Indian Scammer Destroys Guy in the UK (Epic Rage)

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gam-gam scam scam scam money money  money money money money money money a viewer sent in a request on my website to prank  this crazy guy in the UK who recently cancelled   his cellphone contract with his provider called 3  I was a long sentence he had disputed many charges   on his phone bill and accused them of scamming  him he's convinced that this cellphone company   was working with Indian scammers to defraud him  and literally steal his money oh yeah his computer   was also recently hacked so he genuinely thinks  this is all one big con job coordinated by these   Indians working at the call centre overseas for  his cell phone provider yes this is all absolutely   insane and the way he reacts is very fitting  on my website yeah it's a we have not been in   contact for months coupla months and now you're  back on our kite and you just draw the main mad   yeah but basically what happened is man like I  just need 200 pounds and we could close it out   here hundred pain yeah that way we can put a  balance on Unicode so if you go over a good if   we couldn't just stick my account with clothes  day a long time ago research thank you very much   goodbye a closed-door always I made one little  payment of a hundred and ninety iPads I think   it was but no it looks like you run the banks that  brew the Bruce that Bank do you know this website   it looks like this website took twelve point three  gigabytes of streaming usage we take all that the   Bruce that bang it is a gay pornography website it  looks like he spent eight hours right are you are   you and rod and no said I'm just reading my notes  here but rest assured I won't you know well maybe   you know you can do with your notes listen to  me sir please don't cut me a few people are very   good at that you can screw up all that notes up  here where the Sun doesn't show in mine now you   are accusing me of looking at gay pornography yeah  great yeah right but listen to me fella or do not   consult with any mile or have no problem with gay  people they do what they want behind closed doors   not a problem but I am NOT guy I like women don't  have the logs and you keep talking about shoving   things in buttocks so like it sounds like you  experiment maybe like just to teach the rainbow   would DC I don't know it's okay you know you  ever heard of metaphor that sees what he sees   miss for taking where the Sun doesn't shine it's  a metaphor pull it away taking away from me I'll   leave me alone not doing any good I'm just trying  to be the messenger I'm not trying to be a problem   but you know we can close it out what is the first  four digits of the credit card number to go ahead   oh my god you three four are so desperate aren't  you he's a person to hack the air computer I think   supervisor the balance that we - oh my god before  we got reading is a long time ago okay look but if   you don't pay I'm gonna have to come get the money  so another way but I'm trying to working with you   I never why I ever why we don't want to go to  stage two stage two is not good right hey he's   thinking skills come on my friend you remember  when you had the first time I did need to do a   second Oh God you know you might be an India but  if you say my friend you wouldn't be talking that   way what do you want okay look I said we will  go to stage three no no let's forget about stage   forever it starts ooh and we can start - - and  we can go back a step exercise 1 and we can sell   things amicably look all I'm saying is I already  good the funds ok I took the balance out of your   bank account so it's been taken care of already  you want you weren't cooperating so I took it real   quick if you're new to the channel and watching  this insanity for the first time make sure you   subscribe right now with notifications so you  don't ever miss an upload I post new stuff every   week and if you're already subscribed enable  those bail modifications just a few thousand   pounds you guys contain the silver lining is we  can give you three month subscription to Indian   subsidiary of bruges that Bank so you can watch  the Indian guys do six well you must plain Indian   he described as any people scan scan scan scan  money money money money money money money money kids about childhood regular screaming profanities  talking about balls and moldy stuff in here   and you're not gonna call me again Angie I'm  gonna end up cooling your wife next time okay   you can't call my wife well you'd be surprised  about the kind of information and photos I've   took it off her phone so don't want to round  photos what fuzzy talking right go ahead and   flip through her album and keep in mind that  everything in that I have a copy of it Angie   you need to bring consider what what you're  saying what you doing because you're playing   a dangerous game my friend was nice and it was  a lot of people like a little bit like me that   will go a bit crazy when somebody throws rather  than me I know you have taken the money because   somebody's just took the account and everything's  fine so you obviously have got the wrong became is   this John John W yeah right no it's John a John  Francie oh I'm sorry man I was actually thought   I was talking to John William did I think it's  the wrong guy you need stop doing what you're   doing my friends good num but it was already  scammed you when we took the money some tree   I meant to cool yeah I know you did I hope  you enjoyed that money honey oh yeah please the wife at the end was definitely unexpected  out of nowhere that guy really got winded up   my ear is still hurting from all the  screaming 'he's happy new-year is my   home skillets if you are enjoying the  last today don't forget to click like   button down below it would really mean a  lot to me and remember to subscribe and   request the prank of your own on our website  we'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 882,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indian Scammer Destroys Guy, Scammer Destroys Guy, Scammer Destroys Guy in the UK, ownagepranks, ownage pranks, prank calls, ownage pranks phone call, youtube ownage pranks, Indian Scammer, indian scammer prank call, ownage pranks rakesh, scammer, prank call, three cell provider, indian scammers get owned, scammer on the phone
Id: E9EAL110m00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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