How to Become an In-Demand Backend Developer in 2023

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inflation are going rampant big tacky layoffs the economy is facing unforeseen the uncertainties and going into a global recession it's more important than ever before to self-evaluate your skill set as a developers to become a part of a small subset of a well-positioned and highly qualified talent in the job market so in today's video we'll be talking about how you can get prepared and become an in-demand back-end developer in 2023 and to make sure you can make it through the whole times ahead something just it's Wallace here so I've spent and most of my career doing her back-end development and these are the some of the lessons that I've learned along the way however I actually did not start off of my career doing back-end development I was actually a Android developer developing this app called free time which is a kids application at Amazon when I initially joined the company I was given the option between Android development or back-ended development with the AWS team that has some experience of working with however I ended up by going with the Android team because I wanted it to maximize my chances of creating some mobile application side project that would have the potential to make me a ton a ton of money especially since we were just coming off of a mobile app boom in the early 2010s after about two years of Android development I eventually got sick of it as an Android developer you have to manage your different devices you need to make sure when you are building a feature your feature Works across the different devices and different builds different versions and so on additionally loading your test build into your tested devices it takes forever and it takes even longer if you want to load your testibility into some remote devices where you can perform some automated and end-to-end tests what you say yes we were only given Amazon Fire devices for testing because we were developing a Amazon application and those devices had some of the lowest specs in the tablet Market at the time that's how I eventually transition into a back-end development position after having to load all of the back end and fundamentals from the squash again the very first a very important strategy to keep yourself well positioned and in demand in the job market as a back-end developer is to develop a replaceable skills this is especially well-levant because we just had a release of a charter GPT that is sort of a blew up on the internet and a lot of people made videos about how AI is going to eliminate or drastically reduce the number of job opportunities for knowledge base what goes like a software developers however there is still a huge gap between what AI is able to achieve in the foreseeable future and the Irreplaceable skills that the software developers typically can provide for example for junior developers skills are like coming up with the right questions to ask utilizing tools like a charger GPT in order to find answers to those questions communicating with other team members and interpreting what is important in the task that you are assigned to and so on and for method level and Senior developers knowing how to break down a set of a business requirements from the product manager for example and break them down into different epics and smaller tasks and then be able to push those tasks forward with the timeline and deadlines in mind are going to be the skills that Artificial Intelligence on to go into develop anytime soon and the same principle applies for software engineers and I currently live in developed countries and are a little bit paranoid about software Engineers are coming from third world countries that are a lot more competitive in terms of the hours that are willing to put in and the reduced amount of compensation they're willing to work with for example you can pay more attention to developing skills that lean more towards a communication managing expectations of former stakeholders making sure you are culturally aware for the country whatever country that you live in now this may not seem like a significant factor when making hiring decisions at your first glance however if you think about working on larger more complex projects a communication between the developers between teams and organizations become instrumental the negative effect of a miscommunication and misinterpretation of what kind of products at the company is they're trying to develop and what kind of problems that the company is trying to solve can really start to accelerate outside the number of people who work on the project increase to give a super basic example let's say that you have a 10 Engineers under the same call trying to solve a particular problem if it takes one single engineer an actual minute to understand what the problem actually is about then you actually have to times that by 10 because you have a 10 people on the same call in large enough of a skill such as it is a giant attack of Corporations you have hundreds thousands or even tens of thousands of people working on a different projects this is seemingly insignificant inefficiencies it can really solid to affect the company's competitiveness in the market the second strategy that I have to remain a competitive as a back-end developer in 2023 3 is a riding long-term Trend and specializing now a little bit of a caveat here if you are a completed beginner who's trying to learn a programming for the first time or someone who is looking for their first internship but first full-time position definitely stick with what's most accessible to you at the time for you for example a lot of colleges with teachers students see C plus plus or Java in their CSA curriculums instead of something that's a little bit more hip and on the rising like go Russ or dino.js that said I would definitely think twice before accepting a job opportunity with a technology like PHP for example because you're going to be spending so much time within and outside of your nine to five just pondering on these potentially out of date programming languages in adjacent technology Stacks when the time comes for you to look for another job position which is a very very common thing for the first two three four years of a software Engineers of career you might find yourself as scrambling to catch up with this more commonly used programming languages and Technologies in these more appealing opportunities in the corporations and startups just use me as an example I started off my career in Android development and I wanted to get into back-end development instead I definitely got a lot more replies from Recruiters in regards to Android development rather than the strictly backender positions even though I technically submitted a lot more applications and so forth strictly back in the developmental positions additionally I spent so much time going through back-end development related materials in comparison and keep in mind I went through a traditional computer science scholarship program which was already back in Focus so definitely do a little bit of research closed captioning not available also such as a TCP and HTTP know what the common and security measures are in networking encryption rate limits tokens and sessions and so on and know when and how to apply them second we have a databases SQL versus at nosql what are the similarities in differences how to design elegant and scalable database models and learning when is the right time and how to add a cache layer for these models thirdly if you have a programming language that you specialize in such as go learn all of the patterns that you would typically use when writing programs in another specific informing language now finding the opportunities in the time to perfect your craft with whatever specialization that you have can actually be easier said than done for a lot of the time especially when you are working a nine to five live very often you would be trapped into doing the same or similar tasks over and over again and this is where reading a technical blogs and watching YouTube videos like this I can become extremely helpful so that you can alone and know of these additional Technologies adjacent to what you already do from day to day and have a strategy to apply to implements so that you can use these new technologies efficiently and effectively I try my best to scope out and identify opportunities that can potentially expand my current skill set and if I can't for a very long time in my current position then I know maybe it's a time for me to look for another job speaking of looking for another job here comes the fourth strategy to implement in 2023 to become a more in demand back in a development perfecting your interviewing skills unfortunately for the first three years or so at least for software engineers in the United States it's probably going to be a lot easier for you to get raises or promotions by job hopping once or twice within another time period obviously situations vary from company to company but it's absolutely not uncommon for software Engineers to change up their jobs at least a couple times in their career in order to for example chase at the most optimal TC or total compensation to perfect your interviewing skills first you obviously have learning the basic data structures in algorithms there's already a ton of resources blogs videos about the data structures and algorithms also I'm pretty sure I don't have to drill to you on the disappoint second we have architecting or evaluating the architecture of a larger services or as known as the system design a portion of the interviewing round a software developer's ability to come up with an elegance and scalable design for larger and more complex projects have become more and more important as there's a software engineer progresses in his or her career and this is where interviewers pay significant attention during the interviewing process as well fortunately there are a ton of resources in this category as well your usual blog posts YouTube videos or paid courses and whatnot now ideally after going through some of these free resources or pay courses in system design you can go back to some of the work that you've done in your previous job so that not only are you able to come up with the design and during the interview you you can also relate it back to the widget that you've done so that you can demonstrate your skills as a higher level of a engineer thoroughly and more importantly especially if you are aiming for more senior positions demonstrating your leadership attributes and showcasing your Irreplaceable skills this is especially important if you want to get paid the bigger bugs and the story of role in this new company with a more interesting and impactful project now a lot of people might think that this is more applicable for interviewing processes that involve a behavioral round however in my personal opinion you don't need to wait until the behavioral router to demonstrate your leadership attribute a little bit of a side tracker but I often like to say the negotiation of your job offer does not stores the moment that you are granted the offer after the views but the very second that you picked up that force a phone call with your recruiter with every single interaction that you have with the people working for the company that you are applying for including the very first phone call you have with the recruiter you are starting the clock of being constantly evaluated on what level of engineer you are and how much the company should pay you if they decide to hire you to Grant you an offer by the end of the interviewing process so throughout all of these interactions and you kind of want to sprinkle some mini demonstrations of how smart of engineer you are and how impactful all of the projects that you've worked on have been if you are aiming for more senior positions at demonstrating this leadership attributes from the stores is extremely important one last note on perfecting your interviewing skills don't appear desperate be interested but not desperate no one really likes a desperate person last but not least my final strategy to implement to become an in-demand back-end developer in 2023 and that is being proactive about your career you've got one career and it's yours and yours only so you better take a great care of it and to be fair being proactive about your software development career does not have to take it all that much a time of course there are tasks and there are a lot more time consuming such as all of the ones that I've mentioned in the previous points in perfecting your craft or perfecting your intervening skills however at the same time there are tiny tiny things that you can take care of by spending maybe 10-15 minutes per week not even every day that will make a significant no difference in a long run first we have paying a little bit more attention and doing the daily standoffs and regular meetings all we need to do is to ask a couple three actual questions I per meeting then we can learn so much more about all of the different projects that are going on within the team and learn about how other Engineers think and the way that they problem solve second we can spend five minutes acquire to the one-on-one meetings that we typically have with our manager and come up with a few questions a few points that you may potentially want to go over based on the tasks that you have been working on recently and then pay slightly more attention in future tasks and apply the feedback that we got from our manager the compounded effect can become a quite drastic in a long run and again the great thing about it is is that we're not even spending actual time outside of our nine to five in order to do these things it's almost like we are getting paid to get the pay even more so these are my five strategies to implement do you have any tips or strategies did I miss anything do you disagree with any of the points that I've brought up please leave a comment in the comment section down below now I believe a goal is the backend programming language it's alone in 2023 so make sure to get your free golang cheat sheet at golang cheat sheets and I'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 17,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, golang 2022, how to become a backend developer in 2023, how to be a backend developer, how to become a good backend developer, roadmap to become a backend developer, backend developer roadmap in 2023, programming skills in 2023, programmer strategies in 2023, programming tips in 2023, programming job guide, skills for programmer, backend developer tips, backend developer guide
Id: 5hZqYl7Hoc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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