jacksepticeye gets multiple scenes but he apparently loses three million subs between his first and second review of blue shirt guy i kind of like that honestly i think somebody sent us a picture that the url for my channel as well is spelled wrong it's it's like jack spectic eye or something like that which i also think is really funny because i mean it doesn't matter i i still get to be in it i don't care if you call me jimmy billy nuts but i mean my name is under the picture of me so it's hard to like go wrong but i think that that's funny that there's more to talk about than just hey there's jacksepticeye i posted the post i made here on twitter and sean saw hey ryan are you aware that you may jacksepticeye cannon in the mcu i don't think that that's how that works but i'll take it uh people have been calling me a disney princess i'll also take that even though i used to be affiliated with disney they used to be my mcn partner on youtube so i've been with disney a lot longer than people seem to realize um i i don't they're not my mcn anymore but this is yeah i'll take it i i'm in the mcu now can i just like touch spider-man can i be killed by deadpool in one of them i will literally do anything to be in one of those movies i should audition we happy sean being in a movie sean being in a movie and in a movie with ryan reynolds at the same time yeah we happy we're more than happy we're set i i kept joking that i'm like i'll quit now i've peaked this is it it doesn't really get better uh than anything that's been going on lately so let's just pack it in lads although a lot of people thought that i quit already because of the 15 months video and thought that that was me my swan song and that i was quitting not at all that was just me showing you what the last 15 months of my life have been like and hey we can move on from free guy now i just suggest highly going to watch it and see it in the movies because it's very very fun and i had a great time watching it uh not just because i was in it or it's a ryan reynolds movie but it's genuinely really really fun to watch and any of you who are into video games which i assume a great many of you are if you're here on my channel it's kind of like a good love letter to video games and i think it's one of the best video game movies if not the best video game movie that's ever come out i'm afraid to talk about free guy too much in case it gets really annoying and then nobody ever talks to me again i was literally screaming at my screen and pulling my hair out that one guy who saw sean miss a night about 242 yeah i i wonder how many people who leave those types of comments saw that video and we're like oh whoops because i get so many of them every time i do especially a long series a long sort of let's play we do like this was from resident evil i was referencing because i got so many comments from people being like oh my god how did he not know that he could do this thing oh my god i'm screaming at my screen i was pulling my hair out and then somebody else comes in and agrees like yeah shaw could be so stupid sometimes it really makes me annoyed i'd rather go watch it somewhere else like okay calm down take a breath but i get it that it's frustrating whenever you watch something especially if you can see the solution but the person you're watching doesn't and that definitely happened a couple of times during that series but at the end of the day i have the series done it's recorded it's finished i finished the game even with those errors put in and games are designed that way that you don't need to make the perfect decisions you can just play it your own way and then get to the conclusion anyway but it's very funny to have finished the game and then see people yelling at you about things that went wrong and how the whole series is ruined i'm like dude i finished the game like two days ago i'm on to other things it's like going outside and blowing or it's like going outside and yelling at the wind and telling it to stop blowing because it's just not gonna work so it's not gonna happen at the end of the day i get it just remember that it's not that big a deal these are just videos on the internet they don't have to be something worth screaming at and pulling your hair out over even if that's hyperbolic that's not worth getting upset over oh-ho-ho where you're the cool man is it even fun to make among us memes anymore i don't know i do like this template though angel devil savior bad boy yes sir i'll have her home by nine nine a.m the next morning sometimes you've got to go back things are changing you know it just shows that i have two sides to me an angel and an absolute bad boy who's gonna mess things up who's gonna go out there show the world you're missing out on some stellar content on my tick tock by the way absolute beautiful content here we go it's on i challenge markiplier and jacksepticeye as soon as i can travel i'm going to wipe the floor with you a little background in this here interaction charlie threw down the gauntlet he threw the condom in the ring and put out a challenge to me and mark to have a strip off uh a pole off to see who could work the magic silver pipe more uh in regards to pole dancing because me and mark have done one in the past for cloak marks and some in the past charlie has now gotten into the blood sport of pole dancing himself and he put down the gauntlet to me and mark and said that we should uh go over and challenge him and i said as soon as i can travel i'm there baby but i can't right now because kovit's keeping us all inside and especially in england you're not allowed to travel internationally right now even though i am vaccinated i feel like i should be allowed go maybe for work but they're like hey no and i'm like that's fine the prosperity of humanity and keeping people alive is much more important than a silly video on the internet but i have been working out i'm getting swole and buff af i'm going to headlock charlie i'm going to tickle mark into submission and they're not going to know what's happening and then they'll beat me in pole dancing because i'm the least experienced when it comes to that but it'll be fun if we ever make it up come on man why does this work so well uh simon has green eyes i have blue is that simon simon chipmunk same yeah yeah wait internet are you okay what is what the oh [Music] no how do they suddenly stumble into furry porn what are you trying to say huh did i miss harry as a chipmunk look i got hairy hands i grew up in ireland there's no heat you had to make your own so i grew up all year round jumper and my ears don't look like that although this is remarkably similar to my hair i hate that this looks so perfect but i kind of dig it at the same time i believe in steve take the title of the last song you heard that in my ass all the way in my ass the picture works so well with it too oh man what else could we do song titles ain't she sweet in my ass ain't talking about love in my ass ain't that just like a woman in my ass ah i like that why does that work so well all things dull and ugly in my house oh all the way jazz what let me steal that title oops along came betty in my ass trying to remember what i wanted to do briefly remembering realizing it's too late that's a good template that works for a lot of stuff also yeah absolutely i've i've had times where i have like a great idea when i'm going to bed i'm like well i won't write that down because i don't want to get up and write something and turn on a light and whatever they're like i'll remember it tomorrow it's a good idea i remember it and then the morning happens i'm like what was i talking about and then halfway through the day i'm like [ __ ] this is me it's too late i can't do it anymore my face went literally i love this so good i love the original spider-man one and now i get to be spider-man what a world i love that you like drew all the characters exactly as they were this is great because i yes i did get my hair cut between uh shooting the first part and the second part because it just added more depth to it and it made it more fun and i had a haircut planned anyway so i thought i might as well record this video before and after i get the haircut because that'll be more interesting to look at and it adds for a fun joke um but the whole premise of this video came around because everyone kept saying oh sean should collab with jacksepticeye that would be so fun they all what if they ever met like a joke i was like what if they did ever meet so that was kind of like my play on that that jack came in and bothered sean while he was doing something and then like halfway through the video you kind of figure out like oh that's what's going on that's what they're doing and then i added in the third guy at the end and everyone's like wait who the hell is that why is there a third jacksepticeye sean like who's this person that's uh sean william mclaughlin who is in free guide who knows maybe there'll be a fourth jack someday i've gone through many iterations of myself over the years so who knows what's next maybe instead of relying on mean time to cure your sadness you should talk to someone about it that's genius yes please talk to a professional if you are severely and seriously suffering from mental health issues but also epic meme great meme the only cure for sadness what do we even do when there's no meme time huh what no no really what [Music] no no meantime i'm okay for sadness but meme time is free professional help is quite pricey it kind of is sometimes actually it's unfortunate some therapists will work on a sliding scale though depending on what you can afford so you could look into that but it is a crying shame how expensive it is to get health taken care of in general you know free health care in some places just physical health is hard to take care of but mental health that's something that gets overlooked and you need to take care of that just as much i'd say sorry if you can't afford it though that's hard sean jack evelyn's hot damn right she is look at this no not that hey that's me that was my free guy outfit not cool but look at this look how cute we are look how hot she is look at that hair look at that beautiful face look at the sexy ass tattoos perfection but if you accept the guy comes on to my girlfriend one more time she has a boyfriend all right this subreddit in a nutshell sometimes this should be good i'll have a meme about sean's height huh or maybe one that says meme time is the only cure for sadness how original shawn mclaughlin name word play daring today aren't we that is exactly what it's like to peruse this subreddit sometimes it's so funny too because i'll put some of those memes in a video and then i never really like to retread the same memes uh too many times going forward into the next video so i try and take new ones all the time then because people see it in the video like this one they'll double down on it and then do more of them for the next one i'm like i need fresh new content for the next episode you can't just rehash the same old memes all the time all right peak content you know people make fun of youtubers make fun of me all the time being like oh another reaction video huh another blah blah how original can i come up with something new this is you guys huh yeah mirror doesn't look so shiny and nice up close does it we're in hollywood movies now hollywood are watching this channel they're watching this community we got to give them what they deserve yeah okay hollywood do rehash a lot of the same things over and over again and they do do a lot of sequels and reboots and remakes all the time but damn it free guy was a new ip ah this is so cool spend two days on it i hope you like it damn that's impressive holy [ __ ] did you make this in minecraft rip old house old room old blue light of new blue light now it works just as well but it's not really in the frame and it's not broken it does turn off every now and then because the battery runs out so i guess you could say that it's broken man we had some good memories here hey yeah i like that i i cherish those memories a lot so thank you for this very very impressive rip old room you will be missed dearly yeah but don't be sad cause it's gone be happy that it existed in the first place but now we got brand new shiny room with cool statues in the back of things that i really really love of the franchises that i love very dearly we got the top of the morning going on tea coffee what's your vice oh chocolate we got it all baby you could probably find some of the products underneath this video and the shelf that youtube has provided to the store oh goody feeling proud of this edit i absolutely adore this oh my god you have no idea i've wanted to get when we were moving into this new place i wanted to get a picture that was like this of me evelyn and bibi together i wanted a picture like that of like me looking out and almost this exact outfit evelyn in a similar one and then bb in the middle in an exact same outfit with like the puffy collar and everything because he has that like big mane and i wanted to get a picture like that done and i searched a ton of places for it to get like a commission done but i just couldn't really find the right one so if any of you know anybody that does this kind of thing like a really high quality high resolution picture i'm talking like a massive one kind of like the size of the shadow of the colossus poster here in the background if not bigger because i wanted to hang it in my hallway so people who came in could see a really regal picture of us like a a royalty family a royal family like family portrait i want it so bad so this is exactly what i would love thank you so much for making this i love it because it reminds me of we got into a channel recently that showed all this artwork and all these old pieces like like the mona lisa and things like that and why they were so important for the time and the the techniques that they use things like that and i it was always fascinating and i realized that i'm a huge fan of caravaggio and hieronymus bosch their artwork and that renaissance kind of painting style is phenomenal um so i want it i need it oh man hi everyone here i am with a jacksepticeye drawing it took me two hours what the hell that's insane that's so quick this is incredible thank you i love charcoal drawings i love the way hair looks in charcoal drawings and the kind of like fuzziness that you can get by like blending it out or i don't know the terms i barely even know how to write my name but this is phenomenal thank you so much artists in the community thank you i appreciate you very very dearly the amount of artwork i see all the time is so amazing and though it might not get the most recognition all the time um i still really appreciate it it's more like a silent sort of appreciation so thank you very very much i love it especially those people still draw the egos all the time and i haven't done anything with them in quite a while but people still draw some really cool pictures of them put together their own stories and i love that keep it coming it's amazing that's gonna do it for this episode of meme time thank you so much for stopping by thank you so much for checking it out and thank you so much for still being here and the fact that i know i haven't been uploading as much anymore i used to be twice daily then i went down to daily then it was every other day and now it's one every two weeks if even i know if you're an avid fan that gets frustrating but from my perspective i just kind of got a bit bored i've been doing it all day every day for nine years and i just wanted to challenge myself to do some other things here and there and i still love doing meme times that's why i'm doing another one now and i don't want those to kind of like slip by but i wanted to do other stuff i've always been fascinated by movies and acting and camera work and editing so i want to take some time away and learn more about that and try some new things and then 15 months came out and that was a really big thing for me to do a very personal thing i'm really glad people enjoyed it and then i did the talking to myself video which was one that i've always wanted to do a talking to myself video i just never planned one out or scripted it out so just trying out new things has been really fun and there's just not a whole lot to play there's not a whole lot to do right now um but i'll be back to daily videos eventually i'd say or at least every other day like i was before it's just right now it's nice to kind of do nothing for a bit kind of figure out who i am figure out what i want to do um and it's been nice to kind of like because you know the pandemic happened and being stuck inside was a hard thing but doing this as my job made it a lot easier because i have a community and i've always been inside doing this all day every day but then when it was forced upon me where i couldn't go outside and i wasn't allowed to leave my house or my room it kind of took some of the fun and creativity out of it and i wanted to get some of that back so now then like being vaccinated and the world is opening up and i can see friends and stuff and i appreciate that time a bit and i'm just really grateful that you guys are still here after that so thank you i really do appreciate it it means a lot to me that i can try out new things and i know i'm very lucky to be able to do that and have people still wait for me and still want to be part of what i do here so i think we're going to do some cool stuff there's a bunch of projects that i have in my head that i want to do but i have to be able to travel to go to america to do it with the people i want to do it with um and some of the bigger ideas and crews and budgets that i want to do so in the future maybe next year we'll be able to tap into some of those but for right now i don't know what's going on in the world um so let's just take it one step at a time and appreciate what we have while we have it instead of yearning for more anyway that does it for me thanks hold your horses there book rooney all right the video's not over yet because i have to tell you once more about monster legends and the greatest character that has ever entered the franchise of video games in forever the big boss jacksepticeye click the link in the description to get the character by august 30th send me screenshots show me you playing as the character and destroying the competition can't hear it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,702,163
Rating: 4.9803848 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, meme time, ryan reynolds, free guy, jacksepticeye free guy, ryan reynolds jackseoticeye
Id: uO2GglqD-aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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