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[Music] you have to move out of your chair and caffeine is welcome no not as no no don't go to trusty dunkey oh that's nothing wait don't even say for the clean you can't don't say for the queen oh thank you so just sit here sure not to be here Russell look away my sexual charisma all right there captain please sit here welcome this is all too much Sybilla thirty Seconds Wow any truth to the UM to the rumor that you're gonna be in the next parts of the Caribbean movie can you tell us can you give us a weekend sunrise scoop I'll give you a weekend somewhere scoop young lady I'm gonna scoop you that you'll never been scoop before I'm gonna scoop you up in my arms and carry off to a world a wonder we forget your own name but I won't forget it it's Sam the gorgeous moon morning sunrise Sunday sexy woman for teenage boys he had such a beautiful chapter at the end too written about your betrothed and ah it was honestly you brought a tear to my eye because then they thought you know maybe if I cannot summon his moisture in you I'm not doing my job properly it's all I've ever wanted as a writer Rani nothing you can't finish Russell I assure you this is an area in which I'm confident I am not bluffing I will take care of you I will make the scene multi-coloured I'll make you forget your own name it'll be wonderful [Applause] nice clean from drugs and alcohol what about sex addiction yeah what about that dagger of the year now mister let me strip to my title and I'll have you stripped to your tights false like you know fake stirs and stuff you'll finally the accent you know when I see them in person it's totally fine forgetting sarah marshall or the TV show it's fine but i'm satellite radio in the car I can't understand a single joke because you can't understand it can you kill me yes but no I'm telling when I'm driving the car and he's not everyone's laughing in the audience of the radio I'm like I have no idea what he's best you focus on your driving you're a man you don't want to be distracted by humor you might crash into a pedestrian it's a good thing I think is probably for the best I think I'm just my this is my first brand experience brand yeah I think it's not listening to him at 6:00 it's experience it's just sort of taking it all in you are talking about it I'm not here and as if I'm an extraterrestrial I know I'm from a country that's near to you no dummy we're just sort of admiring the whole you know the whole thing it's not thank you for your casual objectification experience I'm glad that is positive for you very positive absolutely any more any other questions you become nervous why are you nervous no I'm powerful woman got lovely job what seems to be the trouble I've got a hair like Princess Diana oh wow okay I never win shoes no here's the beautiful subtext yes I'm petrified of her and I have her honor yeah she just moved down absolutely love this key really would that what seems to be the trouble look I'm now give it a therapy would you just serif you with Willy Brandt with who Willi Brent would you do therapy with him and I don't think that's where he's heading okay I'm all right you shouldn't say he when a person is present you should refer to the post villain and that's basic good manners where Willy is heading who is willing I don't okay Russell Brand is this what you all do for a living yes okay I'm here terminal okay let me help you I'm here to promote to a call the Messiah Complex it's here for the people of America I want the people of America to come and see me do stand-up go to Russell Brand or TV where you can purchase tickets to see me these people I'm sure typically very very good at their job what are you you're conveying news to the people of America yes people America you're we're gonna be okay everything's alright these are your trusted anchor King laughs Russell is called revolution whoopee right because that Albert Einstein if nothing else was clever said you can't change a system using the thinking that created it that means if you want to change things you have to look at alternative ways of thinking the way things are at the moment the people that benefit from it don't want it to change they are happy with it the way is that's why things like ecological disaster economic inequality global meltdown and war are largely ignored because they are serving the purpose of the people they're in control if you want change to come it will not come from them and rust hanging out with that I didn't meet to empower about the first yes you think you bet on it yes matter of fact I was thinking about something which as you know I've announced Diller find Katherine very attractive Ben Winterset exchanged numbers I thought things that I'd like to exchange with her [Music] Jeanne's info yeah that's right it's another work awesome no worry about it oh is it you're having sex with sex with lots of people put on your lad if it's got a face go back in the face no Josh your face [ __ ] up - face [ __ ] face [ __ ] job [ __ ] Tony the Tiger I'll [ __ ] any I like that bloke on the cheerio box I'll [ __ ] him in the face [ __ ] someone in the face Russell checking whether they've got much stock under lipstick don't mind I'll do you in the face I'll be you in the face get me in the face is it the nose the eye the mouth it's always the ears the ears it's tighter that way and there's the lubricant of the wax do you um ah you've thrown me but don't worry I love that you you're throwing me if you ever so confused Fifi box pop yourself down on my knees see if we can't get you pregnant because we're talking about sex and shagging you plate nice thank you so much these sort of gladiator high up shoes you're wearing and I like your legs now I understand you've been celibate for a while when you're gonna give up [Applause] because underneath the long dress its layers like the raddest leg g-string Ravis J strings the garters and this is the fishnet so what's going on under here now oh I say Mike you want to just you wanted my thing nothing is going lutely filthy oh my gosh II wasn't even wearing underwear yesterday Jesus what I didn't have any quite a big fan and here is a letter ah give it to cut and I've also got a question [Music] [Applause] d Russell I'm not accustomed to acts of exhibitionism what's on this is I'm only joking put some shoes on in Knut you say we need to choose our idols or our idols will be chosen for us oh yeah that was a good slogan wasn't it like that you know that stuff get like we end up worshiping things inadvertently and accidentally end up caring too much about you know iPod iPad I won I won I won and forgetting what's her really important me you know you think you knew you were going to be famous right that's what I read in the blog thing that you knew you were gonna be famous but you were afraid that it was gonna have a traumatic effect what is that in my misquote I figure was is I was an only child I was an insecure little fella and I thought if I didn't become famous there was no way that was gonna feel any sense of connection or happiness I was a nervous little lad I'm very grateful that I did become famous because otherwise I don't think I've ever had the confidence to talk to him let alone something with dimples like those for God's sake she seems quite keen I think a couple dressed up you Tommy works up now come on oh okay [Applause] that's nice of you to do that no I'm catching today actually because during that point suspenders my country yes I happen in other films it doesn't seem so important now that no rain Kelly's a [ __ ] no I want to know let's come over there to you and then BAM come on oh well okay everything's okay yeah yes your favorite love meat I know cuz you're quite handsome I'm making on a very good-looking and you're engaged and I'm aware of that and she's a beautiful love listen [ __ ] this is a row that some people should I put my hands there yeah that's loud as well come in here yeah so love da we all arrived I'm just releasing the spores there you go Fifi boxes pregnant now oh whoa voted shagger of the year yes one of my proudest accolades back in my country Britain the country of Shakespeare and Milton is that I am the shagger of some years [Applause] how are you doing both shagging do you have to do the shagging Rosa do the show I'm not a shaggy no I don't know I mean I think as long as you're involved in the shag I mean to be honest the adjudication process is quite loose no one was looking turned up during the shag and said well that looks technically in it so you weren't really bit but it's not just about the shag right I mean you're looking for love I hear I think everyone ultimately is looking for love in fact whatever it is we might think that we're looking for perhaps behind it is love we might think that we want our football team to win we might think that we want a new pair of sexy trainers we might think in fact that we want to snog you in spite of your political views but behind all of that behind all of those desires really is a yearning for connection and love yeah properly is there I don't know yeah I think you guys it's probably that yes Fifi laughs hahaha when you laugh like that it makes me know what you'd send like when you come and I like it is this morning tail yeah so you can't pull that yeah 7:00 a.m. it's people just hey Luis that's what Fifi sounds like when she comes enjoy your breakfast your pervert guitar guitar sorry we managed to get tickets for the Superbowl huh and I when I say we I need my husband yeah but you you know look at the way you drop the Jets you could drop that guy any day destroy a marriage unless you [Music] [Applause] with Joe and Elizabeth yes okay here you heard you were kind enough to contribute and do a scene for that movie well it was very very enjoyable you're an incredibly professional group of women and I feel a combination of relaxed and aroused in your company you know effervescent enthusiastic low-energy infusing people around you inspire yes you're charming and she yeah I've fallen of a little bit which little bit encouraged it nicely macaque what you're gonna say used on telling my country when I was a teenage boy miss me up you're not wearing your something of gorgeous Oh Thank You Russell it's very kind of you I mean kind it's just a bit rude I mean what play to wake up like someone for any number of reasons you won't forgive Liz that's your phone cuz you took your eye off the road cuz things was gonna bin fruit out there right thank you well it's been really a 160c about it all right I can undo your bra just like this there's so many baubles and scarves as necklaces there's chests and Lance's it's less I don't go look at them nipples naked like time give us a little nipple oh look at that little shoe bit of my back you have a take on voting that is a little bit different which is you don't think people should do it every election in American history has been won by the party that has the most money to campaign with every single election that means don't bother to have the election just ask which one of you twos got the most money the person puts the handout go you could be in charge there because that is what happens anyway right [Applause] yes sometimes people are stigmatized because of something like homelessness but I know loads of people that are homeless know exactly the same as me except that I'm a roof and you talk to them yeah I don't have any of that sort of barrier I think other people some people step over them you write a lot about how you you don't do that I think it's important to try to acknowledge that we are ultimately unified by our common humanity and not divided by although it doesn't always work out well I once gave a homeless man a phone and said stay in touch with me and report back to me so I remain grateful for having a home and everything and he sent me a photograph of his genitals sheshe wants a drink of water last one was here you can do that to this laptop this fetish it's been bothering me for a while I'm sickness free thank you but if you watch on our computer and that's because of unsa and try reading my emails now Bhama you better speak water because we've h2o down in the phone that's a bloody computer virus station yeah it's there it's the old h2o virus so how are these changes gonna happen without voting without violence well the only reason I disagree with voting is because for me Mike the political system in my country there are two parties but both the parties are really similar to one another and it seems that they're more interested in representing big business than the ordinary people of my country I wonder if it's the same thing it is very you know I think in this country when people hear you say that you know they get nervous because people of color fought so hard for the right to vote yes and women who fought very hard to vote yeah and the reason but reason people fought so hard to vote because they wanted their views represented they wanted to be free now we've ended up with a government that doesn't represent us in the law of countries your own Thomas Jefferson said every generation should have a revolution and I think we need one now you know when your country was ruled by an economic elite that taxed you without representing you you kicked him out it was as the English right now you're in a similar situation where an economic elite who doesn't represent you is not interested in your values or your views well only wants to represent rich elites and corporations face that you've similarly have this situation I mean now it's not divided by an ocean only an ocean of money a green sea of inequality expressed in one day once in Dublin nine it was an evening it was crazy there what a mental night it was I felt exhausted the next day you're having sex with someone that person you're a man that person's gotta have an orgasm first I spoke to a woman recently ten different folks in one evening you mustn't spray around too much oh my god she's beautiful in a public bathroom but it was for television programmes it just happened to be in a bathroom because I couldn't find another gay man to do it's just we need someone who was going to let us film them for heaven's sake Russell and I are going to go backstage and we're going to lactate each other you're matching you're watching her person married what do you are pressed in an interview I know you got a little cross no I get cross I'm thinking a cross at all I thought it was brilliant 11 million views his interview with PacSun over and I thought you got a little cross and testy when pressed to get I think of an opportunity to get specific I think you have an opportunity to ask you to do something and you and you haven't gotten so I think I have actually that's what I read the page look I read the whole thing yes yes it is organize your own workplaces organize the places where you live if you're unhappy with the amount of money you're paying for your rent or your mortgage ask other people if they feel similar to you organize you won't be represented on back unless a party emerges that says hello we have or ordinary American people we're not going to accept money from lobbyists in Washington we're not going to rosette represent big corporations Pharmaceuticals Monsanto we're interested in representing you ordinary people with a party like that comes into being by God vote for them but there is not pay like that in America there's not pay like that in United Kingdom and the reason is because we live under tyranny well now there was it was a party with some 12th leader health leader in our country did represent those values in what had hopping was is that the people didn't come out to support him and a lot of times here in America we vote against our own something's why do we do that it's almost like the media feeds us narratives where we oppress immigrants people that are vulnerable people with disability people are different colors from the majority of the population these people are constantly blamed for social problems I'm a recovering drug addict we are constantly criminalized and persecuted and imprisoned and in a way it's like people are always looking for scapegoats people to condemn and blame instead of if you're looking for where to get more money to create a better society look at the people that have got all of the money that's where the problem you
Channel: Funny Compilations
Views: 1,849,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russel brand funny, russell brand funny moments, best of russell brand, russell brand funny, russell brand funniest moments, russell brand best moments, best of russel brand, russell brand best, funny russell brand, best russell brand moments, russell brand compilation, russell brand stand up, russell brand stand up 2018, russell brand rebirth, russell brand comedy, russell brand 2018, russell brand interview, russell brand, russel brand, funny videos, danny brown, diaz
Id: s6YxJyokaD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2016
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