Mac Miller - Stopped Making Excuses (Documentary)

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I’m probably going to cry a few times during the course of this thing I’m an emotional guy Funny though because I always get the question of like You’re white? How did you start rapping? And to me it was never like a weird thing I guess I just never really thought about it Like I obviously like knew most rappers aren’t white But I wasn’t like should I be doing this? On the other side I think I get a benefit From being white I think that white kids can see me and see themselves like That could be me So I mean I think that was a huge boost for me And a guilty thing when I was coming up Like ah fuck am I only here because I’m white Is that the only reason So yeah I think I had to prove to myself that I was more than just A white guy that is lucky because he’s white Damn Mac Miller is super lonely in New York Nobody lives with him Just him and his two cats See in my old days I would hire somebody for this But I’m trying to get some real life experiences Drove my own UHaul Everybody’s got to grow up some time But I was an easy target I admit that like I don’t know what changed I think I think I just got more conceptual with what I was doing People just started maybe getting how real everything was to me I’d say I think I just kinda started giving more of myself and who like Who I actually am Could you give me like a little bit of reverb And I think like it also became one of those things Where I got like so much negativity That it almost became like okay There’s no point to overly hate on this dude When we actually see what he’s doing Then when you look in there there’s some good music there You know what’s a lot of it I always have respect for my peers It almost becomes like if the people you love fuck with me Maybe you might not be correct in your assumptions you know Fuck Probably should've woke up went to work but I didn't I probably shouldv'e saved a little money I didn't Probably shouldn't be high everyday but It’s my hats off to all the people that did like champion me And did say you know what we fuck with him And it’s real I think for me I just wanted to get as far away from home as I could Like I went out there I started recording Macadelic And I just loved the environment and I was like I’m staying Certain energy out there that’s beautiful and unmatched anywhere else So I think I just you know I caught the vibes you know like And just wanted to ride it out and see where it went And it went to places I could never imagine To have all that space is a pro and a con Depending on how you look at it But it’s really just something within myself That was the thing that initially That I liked for a while But that’s more dangerous than actually LA is Just kind of sitting there by myself all the time You know it just becomes like It becomes toxic It started by me just sitting inside all day And then it’s like then you get bored Then you’re like well I could just be high And I could have a whole adventure in this room I’m always like if somebody like you wanna try this And I’m like yeah sure And then it just kind of fucks you up when you have a bunch of money Cause like you try a drug and you like it Then you can buy a lot of it you know so I went through about everything Let me clear a couple of things here There’s a lot of people talking about me being on drugs Look at me Do I like I’m on drugs to you? Not on drugs Drugs are on me, alright? That was a fucking quote That was a quote At one point weed didn’t relax me from everything It made me more paranoid about all the shit happening Right so like I needed to get a drug that was a little more numbing if you will And less like in your head So yeah that’s I think that’s what really sparked me doing drugs Is because I hate being sober I wanted a drug to do Nah this is too much though nah like this is the pure No no no I’m saying I’m saying that’s how pure the ocean No you’re not listening to me this is not This is not even the one that you think is it This is the one that's really it Listen to me I’m your brother this right here I’ll taste I’ll let you know You’re gonna miss a couple of shows No way This is perfect this is mud I rather be the corny white rapper than the drugged out mess Who can’t even get out of his house Overdosing is just not cool There’s no legendary romance You don’t go down in history because you overdosed You just die When you stop making excuses for myself that’s really when it was When it’s like I step out and look at how this looks to someone Who doesn’t have any idea that I’m famous or whatever Just like walks in and looks at the situation They’re gonna be this is fucked up you know Being able to admit that that’s not the way to live And you can still have fun I mean I’m not fucking sober I get fucked up like let’s keep it real I get super fucked up Still all the time that will never stop But I am just in control of my life I am not fucked up right now I am chilling I spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh towards around finishing the album Just like hanging out with my friends that I grew up with And everyone and going out and drinking Being around people that I’ve known for a long time and that just That feels nice It’s great to drive around without a GPS It’s great to fucking know where to go to get anything at any time It’s great to go back to places you ran around as a kid in as an adult I don’t know man there’s no better thing than having Your hometown love you I think the love me I hope they do I love them Please welcome international recording artist and Pittsburgh native Mac Miller Steeler’s nation wave those terrible towels I wanna be positive as a human being And through music but I also want to have low points it’s like an ascension There’s moments when they get dark Because it’s not Nothing is all good Are these albums not having the cut all highly drug induced albums Definitely Are they great definitely You know I’m not gonna take anything away from the shit that I went through To make these albums I’m not going to write them off just because I was on drugs Because I went through too much emotionally and mentally and negative against me physically to act like it was for nothing I went all over Performing right But there’s special there’s something that’s the most important There’s something that’s my favorite thing in the motherfucking world To perform is Pittsburgh you feel me When I come home I want to see shit be the craziest that I’ve ever seen In my motherfucking life Yeah am I real rapper? Yeah that’s what I am I’m out here I have complete confidence in my ability I’m not tripping on having to overflex or anything I have accomplishments and they speak for themselves And I have music and it speaks for itself Man I must be a real rapper
Channel: The FADER
Views: 6,639,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac miller, mac miller documentary, mac miller interview, mac miller the fader, mac miller good am, good am album, stopped making excuses, mac miller stopped making excuses, when in rome, brand name mac miller, mac miller weekend, the fader documentary
Id: UQ3w99trVUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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