Mac Miller On New Album, Battling Depression + Donald Trump

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on Larry King now rapper Mac Miller she's signed with Warner right yeah they're very independent thinking company they're not suits like way everyone at the office wears t-shirts I haven't seen many suits explained the title good yet a lot of the music I had done recently was a little darker and sad depressing if you will and I wanted this album to kind of be a departure from that Plus how did you adjust to fame all along tough yeah you know I think it you go on a um I can't be able getting interviewed by you right now either way I'm serious you did you preorder the album yet but we have we the officer yeah yeah hey you don't like you don't know thank you so I man she's all next on Larry King now welcome to Larry King now our special guest is Mac Miller after launching onto the scene with 2011's blue side Park the first independently released album to reach number one on the Billboard 200 charts since 1995 pittsburgh's Mac Miller has become one of music's most dynamic and sought-after talents his follow-up albums and mixtapes including watching movies with the sound off and faces garnered him massive critical acclaim as well as hundreds of millions of hits on YouTube and beyond he's worked with artists like Tyler the Creator one of my favorite people and ariana grande and his toured with little Wayne and two chains and now Mac is back with a new full-length album good am good a Emma slated for release September 18th thanks for coming explain the title good yet um thanks for having me thank you I think for me I wanted the album to feel like a breath of fresh air just a lot of the music I had done recently was a little darker and sad depressing if you will and I wanted this album to kind of be a departure from that and feel like you know when you soak it so like uplifting songs oh I wouldn't necessarily summon them I wouldn't use the term uplifting maybe just more like confident and just positive yeah it's your first with a major label yeah tell me how that came about um whoa independent guy yeah you know I'd like to think I'd kept some I kept all of my independence I'm blessed I've built a foundation on my own but I think it was just time like maybe I don't know if I would be able to be sitting here if I all we'd have had you on she signed with Warner right yeah they're very independent thinking company they're not suits like way everyone in the office wears t-shirts I haven't in many suits does that mean you're willing to do a little more commercial with your music oh you know it's interesting I want I'm just gonna keep on making music I like to make if it if it then has more commercial appeal you know maybe maybe it will work that way but music in general right now is kind of shying away from the emphasis on a single and people are putting out just kind of art as though as a whole like pieces and it's it's working which is great so you don't have to focus on trying to get on the radio or don't ya how do you get heard them um those like the Internet um and the radio is still a very real thing and it's big but but now you know what I've done it so many people you build a strong fan base who kind of follow you everywhere so um it's less less focused on just having a radio single just want to promote you more yeah Dave I mean it's the first time I've had a real budget to work with which is nice you know like actually being able to have like cool marketing ideas and seeing them happen like I'm gonna get a billboard you are on Sunset I don't know if we have that kind of money what was the Warner house that kind of do you think in 2012 Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were applauded for staying mostly independent and have I'm reading this cuz they told me this yeah and having massive success competition right now given the state of the industry can an artist sustain success working with a smaller label or staying independent yeah I you know I think it the metric system or the system for what success is varies from person to person it depends what you want there are some people who want to have you know 10 million singles sold and that's what they look at success as um or do you look at it and I think I look at for me is being able to touch and affect people positive way and have have music that that lasts for a long time have a long career and just you know being able to be influential in in a positive way who's the number one commercial rapper now I'd say Drake you know there were darker tides feeling right you're less tape faces right yeah did you do you have a did you have a problem in life I had a drug problem you know for a long time it wasn't just in in music but I definitely was going through a drug problem and they uh and and I think it was more my state of mind I was pretty depressed as everyone even while successful yeah that's I mean it's I think it started with success yeah yeah same that to yourself you're struggling you're not depressed right successful you're depressed you know it's funny because you you talk to people when they say you know what do you have to be depressed about you have money and um I think you know I think what was you know 18 19 years old going through this for the first time doing it very differently and and I think what is usually just that moment in someone's life where they're trying to figure out who their identity they are what their identity is it just gets magnified you know and then it becomes a bigger thing because you Fame is is tricky because you've read what's said about you then you know it you know to be true and the lines start to blur I asked the great actor Richard Dreyfuss who went through it once why he was and he says he don't know yeah that's I mean you can't answer it it was it was hard with my finger on it you know cuz the end that you want to put your finger on it too though how would you know yeah yeah but he just you know there's there's I just went through a long period where it was uh you know you didn't wake up very happy in fact if you could put your finger on it wouldn't have right probably fix it next Mac Miller reflects on his rise to fame and the lessons he's learned along the way don't click away we're back with Mac Miller an extraordinary success story and his new album is good a.m. it'll be out September 18th from Warner I'd explain something to me in the world when when someone says a rapper is coming through the door yeah you did not expect to see a white Jewish kid you don't know any any any rapper I am cold okay I do it admit do you know any other white Jewish leverage um I'm sure there are some there's a few there's my famous white Jewish yeah I guess I could kid how did you get into this how did you get into this culture um it's not the culture of young white Jewish males from Pittsburgh you know um I think a lot of people a lot of people appreciate it it's just getting into it it's just something I love to do and um I remember being younger um I grew up in Pittsburgh where I didn't grow up in like really far away in the suburbs or anything I grew up in the city and so there were always freestyle competitions and things like that and it's just something I'd love to do and I didn't I didn't see it as weird you know what did your parents think you know they were they were very supportive of me being creative um I always did music from the time I was like six and they wanted photographer my dad's architect so as long as I finished school which I almost didn't but you know they were really they they're really supportive brothers and sisters yeah I've brother he was very supportive what does he do he actually my brother does all my visual art he's like an incredible artist so he does all my covers and he puts together the packaging do I in rap the word the N word is used a lot like yeah yeah you never know never walk yeah and don't even say and in conversation actually think it's really awkward what hated saying was there one song or what what did it feedback Miller get no um so I think I came out like but there is a there's a moment in time where right before the internet became oversaturated with music um so I kind of hit that pocket of where I was putting together videos I have a good friend of mine who does a lot of my videos named Ian Wolfson and so we were putting together high quality videos on YouTube and then I released a song called Donald Trump Trump yeah this is before I knew his plans Oh Donald I've never met oh we've had some issues which i think is so cool did he criticized the song he liked it at first because I think it was you know rap song about Donald Trump and then I think I did an interview because that song was my first platinum song and I did an interview where it's gonna light the fire back up where someone asked me uh you know if I really support Donald Trump excuse my french president said he was kind of a kid and here did you say where did I say I just because they're like you know I think it's when you're starting to want to run for president and yeah I decided agree with it with anything he said I'll talk about that a little while but I want to say how did you adjust to fame long tough yeah you know I think you go on a I can't believe I'm getting interviewed you right now my life is awesome I'm serious anyways but sitting here delusion whoa but I think um you know you go through a period at first at first um it's really exciting you know and somebody says oh aren't you Mac Miller and you're like yeah I am come you only want a picture what do you want and then I went through a period me where I kind of rejected it you know where I stayed inside that's true that was the dark days I call them you know but then you know get used to it right you know you just you just own it goes with the turtle right tell me quickly before the break what about these aliases one of your aliases is Larry fisherman yeah another one is delusional Thomas yeah why do you need a Lea TSA's if your Mac Mela um well I think for me I'd like to kind of create characters and flesh them out um all the way because everything is done as Mac Miller is factual and based off factual information um excuse me create other people yeah delusional Thomas uh he's a character I created who's kind of like a psychopathic murderer oh and who's larry fisherman larry fisherman represents the two gist studio rat in me who's like the person who just never sees the light of day and just sits there and works I imagine him with the gigantic fear he smells pretty bad I'll take a name - I'll become yeah we'll be right back with felonious elfonzo yourself on so now and where does Matt want to be in ten years we'll find out now stay tuned for more of the longest Alphonso now who's that on the top of your head just right now welcome back to Waldo Wasserman the Trump thing yeah how did you come up with the idea to just do a rap song about Donald Trump I mean where'd that come from um well it's there's that there's a phase that kind of happened where I liked making songs named after people like I did one called Bruce Wayne and and and the ideas of the songs like there's some about Donald Trump but the aura of the song is kind of I get it did it was he mad at you for a time - well first he was really like yeah there's some of me but then he's thought he was like threatening to sue me he went on a Twitter rant it was like and he does it yeah and he was all about me kept calling me little Mac Miller it's just awesome and then like I've realized that like who does Donald Trump beef with and it's me and Obama so like hey free so now he like - I understand right not after this would you like to meet him yeah I don't I know I'm very well known for years great guy he's a good guy you know he's he can go off on tangents but he's a great father yeah he's very loyal to people who are friendly with him and I wouldn't generous I look I don't judge or act like I know anyone especially in celebrity culture I'm big on this where like you can't pretend that you know someone if you've never met them you know so um I want to definitely be down to have a conversation with them will I vote for I don't think so but you know I don't nothing against them at all okay we're gonna play a little game of if you only knew by the way good a.m. will come out September 18th all right did you preorder the album it we have we'd the office ordered oh yeah yeah hey we don't like your dog Vegas or man Jesus you want to come back on the Willie Wilson show I'm trying to all right maybe the musical aside when they grow some questions okay I'm ready I'm gonna catch them and you throw it back out there all right back first girl you have a kissed a girl named Cassidy and was in Pittsburgh yeah we ate I'm talking tongue and everything yeah tongue too you find out it whatever having a Cassidy I don't know best piece of advice you ever got um loop swoop and pull tight tie your shoes loops whoa how to tie your shoes that's important advice in life I still haven't learned yet yeah favorite part about living in LA uh well I just moved to New York so but bike I like I am bicoastal now I have to say that any chance I get cuz it makes me sound successful um a favorite part of living in LA is this space you live in Brooklyn yes where when big Dumbo and Dumbo Dumbo download of the Manhattan Bridge overpass oh that's called dumb bro Dumbo it's very bad Vinegar Hill when I lived there was just down by there it was Brooklyn Heights yeah it's right Bobby oh yeah I lived in Bensonhurst okay the real book okay okay any other politician you're gonna name a song after I don't know yet I gotta someone's got a spark but I didn't name when I named that song it wasn't after a politician I know he was a real sick most underrated rapper Larry King song we'd be most surprised to hear on your iPod she's thinking burning questions here um do you have a song on your iPod not all me Kidz Bop okay at the Museum you have no idea what he's talking about if not music what would you be doing I'd be a teacher biggest spurge like we'll spend the most money I bought a spend a hundred seventy thousand on a car stupid what kind of car G Wagen it's nice but it's well I should at least you leased it I should have leased him favorite thing to do on a day off um take a nice walk and contemplate the deeper things in life you have a girlfriend yes most embarrassing moment on stage I will see have pubes inside my mouth and swallowed it that was one like I threw up on stage oh just in my mouth and then swallowed it I just the audience know mmm oh my pants fell down one time you you forgot about that where do you see yourself in ten years back um hopefully you know doing a lot of different things in entertainment maybe I have a kid you're gonna be bigger than you are now much bigger that's what I hope I predicted for you thanks man in our final moments Mac will take your questions from social media including but his favorite song off the new album is and that new album will be out September 18th and we'll be right back Mac Miller's our special guests that Joseph beam and are on Twitter can you talk about your tattoos and the one that has the most meaning to you the most meaning I have a tattoo on my back of my grandpa passed away and on my my fingers probably it says most dope which is like my crew slash family and then I also like to start everything across on my middle fingers why do you tattoo um because I love pain that's adjusting you definitely okay a Jew who loves pain and tattoos himself code blue two on Twitter what's your favorite song on the new out um it's not break the law which is just got released recently break the law or let's go with you know I really like the intro it's called doors doors are you encouraging people to break the law um it's more in my logic I can't kind of curse yeah okay you know be respectful there but no it's more like a system type yeah right Jojo gaily on the Larry King now blog do you think an openly gay rap or hip-hop star could make it big yeah you do yeah I think I think um you know it's about the art if someone's made if you're gay straight whatever color you are if you're making a great heart yeah that ease up on Twitter what music were you listening to when you made the new album um I was uh this is one of myself I was listening to myself I was listening to now that I listen to a lot was uh Gnarls Barkley The Odd Couple you haven't listened to older people did yeah you know big Billie Holiday Stevie Wonder Fleetwood Mac that's got bad yeah John Crabtree on the Larry King now blog what do you make of Taylor Swift's fight to get artists paid through streaming services like iTunes yeah thank you what do you think of her um yeah she's great she's a really talented songwriter do I listen to Taylor Swift all the time no but that doesn't make someone good or bad that booty sniper on Twitter where do you really butI sniper could you say that one more time just like and are you gonna put it in your no just no so it's in my head you think you should I always something yes another new name I just want Larry King saying bootie snipers being like why don't you carry that with you another tune maybe another name thing well I'll take the audio movie snipers question is where do you buy your pants my mom saighe no no no I uh do you go to a special place the past or the pits that fell down Austin no no no those ones then everyone back there again Kemp is dead on campus dead on Twitter what kind of meat pairs well with listening to this new album these are amazing um I don't understand that question at all um what do you mean by meat pairs like wine and cheese meat music meat and music I never heard that no what me neither what meat goes well do you think if good am turkey Turkey Slean what makes a good rap song passion do you write a lot yeah do you write all the time every day I'm writing right now not actually right now I would never be doing anything else other than giving you my full attention but not all the time do you um well now I type it in my phone a lot alright I'd keep it all up here ideas popping all the time like a lot of times in the car you know I use driving yeah I used to have a saw I um I've always had a studio in my house but I'm done with that because I think of most of my best ideas when I'm on my way there and like the walk from the bedroom to the studio is in that farm walk and in your hundred seventy thousand dollar thought right she still goes in drive or a stick shift it goes you know it has a little beavers so it can help me park thank you Mike thank you for having me big thanks to my guest Mac Miller be sure to get a copy of the new album good a.m. it's due September 18th as always you can follow me on Twitter at Kings things see you next time you
Channel: Larry King
Views: 1,437,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac miller, mac miller donald trump, mac miller interview, mac miller dead, mac miller ariana grande, mac miller swimming, mac miller new album, mac miller music, mac miller songs, mac miller death, mac miller killed election influence (donald trump), mac miller rest in peace, mac miller weekend, mac miller self care, mac miller music video, donald trump, mac miller rip, mac miller live, mac miller tour, miller
Id: bdO3SqZXDCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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