Rust vs Go in 2023!? (Obvious Choice...)

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rust versus go both are the most hip cool kid programming languages for decades to come both do some of the same things and are often compared with one another however how are they looking in 2023 in comparison which one should you really learn next today let's take a look at some of the hardest and most recent headline news pieces on both of these languages respectively so by the end of this video you'll be better informed to make it the right decision before spending weeks months or even years of your youth specializing in either one of these two programming languages before we get started make sure to get your free golang cheat sheets at golang cheat sheet that's it I'll go like ninja Tommy here will give us a detailed explanation just kidding guys I am making it a video today so many of you have been asking me what is the deal with atami the golang ninja why is he hijacking my wisdom videos where's that dude even coming from so many questions and they deserve answers and to be a hundred percent honest I originally really didn't want to say this a publicly but since you're fast and you guys have been my most loyal subscribers since the beginning I guess it's really coming down to me confessing in this video and explaining what's been going on and the fact of the matter is and it's hard for me to say it Tommy had the goalie ninja has actually been on this channel all along he's just been hiding her really well as a ninja with that out of the way we can finally get into rust versus go in 2023. first let's take a look at some of the coolest developer tours built using these two languages most recently rust has the most advanced terminal of the 21st century name warp I personally as a developer like it to stick with the most basic and Native configuration so when it comes to things like a terminals like Ides so I am probably not the targeted audience for this super Advanced terminal but if you've used it as a terminal before let me know in the comment section down below and tell me what your thoughts are but it seems like a pretty interesting project another interesting developer tool that I was able to find a building was is the lighting head of the kid which is a Bitcoin lightning SDK uh in Rust if you are into rubber 3 but you are tired of getting scammed lighting might be the way to go now to be outdone a goal also has a few very cool developer tour projects in its a trophy case unlike it was a more obscured projects that you may already be using some of them as we speak one of the most I talked about developer tools built in goal who recently has a got to be pocket base pocketbase is a lightweight fully functioning back again that you can deploy right out of the box it has your usual back-end as a service and features like a real-time database authentication file storage and so on Additionally you can even use it as a regular go Weber framework if you want me to make a tutorial video on how to use a packet base as a go framework please let me know in the comment section down below I've actually been looking into Bell's offerings quite a bit recently for my very next project and a pocket base seems like a viable and a very promising option and of course a goal is known to be the programming language that made tools like a taco and encubernetes possible and projects are running all the docker and all of kubernetes make up the vast majority of the distributed systems out there in a while as of recently okay so both at rust and go are cool new languages used to build a cool new technologies what about the languages themselves if you are learning a brand new language in a 2023 you want to learn something that is actually going to stick around you don't want to have 15 years of experience in a language that's almost dead sorry you want to learn a programming language that is constantly evolving you want to learn a programming language that will remain relevant for decades to come so let's take a look at some of the most recent added features and capabilities on both of these languages forego the biggest headline news recently has I got to be generics we have three main genomics features that came up with the go 1.18 release they are type of parameters a type inference and type set if you still haven't tried the generics and you are looking for a tutorial or a overview make sure to check out my video on this channel name golang generics is officially here this is by far the best tutorial I've actually tried to to scattered internet tutorials in order to make this video when a junior just came out and to this day I cannot find a better tutorial on the journeys other than this one now the problem of a generics is solved we have air handling we may need to be the next biggest challenge in the goal now you might be thinking things like a genetics and air handling they seem like a pretty fundamental features for a programming language why is it taking so long for a go to and get it right it comes down to goes a language they designed a principle of a Simplicity it takes its time for any new features to be implemented so that these features would not make it the language itself more complicated on the other hand rust is so much more complicated especially if you are coming from a python or JavaScript background rust has so many of these four inner Concepts like a bow Checker macros async awaits even simple strings that can have so many levels of complexity with them I think of Russ as a double-edged sword with the caviar that it's probably going to take you a while before you can start becoming proficient and starters working on some interesting projects in Boston that said the Creator teams are for both of these languages go and rust or they're pretty good at listening to the developer the feedback both the languages are deliberately designed and implemented with a sound computer science principles they are not some keto programming language that was put together within a few days but each language does it better than the other in summer use cases a good way to get an idea is it to look at what is actually being built with these two languages how these two languages are used in the while first of all rust is usually used alongside or instead of C and C plus plus so this should give you an idea of what kind of environments rust is used in and embedded software operating system Netherlands Econo the dog low level underbelly of the computers where a garbage collector cannot go especially since Russia guarantees a memory safety without the usage of a garbage collector developers that can reduce or even eliminate memory bugs in a production by contrast go dominate in a cloud computing goes Advance a variety of vocabulation Targets in a top notch concurrency supports it makes it the ideal language for cloud native Services running on multi-core servers also a fun fact around 75 percent of the projects in the cloud native Computing Foundation are written in Gold additionally many of the major tiger cooperations such as a Dropbox and begin their life with another programming language python in the case of a Dropbox and today have mostly migrated to go for some of its performance benefits and ease of use last but not least at the end of the day you are probably trying to learn a programming language so that you can eventually at least get a job in that programming language so let's now talk about some of the job opportunities that exist out there for go and rust if there are any now for this category in a particular goal it takes an easy win most startup companies that are now building out their back-end services for the very first time typically when they choose to go as their language of a choice for its performance benefit and at the same time is of a use in order to remain competitive in the market to ship out as many new features as quickly as possible and at the same time another burning a ton of cash on the contrary there are simply just not as a mini rubs a job out there at least accordingly Russ to a very large extent is still a niche reforming language with a very specific use cases that aren't that good at making the corporations and money as a result there are simply not as many jobs out there as a girl it is possible though that there may be more Russell jobs in the future in conclusion in 2023 learning go is the way to go hey this is a golang dojo after all so how do you feel about these two overwhelming languages what are you planning on learning after today's video let me know in the comment section and down below before you go make sure to get your free golang cheat sheets at golang like subscribe and turn on that notification Bell if you've enjoyed today's video that said I'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music]
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 29,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, golang 2022, rust, go, rust vs go, go vs rust, go and rust comparison, rust and go comparison, language comparison, go vs rust in 2023, rust vs go in 2023, rust programming language, rust is blazingly fast, go is blazingly fast, blazingly fast, blazing fast, go vs rust performance, go jobs, rust jobs, go industry adoption, docker, warp, docker golang, rust warp, warp rust
Id: skzKPiSGC5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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