rusted fg42 2

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we received a rifle back that test-fired time customer says it won't shoot he was trying to shoot us off for an ammo we tested this off point our boat before we shipped it out but we're gonna retest it and see if we find the problem we just want to put it on videos so that if we say it shoots he's got some pretty [Music] holy crap looks like nobody bothered to wipe anything down okay will will dust that off before we send it back to him is going to do a cursory inspection looks like the bolt is dry I don't know really what this other stuff is but first thing we'll do we'll just put a little lubricant on the bolt like was the case when we send it out it's got rust showing them stuff we're not gonna reap blue this I don't know why the man would send it back without wiping it down first but okay actions clear and it's free forgot the check make sure it's yeah it's on the middle gas setting which is cooked which is correct everything looks good but a little lubricant goes a long way from anything including our gun this is privee 198 grain this is Full Metal Jacket okay maybe we did test with Full Metal Jacket he wants to shoot a soft point we'll test it with a full metal jacket then we'll see if we have any soft point [Applause] okay looks like magazines fine the roffels fine I'm going to ask the cameraman to shut the camera off just second I do know that we have some southern belle on soft point as a pretty big soft point on it I'll go get some of that we'll try that so if you would just shut the camera off let me go get that ammo okay here's some similar and bail out eight buckets is MJS which is a millimeter Mauser this is European loading 196 grain and these are shop points and there are definitely very exposed soft points I'm thinking since this rifles just the customer claimed he had serious issues with a rifle feeding soft point ammo this is probably shot just to see he said he wanted the feed soft points so if it won't feed these will will dress the feed ramp a little bit are we ready ready okay you did hang one on the feed ramp [Music] this is what it did just like he said it was doing with his soft points so we'll dress the feed ramp a little bit so that it will feed these if we can make it feed these big blunt soft points we will if we can't we'll just ship it back as is because the raw food was not guaranteed to feed these exposed now I will say this the previous off point ammo does not have such an exposed tip and it would probably feed those okay however I think that's what he said it was not feeding so we will dress the feed ramp and try to take care of this and then we'll retest it I want the cameraman though to get another close-up of this rusty gun that was sent to us that was sent out as brand new rust on the retaining spring rust it's just bad we'll clean it up as we can but we're not gonna read blew it this is just sort of ridiculous but anyway we'll get it to where it'll feed those soft points and send it back on this assembly Wow there's rust everywhere there's rust on the bolt carrier on the bolt inside the gas tube I have no idea what the man was shooting or how it got so rusty I've never seen one like this but we'll clean it up but we will not reblued this weapon this customer actually asked for a refund there's no way okay thanks okay all speed ramp a little bit as far as I'm willing to go we're gonna start out with this stub ground and finish the magazine of soft point ammo if it is not successful then because to be honest with you I attest I looked at it before I polished it and it successfully fed ammo off the bench it looks to me like possibly this mag springs a little weak not getting rounds up fast enough if it does not it does not feed these exposed saw points now we're gonna try the other magazine that was tested through this rifle and was not shipped with a rifle and suspect a weak magazine spring but anyway but the blonde around easy enough [Music] okay looks like that magazine works we're going to try this other magazine then we're going to post a video [Music] magazines gonna fail it'll fail on the last five rounds I will load six rounds and see what it does do the standing just because rule out any shooter position ready yep seems to shoots all points just fine okay the rifle will be sent back to the previous owner will address the rust on the boat we can do that by repeat blasting it we'll do what we can on the blue with a little steel wool and oil and we're going to ship it back and highly suggest that the man take better care of his equipment okay thanks
Channel: Rick Smith
Views: 13,105
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: PeFXmZnpYzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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