FG42 operation, assemblies, and firing

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alright guys I got something cool today I actually just finished working on it so this is like me intro video it's after the video that's before the video makes sense right so I got to work on the fg42 take it all apart and mess with it do stuff with it and I liked it here's the gun and let's get right into heaven tree we have the fg42 or the visible fg42 since it's all taken apart here on my desk couple of cool things to see on here right here yet the ejector right the ejector actually lose spring-loaded to facilitate the bolt coming in and of course they're spring-loaded ejector so it moves up and out of the way when the bolt comes back the ejector comes back down and ejects around we also have covers for the dust covers for the magazine browsing gear not sure why they didn't put a dust cover on the ejection port seems like kind of a half-assed thing to do but whatever well there is a trillion in here it's just a rivet idea and I assume the barrel is threaded into the trunnion a couple cool thing on this is actually the rail that's riveted up to the top of the gun much like rails are now you have your rear sight hold up right click and connect to use the rear sight press this in and turn it much like another gun that escapes me right now what that gun is but it's pretty cool got the inside let's see if I got the inside right there you can see the chamber area and the locking shoulders the bolt rotates of course in the the locking shoulders it's kind of like an m16 our new sixties kind of like this rather basically bolt comes forward bolt the locking shoulders are straight up and down when they're in the normal position that's spring-loaded so they're straight up and down and spring-loaded to this position normally the gun and the receiver channel keeps the locking shoulders straight up and down cruises down the down the receiver and some channels around here in the rails don't call them rails will call channels whatever will come on channels thank you but it occurs down there once it gets to the area of the once it gets to the area of the trunnion up there you can see what guides it and goes in and rotates a little box it gently on firing a pretty big gas port on this thing I've measured it when there's my thumb for instance so you can see is pretty big a couple little threads on the barrel it's actually kind of an intricate barrel your threads up here no bunch of stuff the redzone - I'll show you here necessary shoulder right there a little I assume this is an anti rotation thing same thing back here anti rotation shoulder threads and it comes back here it looks like the barrel is staked in a couple places and that's how the barrel actually sits still that's laughs I guess you could say all right so the bolt and carrier my Bolton carrier use your this is your semi-auto seer area this is for your disc connector this is your full out of this all right full auto see your area not too complicated of course it's all mill is firing pin just travels open through the bolt oh here we go this is kind of cool the firing pin naturally is controlled on this little shoulder it's kept it's kept it's locked into this little character a little shoulder by the Kyrian's two little prongs you up like from the m60 when your bolt is locked it allows the firing pin to come out when it's unlocked the firing pin can't come out because it's locked it's to the rear with your carrier that's kind of cool like the m60 so now here's your fire control group in the pistol grip I'm foyer and semi door foyer is full so there's your dis connector and there's your main sear now when you pull the trigger you're disconnected goes up you see it comes down no I haven't quite figured this out all the way because I'm still kind of messing with it but that's kind of cool it's just a big chunk of metal in there in a couple Springs well couple chunks of metal with a couple Springs you pull this out and rotate it down and forward to go to semi basically that reverses this and kicks up this way I'm thinking if I'm not mistaken in this position you're disconnect er is actually out of the way of the bolt McArdle the carrier that makes sense to me anyway like that of course you're a full auto series right there I haven't really experimented with much to find out it's a really expensive gun it's a quarter-million-dollar gun and I don't want to do anything untoward good now our recoil spring a little bit but it's still serviceable well it's not like kinked or anything like that that little tab right there goes inside the carrier right there torsades your gas piston right here pretty beefy piston well your whole carrier is actually one gas piston if you want to look at it that way you're curious pretty beefy little dished up front I haven't cleaned it yet so right here this is your buffer basically your recoil spring takes up slack or takes up recoil and it guides the whole mess into the buffer right here that impacts or I shouldn't say the carrier bottom impacts this part on the buffer and it's actually pretty stout it's really hard to press and that's by design but when it's coming back and recoil it and it depresses it at least a little bit I don't know how much I'm not gonna take it apart and shoot it something those but it recoils or depresses at least a little bit turn that's out for it so here we have only parts that constitute the most all the stuff on the barrel when I want to be all technical all the time okay muzzle brake which is actually very effective you notice on the underside it's not drilled not ported I really want to say so the top side is with this little notch right here and it actually the gun does not rise at all even a full auto fire it actually has a straight back impulse really neat no this right here this is just a keeper screws on one and your flash hider screws on your must brake sorry screws onto that kind of cool it's got score threads on it like a Thompson barrel it's neat Oh what goes on this little section right here of course is your bipod alright now this was next is your little front sight and definitely need the front sight you know that's pretty important and that just goes on the whole that's pretty much all the stuff on the front shoulder right there you know it's just long protrusion right there underneath the front sorry that actually fits on there and prevents the whole thing from spinning that's pretty cool all right so you got this this is actually the cap to you gasps this screws right on here this goes right here and this goes right here it's like this this is your gas regulator I guess you'd call it was kind of like that actually kind of like that there we go why'd you do this one talking filming and stuff alright so right here this is the important part you see a little dot right here that tells you what what you're casting is this is an adjustable jazz set or does have an adjustable gas setting and that is done with this little guy right here you know 1 2 3 4 4 gasps settings and there is your little notches to constitute your I guess I know that's trying to close and that fits in there was a trip to another camera that fits in there like that and this little keeper goes this way and that holds you cast setting into whatever setting you have no interesting thing the keeper is locked in place on that so it's just basically pushed on this little lunch not right here little bulge actually goes on to this so this is what keeps your guests setting keeper spring that's his new name that's what keeps it in place now this is of course your gas gas tube right here this goes inside where's inside of here like that and it's held in place by your gasket no interesting thing we said before the gas port on years pretty decently sizable right well if you look this is the one that mates to the barrel comes down in size it comes through here you see what this holds nothing more than a spot for them to be able to drill the holes pretty cool stuff cool stuff this right here this is the side of the gas cylinder or gas to whatever you want to call and the way we can tell that is because charging handle actually goes very important this is a reciprocating charging handle is married to the carrier now you do have some gas events to vent off gas and of course those coincided with the gas holes on your gas vents on here that whole apparatus goes up in you know up in here so this is the side this is the other side it actually go in like that this problem yeah there's a little notch right there for that okay that's just not a knot there's a little rivet right there which actually keeps it from spinning one of the things you sufficient then you're charging middle but of course in charging handles to the rear its back here so you need something to keep this from spinning any other time and this rivet serves that purpose pretty cool stuff pretty cool stuff what else have I got okay so get the pin in just a spike v-neck there's no more looking everything has to have a Bennett so the cool thing about this so if you look right here this is how you slot no there press down it goes in and you have your Bennett it's also reversible so if you want to stow it press on here goes in put in the stowed position keeper comes out and that's good this thing's just stake the bejesus out of it might be screwed in but I kind of doubt it probably just never go this good picture as you see it's just cover staked underneath there's probably some spring oh definitely a spring and some other apparatus there you go so that's pretty much the FG 42 oh here you go magazine you know that is about $7,000 there you go I'm being real careful no the whole gun bite as it is is worth about a quarter million dollars and some probably the most expensive gun I ever worked on as far as small arms I've worked on bigger guns that are worth more of a distance definitely the the top of the cat when it comes to these small arms stuff so I hope you enjoyed this video post it up later today [Applause]
Channel: Glenn J Fleming
Views: 611
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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