Why are Companies Migrating from Javascript to Go!?

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come on do we really need to make a video on this coding in JavaScript is a thing of the past go developers are the new Cool Kids on the Block companies now have a choice they can either slowly degrade into a boomer company or they can stay hip and adapt to what's most technologically Superior for decades to come in today's video we go through all of the reasons why companies are now scrambling to migrate from JavaScript or more specifically node.js to go instead before we get started if you haven't already make sure to get your free golang cheat sheet at a golang dojo.com cheat sheets now before we start talking about all of the reasons why go is a superior programming language to JavaScript let me call it JavaScript almost specifically node.js some slack first of of all especially for small business owners are trying to hire their first few developers it is so much easier to find the developers that have some experience in the node.js because they can select from a huge pool of a JavaScript developers out there secondly it is a relatively straightforward to bring up a server using an node.js as well however unfortunately this is about all the pros that I can think of for using a node now to provide a little bit more context a JavaScript is a current list though the most popular programming language out there it is mostly used for fun and development for building websites since it is the de facto language for most if not all web browsers in the market currently even though there are lots of a desktop applications and mobile applications such as Android or iOS why websites are still the default way of doing businesses as a result there's always a huge demand for her JavaScript and fun and developers eventually people started thinking what if we started doing back in a development building servers in a JavaScript as well and this is when the most unfortunate historical event of the 21st century occurred the both of node jails on the buy side though with the increasing immaturity of the go programming language and its ecosystem you no longer need to compromise now the biggest expense of a software company is a typically the conversations the company pays to its employees that's why the term Dev hours aka the timer required for development is often thrown around where they're making estimates for a project or planning split conveniently go is a programming language at that point productivity of developers on top of its priority list the semantics over the language is a deliberately designed for developers to pick up with a relative ease go is a strongly typed compiled programming language whereas JavaScript is the opposite it's a weekly typed and interpreted a programming language to an absolute beginner in programming the latter may seem like a much more fantastic idea you can just assign a value of any type to a variable and then you can change your mind later and assign that a variable with a value of a different type now I can see that there may be some use cases for the actual flexibility when you are doing front end development however if you are a backended developer there's a can easily become a nightmare when you are expecting everything to work exactly the way that you have intended in addition when errors do occur inevitably it is so much more difficult to debug with a weekly time to interpreted a programming language the situation with the JavaScript has gotten so out of hand in this regard that they eventually had to create typescript which is a transpiler in order to create a more strongly typed a compile time development environment however your programs in the typescript eventually gets translated into JavaScript which is still a introverted a programming language which means the performance is still inferior at the end of the day so if a performance is at any level important to your application JavaScript simply isn't going to cut it speaking of a performance or node.js applications are single threaded applications yes you hold me white although JS applications are single threaded even though node.js has some clever way of using event Loop and asynchronous in this patch no two processes in a node.js application are running in parallel at any given time which means these applications would not be able to take advantage of a demotical architectures on these servers a while most servers or mostly computers nowadays have a multi-core processors this means if your company is a building head backing services in node.js in JavaScript instead of at the superior photographic language of go your company is literally burning cash not just in a compensation because of the additional Dev hours that your team needs to contribute but also in the machines that you guys are all renting from AWS or Google Cloud because JavaScript is simply isn't as efficient of a programming language as go last but not least there is a very interesting and somewhat important point that I want to bring up which may not seem too fair to JavaScript developers and that is the average quality of the code in the go projects is a generally much higher than the JavaScript counterparts now this is simply my personal observation that is another scientific at all for this is a phenomenon I have a two hypothesis the very first one is that go is simply a much more straightforward programming language along with its ecosystem the go Creator team it deliberately designed a goal to have this attributes it's a targeted audience is the majority of the software engine videos at a Google who are typically younger and add their first or second or third job in their career so the Simplicity of the programming language helps developers to write a more straightforward and higher quality code the second hypothesis that I have is a go it's typically not the first but the second or third programming language that a developers pick up which means these developers probably already have some programming and or computer science knowledge with some level of experience with adjointed programming and the designer patterns a note that today's video is a partially inspired by some articles that I was able to find for my companies like UI Licious and login and radius where they win a lot more in depth on why they migrated their code base from a node.js2 go instead also you probably already noticed I am quite under the weather today uh my voice is a pretty messed up but I wanted to make this video for you guys anyways I hope you guys have enjoyed today's video that's it and make sure to get your free hair golang cheat sheets at the golang dojo.com like subscribe and turn on your notification Bell and I'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 14,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, golang 2022, javascript vs go, javascript, js vs go, javascript vs golang, golang vs js, golang vs javascript, golang vs node, golang vs node js, node js, go vs node, informative
Id: 45w7bgOXC3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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