Interview with a Senior Python Developer - Part1

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when you write a loop in Python what happens under the hood actually is it sends a signal to other engineers in your office so they come around to critique you for not using vectors happen to me multiple times in a row what can I say it's a language like any other language it's just a tool let me read you from the Zen of python there should be one and preferably only one obvious way to do it which is why we have three different versions 12 different ways to install them and 80 different Frameworks for the same thing easy install Anaconda conda pip home brew different locations slash framework something it's a jungle to be fair a native habitat of a python reads like English language if you is with it or you is not with it no curly braces anymore like when I was 15. UW SGI you have no idea how it works before reading the dogs unicorn mod wsgi Django template engines where would web2 be without a python imagine YouTube was written in Python oh it is well that changes something we started doing things on the flask server on a hackathon and what can I say it's running in production since two years if the timestamp in the SQL Alchemy is in the right format runtime errors are a pain a pain pain when you do a global pip install it's like you just added kilograms of weight to your machine don't ask what python can do for you ask what you can do for python let me get my list I never took the time to learn how packaging Works in Python that's why they send me on a crash course to UPS now whenever things get uh funky with our modules when we Deploy on a certain Fusion reactor they know it's me you do from module import object and things are good you do import package dot module as object things are good you do from module import all ever Everything Burns when dependencies don't work that's when the fun begins I usually tell my students to Pivot their idea then so let's for example start a new project you just make a virtual environment then virtual amp or pip and or Pi ant or conda easy install best use vent though we use Virtual and let me find the cheat sheet and behold if you need a python 2 module then you can just start all over new idea I guess learning to code Python and moving to new language then it's like learning to ride a bike and shifting towards an Airbus you'll have to get rid of the training wheels wheels pip Wheels Pi QT is a good option for building guise if you don't have any other option multi-threading is for everyone but not everyone is meant for multi-threading python it's not meant for multi-threading no we're not going to talk about the Gil it's an Unwritten rule wasn't it changed in Python 3.8 yeah we have multiple Gils now it's called pop pickle over pipes oh no I did it python is Jack of all trades good at all of them except production code except in the way we use it so we know how to write efficient production code in CA in Python which is basically C jython just uh write it in C and wrap it in Python I want to see you struggle python question number one how to swap numbers question number two how to get rid of python versions uh sometimes we do competitions on who can write the longest comprehension and sometimes we do it in our production code and sometimes we don't call it a competition but just uh work if every variable is passed by reference you might just use globals everywhere do you know why it's called python because it's a sneaky language Jokes Aside it's because of Monty Python because it's a joke language oh because that one supports version 2.6 or 3.1 but not 2.7 or 3.0 but not or because if that makes sense which tip which tip three which python which python three point eleven which tell me where is python look at this package oh it's uh for python 2. all right let's uh have a different idea then yeah it's uh it's not the best to start but it's the best to know eventually when you want to do machine learning
Channel: Programmers are also human
Views: 779,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python humor, programming humor, python jokes, programming memes, python memes, pip install, venv
Id: BgxklT94W0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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