Asian Guy Destroyed by IRS Scammer - Ownage Pranks

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a viewer sent in a request to prank her boyfriend  who almost got fooled by some Indian IRS tax   gamers ever since his girlfriend told him about  this scam he's been dying to get a callback from   them so he can cut them out his girlfriend asked  that I prank him as a tax gamer and she gave me   a bunch of information about him and his family  so that I could really scare him check out the   insanity hello yes hello can I please speak with  Richard please are you freaking my name is Bill   Stewart I'm cooling with the legal department here  for legal or not there's as I scan and four times   peak hello the most [ __ ] timid like shitty  revenger ever seen in my life hello yeah i lo   is this Richard it's David okay but Richard over  at five Street look sir III self-regarding look I   I wanted to call you just to kind of talk about  the outstanding balance you have here with IRS   you know there is actually a warrant out for our  arrest right now I think I do see what we could   do to help resolve this I am watching me tell  about it so would it be preferred to go ahead   and take care of it on the visa or lock American  Express what do you prefer it ah vina visa okay   and I think we were doing some research here I  desirous on file we have two cards on file the   word of the vending in nine expiring 2020 is this  one good to proceed no okay do you prefer to use   the card ending in for expiring 2022 how do you  have Michael Crichton place we were IRS remember   I'll call you back okay but hold honorable were on  the phone I'll call you back okay should I call or   perhaps or or or who's better to maybe take care  of it hello [ __ ] [ __ ] himself I love it I love   the change in demeanor you hear his voice do you  know hey we are so ordered couldn't we go ahead   and just close this out and so we don't have to  waste anybody no absolutely not can I just remove   an eyetooth card gift card uh all Mart as we got  my [ __ ] we don't take difficult but we did track   the credit card and so that there is a flight to  Canada so like Delta flight so clearly like the   [ __ ] card is working okay and a possible option  so is it a reason why we as the IRS can go ahead   and just take care of the balance on the okay  so you know how my tell picture to Calgary where   is that that from our perspective we are trying  to escape the country right to try to pay avoid   paying the taxes is that why you've been to Canada  what out there now Oh quite often now is the next   step do you want to move on to stage two ah what  I'll ski now you don't know what else I know   because otherwise we have to move on to stage two  let's [ __ ] up okay okay I'm gonna go ahead and   call your doctor right let's make so dramatic  today because we have to go to stage two he   stopped picking up my calls so I decided to call  him up with his sister's number showing up on the   caller ID well Richard you're wasting my time here  and I don't like how it all listen you don't know   what type of access I have right now so I'm trying  to be a nice IRS agent but you're really making me   frustrated okay so i hack hey yeah no no no you're  you're scamming people innocent people of money it   looks online if you google if you google it you'll  see that your boss got arrested let's go to IRS   three I swear to god no no okay I know but not  the only variant it was your eminence be aware   and nothing can you ask your dad he's a member  of the great he has a lot of money can you have   him just send us a generic no why not it will be  I cannot yeah but it will be very simple very even   though Mike that doesn't mean I have to Armani  but these dhoka marijuana pee pee you're not   calling on okay no I'm sorry okay non-directory  give me just one intelligent one payment then we   close it out for for two months because I'm not  giving you a one payment wire transfer okay the   fields don't bother me okay please don't bother  me I'm with my girlfriend and please don't bother   me okay okay bye I know you want to ruin the trip  okay relax stupid stupid just so but you're about   Amy okay hang up I might did y'all don't don't  you don't want to hang up don't test it he's get   the girlfriend has is your goatee his girlfriend  was in a boat fishing with him at the time this   prank was going down she texted me that he was  scrambling to change all of his making information   and gave me their exact location I use this  information to scare him even more hello there is   no need I'm gonna go order please I just I require  a bad call I'm already all banking info key I   recorded the call I'm gonna I'm kind of called  the Queen I guess I know they didn't in the diary   schooling that's fine it's okay look did vine  yeah IRS don't call email or talk to that hello   hello thinks you should just take care of $500  today and we can figure out the rest this week   okay and not gonna rat me out that one but right  now you have to come back to shore according to   your GPS coordinate it seems like you're on a body  of water right now so I'm gonna have to ask you   to come back and then I can go ahead and send them  okay I take that corner tell me I'm a nerd or what   are you water all right it looks like according  to the accelerometer it says that you are on I am   trying to let it die I have a keystroking on the  telephone we have triangulated the GPS coordinates   so like am Telling You Like You you I don't want  to go to stage food that that's just scary right   okay okay send the priests to my house okay okay  do I have to send the Coast Guard or would if you   call again I'm gonna call it 3po okay but what  do you think look if you think I am scum all   right II think I'm um from India eating the bed  he stopped answering my calls again so I decided   to call up his girlfriend who set up the prank to  get through to him hello yeah hello can you pass   the phone to Richard please what is happening  on this number yeah it's in his phone book he   said that he was with you he told us he was with  you right now I am cooling with Iris can I just   speak with him for one minute this is because  inside with me and sitting in your phone book well Richard we're at stage 4 right now could  you only imagine what stage 5 will be like so   come on man look just like according to our  database here you're rushing to try to change   your records to logging into the bank all sorts  of things man this relax can we try to disclose   it out you were you know that I try to login my  bank yeah willya according to your phone remember   I told you we have a keystroke logging I'm gonna  format an iPhone complete you know nobody Ana   and you won't have a turn I know you you put  a virus in it you don't know what you ready oh my god is that the you put a virus it is that's  so funny what the [ __ ] man please please okay I   don't know no unclear if no I do not call again  you're a marrow okay look my I know my agent her   need we have a satellite image I heard him I call  driving over it look I can't I reach over we can   see or read you don't worry I can see already okay  look look look not apologetic or not okay I have a   craving your night look look look lasting lasting  okay relax you're getting worked up I understand   it's a lot to take in I'm sorry for overwhelm okey  my bed my bad doggie alright how did you get my   information there is one pornographic website that  it looks like you were a patron and there was a   key logging access that happened so we were able  to kind of read out the md5 hash and figure out   exactly what you did to the OSI three optical nine  you understand ah okay yeah alright now I found   out oh yeah like that one time yeah that's why  yeah what I was trying to tell you so you energy   remember which porno web site xhampster yeah man  you love do you love [ __ ] the hipster men you   have to chill out yeah yeah so really quick man  the last thing is just you have to say hippety   hoppety and I will close the file and remove the  virus all right I have very high fat if and then   you have to you have to tell you have to look at  her in sick I got owned and I er man because she   actually she actually is the mastermind behind  all of this oh my god did you actually call the   cops no let me get the common topic you be read  back to take my email perfect oh my god that's   hilarious so yeah in case just to clarify I  have no idea anything about like your family   like I did politely ask give me some information  about like who maybe some of your family members   or they would make it more realistic for you  a sure like your address and like other things   that would really just make it super super like  how the hell does he know this stuff oh well did   he really think he could outdo me I don't think  so mother euchre if I made you laugh please show   your support by pressing like button insuring  video and we see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 3,424,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, comedy, improv, voice acting, calls, phone pranks, phone, funny, cell phone prank, prank calls, prank phone call, prank phone calls, IRS tax scam, tax scammers, irs scam, tax scam, india, indian, rakesh, asian, vietnam, china, japan, ownage pranks phone call, ownage pranks prank call funny prank call, ownage pranks youtube, youtube ownage pranks, IRS scammer, scammer pranks, asian guy
Id: qXd3N-BLRE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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