I got jumped by Russ's goons (Full Story)

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For people that won’t want to watch the video because it’s Adam22:

Adam had some kinda fan meet and greet thing where he was with people all day. Goes down a block to a nail salon to get his shit done, then gets sucker punched 2 times and the dudes dip and drive out. Never knew what it was, couldn’t find the guys, and got out with minimal bruising.

Months pass and Russ goes on Akademiks livestream to talk shit about getting purp jumped and says something along the lines of “Adam22 got it too” and Adam22 now realizes what happened.

Adam22 is mad that some shit happened like that. Russ is still acting tough about sending goons and now Adam22 is claiming some other people got jumped like that and they’re thinking about coming out because they think it was Russ’ people too.

I’m worried that Russ is gonna send some of these people after the wrong person and someone in his crew is gonna get shot by someone trying to defend themselves. Jumping people in the rap game like that isn’t a good idea and Russ is gonna get someone killed

👍︎︎ 492 👤︎︎ u/ChedduhBob 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

We officially in the new arc, the Russ arc. You know you're a wack villain if you make adam22 and soundcloud rappers look like the good guys.

👍︎︎ 532 👤︎︎ u/HyperIceCube 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Russ is gonna get clipped or at least jumped. People already don’t like him, now he’s outright bragging about getting people jumped? I give him 6 months before some bad shit happens to him.

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/yungjewfucker 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

That is why I wear body armor out of casper and purple bedding. It make kicks to the head and body comfy and fun.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/URKOG 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Russ is playing a dangerous game, he might have his people run up on the wrong person and get his ass beat in retaliation.

Although tbh I can't think of anyone who has those sorts of connections and is willing to go after a popstar on the fringes of hip hop like that. I mean most of these artists are smart enough to know that escalation is foolish. Even Chief Keef wasn't really willing to risk it.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

It looks like Russ got chosen to test the limited release of the new UberGoons app.

Although, legend has it that if you say "Fuck Russ' goons" 3 times on IG live in the dark, he shows up alone.

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/PissyHipster 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I fucking love this anime storyline

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_XANAX 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

If Russ was smart he'd see why a lot of people find him unlikable... or he'd be smart enough to realize his music isn't as good as he thinks it is.

He has nothing to brag about when it comes to being a good person or making good music because he's shown he can't do either of those things. It's good for him that he's rich and his work ethic but the end result is garbage. He will never be taken seriously in hip hop and nobody thinks he's top 5, a GOAT, or legendary as anything but a meme.

Compare Russ to Drake, Drake had people making fun of him for years and openly hating on him but a lot of those same people like his music anyway and still listen to it. People that dislike Russ for the music just don't listen to it. Most people I see only talk about Russ to make fun of him for being preachy or to say how awful his music is. He's no Drake, Kendrick, Kanye, Eminem, Jay Z, 2pac, or Biggie and he never will be. At most he can be a mediocre artist but never good enough to influence other artists or leave any lasting impact. The best things about Russ are he's rich and can afford to send goons at people cyber bullying him because his short (5'5") temper can't deal with it. Imagine having so much money you could buy goons and pussy yet still being in shambles over not being liked. That's so lame and sad how desperately he wishes he was liked.

If Russ wants to use goons and pretend he's a thug then nobody should complain if he ever gets shot. "He had it coming based on his lifestyle..." the irony to preach about drugs being for losers and to go a different route of fuckery. His music sucks point blank he's more of a meme than he ever will be an artist.

The fact that Russ feels the need to only battle with easy targets who clout chase go to show what a loser he is. He feels like he's changing the world or making his music look good in comparison by pointing out painfully obvious flaws in soundcloud rappers that would fade to irrelevancy anyway. Russ could get W's all day against broke wannabe's but you don't see Drake acting like Russ because Drake's able to let his music speak for itself while Russ can't. Russ has no integrity as an artist if he has to grasp straws on why people should like him instead of just liking his music. He brags about money and the things he does but the only impressive thing about all of that is how he manages to overcome the inability to make amazing music by work ethic alone.

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/RoachboyRNGesus 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wtf why is Russ trying to act tough he’s the bitch in this situation

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/RyanShieldsy 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right I think I'm gonna do this I'm just gonna talk about the [ __ ] because this is my thing is that I talked about this on Twitter at length at extreme lengths and I talked about this on my Instagram live but you know I've realized that my Twitter audience and my YouTube audience doesn't always overlap the same exact way that you would think that it would so I decided I just want to tell this story on here too why not make a video for the youtubers to tell him what happened with me in rusts because I know everybody wants to talk about it and I just want to get the story out there you know I was kind of I was kind of sitting on it I was kind of holding it in I was like Dan nobody knows about it it's kind of like might as well keep it quiet but the more I kept thinking about it I was like man like I'm a victim in this situation like I come out of this situation looking kind of good why am I trying to keep it a secret so here goes the details that was back in January for those who think that I got [ __ ] beat up yesterday No so back in January and I forget what it was exactly but we had some kind of event at the store all day there's a shitload of people here tons of my friends you know fans whatever and it was getting late I was like maybe seven and it's getting dark outside and everything and I started to get a little bit annoyed with having to talk to five million people for many many hours so I decided [ __ ] it I'm gonna you know sort of meander over to the nail salon like three stores down and I went in there and I started getting a manicure as I sometimes do not there anymore since I'm a little bit sussed out but you know sitting there with my back turned to the door because I'm figuring you know this is Melrose people walk by and they they could see me and I don't want anybody like come in and ask for a photo or anything so I'm like you know got my hood up so I could just get my nails done and then get back over to the store and keep hanging out and everything and you know maybe get my nails done for like 10 minutes and then all of a sudden I just hear Adam 22 I'm thinking that somebody want the photos so I'm like oh God can I just get my [ __ ] nails done I'll turn around and Boop got punched in the goddamn head I didn't see the guy that well but punched me in the head one time and then I believe I got hit again sort of on the top of the head once I was like you know because when I got hit I like dropped and then as I was like jumping up like by the time I jumped up which is what you know in my in my head I'm like oh [ __ ] cuz you know definitely probably at a situation like this it's gonna be more than one person right so like as I'm jumping up I'm already thinking like oh [ __ ] like as in I'm gonna have to fight a bunch of [ __ ] dudes right now but before I could even square up boom they ran away I'm like what I take off running I run to the outside of nail salon by the time I got a southern nail salon they're gone I didn't even know if they went left or right I went I actually I thought they weren't left so I went looked left I didn't see anything one of the fans was walking by I mean there's like - what what the [ __ ] is up I'm like he's [ __ ] dude just jump me and he couldn't believe it and he'd [ __ ] then actually somebody said that they saw that they had the little getaway car around the corner and waiting so I was a little freaked out you know making all these calls I'm talking to like everybody I can think of talking to about this I'm like you know hitting up anybody that I have in my life who's you know sort of intertwined with the street life in LA trying to figure out you know what the [ __ ] happened and all my like ogee snooze and I'm hitting up about it are kind of confused because they're like yo if this was some gangbangers [ __ ] like if it was you know cuz in my head I'm thinking you know maybe there's somebody's mad at me because I didn't give him an interview and they're like you know from LA they're really with the shit's they felt like they actually deserve an interview or maybe you know it's like some [ __ ] group of dudes or a piss that I'm hanging out with this other group would do some sort of thing like that because I'm really thinking about I'm like who the [ __ ] is mad at me like that you know I just couldn't think anybody and this was like nine months ago - so it's like I had even less enemies at that time hold on one sec so um I'm so what I did afterwards yeah I mean I just [ __ ] call a bunch of people actually really weird fact Drake followed me on Instagram and messaged me like literally while this was happening so like before I even had a chance to tell my girlfriend about the fact that I got jumped she hit me up and goes Drake followed you on Instagram some kids sent me a screenshot and I was like wow good news and bad news at the same time did Ross send Drake to fall in ministry as a decoy there's your conspiracy theory Drake I'm not serious but um so yeah I had no idea no clue and it really pissed me off too because it's like the the Vietnamese ladies I called them Korean and it's weed earlier which I was wrong it's a Vietnamese nail shop but um the Vietnamese lady said that they didn't see anyone filming but then one of the customers the the women who was in there she said that she saw someone outside who might have been filming either way there's like at least three dudes none of which was Ross and I was just totally lost couldn't figure it out at all you know ask as many people as I could it made me kind of change I want to move around and everything keep my guys around me stay protected you know and yeah well I got over it pretty quick I mean I didn't get hurt at all it was like I had I had the tiniest little bump right here nobody ever even noticed it I like one live stream for like [ __ ] eight hours with that bump facing the camera afterwards for like eight hours and nobody noticed so you know I forgot about I forgot about pretty quick got over it had pretty much completely stopped wondering what that was about it just moved on and everything and then Russ gets on a stream with academics the other day and I mean this is right after the the video had come out of the goons beating on smoke pipe you know five massive [ __ ] dudes who look like they probably played football in college and stuff and then Russ they're not fighting not swinging and these dudes are sort of rag dolling perps macking them around it's in Germany which is a kind of an important factor members is in Germany because you know I've been on tour with perp I have hung out a pair up a lot and you know I would say that you know there are people around perp who keep him protected for sure but you know he's in Germany and a lot of these rappers you know they go on tour to [ __ ] Germany and they're not thinking about people getting them you know and you normally go overseas it's all of it but shown love so I mean when I saw that video a parapet it definitely didn't click in my that there was any relationship between that and what happened to me but then he's on academics livestream talking about it and Russ just pops in there and says this [ __ ] I'm 22 got touched too but then the call like cut out and you couldn't really tell what he's saying and stuff but AK said that he talked to him I privately or whatever and he got the idea that it absolutely definitely was related to Russ so that was kind of a crazy thing to realize because I had considered so many options of what had what could have caused this situation and everything and I never once thought maybe it was Russ as friends so that was kind of weird i sat on the information for a couple days because I really didn't have that many people hit me up about it I was thinking you know am I supposed to say something publicly and I just kept thinking about it kept thinking about it kept seeing the way this stuff was sort of playing out with the whole her Pistons I saw some people acting like perp was a [ __ ] which is not what I got from that video at all but I got from that video was yeah I don't think that video made perp look bad I think that video I made purple totally fine you know he's [ __ ] tried to fight I don't know if he got one punch off but I mean who really would in a situation like that where you got a whole bunch of dudes beating the dog [ __ ] out of you and in my case I mean it was even a little bit more pathetic because it was just like a totally botched job I had a [ __ ] chain on and they didn't bother to take that they were they were there for such a brief split second in time that they didn't even probably have a chance to perceive the fact that I was wearing a chain which for the record I don't wear do I record my girlfriend bought me a chain for my birthday and I was wearing it that day I wear it once on blue moon but uh yeah like that was a weird thing to realize and she kept thinking about what the [ __ ] is wrong with Russ you know because it's like okay with the perp thing I feel like that is a much more like what perp did I felt like more of a legitimate reason to fight somebody because perp did you know say like [ __ ] you [ __ ] and all the [ __ ] on Twitter and then he also made his sister his [ __ ] Instagram photo which to me my personal code I'm not talking [ __ ] about somebody's mom or members so that's amis not really cool but what did I do I mean I already showed all these [ __ ] tweets I'm not gonna pull him up again but you know I made a tweet that was a poll like what would you rather your kid get into Z X or R Us and Xanax won by like 65% there was a couple other ones I said something about I said like the day I got verified and I forgot about this Russell reminded me of this the day I got verified I just tweeted Haley I'm verified so now I can finally say this and he'll see it Russ you gotta switch your whole [ __ ] up I think it's good for for people who watched a lot of know jumping you know that switch your whole [ __ ] up is kind of a low-key meme if somebody's really blowing it you just tell him no switch your whole [ __ ] up anyway enough about funny I am um yeah I've some tweets that I thought were alright and I guess they pissed Russ off so much which is interesting cuz you know I've made fun of a lot of rappers there's been a lot of rappers who sort of you know have been a punchline at some point in time and when I made the video about Russ and I reacted to his Breakfast Club interview the other day for the record I had no idea about this yet I had no idea I found out that night after that video it already came out so that video is a little dated now um but yeah it was just mind-blowing to me that somebody like Russ would actually take time to do this out of his life as you know a rich successful musician who's got all the things that he could possibly have I guess that he would like take time out of his life to organize sending Nigerien hitmen tuffs goons whatever you might wanna call him whatever that role consists of and I only know they're nigerian because uh he was describing in The Breakfast Club interview how absolutely everybody that hangs out with his entire life is Nigerian which is which is nice I guess um yeah and I mean the weird part about it and I've had a lot of conversations about this with other people and actually since this happened I've come to realize that there's a lot of not not a lot but at least some rappers and even some industry people associated with said rappers who have had the exact same [ __ ] that I had happen to me happen in them and I'm not going to reveal those names because some of those people are planning on coming forward and talking about it little uh Russ's on little me to movement I guess a moment I guess but yeah there's people who are planning on coming out and talking about it because this is something that Russ apparently this is like a big it's a big hobby of his it's like a passion of his it's just sort of like sending people out there to sort of settle his grievances which is weird and here's the weird part about it we were talking about this and I said you know what's crazy about it is that there's a lot of people in rap who would do this like when you really think about like a lot of like street dudes and stuff if they were like if they saw somebody on Twitter and they were coming to meme there's a lot of people on Twitter I think who are in rap who would not consider themselves above sending someone to do something to that person to send a message right the difference is when you see these dudes do it they don't then go on Twitter and just admit to it or they don't brag about it on academics is live stream like in Russ's head what did he think was gonna happen when he put out the video of her being beat up by five dudes that were not Russ while Russ stood there and hype them up but did not swing a punch and then he could have just stayed quiet about the fact that he had something done to me but instead he decided to brag about on academics his live stream and it from my perspective and I'm looking at his mentions I've been looking at Twitter a little bit too much I mean reading the instances of Russ Russ was number one on trending last night while we had this argument I wish it was out in 22 number one trending but at the fact that I was the reason why he was number one in trending Wow never I don't think I've ever done anything that's been number one or anything before anyway it's just like how did he think that was gonna make him look tough even his own fans are looking at him like dude that's some ho-ass [ __ ] and they would say the same thing about a lot of these gangster dudes who would send somebody it's just that Russ bragged about it Russ had to bring it up and he had tweets you can go read them where he was saying you know that's not somebody said like you're a [ __ ] why'd you do it yourself he said rich bosses don't get their hands dirty bro you're five five okay you're shook you're scared you would not want to fight me one-on-one and I don't even get out here and say that you guys my fans you never heard me sit on here and be like y'all whoop your ass Russ I would obviously beat the dog [ __ ] out of you one fight and you know that and I know that and I know there ain't no one-on-ones this is La there's no you know one-on-ones my friends are not gonna let me fight you one-on-one just like your friends are not gonna let me fight you one-on-one but come on be [ __ ] serious you get no tough points for that [ __ ] that you did to purp you get no tough points that you did what you did to me and you get absolutely no tough points for what you did to so-and-so's manager who's probably gonna come out and air your ass out and make it look like even more of a dumbass I don't know how the [ __ ] he thinks this makes him look good in his whole perspective on it his whole thing is to be like I was being bullied it was only a matter of time before I handle that [ __ ] myself ba ba ba ba it's like bro you didn't handle it yourself you brag about how you do everything yourself you make your own beats but you can't hand out your own beats can you Russ and he was talking to me he's Deana meal last night he wanted me to call him right away I'm like bro I got girls over I ain't trying to [ __ ] up the mood to sit here and have a [ __ ] weird ass phone call when I feel like you did some ho-ass [ __ ] and you straight-up deserve you should be [ __ ] apologizing if anything because your fans look up to you they think that you're a [ __ ] positive dude they think that you're like a good person that they want to look up to and you're nice middle-class suburban fans who knows maybe I would have been one of them if things had gone a little bit differently they don't respect what you did either you get no tough points yeah some people are laughing about it there's a lot of people who don't like me in case you guys don't know that I see a lot of those people even having that kind of side with me on this one as in hey maybe we don't like Adam but it'll easy to do that whack ass [ __ ] so yeah I mean it's like Russell's trying on the phone last night to talk about I'm like I'm like what kind of conversation we gonna have I want to have this conversation publicly you decided to get my ass beat privately you did a piss-poor job I didn't get a goddamn scratch on me the most my new little bump why would I want to sort that out privately I'm not [ __ ] scared of you I don't care I don't care if youse have more dudes for me I don't give a [ __ ] and another thing I was thinking about that's [ __ ] up is that they like they waited all day who knows how many days they went there but they waited for hours until I was alone in the nail salon do you know what would have happened if they tried that [ __ ] in front of my [ __ ] overreact and asked friends that would want they would do anything to stop something bad from happening to me and I don't want to have [ __ ] blood on my hands for something bad happening to this perfectly nice guy they probably got paid 200 bucks by Russ you know it's like if something bad happens to this [ __ ] kid that he sends I'm gonna feel bad about it too why would you even want to take things to that level and while I was talking to Russ I said this I said think about how coal hand is handled [ __ ] I will admit I said some [ __ ] stupid ass [ __ ] about coal I used him as a punchline some tweets so did pump so did perp but then what happened J Cole came and met with me as a person he went and met would pump as a person like through me he had me actually like set up like a FaceTime call with pump and everything he handled it like a [ __ ] G and the end result was that me and pump were both forced to concede that we were wrong that we did something stupid in that situation me and pump and I don't want to put words in his mouth but me and pump both basically at some point said that [ __ ] was whack we shouldn't have done that like for me on a personal level I'm over that stage in my life where I would like just villainize a rapper to use as a punch line like they did it a khole it is to Waialae they did it where they still do it to Ross I'm not playing into that anymore and has nothing to do with the fact that this Russ that we're talking about has nothing doing me being scared or us it has to do with the fact that I just don't think that's the right way for me to carry myself but that's just not gonna stop people are gonna keep doing that [ __ ] I just don't want to be the dude like if some [ __ ] corner rapper comes out tomorrow I'm probably ignore him maybe I may fell them a little bit but I'm not gonna make them that full-time punch line the way we did with the rush in the j.cole [ __ ] because J Cole as a [ __ ] grown up as a real G he made me feel like a goddamn dumbass for that [ __ ] he made me feel like [ __ ] why you know why do I want to carry myself around around like that and like put negative energy out there into the air rust doesn't feel that you could do that rust did something very different so now you have the whole soundcloud generation who had already kind of stopped you know using coal as a punchline or anything but then he went and showed me respect had a conversation with me on camera showed pomp respect and basically forced us both to be like all right that was too [ __ ] up we respect you like we really do and it's not like J : he's my [ __ ] respect obviously he's done enough with his life that he could have just not reached out to me at all he could have completely ignored the fact that I made these little jokes and shade but he didn't carried himself like a [ __ ] boss and Russ I mean I guess Russ thinks that this is how bosses handle themselves but I don't know man and I really think like you know as many people dislike me I really feel like he just like underestimated how many people love me because if I ever had sort of forgot how many people loved me my phone exploding with people hitting me up saying yo like like people tell me like we want to do this we're gonna do that I'm like no like I don't want to play into that like that's not I'm not trying to like you know if it was a regular guy maybe we have something to talk about he's a rich [ __ ] do too lives in Atlanta ain't nobody gonna touch Russ Russ is moving around smart the last thing I want is for somebody that I know to put themselves in a stupid situation to do something about that so I hadn't made that very clear to anybody who's hit me up for the record but yeah man I mean this whole thing as a [ __ ] joke and I just wish that Russ would be like more of an adult about this [ __ ] and not I mean it's not even like about being an adult because like yeah I made a bunch of [ __ ] stupid jokes but like him trying to get tough points off of this [ __ ] is just the most cringe-worthy embarrassing [ __ ] ever so Russ you got to hold this out I mean maybe at some point we could have a conversation and be cool or whatever but I had to at least get this [ __ ] off my chest for a YouTube video just because the whole situation is just so sad anyway if you never watch my [ __ ] before my name is Ivan 2202 podcast called a no jumper and it's amazing and she subscribed to this channel and you should subscribe to the no jumper channel and you should also buy something from no jumper comm because it's a great place to shop did I miss anything I don't know it's probably enough rent all right love you guys peace
Channel: adam22
Views: 1,744,295
Rating: 4.7345629 out of 5
Keywords: adam22, russ, russ adam22, no jumper
Id: dY3mZ67ndlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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