Barbie 2023 Making of & Behind the Scenes

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Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie barie day one I play the original Barbie kind of the first one created she refers to herself as stereotypical Barbie she says it in the movie like I'm the Barbie you think of when somebody says think of a Barbie that's me and Margo really does look like what you think when you think of a Barbie you think of the most beautiful cheerful friendly blonde lady you've ever seen and that's Margot you really think you're Barbie yeah when I first heard it was going to be Margot it was obviously amazing because she is such a incredible actor we started discussing what makes a doll what makes our language how to approach it with none of us knowing what it may be let's do this can I sit in the front no I need immediately bought 24 books about the history of Barbie books about modern day Barbies there are books on how Barbies influence generations of girls and people we originally played around a lot with a more doll like look trying to like have subtle contouring in where her like joints would be if she was a doll maybe face was lighter than the body and ultimately it was like a fun idea but you didn't really want to look at that for 2 hours best if you don't think about it too much so we went back to the idea of just every Barbie and every Ken should look like the most beautiful pretty version of themselves the Greta and I were discussing it first that possibly she would just have one look and then very quickly as we started discussing the story more and more we realized really that she needs to have many many different looks and basically depict many types of stereotypical Barbie yes hi like oh my God he's kind of dead but he's also Back From This Moment yep yeah yeah so good looks amazing this is day four or five of tests to determine you know which camera we wanted looking at the colors on Margot and looking at the makeup and making sure that it's Barbie perfect it's perfectly perfect just seeing sort of like how does it look on camera how does it look against the colors we've already Chosen and then always asking myself like when I was five what did I want to look like and probably the answer is like a mermaid unicorn princess so anything that looks like that the magic of Barbie dolls is that everything is just slightly more perfect than what you'd want in the real world it was about sort of achieving that creamy glowi it looked painted in the best way so it it looks natural but it's not simple simple eye with a simple natural eye shape is what's most dull like simplicity is just what makes your eye look bigger and then I think mascara is very very important because that makes all the eyelashes and the shape of a doll with those kind of very defined eyelashes she's put on mascara and it's like yes and then sometimes you put some lipstick depending on depending on the outfit the lipsticks changed to whatever we thought was good with clothes also a lovely nude lips is what barie Margo had and lots of Barbies had simple beautiful lipstick lipstick color the flatness of the whole makeup and the Perfection of it all without too much contouring that was quite important it's very very simple and clean and that to me in my mind that's what does look like you look so beautiful Barbie thanks Barbie I feel so beautiful I think what it needs to be so they Mak Marg wig they have grand yes yes this still feels yeah of course having the impossible hair is such a Barbie thing and so we just these amazing gorgeous wigs with hair down to the waist impossibly voluminous but a really pretty color we spent at least a year looking at stuff and talking about how we wanted it to be and so much of it is the hair that shiny plastic Barbie hair is so iconic everyone knows what it looks like so cool yeah we went through different versions of weaving plastic hair into regular wig hair Nana actually made a whole wig of it for Margo it was very interesting trying to find the right shade of blonde I started off with the color that the first 1950s Barbie is which is quite a yellow blonde and in fact we kept that one because we do see her as a 1950s Barbie in a stripey Black and White swimsuit so we kept that color but we didn't want her to have the color all the way through Barbie changed everything then she changed it all again we were going to do another version of the wig that has more platinum in it and less yellow they're calling it Grace Kelly blonde but I think it it it looks really Lux but fun at the same time which is always the needle what we're trying to thread we basically allocated all of her 14 wigs and 14 different looks so different costumes it all started from knowing how Greta wanted her to wake up in scene one on a good day and what we wanted from the bad day and eventually joins the real world and stops being a doll and I suddenly thought well then she has to have normal World hair so then was another wig to make and another look to make when she becomes just an ordinary girl hi it's incredible to see the progression of the whole looks and when you look back and when you revisit all the different looks and when the film is put together we will suddenly see huge differences between the looks and that would be fun I I think it was a fun process just to figure out what the look would be on screen and I just felt so pretty every day I felt so pretty as Barbie just like with the wigs and all this hair and professionals doing your makeup and just yeah really I felt great every day and that's a [Applause] wrap Barbie land is perfect and everything in it is perfect and you have perfect day off perfect day until you don't in a way Barbie land is a world without aging it's a world without death it's a world without mistakes walking into those environments and feeling the kind of artistry and the love and the playfulness it was so exciting it's just eye candy and it's so fun to look at but it's also beautiful genuinely beautiful and there's such craftsmanship and such Artistry in all of it I felt like I was a miniature little doll in the real dream houses one of the wonderful things about shooting here on all these big sound stages is that we were able to really create that world the fact that all of this is practical and has been built does a lot for the cast walking on and seeing wow this is really the world this isn't like any culde act that I've ever been on it's very very pink it's a little bit more pink than I've ever seen in my life but I love just how like glittery and sparkly it is I didn't realize so many shades of pink existed in the world but everything is beautiful and everything looks perfectly plastic and perfectly fake it's all true to its own universe and so distinct from The Real World we had a vision of old film making techniques and as reference points we watched a lot of old movie musicals I love this sort of interiority of those musicals and how they are authentically artificial that they have this heightened emotionality that comes from its artificiality Greta coined the term authentically artificial that it feels like an authentic world with its own rules but these people are authentic and they're feeling real things I'm such a huge fan of Greta's and her work she's so smart and deep in everything she does so everything from the script to the sets to the Wardrobe to the props she is one of a kind and it's such a singular Vision which she's created she's just the best I love her so much she is one of the very few aurs of Our Generation and it's why I wanted to work with her gr us enthusiasm is just completely contagious and when she started describing these ideas that I read on the script that the way she described them to me was just wonderful the big part of it was making sure that I didn't let the adult part of my brain take over and run the show that I was like what did the little girl want iridescent purple and brighter brighter pink pink is a major major part of the design we tweaked and created this lookup table and then everybody could choose or adapt colors to make sure that they look pleasing and indeed the colors look beautiful a lot of it was inspired by old slim aons pictures and that 1970s Palm Springs sort of kind of vibe of leisure and clean lines beautiful people in beautiful places doing beautiful things that was the Mantra that's the essence of Barbie toy was a big aspect of the design gret always said want people to watch this and feel like they can reach in and touch it or pick it up because that's the world of Barbie and toys we are in a giant toy box and this is the toy Bo and this is the toy world and they are dolls welcome to Bobby's Dreamhouse come on in this is my breakfast table and the kitchen we're in the living room right now here's a fun little bar and the slide that goes from the bedroom down into the pool we had dream houses Through the Ages so the first Barbie dream house is the card one and it evolves today to this sort of incredible three story edits that you put together we have a mixture of things that are physically there but then also decal because again playing into the world of toys our kitchen being a great example of that so on the back here you have just a decal so it is intentionally 2D and it's that thing where we want things to be obviously artificial but still very satisfying the houses are 23% smaller than real life to get that toy quality because if a Barbie was to stand in a house a hand can touch the ceiling and it's the same as the cars the cars are 23% smaller cuz whenever you playing with a Barbie and you try and put it in a car it's not going to fit in the car they have no walls and that sounds very simple everything in Barby land is seen at all times there is no water in barie land there's no water or fire there are no elements there's technically no electricity but we do need light sources so don't think too hard on that one it took a lot of figuring out what exactly are the parameters of this universe I mean even things like how fast do the cars drive like not fast 7 mil per hour there's like a million decisions it's very hard directing Barbie on this beach hi Barbie hi Barbie the beach sequences was one of the most difficult to kind of crack actually because we're in a place that that has no water so it's toy and actually retrospectively it's like well of course it would be plastic and of course it would be solid but you know arriving at exactly how that was going to be done was very tricky there's no wind so the sand never ever bod you we've got signs that say swim with sharks and everyday is a happy swimmer's today I mean everything is perfect about the Barbie beach everything looks like sweets so the mountains are painted like Coco Truffles and The Rock looks like raspberry [Music] mors whole thing about weird Barbie is everything about Barbie land was perfect and pure and 90° angles and square and there isn't a 90° angle in this house everything has gone cockeyed welcome to my weird house there's a couple of crucial refer references which were the idea of The Bu Radley house in killer Mockingbird oh you mustn't go near the weird Barbie house and also slightly based on the psycho house which everybody loves and knows weird Barbie house it's not molded or Stained it's just been messed with and that was something we did a lot of work on that to figure it out how you would be you have the warm red yellow orange scale and then you have the green blue scale again no black or no white there's no black or white in Barbie land at all and where everybody has their mailbox Barbie Margo has the Flamingo and of course weird Barbie has Valerie the vulture weird Barbie knows everything we wanted to make us something that we called it Pandora's box but inside it comes things as simple as water cuz there's no water in Barbie land and of course then she also has potato because this is what they eats and then we made her these crack cracker things and she sort of goes into them and learns to tell the fut through them it's a piece of Living Art you walk in and see this stuff and you're like how did a person think of this and they did and it's because Greta has fostered this environment of everyone just play to the top of your joy level and make it the most amazing thing you can and it's just so inspiring to see what everyone came up with this is Barbie Oval Office in the pink house the first time I stepped on set I was just in awe because down to every detail it's Barbie and the specifics just make you happy and it makes you feel good to be on that and it makes you feel like a Barbie I love you guys the desk we grained pink and the first time we saw it it was an absolute shock and it was like oh my goodness what are we doing and also the carpet here which has the Barbie coat of arms on it we have to do this three times to get the pinks [Music] right [Music] when Ken takes over Barbie land and calls it the kendan he brings a lot of stuff leather couches protein powder massage guns video games weights headbands watches mink Furs Leisure wear sports attire it was a pretty incredible feeling getting to step onto the Mojo Doo set it's basically this rigoll of horses and basketball nets and weights and all of these hyper masculine things Greta in her mind had a very very specific thing and it was all about the black leather the black leather everything we do for Barbie we have to remember that it has to be josed for when Ken takes over so Barbie's bed spread is made of crystal Fabric and things like that and then we've got Ken Ryan waking up and he's got rid of her stuff push it all to the side and it's now a photographic image of giant horses on the duvet and his pillows all horses and he's surrounded by televisions and mini fridges mini fridges is a big thing Barbie dream houses are built beautifully they have like a very calming and soothing aesthetic Ken's Mojo dooa house is like someone vomited masculinity all over it we had to have a Ken ovop we had to have a Ken Nobel Peace Prize we had to have a Ken Supreme Court you can choose what horse you would like this is a lot of pressure is there a horse that doesn't look like it's desperate to be chosen look at this there's no eyes it was believing that actually bringing so many ugly items into a set actually forms its own Beauty which was a bit of a breakthrough the transition between Barby land and the real world is a series of Transportation vehicles that get us there kind of like in this 2D endless tracking shot it was even sort of using these old silent movie film techniques it looked like a Carl zon movie the sequence itself have six different environments that Karen and Barbie travel through and we wanted all of those individual sets to have an overall look we get to camp and we get to to be in space and we get to be Sailors and all these little things from space and time to land and Bar in all of our sets the vehicle is stationary within the set and the set moves to create the movement but the campus set is different it's the only one where the camera moves and our act as a stationary the transportation vehicles are all very handmade very tactile and very clever in that there's all these little layers but it's all very still flat and 2D so you might have a boat that's moving while the water's moving and that's literally like our crew members pulling a rope like this and putting like little bits of cellophane on the water to make it look like it's twinkling like water and little Dolphins diving like that or raccoon jumping out from behind a tree or a waterfall which is just a shiny piece of material that someone's behind that back truck literally pulling the rocket itself is sat on a robot that has a recorded automated move which kind of gently bounces along as the rocket travels and our actors sat on top of the rocket when we leave our office here to go and find Barbie and bring her back you just cut to us on a tandem bike and that's a practical set none of its CGI and it's just presentational as if you were watching a play this is the tandem set so we've got 12 CA bike so we've got the static backing we've got a kind of a land piece which is on Rails and the windmills spin the whole thing was meant to be fun and we've been having so much fun so it's always been a tight roope walk between the creative being incredibly elevated and also incredibly accessible a lot of directing is done before you even roll the cameras because it's this collaboration with these incredible artists but it was an extraordinary feat of design and I'm so excited to have been able to build this crazy beautiful world that I hope is just like a happiness generator for people that was great okay [Music] I think rule one of Barbie land is you just always have the right outfit on Jacqueline dur obviously an incredibly decorated award-winning costume designer and has worked with Greta before it's quite difficult to know how to approach this because the character is Barbie and Barbie can be anything hi barie she can represent any person any profession anything especially in this film costumes are everything I mean unless you're dressed for it you're not doing it if there's a meme out right now that says the costume designer for Barbie has a free pass to Heaven I [Music] agree the main thing that separates Barbies from humans is that every time you see a Barbie she's fully dressed for a purpose and one thing that it really helped was having big details like big buttons big earrings big necklaces and there's something about the big chunkiness that made her look more doll likee here I go each of the actresses would choose something that would be expressive of their character in a way what we're talking about is how you would want to represent yourself as a woman so each person needed to have an input in what that would be so for Anna it was about referencing her Heritage we had to do some Research into how to construct a Filipino sleeve we made a dress that she was really pleased with and that she felt would make her mother cry the Nobel Peace Prize goes to Barbie for me it's like I want the highest heel I want the cinched waste it's drag it's the most them Queen that's what I wanted to bring cuz when else can you bring it but in Barbie I had a Barbie called sparkley Barbie when I showed Jaclyn she made me the exact dress sparkley Barbie used to have so I am literally dressed up as a Barbie that I owned as a little girl I'm going to go find Ryan goling bye bye the film starts with Margot in her black and white costume the origin costume of Barbie from 1959 we kind of moved through the decades in a way where the perfect world outfit all the Ken and Barbies are wearing something that exists in a more like 50s 60s hi Barbie hi Barbie this is Barbie's wardrobe each day her outfit is already magically here in her wardrobe she opens the doors all she needs to do is look at it she gives a spin and then it's on her body Barbie's costumes always come in a pack and they're always complete So within the pack you have all of the accessories and all of the things that match it's almost the way kids dress up it's just like I put on my hat and my gloves and my necklace and my shoes it's all like everything at once Jacqueline would create like a perfect day look but then when Barbie goes to the beach it's the same material but a different outfit hi Barbie The Gingham costume is based on the idea of the perfect beach costume in the early 60s which is heavily influenced by Bridget BAU but which happens to be also very similar to a Mattel striped summer dress all from the same period The Gingham dress set up the idea of a nostalgic beautiful world she's dressed perfectly for the occasion Margot begins in this very controlled safe existence because she's never questioned anything so her clothes had very clean lines a lot of structure and strong colors hey Barbie yeah can I come to your house tonight sure I don't have anything be planned just a giant blowout party with all the Barbies and plant choreography and a bespoke song you should stop by so cool basically the block party is a representation of the history of Barbie in one scene I spoke to Mattel and I asked if if it was possible to get reference of all the party clothes that had ever been designed for Barbie in white and gold over the decades we put together about 30 different looks it was a challenge to think how to dress Barbie and all her friends for the best party [Music] ever that was brilliant what are you doing here that racing suit that Ken wears that has the Barbie bees on it Ryan just came up with that on his his own that was his creation you can't make me look uncool in front of Ken Ken's not cool he is to me so for the first part of the movie The Ken's are pretty much wearing the same things as each other because they're somewhat overlooked but this all changes when Ryan goes to California and discovers the patriarchy by the time heading off into the real world now roller skating outfits it's kind of like 80s 90s neon Vibe neon rollerblading costume is not identical to the hot skating Barbie but it's very similar and it's very much inspired by it and that's been one of the most fun things to do is to take an original costume and tweak it slightly and bring it to life in the movie then when we get to the real world Ken brings patriarchy back to Barbie land we didn't have Denim and lra before in Barbie land the second part of the movie delves into things based on early versions of the Kendall but also other ideas of masculinity that were current in the 70s ' 80s '90s the mink coat is one that re appealed to Ryan we also had the headband and the boxing boots tracksuit the last piece of the puzzle was the leather waste coat and even later Edition was the adding The Fringe to the shoulder so the costume was really built step by step and Ryan was involved D in this because he was always up in the anties we are somewhere all the Perfection that we reach for [Music] doily we never wanted Barbie to lose her femininity she is a girly girl but she's also now a little more ironically more fragile for Being Human colors some times became more pastel outfits became less structured lines became a little less clean there was something a little less certain more delicate but still quite feminine about the kind of looks you see barie Margo wearing at the end are you okay it's okay if you're crying you know I cried too it's actually kind of amazing I've never had as many costume changes as this and they're all so wildly different some outfits we obviously replicated extremely accurate rely and some were very much inspired or embellished in different ways there were all these sort of details we had to nail down and get right and I really loved working with jacine and recreating those classic Barbie looks was really fun putting on the costumes every time was the most fun and really made me transform into being [Music] Barbie Greta described weird Barbie in the script as a cross between David Bowie and a hairless cat is so strangely accurate if you asked me to pick a roll for myself it would be weird Barbie Hi how are you well weird Barbie was truly the Barbie you play with too much you brush out her hair and then you decide you want to cut it then you see what happens if you light it on fire and you draw all over her face you put her in the splits and try to change her clothes I had this idea of like well we have to have a Barbie that represents that fate of so many Barbies and I wanted her to be funny and wise Kate McKinnon was the first person I thought of we've actually known each other since we were 17 or 18 I went to college with Greta and we were in a playwriting class together I was like we're going in okay get ready to go someone told me that she was making the Barbie movie I was like Greta is making the Barbie movie perfect I have to be part of it what can I do you for I always thought she was the most talented person I ever met it was really special when we were on set together it was a very full circle moment so you can go back to your regular life or you can know the truth about the universe the first one no we'll do a redo we developed it sort of together I mean she had a very strong idea of like she knew what a weird Barbie was yes she is like a shaman figure the keeper of everyone's hidden weirdness a Barbie's put together a Barbie is perfect and weird Barbie is the one who's allowed to be asymmetrical messed up and what we all have inside of us is externalized in this piece of art and then you look like me oh sorry I understand I set myself up for that so we looked at all of documents and documentations everywhere of examples of real Barbies being mutilated by different kids and then of course the real discussions of how we wanted to represent all those looks in Kate McKinnon's character we remade about four different wigs to try and find the perfect look so it's taken us a long time and we came up with two very strong looks for her because she kind of develops as The Story Goes On weird Barbie has been relegated sequestered quarantined to this space which is freakish amalgam of shapes and colors obviously that is the manifestation of who she is in this world hello H humans we're fine there's lots of quite eccentric characters who didn't really enter the mainstream and live with weird Barbie this is not just her own Lair there is a rag tag gang of cookie Dukes Teen Talk Barbie is a teenage Barbie who can talk she said things like math class is hard and let's go to the mall and um we'll never have enough clothes I guess I play Growing Up Skipper the costume is actually historically accurate cuz it's exactly like what the real doll had back in the 70s but obviously the standout thing is the boobs may I okay watch this her boobs grow why would they do there to do The Growing Up Skipper effect we had an inflatable rig which was a lot of fun video girl Barbie has probably the coolest outfit I mean I have a lens on my chest got a video screen on my back I'm playing sugar daddy Ken sugar daddy no no no no I'm not a sugar daddy this is sugar and I'm her daddy she is uh as you can see a lovely dog and uh she's very faithful I'm magic earing Ken and I don't think it needs any more explanation says a lot I think the whole set is full of people dressed in the most amazing colorful wacky outfits and everyone looks incredible it's been amazing to play dress up it's especially fun to be a weird Barbie I think because we're all Misfits and this film is about how Misfits All can fit together in a Dreamland just excited to have the gang all together Kate brings so much the character she's such a brilliant comedic actress and she brings so much empathy to kind of this outside of Barbie she's so warm and funny and inviting I never could have imagined this thank God they did there's room for everyone to be more whole and more rounded What a Wonderful World it would be this is so weird casting this movie was the most fun it was just like kind of all our dreams coming true Margot is always able to make things grounded and relatable and very emotional even when it's ridiculous and heightened and funny Margot and Ryan they're daring to fail and yet they never do to see those two go toe-to-toe on set every day and the improvisation that they got to have with it and just how much fun they brought to the characters was so so great to see even though he's so wonderful and dramatic roles I knew he was really funny I mean it's Margo and Ryan they're both just EXT extraordinary Margo is able to do anything and up for everything and it was really fun to work with her he's really going for it in this movie he does a lot of singing and dancing I mean it's just hilarious we had to create a world of Barbies and Ken and I remember talking to Issa and saying in my fantasy world she's president why not right to be able to wear my presidential stash and Rule and kick it over Barbie land is a treat to see all of these different types of Barbies it's really important we're all one Barbie we all have one Consciousness but we have our own traits instead of checking the box that says other I get to sit at the table and that's really exciting to be on set because someone sees something in you is really special I feel so beautiful so do I this is the best day ever just walking onto set and seeing the dream house that first day it felt like that childhood wish being fulfilled I almost cry my heart exploded when I came onto this set for the the first time it was so amazing Kate McKinnon plays our weird Barbie she's just a Divine human being and Incredibly gifted comedic actor I'm so happy so beyond happy to be here playing this character and participating in this genius script and piece of art it's crazy oh we gravitated towards smart funny women to be Barbies and then of course all like Ken hi Ken hi Ken hi Ken hi Ken this is one of the best scripts I've ever read it was every bit as incredible as you would have imagined irreverent crazy Bonkers but also with a real heart and a real message behind it and so I knew I had to be a part of it it's just one of the most unique fraternity sorority summer camp clubs theater troop groups that I've ever ever been a part of what gret has done is just bring such amazing people into this project and into the space it's such a lovely cast it's a joy to be here everyone's in a great mood and you're allowed to try things out and there's the space to find it together it's been a really exciting group to be around Michael Sarah plays Allan and he can do so little and give you such a big reaction everyone loves Michael Sarah he's so funny and he does so much with so little he's such a brilliant actor who are you I'm Alan oh you are Alan that's great grer said she had been thinking of me in the role of Gloria which was so flattering so it was exciting from the start and I had America in mind very very early I just love her and I think she's wonderful America Ferrera plays Gloria my mom and we've bonded an incredible amount during filming and we have this awesome handshake that we created I'm very proud of it I have moments where I'm like yeah I've been with these people for months but also internally I'm freaking out I'm like I don't know what my life is I'm standing next to will frell will is just the most Divine human being so kind so professional so funny I got sent the script and and then immediately saw a brilliant piece of satire and this really smart look into the world of Barbie and it did seem like this world you wanted to just be a part of Will farell on a tandem bike was one of the highlights of my filming career up until this point it was terrific we had so much fun with the casting on this movie I think there's lots of cameos that people love to see and get really surprised by rather like sort of David atenor doing a narration on a film I'm the wise and knowledgeable and objective voice telling the story of Barbie I couldn't be happier that I'm part of this film it's been really fantastic where else would I get to play half man half fish my big guy is thirsty it's just been a lot of fun I'm a big fan of the hair it reminded me of how much I used to love playing dressed up as a kid it was a wonderful opportunity to cast just incredibly talented funny beautiful brilliant interesting people to kind of be part of the Kaleidoscope that is Barbie and it was just really [Music] exciting [Applause] [Music] dancece I wanted to create this world of Barbie land that was like a soundstage musical from the 1950s I knew I wanted to have a giant Barbie dance number that would lead into her ex potential fears of death you guys ever think about dying I don't know why I just said that Jenny out n choreographer and Lisa who she works with did the most amazing choreography the best thing about it is it's actually pretty simple moves that you could do in your bedroom at home but when you do it all together something really impactful and fun about it one of the things that we discussed early on was how the Barbies were going to move and trying to establish their character that it's not going to going to be this rigid quality that you see in Barbie dolls nothing stiff robotic it was more just like an elegance and awareness of your body for the Barbies dance rehearsals is like our bonding time that was like where we all kind of became best friends hi Barbie it was great to have a couple of weeks of rehearsals with the Barbies beforehand getting to meet the danc and being in the studio [Music] space we auditioned a lot of dancers we needed all looks all sizes we sted on our own as The Damp working with Jen and LBA and then we brought the cast and we were nervous to be working with them but they were nervous to be dancing with us the moment Greta came on put watch it for the first time was just amazing we actually spent about 5 days shooting the big Barbie dance at the beginning because it's still a scene and kind of complicated hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie I always sort of associated Barbie with disco disco as a musical genre it's assumption is you want to dance I knew that Greta was really psyched on the BS with some of the most Flawless disco dance music ever I am kind of a musical theater super nerd and all I ever really want to do is sing a dance and I got to do it with Greta gerwick margar Robbie and Ryan goling the boys are really getting into it Mr Ryan goling definitely impressed everyone he was so funny but he's also a really good dancer hi Barbie Michael Sarah who plays Allan his dancing is hilarious my dance number here at the block party was like maybe one of the first things I shot it's the kind of thing you might be nervous to to do normally but there's this huge energy and there's so many people and everybody's just like embracing and having fun just get caught up in it see you on the Mal Beach see how that goes see you on the Malibu Beach the final epic Ken battle is just how it sounds it's final it's epic and it's a battle it went from being this song that was maybe going to be placed somewhere in the film to this song that they built this kind of epic battle around they have zero information about what war [Music] is they ride in on their horses cuz they discovered the horses are men extenders and the weapons we have are balls and the cross sticks I instantly knew what the the Ken song should be Greta is like we love that song actually can you make it longer so we're essentially scoring like 11 minutes just around the Ken song growing up I loved the Nutcracker the battle between the toy soldiers and the Rats the absurdity of it that's something I was thinking about when we were creating this battle stupid and crazy it's crazy it's just so Majestic that it it causes the Multiverse to implode seem to matter what I do it's like the telephone game from The Real World it's been distorted by the time it gets back to them and they're just kind of doing their best but it's it's really the worst there's these two groups led by Ryan and myself and and they're and they're going to war gra came up with the like concept of having the fight mixed in with dance the more ridiculous that we can make it the better it's so ridiculous it's magical I'm just kidding anywhere else be it looks like it's slow motion it's actually everyone's [Music] game it's like using like that kid's imagination where they create something out of nothing like a chariot out of umbrellas the dance stuff sort of fed in from there Duets a bit of Tango and like stupid Movement Like missing punches but to the eyes we've been shooting kind of like this arrival from Team Ryan from the horse pedos on the beach it was crazy to play that scene with beach balls and soft weapons and rabad DUIs with the like commitment of a real war there's bouncy balls flying all over the place and people are going down and getting stabbed by lacrosse dicks and then all of a sudden Ryan and I meet this moment of the beach off I've always loved dream ballets like in the middle of something that's happening all of a sudden we're in a dream ballet they do it in Oklahoma it's an incredible dream ballet they do it in Singing in the Rain look at you look at you go they meant to do a battle on the beach and then that somehow mored into a Dreamscape dance sequence where they dance their feelings I had this idea of like well at the height of the Ken battle it'll be a dream ballet we had one day to get the Ken dream ballet but we got it and it was really triumphant and everybody felt good because honestly what's more fun than dancing the set is modeled on the forever Horizon of the dream ballet and Singing in the Rain pink blue staircase wide expensive space with incredible lighting that Rodrigo did that we only saw on the day and it really transformed the whole choreography Mark Ronson who was writing the music for the movie he'd written this Barbie song which was wonderful and I was like well let's have bside as like a Ken song and so then he started writing this song which was so outrageous and wonderful it's sort of like meatloaf a bit it's got a little bit of like Roxy Music like high drama he's unplugging you shoy we recorded a song for it with Mark Ronson LOL juty Scott simu Kingsley they had great boices and they came in and we did the whole course when Greta told us that Mark Ronson would be helping to write and produce original songs for the movie we were like oh my God that's insane I got to go record in a recording studio with Mark Ronson what kind of dream world am I living in some of us come from a very robust musical theater background and love to take control of the dance and song days and so am I all right everybody we're doing it again and by the way some of us are flat on the last one I don't know who you're talking about yeah I'm just Ken we just had you know 50 Kens in a room just doing some ballet and some turns the dance comes to this resolution where it feels like the male energy doesn't have to be aggressive and you don't have to fight to come to some resolution it just culminates to a point where they have to sing and dance their feelings sort of what brings us all together and we realized that we were only fighting because we didn't know who we were the song's a so fun like everyone can't stop singing the songs the movie is like an escape hatch into this crazy Magical Musical funny [Music] [Music] land
Channel: DVDFilmBonus
Views: 1,085,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making of movie, behind the scenes, movies, film, movie, VFX, CGI, Pixar, Disney, Oppenheimer, barbie, Детки против пришельцев, #trailer, #makingoff, #movies, #shortsvideo, #short, #movies ., #fastx, #fastandfurious, #vindiesel, Bakom kulisserna, #backstage, #greenscreen, #greenscreenvideo, cartoon, animation, lego, classic movies, sfi ci movies, Fantasy movies, DC, Comics, fast x, aston martin, james bond, #jamesbond, #cars, Rebel Moon, dune part 2, marvels, Марго Робби, Райан Гослинг
Id: 8-Zzqzn2t-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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