Russ On Why He's Hated, Mac Miller's Passing, + Drug Culture In Fiery Convo

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while New York and on the new odd 97 happen in bro in the morning in the morning beautiful or - you got Rosenberg and Russ Russ listen sir um I about I would say two months ago tweeted some of my favorite new or yes let's get into that how do you know about and Russ was one of the people I put on there I was like I like Russ right that's he shows great music you rats really well cares about hip-hop bites for lyrics fights for great music yeah I like this guy yeah the Internet's not so much yeah of course social media was like I [ __ ] Russ [ __ ] this I was and I had no idea you know this was a thing cuz my perception of you when you before you got signed and putting out the record every week for 80 something weeks and selling out shows I thought you were a beloved individual by all oh yeah that's that's not true no and I'd love to know when this hate for Russ began you know it it came it came around during the during to come up when I was promoting self-sufficiency via me saying produce mix mastered engineer written by me but you know like like I've said before like I always say like there's nothing wrong with that you know I'm saying you go to a songwriters Twitter you go to a producers Twitter and engineers Twitter what's you know what are they promoting platinum selling platinum engineer platinum right right okay well like I'm all five big deal get over it you feel me you know I'm saying like what's the love what's the problem me saying that you know I'm saying like because and then at the same time like I'm trying to as an artist you have a bigger voice in the engineer so as an artist like I got I got little white girls and little and little white kids knowing what mixing is you know I'm saying mixing engineers on their own I'm not gonna get engineers do not get their props they don't and so in a like my message is that you know a lot of people have a problem with my how in my you know when but my what is really the truth you know I mean in my what is the self sufficiency in the fact that because I do everything in the studio I understand that roll is important that's why I do say produce makes matter because the engineer is super important who's mixing it is super important who produces it is super important you know I mean so people didn't like that and then you know when I wore that t-shirt that decision it said how much zan's and liens you have to do before you realize you're a [ __ ] loser I like this shirt yeah you posted it to this I wore it at the day-night festival I posted that already it was a long time ago man he put I posted that like in cuc I remember the caption was shirt of a generation but he can't keep track libro times there's too many story but a lot of a lot of hate came from that because people thought that I was calling addicts loser and I was making a joke about addicts and the truth about that shirt is that that's not the case I was moreso referring to the little white kids in the suburbs who don't have real problems who have fake issues with yep my parents just don't get me it is like you know weird oh [ __ ] like that cuz I went to school with them so I know I can speak on that with the school time I went to college with them like I know what y'all doing and why y'all doing it I was talking to those kids all talking to the kids who who are you know 17 playing beer pong and you know yeah you might be going through something but or let's keep it real keep it 100 we've talked about this a lot on the show probably over the last what five years yeah the artists that promote this lifestyle let me get into I don't even really get now I like that well let me get into that too so right so I'm gonna work my way to that so the reality is that that's what I was talking about these little guys kids who don't who are doing it because they hear it in a song where they see it on Instagram and they're doing it because they just think like you know what might is like it's beer pong my homies got it oh coke Addie's percocet cool Roxie's whatever I'm with it let's do it and then before you know you're addicted and now like yeah now you're addicted and that's a real thing but you got to go back to step one and chapter one of why you even decided to try it and that's who that shirt was designed for now if you interpreted it as me saying all addicts are losers think that's your prerogative that's not that's not what I was going for you feel me so they hate also originated from that and then you know when an IP but when when little Pete passed a lot of people had a problem with with my stance on what I was talking about but what was your stance on 1/p past my stance was really nothing to do with with little peeps depression or addiction because all those things are real things and I grew up around addicts and those are real things and no one's trying to diminish that or downplay that my thing was about the kids the the tenyo is the 10 to 15 year olds and it's been about that which is why I wore that shirt before he passed I've been saying that for four years I've been my stance has been clear for years and my stance was that I understand depression and I hear you I get it addictions real my thing is that a lot of people's instagrams get more plays more likes more everything than their music we're living in a time where there's a lot of artists who are more popping on Instagram than Spotify you feel me so you got understand that there are your Instagram is reaching more people than your songs are because your song is only reaching your fans your Instagram antics are reaching explore pages and and peripheral people who just follow you if you're curious but listen to music right so my thing is like I hear that and I hear the depression I get it honest I'm not saying it's a joke I never said it was joke and my tweets about that I said it wasn't a joke my thing is that when you are starting to put up Instagram clips and and merchandise of you weight you know with the lean bottle or whatever like whatever it is it's not related to peep at this point but when you're starting to do that I start to question like what are you doing right cuz look yeah do i smoke yeah do I drink yeah but am I making t-shirts with with tequila on the bottle or with gin on the bottle no because at that point I'm conscious of what I'm doing it you know I'm saying so so you know like I've said I'll continue to say because at the end of the day went in 20 years from now I'm on the right side of the fence when you are making merchandise or you on your Instagram or smiling next to xanax oh you're smiling and I'm not smiling I'm just crying for help okay cool but what you're doing is that being interpreted by the kids that way yeah exactly and it's it's it's one of two things you are either doing it knowing kids are watching and knowing this is bad for kids me wearing a shirt with lean on it and smiling I said lean bottles this is bad for the kids you either know that it's bad for the kids or be you don't know what you're doing but that doesn't mean it's still not bad for the kids or there's always a see the way you're on the wrong side of the fence so like sea otter which is you don't give a [ __ ] you only thinking about yourself once every switches which once again is you're on the wrong side of the fence so the the issue back to your original question where did all the hate come from they came from you know I went against the norm right now the norm unfortunately hip-hop is to be on all that sort of no wonder I like you man yeah it's really interesting though because when you your other artists right that really promote being sober like I love the Creator right he doesn't get any [ __ ] for it well it's not even matter be promoting being sober it's a matter of you're just not promoting even if you in your downtime you drank you smoked yeah but you don't do it to an extreme limit and you don't and you don't promote it you're responsible with your plateau I've heard others say taking drugs is [ __ ] stupid you're [ __ ] right as simple as that great well no they I think with Tyler they already know Tyler doesn't give a [ __ ] I think they tried they get a reaction from you sometimes on social media time right it's not even that bro it's just at the end of the day I'm not in the mix bro you don't see me with songs with other artists you know I didn't take my money and I trade you had a great song with Joey badass and idk I truly liked but my stuff is rare thank you but my stuff is rare like I'm selectable dude real like you can name six features you can name it on one and a half hands but I'm not in LA I don't take my money dip to LA and be on the scene and go to events and whatever like I'm not in the mix I don't know rappers like that I don't really care to know rappers like that because I have my real friends I'm 25 got to be 26 I know what's real in life like my mom everyone's taking care of my friends is taking care of like I'm good you know I mean like I'm not I did regular life from zero to 24 broken off like so basically I did everything from zero to middle school high school college being often not famous and so I'm not one of these kids who doesn't know like reality and doesn't know themselves like I did all that off so I'm sitting here kinda on the other side like yo this is kind of nutty what y'all doing and what y'all like the games y'all playing you feel me and like you do you feel no part of you would like to be like I hear what you're saying but I could also argue that by saying it the way you are you're also inherently kind of pushing people well of course of course well that's I'm saying though the how is met with resistance which is expected and look once again to my point I'm 25 26 I'm not perfect my how might offend you it's harsh it's abrasive the timing the when dr. Jersey it might be both honestly like I my parents are all from you know New Jersey in New York my friend's Nigerian and and the juries are aggressive right and the ones wanna Jenna from the south side of Atlanta where we'd be just joining each other so it's like I grew up around like get over it but we're gonna make funny you want to talk crazy about you like get over like get over it you know I'm saying did you play sports with your friends when you're growing up did you play video games did you not talk [ __ ] to each other like get over it well I also think to you the reason I say you sound a lot like me is because you are a person who's aware of reality yeah also it feels like when I listen to your music you've done you your research just on music making and rapping the importance of hip-hop and you care about the culture and I think that that for 25 year old as you said is a different path and what's the norm yeah a lot of artists who just want to be accepted by everyone yeah you're like I don't really give a [ __ ] about none of that I have my fan base yeah the question I have for you is has any of the the the hate that you receive where I don't even want to call it hate because I feel like it's just people trolling you how does hate though it's negative its negative but um is it has it affected the fan base at all your fans know what it is and that's yeah no it has and that's the reality and that's the you know you don't understand that that's zu the new album is about navigating throughout this quote-unquote Zoo that is Fame and that is being being poppin being a celebrity whatever celebrity culture it it does cuz you gotta understand like if you're if you're a 16 year old kid and you're in excuse me you're in Nebraska if you if you love Rus right but you know like you're in tune with internet culture and everything you might feel hesitant to go on your internet and say I love or buy tickets to a show or show I wish you might you might feel bad about doing it so you are affecting it you know I'm saying and and it gets it gets a lot to deal with but that's why you know I'm I'm over this [ __ ] pretty pretty soon you know I got two more albums in me and then and then and then you're not gonna see me because this this is not a breeding place for a healthy mind you see what it does to people this is not where this is not where real people come from this is not a celebrity world yeah just like this is not like y'all know like this is not where real people interact that this is like this whole shake hands kiss babies that's how the kids are doing just so that you can get a spin or playlist like this is not reality this is this is this weirdo ask coach and I'm not with it you feel me I'm just really I'm really not with it those times I feel like you over think that those will not not over thing because I because this is what in does in every industry involves I agree pleasantries and like I ignite it's called Network yeah like I agree but like networking at the sake of [ __ ] with people who you know don't [ __ ] with you and you don't [ __ ] with them for the sake of moving up to me is fake and I understand that if your end goal is to move up then you just simply bite the bullet and you say you know what I will go to this event I will show love I will do this just to move up but then you know everything is kind of there's a hidden agenda with everyone for example you're I'm sorry Lori you're you're a really great example of that and I've become very fond of your music I play a bunch of songs on my ki-sun that's amazing that's amazing so when you came up the first time full transparency for everyone we heard there was some [ __ ] where like you had done something with the radio station and people were filming you and you were complaining about the station as there were family with you and I remember thinking we just had this conversation before you hear we're kind of rehashing to get read cuz I asked why do people hate rust right so we started having those two deal I didn't get it so we started rehash I know I know the whole I'm so hot 97 right yeah I'm just and I'm just giving this example because I think it's bet there's value in here yeah you came into it being like you all don't really [ __ ] with me why am i doing X Y & Z when we operate in a world where particularly us do in the morning show it takes rappers getting to a certain place for them to be green so you were kind of annoyed when we were actually doing something kinda cool nod that was yeah but that's that's the other form and then I went to the show and I remember that labels that you want to go and I was like it was a weeknight I work two jobs I was like you know what I'm gonna go to the [ __ ] show and guess what I was impressed by the show thank you then I started playing the musical much thank you it was all that's hey that's organic I do but I still like and that's the other problem I have with the industry's a lot of times the narratives get twisted and turned around because it's never me talking to you it's not me texting you saying how I feel it's not me texting you or you it's it's my peoples people text you and it's all miscommunication so you know you set up a radio interview the artist doesn't know and then you have to go back to the radio person and say well actually it's cancelled meanwhile the artists didn't even know that it was even set up so I don't want you to think it's canceled happen and have the radio person thinks that oh well [ __ ] you because you can't set up it's like it's all this weird old miscommunication I'm not with it so all that is just miscommunication and and my thing is just that there's no part of it that was thinking you think that you came into it with the chip on your shoulder well I came in too with the chip on my shoulder because I've been making bee since I was 14 and it took me 10 years to get on you feel me like at the end of the day like it's a real come up you know I you know I was I was 30 when I made it's hot yeah then I been I bought my turntables at 14 I'm not taking that away from noticing we all go that's an experience I'm not saying that but however you interpret your own come up and however you internalize it and then express it is on you and at the end of the day it's like profile to express my come up in a way where it's like yo man I finally made it and it feels good and I want other people to know that look you've only been given this your dream for years and and you're giving up chill out stick with it for 10 years stick with it for 20 that's my that's that's my message you know I'm saying so so so when I be going hard whatever like it doesn't offend like I you know here's my thing too is that I'm proud of the fanbase that I've created other people so it's a big family other people who don't like me yeah but are there people who absolutely love me and actually love me like here's the thing I could come on interviews and I could I could have done my whole career different which is what I said and sore losers I could have played it all different could have buddied up with rappers for the sake of looking cool but it's not in me to be fake you know I'm saying it's like and you still got your fanbase doing it the way you so guess what all my fans they're not going anywhere why because if you're a fan of Russ you just actually like me like I don't like the bars you know what I've said thank you you know what I've said you know why stand like everything like I could be quiet I can't I could just do interviews I could do no interviews I can just make music and put it out and tour and repeat and you don't know where I stand on anything you know I'm saying but the fact that you don't know why I stand on everything granite have there been people that may be like you know what I'm done listening to this because I'm really like what you feel on this issue sure but then I play that I play the the forward game I'm like you know what if I lose to I'm gaining five that's why I play so you know what you might have gone away but I want people who actually liked me for me because it makes me feel more comfortable with my life so the people and the fans that I have the only reason why I'm doing staples center with no openers on a second album is because people actually like you may not like me but the ones who do really like me and I don't want I don't want in between fake love you yeah I'm saying like sure there's a lot of fake love but on that right you've created this whole fan base your way the way you want to do it and you mentioned you only have like what two albums left on your deal and then you're out well I have two albums left on my mentals life deal but but if you've done it your way the way exactly the way you want it to make you feel comfortable like why would why wouldn't you just continue to do it your way like like you don't have to buddy up with everybody like you said the issue is that issue is that when you get into it when you get into it to just make music you think that is just about the music and you learned that it's not just about the music and my thing is that I don't expect anyone to understand I don't expect anyone to sort of like feel sorry I'm not looking for that I'm just I'm just giving my truth in my dream in my truth is that getting into this it's a lot of negativity it's a lot of it's a lot of stuff I didn't sign up for it's a lot of stuff that's that's outside of the studio that I was just trying to make songs and that's it I was trying to tell my truth inspire kids that you know what you don't have to be the greatest guitarist pianist beat maker singer rapper hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard that was my whole that's my whole message that was my whole message so getting into this when you realize that it's not about that it's it's it's more about other stuff and it's just it's too much you know I'm saying so it's not something like I said it's not a healthy breeding ground for a stable mental mind and I'm not gonna succumb myself to it just for the sake of moving up like I'm cool on that I would just I would just arm I listen you do whatever you like it's doing great for you and you're gonna leave with money for your family and you're gonna be strange so you don't really need my help on this but if you have any strong ideas sell them or some yeah there's a lot of I'm always been making music asset thing I'm always be making music but I'm all the time when I say I'm done it's more like but I was just not gonna see me I was just gonna contend that your perspective that you see it from was a totally reasonable perspective for someone to have but I would say I know we all know many people who have thrived in this business for a long time not become [ __ ] not yet not there they do exist it's it may not suit your personality yeah we could all go through a list of people who rose known for 25 years who are still there still professionals yeah you know have a good life yeah I don't lose the [ __ ] mind yeah it's at that point that's why I'm proud of myself it's cuz to even make it to this point you know what I haven't I haven't dipped to LA I didn't get on the sea I didn't start doing all this nutty I said dip to LA Yoel are you talking about you talking [ __ ] somebody I'll let his slime that's like a third time but like can we just call a spade a spade everybody money and this label to network and Beyond the scene my thing is like like if I was if I was a pro musician well I can see what I see UCLA you you saying that you only send the downside is just like kind of a it lacks context for this conversation because if you know if you don't understand the downside of just thinking that it's time to pack up your bags from Indiana and dip to North Hollywood in a one-bedroom just so you can be on the scene you don't know to do it just to be on the scene is whack so that's what everyone now what I think people are doing it for the Palm generations rush people have been moved too hard yes covered that's it yeah okay let me take the narrative word of advice for artists when you're getting money guess what you do take your little show money dip to LA for a weekend do that six times out of the year before you move out it is a great idea to spend weekends out like I spent weekends and months out there enough to know that you know what it's not for me I spend weekends out there for years I'm the same I bought a house I didn't buy I spent money an absurd amount of money for a house for a week in Beverly here I did all that but like I knew not to pull the trigger on the whole like I'm living in LA you don't saying dude like you have to read that I agree with you on that you have enough money to explore your options like explore the option of you know what I will go stay in LA for for a week or a month and do that but like not LA cats gonna be like Rus hates LA I think I think a lot I think a lot of kids are um I think a lot of kids are misguided and I think a lot of kids are being led down the wrong path via via what they're seeing on Instagram or whatever you know they're being they're being shown this life and and I'm not sitting here trying to complain about my life in and say this is not great whatever like that's the duality that's the it's the internal conflict is is I have everything I dreamed of about my mama house she's shopping for a beach house right now on my point is that you rapper goddamnit right that was my by the way that was my response to a lot of people when I tweeted he's arrested a they were like he's arrogant I was like he's a rapper yeah but it's a because we're supposed that's supposed to be a thing but I think it's because you are a it's dumb it's it's like you said it's a duality it's a self-made yeah independent guy who promotes do it your way right but then you deliver an arrogance right as well as a kind of tone of how come you're in [ __ ] with me you see you I'm doing it myself but it's tough for people to digest that I know you're successful why are you complaining everybody likes you uh and then all of a sudden everybody's like you know what [ __ ] I don't like you I get more retweets but not liking you let go you know I'm saying I don't think it's real well well the thing is - it's it's one thing to UM to be I was this cocky when I was five when I was ten I've been I've been like it's like telling you from Jersey it's like I think more people need to go on tour let me urge the Italians don't understand Ross let me let me though let me say this though when when you're fat your whole life right and you're 30 years old and people are calling you fat it doesn't really bother you anymore like am i but like there's a lot of fat people who's just like I've been called fat might like you think that that's what's gonna do for me like it's not I've been called cocky since I was five you feel me so my thing is like you know it's it's just it's just self sufficiency bros believing in myself and my and my whole thing has just been about promoting believing in yourself and it's like yo if I want to big myself up like get over it bro there are rappers who literally like so you're telling me that because I promote self-sufficiency via produce mcmaster whatever whatever by me and because I promote hard ticket sales aka longevity wealth for your family because I do all those things you think that that's worse than constantly showing in your face jewelry that you don't own that's half cz and [ __ ] shows that you're actually opening cubic zirconium yeah but I'm saying it's like we live in a culture that glorifies [ __ ] idiots who promote half cz jewelry who open up on festivals who post the video of them doing that a festival trying to make it look like I perform for ten thousand people you were the opener at a festival bro you know I'm saying like like like this is a fake-ass industry in a fake-ass world and I'm not with it like you're not about to tell me that promoting fake sheet is doper than real shame just because I'm more harsh about it and my howl is different than the cornball see promoting cz jewelry and [ __ ] oh I'm at this festival I'd be paying on I play a private jet but but you don't own your masters and you don't and you don't sell any you have no revenue streams you will own your [ __ ] you tell me that that [ __ ] is a better thing to listen to come on bro I'm not hearing that [ __ ] I think that I think I'm not you know do it on my show I'm not here I'm supporting you don't shut me down you sent me a go ahead there cuz it's my [ __ ] go home but the point I think is for a lot of people is they they like you they love you they love your music but some people I think a majority of people majority the strong well go ahead no majority of like when I say like just your average everyday person loving music huh they just get caught up in the entertainment value they don't know what's real and what's fake so I do believe that there are people who appreciate somebody like you pointing out the difference I believe that that's never really been celebrated in a hip-hop culture like we yeah whether even when you look at somebody like a Karass one back in the day who's one of my top my top emcees all times yeah right he never got mainstream celebration the way I felt he needed to for what he was talking about can derail talking about the [ __ ] that mattered etc etc but it didn't stop him from being on his mission and celebrating his fans and I'm happy that you have a fan base yeah right so me too of people that you could if you wanted to you can ignore all the fake [ __ ] you don't have to pay attention that [ __ ] at all I'll get into that but go ahead young saying and and focus on Abbi who are celebrating you I like I hear that and I hear that every day from fans you know like an artist here all the time focus on the good why I even respond to the negative it's like you know you're getting told respond to only the love but not to hate from people who if three girls and their contact list say something mean about them they're bent out of shape you're getting you can read a lot that's a bad day yeah you're getting that type of advice from people who can't handle three people saying something mean about them and they're telling you to ignore thousands of people a day giving you death threats like your context is off and you don't have enough but if it helps we Arden saying we all get our get everything we get lots of death threats that's what's up so we still there's still levels to it no but I mean I've had I've had my entire life taken over where I had to they're going in my wife's account and threatening my wife like we've all been broke people posted pictures of my family I'm not saying that you have come on no no so so sometimes you have sometimes the advice that people give you aren't people who can't relate I'm not talking about you in you I'm talking about Joe Schmo and North Dakota who's like Road you know I mean cuz I feel I actually really feel your pain and I know how hard it is but I still feel that is I still feel you'd be better off focus on the positive oh I mean you know we're just trying to help you but I'm not mad at that bro the reality is this bro we live in a world who loves you when you're gone more than they do when you're here and so all this focus on the positive that's all cute and dandy for conversations sake bro but the reality is that for the young bro [ __ ] hard the reality is that the unfortunate in the reality is that Mac Miller has a number-one album when he's gone and that screwed up you know I'm saying cuz if y'all loved him that much and all this love y'all showing him why didn't you do when he was alive and that's the problem bro that's the problem with society y'all people who were talking all this crazy stuff you'll keep it astral world's drop it keep it i'ma keep it real you chief I'll hear some all y'all doing all this are the same ones trying to be like chill out we'll bump in Mac mellow all day today in respect it's like respectively yeah okay so my point my point is that don't like don't don't [ __ ] up my peace of mind while I'm alive and then wish me to rest in peace cuz I'm not with that so all this I I hear you and I hear it every day focus on the positive of course boba at the end of the day someone like me who who blew up on social media by interacting with my fans I'm gonna get all that there's no filter on Twitter and Instagram where it's like separate negative comments from positive you have to get all the bad from the from the good and and then won't read or just choose none of it which isn't easy but I don't check my comments and write and I don't and I don't partake in social media which means that you're turning your back on the thing that actually got you can do that's against the law right so so then so then you gotta go through it and it's like and it's like bro at the end of the day I'm just I'm just not here with the with the with the fake stuff and with the with the idea of the internet culture that once the bully people as I've said before the Internet is a big high school and the little kids on the a bullying artists and they and they be surprised when artists are talking about pain and you know this is too much and this is crazy y'all are the bullies but then y'all turn around and pose for picture collages on Twitter about depression and mental health but then turn around and and contribute to the downside of an artist mental health pick a side of the fence either you're not wrong about that you don't say pick a side the same people who say mental health is real but turn around and you do your for picture collage a quote from this poem a quote from this quote and then turn around and say should have been you did like y'all are buggin you know I'm saying y'all are literally poison and the more famous you get the more uglier the world gets that's why I'm out this [ __ ] this is not meant for people who want to partake in this involving my generation is the first generation who has to partake in social media as a part of being poppin like Eminem and Kanye West at 26 on Twitter would have been a scary sight for peer where they would not have done well yeah mmm Tupac Kanye on Twitter would have been a scary sight so are you getting with me is I'm not comparing myself to those people I'm just saying I'm outspoken you feel me and this is actually talked about we actually talked about you in relation to people saying that you were you know had an attitude who you were arrogant with regard to the early Kayne days because there was no social media no 3:04 right Kanye would be at photo shoots being like I'm the [ __ ] Louie that's an out photographers [ __ ] with that like to me write to me to me as a confident but I'm saying for people who are not creative and not it offends them and it makes them feeling they don't know how to deal with that I think your expectation of the average human being is it's very high because you're thinking that everyone is as pure as what you're trying to convey and that think that that you're getting let down more frequently at that point yeah no that's a fair point I'll say this though but if my fault is that I expect and want people to be better you know then and then I agree and I and I agree with the sentiment of you know what they're never gonna be like that they're never gonna be that level try some will be yeah and you know what but I just feel like with this platform I'm supposed to do something bro and I'm supposed to make kids feel like they can do it too like that's my whole thing is like bro I'm like my whole thing that's what people have screwed up my whole thing is I'm not [ __ ] like I sucked the singing I sucked the rapping I started playing the piano the guitar making bees all that I just busted my ass for a decade and just found my pocket and found my lane and it worked and I believed in myself enough past the failures to find myself a pocket in a lane that other people in the world resonated with and so my whole message is that look if I can do it you can do it too so you know it gets lost in translation which is why I say on songs like you know [ __ ] that it's like both listening to the true start trying to translate it you know I'm saying like it's just the truth bro like because you don't like the messenger doesn't mean you have to try and like yeah because the messenger that's what everyone does know that's the message is now this though it's like no it's not the message is the message is this that's the Colin Kaepernick situation though people will try to do anything they can to twist over it like you know my my whole thing is bro like I'm very grateful for the life that I have I'm grateful for being able to take care of my family I'm grateful for the fans that like me for me and I know they like me for me because I'm unapologetically me so if you like me you like me you know I mean but at the same time I also understand that it's a negative place this is not this is not you know when you're in your when you're operating in your own bubble of your zip code and you're off you live in 95 you know you deal with mean people on your Facebook of 2000 friends you feel me and it's like that's cute but imagine you know millions of people hating on you and your DMS from all over the world like you that's why I wouldn't fancy me up and I and I love them for it when they say ignore them ignore them say yeah but like it's coming from someone who can't ignore three people in their zip code so you're asking me to ignore millions of people no I understand that but my point is this you can't treat us and want celebrities to act like we are equal to you and then expect us to rise above certain emotional standards that you yourself are not even privy to that doesn't even make any sense you want us to be on the same playing field meaning that you respond to three negative comments and I get a million and only respond to one but they don't get the accolades though either and the money you know and the celebration that's why I'm here to give perspective I'm not mad at them I'm not mad at my fans my fans are the greatest things I've ever happened to my life I'm not mad at them I'm simply providing a perspective because Society has this whole thing skewed with celebrity culture so like society is making celebrity culture go crazy bro so society is making celebrities who have worked our ass off and and and have dedicated blood sweat and tears you got grown men millionaires turn off their comments because like it's too much bro like you're like look look Drake is my favorite artist of all time he's got his comments limited to who follows him if that doesn't indicate to you what Kanye doesn't have an Instagram jay-z doesn't have an Instagram J Cole is not on his Instagram Kendrick is not on his Instagram you cannot tell me that the elite of rap is even mixing and mingling with yours consumer I mean I don't think you have I think you could be there too if you don't know what so I agreed that higher base is here now I agree and I agree with that and like if you wanted to check out I actually don't be out more people are starting to more people are turning off their Twitter's what people are checking out well I'm I'm bad at that point but my point is that you look at the upper echelon of rap they're not mixing and mingling with y'all for a reason bro J Cole Kendrick Drake J Kanye go find me 30 post combined on Instagram in the past ten years I know can I know the new [ __ ] you know you're not finding it bros because they know wassup they know wassup bro Drake is out here limiting comments why because guess what bro I am not trying to even see this type of negativity my life is too positive to involve myself in this negativity and yes there's an argument get over it you got money you're a crybaby cool that's what's up I hear that I get it you know I'm saying but at least that's what's officers are useful phrase number six but at the same time bro we're humans and you can't expect you can't cause celebrities gods and you're such a god in here the greatest but then expect us to also operate at an emotional standard that's that's I are you listen you made a lot you made a lot of reasonable points I think I think you're a great rapper I'm excited about the music thank you so much that's it I don't think I need to give advice to you I think that you've you've you see the world in a certain way that is interesting it's what makes your interviews compelling there's no doubt about that yeah it as you get older my personal opinion is that yeah I would your perspective on how shitty things are no matter what you may think a good piece of that also comes from your eyes and your brain and the way you feel yeah yeah a hundred yeah that is real not you know 100 percent right and I want to touch on that too is you're a hundred percent right and what and what I see and there's a problem with celebrity culture and all and all owned up to that is that we get DMS we get negative jams but we also get love gems for sure we get fandoms of saying you know but there's something that happens bro I don't know what it is but there's something that happens where unfortunately the negative sounds louder and I think it's because in order to be an artist in someone of this public acclaim you already feel great about yourself to a point that you're confident enough to put yourself out there so when you feel great about yourself and you're putting yourself out there when people come with positivity you almost like I know right you you're full of it already you kind of greet it with like well when a fan de'aunte you for granite well yeah you do and I'm forcing you when a fan hits you in like oh you're amazing whatever you're kind of like subcon see you like scroll yeah I know that's why I mean worthy right where's the negative one right and that's all that is on us yeah and that's and that's on us you know hundred percent agree with that a hundred percent always agree with that and that's a fault that me that us as artists need to walk on and that's the fault like and like I said on 25 b-26 I'm not listen I'm not perfect the point that we asked you is though before we get done here so you are someone who does everything someone who didn't always do it but was incredibly capable and did it off and was Mac Miller who just passed away yeah a guy who could do like every single thing there was to do yeah just Mac Miller's an artist I don't know if you knew him at all personally I I never I never met Mac Miller I never talked to Mac Miller boy I feel like you know it kind of goes into what we've been talking about and like I said I never met him I never talked to him but you missed out he was a times a treat he was a treat of a brother so he was I'm sure he was and I and I studied but I studied everything you know everybody's use me but you know when you go watch this 2016 fader documentary and and you know I was I was 1819 when blue side part came out and so I was around for when the internet killed him for blue sky part hmm I was around for that yeah I'm saying with pitchfork destroyed him you know and I was around for when you're catching videos of him in the studio you know doing things with certain artists that you're like oh man like I didn't see you doing this type of stuff and you know drinking lean with French Montana or in the studio with nips you saw that video you know I'm saying and and you hear the 2016 fader the humanity of him saying basically like that critique of that blue slide park led him to kind of like man just like [ __ ] with them this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] you go to LA and you start experimenting with drugs or whatever but unless you know you're addicted and that's a real thing but I I think us as a culture this is the first generation we have to start holding the internet responsible we have to start holding the internet culture response and we have to stop dismissing the fact that it holds no weight and that it's all jokes you should get over it I think Mac Miller is one of the one of the first people back in know in recent memory where the internet I think it clearly the hate really clearly played a role in it because if you look at like granite it sounds like it was an addiction overdose whatever right but if you go back to step one of why he even started doing it it sounds like it was that 2011 blue slide park and there the critique of internet blogs and whatever essentially in here you say that to this for a long time yeah you know artist development and getting artists ready and paying your dues was always a part of the hip-hop thing and for the last you know 10 years I've been one of the people that's like yo there's some of this music is minor leagues this artist isn't ready for primetime it's this stage performance this guy's not ready yeah this ain't ready the music ain't there the lyrics ain't there just because I'm from a different era right where it was like the public the public didn't even hear your mute on the entryway was so tough to get in that by the time you got you could be a one-one not and it was dope though so yeah and one of the things I've been sitting here listening to you at 25 you've accomplished so much right but part of the shell or the callousness of how you go about expressing yourself it's built because you didn't have people around you that was like yo ignore that B they done it that's part of the game matter of fact my take it a step further if they don't have an opinion of you at all your wash your is more dangerous than them having a negative opinion and that's and that's the approach I take you gotta learn that like these guys will get me they'll be like why are you arguing with this egg on Twitter I'll be like I need some I need the spar today I need to get at it with smiles I've been in this game 30 years and I pick up the phone you're more comfortable with it and argue with people as people I argue with at the club and we would go rounds a fight or get into whatever I'm from that era but I'm 43 I've been doing it 30 years you know what I'm saying like it smacked out on it 16 and to your point interesting no no that's not can i play on that board because because the thing with mac 2 is like I said when you watched that 2016 fader interview and he says you know people will call me the corny white rapper and I'd rather be that then in the house on drugs a mess and it's I think it's really unfortunate that that the internet culture absorbs zero responsibility for what they do to artists and they all talk it up - it's a joke you should ignore it and I think that's what I think that's why because I think that I think that the Internet is one big high school and I think that the kid in your high school who I went to I went school in Newman's Own in the Kenya high school who commits suicide because the bullying was too much I think for you to then turn around and say it was all a joke it's really really [ __ ] up or you should ignore it and that's what hip-hop is so no you're not you're dead right about that so forgive me for feeling a certain way when you went when people tell me to ignore it but God forbid right god forbid I was to take my life you would have a you would have a different perspective on the whole ignored thing you're so that's that's why I say that whole ignore [ __ ] suck your saliva you fill me come up come on come up with the better wobba this huh let me come up with the better response to someone obviously going through pain than to simply ignore because simply ignoring it I guarantee you Mac Miller had been told to simply ignore it and it didn't work so now result into a better alternative and it's a shame that it's a shame that Mac Miller was and is so talented and that it took him dying for the majority of public to recognize that he's so talented the point that now you nominate him as a number one element now the same people who when Astroworld was dropping what are you doing Mac where I keep it Lou listen the Mac knows though now y'all st. people are saying man r.fp a legend I got Mac nah that's not that's that really happened we do that oh oh that's I'm saying though so I'm coming from that I'm in the Internet bro right [ __ ] know what time it is like on the internet like they know when Matt broke when I was like when I was dropping four songs like I knew I was dropping zoo and for the four weeks prior to I was gonna drop a song we just to get fans like hyped and this is when Astro was like am I chopped this Friday my job this Friday you're like so every time I was dropping a song on a friday for those four weeks it was keep achieved we got Astra well coming tonight keep you chief no we don't want that we gosh four weeks in a row yep when Astra was finally announced on August 3rd and swimming was announced on August 3rd and yg was announced on August 30 everyone was hidden Mac Miller and why do you with keep it we don't want we got a sword those same kids are saying our IP as if y'all were not contributing to the dismissiveness of someone's talent suck your saliva is suck dick bro y'all are [ __ ] fake loving pieces of [ __ ] training for the sake of just like trying to be amongst but I'm not with that [ __ ] bro I'm out with that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy to me that's all and that's why I say that ignore she is wack let me just lend one thing about the ignore part though for the record I understand every point you said just made sense but just know when some people tell you ignore they're not trying to absolve the [ __ ] who are coming for you they can't deal with those [ __ ] all they can do is try to protect you I agree so that that's it cuz I try to ignore actually off comments yeah some days if I if we said something on the radio one day that upset people yeah I delete Twitter from my phone for a week that's why cuz I can't deal with them now you're trying to fight your I respect it it's admirable that you believe we should change the way the internet is viewed and we should cuz this is [ __ ] up yeah and just because you have no followers doesn't mean she'll to write it off people can attack you and threaten you you have no [ __ ] recourse if you try to go to Instagram and Twitter and try to bike hey someone's making serious threats I don't know what to do good luck trying to get that song you've written basically just [ __ ] hide right I totally get where you're coming from but just know that well I think when some people like hey ignore it it's just cuz they love you no no no and I and I wanna I don't want to clarify I know if you are saying ignore I know some place love I know some replace of we're looking out for you we want you to be in a good healthy mind state we don't want you to focus on this I understand that why rebuttal with and I'll rebuttal to them I say thank you I appreciate that I love you thank you so much because it is it's a nice that's good energy but in my own space you're like [ __ ] the Internet I shouldn't have you know I'm saying and and that's my perspectives that yes you saying ignore it is a great energy it's it's a positive energy and I listen to it I hear but at the same time when you're living in this space where it is impossible to ignore you know I'm saying then you know it's it's [ __ ] up and like I said with the Mac Miller [ __ ] bro it's it's [ __ ] up it's [ __ ] up and and and I think it's a shame that that someone who was so talented had to wait until they were till they passed to see how much everyone loved them and I think that's walking in and I know people gonna watch this interview and say you know cuz when I said our IP Mac Miller everyone kill me with where was that energy with little Pete I want to say to the low peope shake that's also a sad state of affairs the little Pete thing and I wore that xanax and lean shirt way before he passed you can check the Instagram everything but my thing with the little peep thing was that oh he was amazing awful things is like a fire song he was I didn't I truly none of us we didn't know his brilliance till he died he's a brilliant kid super talented my thing was that I was not demonizing low peep for being addicted or depressed in fact in my tweets regarding that whole thing I said depression addiction is not a joke however my thing it has been before he passed after and moving on it will always be I understand if you're in your music that's what you got to talk about what you're going through I get that but but you know and it's not just him it's different artists it's a bunch of artists when you when you make a merch when you're when you're posting on the gram you know certain certain things you got understand a lot of people's instagrams go further than their songs do like come on drugs man yeah like so at the end of the days like you gotta just you gotta just keep it real with yourself like what side of the fence are you on do you care about kids because if you care about kids you either a not gonna be posting merch of me doing is antics and lean and all this sort of shape and making a game out of it like you're like you're doing that or be you don't know you don't know that you're affecting kids but either way you're in the wrong because guess what bro hate to break it to you comes with the dinner of being famous yeah you're influencing the kids so sure you're in the wrong and I'm saying you're in the wrong I don't care how you like and a lot of people I'm out of my how no matter them out of my when when I mentioned the drug [ __ ] with low peep but I've been mentioning it beforehand you know that with the xxe clip because is everyday thing with me and I need to really clear people really come for you about this all the time all the time all the time even when I said our IP Mac Miller was it was where was that energy with peope and it's like bro listen like it was never a fuckload like Loki's music was amazing it was it was more of a and it was never a depression or addiction at his joking you can go read the tweezing and the shirt I post it was was towards the little white kids in the suburbs who don't have real problems who do it while they're playing beer pong because they think that that's the wave to do that's who I was talking to now if you interpreted it in a different way and felt offended then so be it but the little peep thing is like bro he was an amazing artist he was really talented and my thing before he passed after he passed and will always be is that if you're gonna be an artist in today's day and age with the platform bro you either a don't give a [ __ ] about kids and you consciously don't give a [ __ ] about kids right oh you be you do you know that the kids exist you don't because if I'm do I smoke do I drink yeah but do I do I sell t-shirts like look at my hat it's a wolf there's really a wolf it's about coming up boy who cried wolf it's about that's what it's about do I make t-shirts I love by your beard no but do I make t-shirts that have a habit to kill a bottle on it you know I'm saying so so my thing is like at a certain point depression or addiction Israel but when you start using it as an image and branding and start making money off of it I do start to question the authenticity and if that makes me the bad guy for calling it out you know what so be it bro so be it because guess what realistically I don't [ __ ] with none of y'all anyway bro I don't [ __ ] with none of y'all anyway y'all got 10 million followers but can't sell out a thousand people in your own city I'll [ __ ] with none of y'all anyway bro I know you're a part of a community too bro I'm doing the Staples Center 13,000 in LA with no openers y'all [ __ ] are trying to talk to me about but you're part of an era right because you're 25 doesn't appreciate what you're saying I'm saying so I think that's more about timing but look man you got a fanbase you got an album called you to come up y'all been out given the job now Sue's been out long two days came out on September 7th came out early three days ago yeah yeah just came out Friday zoos available now I thought came out this coming Friday um how many records on there 14 and what's your what's your fan favorite so far the fan favorites miss you crazy I think I seen crazy voicemail boy the the album that I'm I'm proud of it because a dove aye dove deep I feel like for me it was always really easy to do melodies and and come up with hooks and hey it's that's that was always an easy thing for me so I wanted to make sure that you know what I want to tell a story on this album and I think it's and I think the bigger you get the more responsible you feel hopefully it's like you kind of feel like you know what it's actually not about me anymore like when I was coming up it was like I'm trying to get on I'm trying to get on but then once you get on you're like yeah I got people and I'll show you hit me up crying saying that I saved their life like you're doing it for a different reason well I'm still doing it for me because you don't want to be a vending machine when you start pumping out fans say I need a one that I need be three you don't want to do that but Zoo is my most personal music and it touches on everything and I and and I encourage kids to if you if you feel alone hopefully the music that I make gives you solace in that and if not hopefully you find healthy alternatives but I just think that when it when it comes down to it I think that what I'm providing for music little own hip-hop culture and everything is it's a good message you know I'm not out here I'm not out here promoting really bad stuff like am i confident am i overly confident in quoting [ __ ] according to people's measure sure but you know PA you talk [ __ ] but like because you know my grumpy New Jersey kids talking a lot of [ __ ] it's not matter that bro I was never I was 17 often broke with nothing in my pocket and I resonated with fluid and Kanye you feel me why not because they made me feel inferior because they made me feel that I could do it too and so my music resonates with a certain type of person my music resonates with people who feel like you know what him talking his talk is not trying to make me feel like hahaha I'm better than you it's yo if I can do this you can do it too and that's it now if you get the whole message of like if you misinterpreted like and he's just trying to [ __ ] on me that's your prerogative bro I can't I can't interject how you feel when you wake up and you look at yourself in the mirror and say I'm not sure that's got nothing doing me bro you got to figure that [ __ ] out would you yourself your cereal in your mirror she ain't got nothing doing me but what I'm doing is is I'm being me and I'm just trying to let people know that you know you is not so bad and you being confident yourself is not so bad and I and are people gonna hate it for sure but why because most of the world hasn't even figured out what they want to be or who they want to be until the thirty-plus and so you know you're listening to a bunch of people mad at themselves because they're living a life that is is is fuelled by Dogma and fueled by I'm living according to my parents will manage to do this or society told me the social programming all that stuff so you're you're living life according to those blinders in that tunnel vision I'm and I'm here to tell you that you know shout out to Steve Jobs I'm here to tell you that there's a button before the walls of society happens that you can push and you pop out on the other side and you skip the wall so you know if you don't like that and your whole perspective is wack and that's why I like you know I'm gonna give two more albums to my fans bro and and and you're not gonna see me because this is not the world like I said for a healthy breeding mind to exist and yeah could you could you do better could you ignore could you do it yeah bro but you know what what in what world do I need to bust my ass for over a decade so that I can settle emotionally so I said I have to like man I like this stuff imma settle I busted my ass oh I don't have to settle you feel me so let's play kill them all then do it tomorrow track three ons so available now everywhere you got rose' on the album yeah on track of course you can across the snoop it was crazy y'all know Brett bearish parish bel-air yeah oh yeah yeah okay so that's the champagne yeah yeah great you owe me some money Ross was trying to make me a black bottle boy y'all never cut me my check but pray is one of the most amazing genuine people that I've ever met in this entire industry period but it was one of those situations we were doing an interview with those self-made Bellaire pieces and I went to a spot betim super cool and he's one of those just like lively just like real genuine genuine guys well he was like he was like man anything you need just ask and I'm depressive like don't tell me that I'm asked saying so I know Rick Ross and Bill I was like I got a saw instantly ask then the first time I'm anything you need just as I was like well I mean Ross on a track I knew Ross no lie no lie less than two weeks later Brett takes me yo Ross's verse on the beach so I got Ross instantly instantly shoutout to Ross and shout-out to Brett now so I'm sitting here this is like June so I'm sitting here and I'm like man I got Ross and I'm going to do my voice cuz I know I need another one something like yeah I got a lake I'm not gonna do my verse yet like I already hear what everyone else comes with Ross killed it it was super dope cuz I got to like mix Ross's vocals I dunno like having all the raw like whatever so it's July it's about three days before I have to turn in the album and out of nowhere Snoop dm's me out of nowhere I don't know anyone the no snoop I don't know nothing scoop - me just says I love your music and I was like this is crazy this is crazy I was literally this is crazy what are you like four oh this is ill he's like mow my number and please the single of us do songs I was like bro absolutely there's Snoop Dogg so then I was sitting there for like a day I was like you know I need to start verse and the someone's about last forever and I'm hoping that it lasts forever who's better to speak on longevity yeah that snoop so is like I got Ross already who's longevity proven let me guess Luke snoops sent it in two days you feel me I was in my bed Spain with my family I take my mom out for her birthday and I'm waking up in Snoop tme said you got mail mmm that's fire ever you know I'm saying and like that's the dream you know is the sickest voice ever like you listen to an aside but that's it see that's why we tell you to ignore it innit yeah absolutely listen there's a it's a juggling act you feel me that's a good one though that's a good story ya know let's play the last forever to congrat with us like killing mama play last forever zoos available everywhere the outspoken raw ever passionate [Music]
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 536,619
Rating: 4.3253908 out of 5
Keywords: hot97, hot97app, hip hop, New York, NY, US, United States,, Russ, Mac Miller, Zoo, Lil Peep, HATED, drugs, EITM, Ebro in the Morning
Id: liI5V4ALloI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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