Ryan Pretend Play Pizza Delivery Cooking Playhouse!!!

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[Music] can i have some pizza what pizza do you want i want some pepperoni and mushroom okay coming right up and which drink would you like i want grape juice and orange juice okay coming right up oh there's a seat i'm gonna sit down right now one pizza coming right up [Music] two more parts of it [Music] now for some cheese [Music] i'm gonna make it extra spicy i did say pepperoni so i'm gonna put some pepperoni because they said pepperoni then mushroom this is a big pizza [Music] let's bake our pizza [Music] it's gonna be super hot because i want it to go really fast it's done whoa looks nice and fresh time to cut [Music] [Music] so now i'm gonna put ice [Music] hmm they said they want and then grape juice so we're gonna put grape juice three two one now for orange juice let's put some ice uh oh i think i ran out of ice and then orange and then three two one here's your drinks one hot delicious pizza coming right up here's your pizza ooh looks yeah wait a minute there's a bell pepper [Music] i need to drink this it's too spicy this is a grape juice [Music] now feel better i'm gonna eat this pizza too this is spicy for me too i need some gummies there's a drink there's no eyes this is not cold ryan ryan please come here what are you calling me for this pizza you put bell pepper it smells it's too spicy and you forgot to put ice and my drink too sorry i i ran out of ice but you still owe me ten dollars what i still have to pay it's ten dollars so that was a change okay thank you here's your tip this is extra tip even though you made a mistake i'll give you a tip thank you guys for some cheap pizza [Music] i'm still upset but i'm gonna eat it [Music] anybody else wants a yummy pizza we do we do can i have some pizza please did you fly the airplane all the way here yeah just for your pizza okay what would you like can i get giant pizza with ryan's special what drink would you like can i get strawberry juice and lemonade okay coming right up all right i'm gonna fly over to my table all right [Music] it's a little too big for me and here are the ryan special toppings pour some yogurt and then put a little dessert in the middle and then put a little orange and then a cookie [Music] surround the dessert they're gonna have to eat stuff before the dessert and coin [Music] all right let's cook it uh oh i think it's too big what am i gonna do maybe i can cook it each side like this [Music] like that maybe i can do that boom go super hot [Music] yay now it's done now let's give it to them i'm dropping the topic hi guys here it is what is this [Music] did you cut vegetables it looks like it's not cooked what is this i am ah and the middle is not cooked i'm gonna eat it still it's not good ryan and where's my drink ryan you forgot my drink now let's get the juice one of them wanted lemonade ice is already here okay right here [Music] okay this one is done now another one i was smart this time and use one ice for one drink then oh not orange i meant strawberry [Music] guys guys i think i know how to fix it parmesan cheese let's see i'm going to try it again it's even worse ryan use your dreams i need to wash it out with my drink this one that's good i like it i like this lemonade you guys owe me twenty dollars what 20. that's so expensive that's so expensive the pizza wasn't even good thank you oh that's your tip keep the tip okay thank you for eating your yummy giant pizza make a better pizza next time please ryan say he's sick for today so i'm gonna take over now so pizza anybody want some yummy yummy delicious pizza i got the mommy special if anybody wants it anybody anybody [Music] hi mommy nobody's on your stick today you want some pizza are you sure you don't want some chicken noodle soup instead because you're sick you just wanted the day off okay well what would you like i would like a giant pizza and the mommy's special oh one giant mommy special pizza coming right up for you ryan won't you have a seat over there and what drinks would you like i would like lemonade oh that's a good choice okay one lemonade and mommy special pizza coming right up now i'm gonna sit down and wait for the food i'm sitting here because the chair's too small look at this giant yummy slice of pizza ryan can never finish this right let's see what toppings should the mommy special have here some yummy eggs break it up some eggs on the pizza okay what else some carrots because it's good right for you to eat some vegetables and fruits so let's keep falling off what else is there oh ryan do not like broccoli but it's good for him and this is the mommy's special see what else here um [Music] make the pizza sweet all right i think that's enough for the mommy special it's time to cook the pizza oh it doesn't fit oh no what should i do you know what i'm just gonna cook the tip all right i'm gonna turn on the oven all right so i'm just gonna cook around it okay just cook around it oh it's falling the toppings are falling there we go the pizza is nicely done leave it on the side now what did he say his drink was again i don't remember so i'm just going to get some any type of drinks for him oh he's a lemonade okay all right oh there we go okay some lemonade oh no lemonade choice here so i'll just go with the closest thing with just apple juice that's close enough there we go all right ryan's coming right up whoa here you go hopefully you can finish it and here's your drink okay so i'll be right back and let you know what you think okay okay i'm gonna eat it [Music] [Music] everything is my favorite broccoli and carrot is my favorite now for lemonade this feels like apple juice mommy hey ryan did you just give me apple juice i'm sorry i ran out of lemonade i'm so sorry oh are you done with your food because you kind of have to pay oh no i'm not done okay i'll be right back just let me know when you're done okay okay i'm done um the mommy special is a discount price so it's just six dollars okay ryan why you gotta pay you're gonna pay ryan oh wow look how much money ryan gave me this is way more than six dollars thank you yay thank you so much for watching our pizza video bye eat this pizza ah it's dirty hey ryan are you ready to be eaten by a shark yes okay don't hit me all right all right so we're gonna play eaten by a shark game are you ready ready get set go go almost alcohol right right now gotcha gotcha nope not there oh they're in this room they're in this room i see them i see them i see daddy now we just have to get ryan [Music] okay thank you oh no ryan freed daddy no more shark now we gotta get him again ryan got you guys [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm a skinny pretty shark look over there daddy oh now just have to get daddy daddy we'll never get them shark hey that's not [Music] that's nice nice [Music] oh [Music] where they go [Music] [Music] [Music] now i'm going to eat mommy i'm gonna get mommy yeah did you hit me did you just hit me what are you doing i'm gonna get them to keep attacking me with a pillow are you blocking with a pillow [Music] did you [Music] oh [Music] wow no more sharks no more i love summer there's nothing going on i can just relax on my bed all day long ah the zombies are here [Music] zombies [Applause] [Music] hungry need to eat something oh no you don't that was so yummy i want more i'm still hungry um more incoming [Music] plants i want some plants oh no i think we need help okay over here zombie doesn't scare us [Music] yay we did it now we can just rest guys you can't rest yet look zombies are coming more and they're stronger than ever what let me see zombies [Music] it's not working they're too strong i can help you guys can't come here oh no any other plants around we need help oh no they're getting closer oh no you guys don't [Applause] [Music] that was a close one i came just in time thank you so much that was super scary yeah i thought it was going to be a relaxing summer but there's no break from zombies in the summertime thank you so much for saving us you're welcome for saving you good thing i came just in time hey guys what you guys doing you guys having a fun sleepover i want to join um [Music] they're coming oh good thing you guys are slow [Music] get out of here get out of here today is summer day no more zombies right it's past my nap time um incoming a lot of them [Applause] [Music] i'll save you guys [Music] [Music] yay thank you so much ryan for saving us yay you're welcome plants i hope that never happens again ryan for saving us we have a special surprise for you what is it more wow versus zombie toys so it comes with some fun plants and some zombies too this kit also comes with some plant and a zombie this is cool then does it actually shoot yes it does if you squish it i dropped it whoa that was fast wait no i think i did it wrong look at this look at my plan he's like smooshed oh who should probably do it a little bit oh don't point at me ready not as strong as ryan but this is fun cool what does this do just chop backwards in here so it shoots backwards [Music] that's weird whoa that's cool the small ball oh and these zombies hey daddy i need your head here whoa oh it lights up that's kind of cool [Music] oh ryan got a cowboy one [Applause] ah who keeps dropping the head huh i don't wanna kill him that is the only way to get his head off is by using the this cannon okay i got the orange cannon right now my one has like a mohawk oh yeah looking cool ready ladies and gentlemen um [Music] you didn't even launch it that one's cool yeah i like this one he's so cute [Music] i'm gonna knock them out three two one [Music] oh no they only lie that hurry up ryan keep missing it too [Music] they're too strong yep [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh two more you guys wow [Music] such a lovely day outside don't you think yeah such a lovely day what do you want to do um i just want to step on some cold iced tea look at the lovely view but wait oh no oh no oh no it's getting closer wait wait for me look we can use this car to go faster watch where are you going where are they oh where do they go maybe this way maybe we should hide under the bed we'll die god get out come on let's go hide let's go hide they'll never find us in here the zombie will never find us okay okay we have to be quiet quiet is good and they can't find us all right let's go together where are they hmm i can smell they we're getting closer somewhere in here maybe under the bed ah they're coming we better get out of here [Music] i have an idea let's go upstairs let's go let's go [Music] oh no they're getting back up we get it out of here they're kidding me look what we found all right hold on tight let's go upstairs let's go hurry up it's not working they're coming they're coming oh it's not working [Music] we can pretend to be babies and sleep maybe they'll never notice us this way let's go let's go zombies all right let's go this round i just smelled them they're very close somewhere in this room where are you shh be very quiet okay i think we also need backup i [Music] oh no i think our friends are in trouble yeah we gotta go save them i can fly [Music] oh what is that hurry up and get out of here they're gonna wake up soon let's go run run i'll teach you for messing with my friends nobody mess with my friends you guys stay down yeah we beat them but you guys look over there look what we see look look puppet we should go in wait aren't the zombies coming well we can hide in here puppet party puppet party puppet party oh hi disney princess what you guys doing here um this is my ball play by the way yes you guys are ruining the party you need to pay a lot of money for this ah but the zombies are coming so like can we just share wait what those plans are too strong and even more backups all right i think this is enough let's go again [Music] plants plants [Music] [Applause] oh no we don't have much time not working it's okay i'll come out three [Music] here too oh no three of them woke up i think you need more backup guys i'm gonna help you too it's not working i think i can do it all right mo here we go mo bomb yeah we defeated the zombie let's have a slime party [Applause] [Music] thank you kids for watching our plants vs video bye
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 38,164,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan ToysReview, Ryan's Toy, Ryan toysreview, pretend play, kids pretend play, pizza resturant, pizza delivery, playhouse, kids playhouse, kids cooking, kids cooking toys, kids pizza toys, pizza toys, play toys, food toys, playhouse for kids, play house
Id: pYwYv24X2Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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