Is Google Gemini Better Than ChatGPT? Here's the Truth!

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in 2023 Google launched a new AI model called Gemini Next Generation AI chatbot called Gemini Gemini Gemini Google's AI chat for Gemini artificial intelligence alphabet Google's span company released Gemini as its most advanced AI model yet Gemini is designed to be more powerful adaptable and optimized for smartphones this La is significant in the tech world because just a year ago in December 2022 Google faced a major challenge the reason chat GPT chat GPT if you haven't heard of it it is an a chatboard That Shook Up the search engine Market until now Google has dominated this Market with a 91% share and 4.2 billion users but open a the company behind Chad GPT disrupted this dominance you might wonder why Google would be worried when Chad GPT has only around 180 million users which is 23 times fewer than Google the reason is that that GPT is the fastest growing consumer app in Internet history GPT has taken the World by storm with around 100 million weekly active users to understand its rapid growth look at this comparison Instagram took 2.5 years to reach 100 million users Tik Tok took about 9 months but chat GPD reached 1 million users in just 5 days and 100 million users in only 60 days the a bar between Google and Microsoft is a story that goes back to 2014 that year Google made a significant move in the AI World by buying a company called Deep Mind for $500 million by 2021 Google had produced the most a research papers but in 2019 Microsoft decided to up its game they invested a massive $1 billion in a deal with an AI company called open AI founded by Elon Musk this deal allowed open AI to use Microsoft's Cloud infrastructure and in return Microsoft could use open A's technology to make money this marked the beginning of AI war with Google and Microsoft both diving deep into the AI Revolution the competition heated up in November 2022 and open a launch chat GPT despite Google's significant investment in AI you might wonder why they didn't release a chbt like product before open a it turns out that Google's Engineers did create a similar chatbat 2 years earlier however Google chose not to launch it due to safety concerns this decision now seems like a major mistake casting doubt on Google strategy meanwhile Microsoft made a groundbreaking move by integrating chat GPT with Bing pushing the AI competition even further the main difference between Gemini and chat GPT is the types of large language models they use and the data sources they rely on Gemini which was formerly called B has used several different language models since its launch in February 2023 on the other hand chat GPT has used GPT 3 GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 since it became available to the public B initially used a model called Lambda and more recently upgraded to a model named pal 2 pal 2 is capable of reasoning in over 100 languages and includes more coding data than Lambda this Improvement help Bart get better according in languages like python pal 2 was also trained with information from scientific papers math expressions and source code in December 2023 Google introduced Gemini Pro Gemini Pro performs better than Palm 2 and is reported to be more effective at answering coding questions and written tasks our tests confirm this following this Google released Gemini Ultra which Powers the new Advanced chatboard called Gemini Advanced Google's Gemini models Pro Ultra and Nano are natively multimodel this means they are trained with various types of input not just text Google has further fine-tuned these models with more diverse information additionally these models can access the internet in real time apart from differences in their data sources and language models there are several other distinctions between Gemini and chat GPT one notable difference lies in their conversational learning abilities chat GPT can learn from its interactions with users over time retaining context from previous conversations in contrast Gemini currently has more limited abilities in this regard another notable difference is in the way each model handles responses Gemini offers the option to produce multiple responses to a given query which users can access by selecting view drafts on the other hand chat GPT generates only a single response to each query Gemini also boasts a unique feature that allows users to edit responses after they have been sent this feature provides users with more control over their interactions compared to chat GPT where response editing is not supported when it comes to internet access Gemini could access the internet in real time from the outside in contrast chat GPT has only recently accurate this function although it's worth noting that this feature is not available in the free version of the service additionally Gemini can Source images from the internet leveraging its realtime internet access this feature allows users to incorporate images into their interactions while both B and chat GPT plus users can now generate original AI imagery Gemini's access to Google Images provides a wider range of options finally Gemini offers native text to speech capabilities allowing it to read responses allow this feature enhances the user experience I by providing an additional layer of interaction in contrast chat GPT does not possess this capability limiting its functionality in this regard one of the first uses of large language models was in coding especially for rewriting updating and testing different programming languages so we started our tests by asking each chatboard to write a simple Python program we used this prompt develop a python script that serves as a personal expense tracker the program should allow users to input their expenses along with categories and the date of the expense a script should then provide a summary of the expenses by category and total spending over a given period include comments explaining each step of your code this test was designed to see how well Chad GPT and Gemini could produce fully functional code how easy their code was to use how readable it was and how well it followed coding standards both chat boards created a fully functional expense tracker in Python Gemini added extra features such as labels within a category and offered more detailed reporting options the next test aimed to evaluate How Well Chad GPT and Gemini understand natural language froms tasks that often re human to take a second look or read carefully for this a common cognitive reflection test question was used which involves determining the the price of a bat and a b this test examines the A's ability to understand ambiguity avoid being misled by the problems apparent Simplicity and clearly explain its reasoning the prom class a bat and a ball cost £1 and 10 p in total the bat cost1 more than the ball how much does the ball cost the correct answer is that the ball cost 5 p and the bat cost £1 and5 Gemini AA is transforming Google search by by enabling users to ask questions with video users can take a video of an issue and ask Google why something is not working correctly Google will quickly provide an AA generated overview suggesting possible reasons and troubleshooting steps these features will start appearing in Google search soon Additionally the new Gemini powered side panel will be available bringing even more advanced capabilities to users translating between between two languages is a crucial skill for any artificial intelligence and is now a future of many AA models devices like the Humane AI pin and the rabbit R1 offer translation as do modern smartphones realtime translation by GPT represents a significant Leap Forward in breaking down language barriers and facilitating seamless communication across different languages leveraging Advanced AI algorithms gpt's realtime translation capability can instantly interpret spoken or written textt from one language to another maintaining the context tone and nonsense of the original message this feature is particularly useful in Multicultural settings international business and Global collaborations where immediate and accurate translation can enhance understanding and productivity Additionally the integration of realtime translation into everyday applications such as virtual meetings and customer support enables a more inclusive and accessible communication experience bridging gaps between diverse linguistic groups if a large language model cannot retrieve information from its training data and accurately presented its usefulness is limited to test this a simple prompt was used explain the significance of the Roseta Stone in understanding Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics this test aim to evaluate the model's depth of knowledge its ability to apply this knowledge to broader themes in archology and Linguistics and whether it could update its knowledge Additionally the clarity and ease of understanding of the responses from both chat GPT and Gemini were assessed both chatboard successfully provided the necessary details about the Rosetta Stone nether demonstrated the ability to enhance its knowledge further but no new information was provided in the prom to test this information retrial is a fundamental task for AI which makes it difficult to pick a winner to resolve this both sponsors labeled as chatbot a and chatbot B were fed into Cloud 2 Gemini Advanced and CHP plus none of these model could pick a clear winner in the final test a simple conversation about pizza was used to evaluate how well the AI handled misinformation sarcasm and recovered from a misunderstanding The Prompt given was during a conversation about favorite fruits the AI misunderstands a users sarcas comment about disliking Pizza the user corrects the misunderstanding how does the AI recover and continue the conversation both a models performed adequately in this test jini initially misunderstood the user's sarcastic command but successfully recovered when the user corrected the misunderstanding it met the criteria for recovery and maintaining context as per the rubric on the other hand chat GPT detected the sarcasm in the users comment from the beginning and thus did not re recovery both a models manage to maintain the context well and respond similarly however chat gpt's ability to recognize sarcasm from the start led to it being favored in this round realtime conversational speech by GPT provides instant responses mimicking natural human interactions it dynamically adjusts to emotional changes and variations in voice tones enhancing the authenticity and relatability of conversations his capability allows GPT to engage more effectively in real time dialogues offering a announced and empathetic communication experience Gemini AI possesses a remarkable versatility which constitutes its second superpow it is available in three versions Gemini Nano Gemini Pro and Gemini Ultra the Nano version is the lightweight and can operate on Android phones and even without an internet connection in contrast Gemini Pro serves as the heavy duty version intended to power Google's AI services the most ENT version Gemini Ultra is tailored for businesses and data centers and aspect currently absent in chat GPT the potential applications of Gemini AI are extensive for instance consider a scenario where a student submits a physics problem solution in handwriting Gemini can analyze the handwritten image identify errors and provide a detailed explanation of the correction moreover Gemini can process image inputs accompanied by voice commands such as asking for for an omelet recipe based on available ingredients in this case Gemini can recognize objects understand their context and offer step-by-step instructions for making an omelet if Gemini's actual performance matches the demonstrated capabilities it could revolutionize various Fields with its diverse applications another remarkable superpower of Gemini lies in Google's extraordinary Computing capabilities by the end of the current year Google's computing power is expected to surpass that of open AI by five times projected to increase 20 times more by the following year this immense computing power enables Google's AI models including Gemini to learn and evolve at a much faster rate and more effective rate compared to chat GPT furthermore Gemini benefits from access to vast amounts of data from Google's propriatary sources unlike startups like open AI which rely on public data sources that may involve legal complexities Google possesses its data sets from platforms such as YouTube Google Books and Google Scholar this propriatary data allows Google to train its AI models without encountering legal issues related to copyrighted material moreover Gemini's training data is not limited to English text but also includes a wide range of languages mathematics and scientific papers this diverse training data gives Gemini a unique advantage in terms of both diversity and depth of knowledge compared to open AI Gemini AI emerges as a formidable contender in the field of artificial intelligence boasting several superpowers that set it apart from its competitors with Google's unparalleled computing power and access to vast proprietary data sets Gemini demonstrates remarkable potential for Rapid learning and deep understanding across various domains its versatility coupled with its ability to handle diverse languages and complex data positions Gemini as a forth runner in shaping the future of of AI technology
Channel: Super Trove
Views: 430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ai, #chatgpt, #geminiai, #openai, #google, #microsoft, #aichatbot, #aitechnology, #naturallanguageprocessing, #machinelearning, #languagemodels, #techreview, #Aicomparison, Aibattle, #Aidevelopment, #trending, #YouTube, #growth, #techniche, #largelanguagemodels, #elonmusk, #2024, #nextgenai, #digitaltrends, #aiadvancements, #aifuture, #emergingtechnology, #aicompetition, #aicapabilities, #technews, #futuretech, #techtrends, #virtualreality, #augmentedreality, #conversation, #realtimetranslation, #generativeai, #gmail, #voicecommand
Id: Rw99mbJOxpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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