Runt (FULL MOVIE) - Bullies & Revenge, High School - Cameron Boyce, Nicole Elizabeth Berger

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[music] [alarm clock sounding] Runt, don't drink that. Brekkie. [growling] Go on, boy. What's the matter? You don't get enough attention anymore? Poor Runt, nobody loves Runt. Watch out, buddy. Later. [whimpering] [laughing offscreen] [music] This, this is what happens when kids ain't raised right. Something's off. It doesn't make sense. [laughing] Cal, it's glued down. Ronnie, you're an idiot. [laughing] Ohhhh. Hey! [schoolbell rings] [whispering] Hey. Go talk to Talley. -Why? -Just do it. Yo, Mr. Talley, could you... Could you explain this again for me? Sit... back. Señor Calvin. Vengas aquí. Were you letting them cheat? Can I just finish my test? If you don't answer my question, I'm going to fail you. Comprende? Come on, you're not going to fail me. [inaudible] Hey! Hold the door, homeschool! -My bad. [bell rings] Alright, count off one to six. Split into groups. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. One. [chairs scratching the floor] What are you doing? You're not in this group. Yeah I am. Get out of my seat. I'm a one. Lame. I was a one. I thought Holden was pretty much just weak. [laughs] No, not even a little bit. Does he or does he not get his --- kicked? Well, yeah, because he doesn't take anybody's shit. Holden sees how his phony roommate treats his girlfriend and it pisses him off. So, obviously he tries to throw a punch. Gabby, what do you think? I think a lot of things. Yeah. Yeah, Cal, it's really good but this is Vic's girlfriend, you can't give it to her. Give it back, Borgie. You may as well walk over and ask her to the homecoming dance in front of everyone. It's the same thing-- No, it's not. It is. She can do so much better. I bet my dad would say go for it. That's stupid. There's no way you can know that. My mom fell in love with my dad after he wrote her one song. Ohh. It's all yours man. [laughs] [inaudible] So he's a leg man. Cal! You got into UCLA? Uh, yeah but I'm holding out for Rhode Island. Oh my god, Cal, they're both amazing! Good for you. You dropped this earlier. Cecily, what the hell? Thanks. Rhode Island? It's so far away though. That's kind of the point. Well, I'm glad you applied. I mean if you want something that much you just got to go for it. Right? Speaking of... Cal, I was wondering-- Speaking of Cecily, I was wondering Uh, how come people call you homeschool, again? [bell rings] Hey, Gabby? Can I talk to you alone for a sec? Sure. I'll catch up to you guys later. Uh, I was wondering if you were planning on going to the homecoming dance next week. [laughs] Cal... Nobody goes to those things. What the hell? Talley took our tests and ripped them up. Hey man, I didn't say ---. Oh that's actually super weird because he told us that he's gonna turn us in and that we might not get to play next week. Because he saw you cheating. Oh yeah, then why didn't he rip yours up? Because I wasn't cheating. Alright enough. Hey man, give the bike back dude. Hey relax man. We're just trying to talk to you. Assholes. Alright, give me my bike back. Just listen. I need you to go to Talley and convince him that these two idiots weren't cheating. I already told you I didn't say anything. And I get that, I do. But if they can't play then the team suffers. We're 5-0 so far this season, Cal and you don't understand the type of ---- I have to go through if we don't win. Okay. Okay? That is my future. I threw for over two thousand yards last season as a junior and now scouts are watching me. Oh scouts are watching you? Yeah, a couple, why are you being such a ---- I'm asking you for a favor. Give me my bike back and then ask me for a favor! You think we're stupid, you little loser? I'm not the loser, Hank. I don't look like a caveman. I'm not failing all of my classes. And I'm the one with the actual future. Can his a---. Stop! Get off! This is your last chance, Cal! You gonna talk to Talley? This kid's hopeless. Wait, wait, no, no no no-- Ow! That's two. Wasn't my fault. Hey man, your kid need a job? Seventy-three fifteen. You okay, kiddo? What, did you fall off your bike? [whimpering] [heavy breathing] [whimpering] [sighs] [bat cracking] [bat cracking] Where's your ball? Come on, bud. Where's your ball? I'll give you a hint: it's in the bush. [whimpering] Okay, okay. It's what I'm here for. I'll take care of it. You don't have to be whining all the time. [whimpering] Goodnight, mom. Goodnight, honey. I'm sorry, I'm just really tired. I gotta get up early. Come on, Runt. Outside. You gotta pee or what? Don't wake me up in the middle of the night. Calvin, come sit down. Kyle here seems to think that you were in an altercation at the football field yesterday. Is there a problem that I need to know about? Uh. Speak up. I cannot help you unless you talk to me. I don't know, I guess these guys were upset-- Donna. Coach. Is there a problem? Well Kyle here tells me that a few of your boys roughed up Calvin. Is that true, Cal? Kyle, would you excuse us, just for a minute? Thank you. Close the door. Vic, I'd like you to show principal Carey what you showed me this morning. He's literally stalking my girlfriend. She's 100% freaked out by him. He asked her on a date. She said no. And he still decided to slip that into her backpack. Calvin? Nothing happened on the football field yesterday. Well I actually don't believe that nothing happened. But I don't have a crystal ball either. So unless Victor or his girlfriend want to lodge a complaint-- They don't. We're good. Hmm. Alright, well I guess that's a clean slate for everybody. Glorious day. Thank you, Donna. So, Angie... [inaudible] [bell rings] Hey. Hey. Did you get hurt, or something? I fell off my bike. Sounds painful. Wanna share a painkiller? I was gonna hit the library, light up, finish stupid Mr. Roberts's essay. Sorry, I have to go to work. Did you ask-- What? Did you ask anyone to the dance yet? Would you like to go to the homecoming dance with me? Nobody goes to those things. Correction nobody goes to those things to dance. [carts crashing] Six. Six carts, okay? There are rules. You want to get me fired? And clock out early. Why not? Nancy Drew? You came. You know they're really good books. Uh huh. Stoner. Oh I am so not a stoner. But since you're here I am still happy to share this. [music] What? Cal did you... did you really fall off your bike? No. Good. Good? I can ask you for a ride home without worrying we're gonna crash. Cal Cal Cal, we're gonna crash. [laughing] Relax okay, we're not gonna crash. [thud] Ow. Ow. Whoops. [laughing] Well this is my house so, technically you got me home. Thanks. Yeah, you're welcome. Why do you always wear like such long skirts? Because I like to. Yeah, but you have really nice legs. I know. [laughing] Yeah. No. [whimpering] In or out? [whimpering] Good call. You know what, they cheated. Letting them play would not be fair. Fair? Yeah. Kids need consequences. Really? Those boys they're looking at me as a road out of here. The road is to win. So unless you're going to tell me right now that you have scholarships for them to the University of Madrid back off our team. Otherwise I'll let you explain to their parents your meaning of... consequences. [bell rings] So what page did we leave off on? I was hoping you'd be here today. I really wanted to apologize for Vic. and everything that happened. Personally I thought your picture was really good. But Vic saw it and of course he freaks out. I mean, wouldn't you? Listen, Vic's got the house to himself on Saturday and we're gonna throw a party. You should come. And show him that none of this even bothers you. Sweet, can I go? Seriously, you should come. Everything okay? Yeah, of course. So what page did we leave off on? Dude. Shaun said Chris said Gabby invited you to a party tomorrow night. Shaun said Chris said Billy said Tony said Pattie said Gabby said? [laughs] Weren't you literally born addicted to drugs? Like I care that idiots like you talk --- about my family. They're not perfect but so what. They're my parents. At least mine like me. We going to the party tomorrow night or what? It's gonna be huge. Leave me alone, Borgie, I need to finish. [gunshots] You're up. I mean, you gave her that picture, even when I told you not to. Her boyfriend stuffed your --- in a trashcan. She still invites you to a party. Now you're not gonna go. Cause... some other chick got you stoned. You just want me to go so you can go too. Obviously. But I also think you're making a big mistake. That Cecily chick... she cute but this is Gabriela Reyes. The girl that you've been hard for since eighth grade. Put the meatloaf in the freezer dude. That filet mignon is fresh. Ugh. You are such an idiot when you say ---- like that. Also, did you forget that this party is literally at Vic's house? So? Maybe Gabby's finally come around. Seen the light that he's a prick and you're not. Where's my dog? Runt! Runt! Runt! [whimpering] You need to stop doing that. Good boy. Okay, what do you think? Should I go to the party, see if Gabby's into me? If yes, keep chewing the bat. [laughs] What would I do without you? Are you having a sexual relationship with your dog? Fine, we'll go. That a boy. F--- Vic and those guys. Yup. [gunshot] [music playing] Why do all these friggin' houses look the same? Why do you always notice stupid shit? What about these? Get that shit away from me. Oh hey! You came Hey Gabby. Hello? What about me? Help yourself there, Gabby. Jesus, put a shirt on. [laughs] Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else. Hey, I know you. You're in my homeroom. Hey. Great dress. I could never pull off those shoes though. Uh, thanks? Cal. Oh hey. Wow, you look so... Leggy? [laughs] I was gonna say different. Good. I like different. Alright now pay attention! Cause I'm only gonna say this once! I know what you all think about me. I know what you all talk about. So let's just get it all out in the open. It is in fact very good luck to rub my belly. So go ahead, rub it. Rub my belly. Come on let's get some air. Go ahead, rub my belly! I'm the Buddha! I'm the Buddha! That guy is so belligerent he's like a hurricane. Then why do you hang out with him? I mean, we've been friends forever but I don't know, he didn't used to be so... Self-destructive? You're worried about him. My mom says that there are certain people who after a while you realize that every time you see them could be your last time. You mean your dad? Cal, how did he-- That doesn't matter. I don't ever want to know somebody who died. It sucks. That's for sure. What? Nothing. Are you cold? You want my jacket? No, no I'm okay, thank you. Are you sure? What? [laughing] Oh my god. Oh my god. [laughing] I couldn't resist, I'm sorry. Oh my god, Cal, you're such a punk. Yo, Vic. What's up? Jeez, Cal. You lift weights, or what? [laughs] No way, weights are heavy. Hey hey hey. What's up kids? Gents, I do believe Calvin here is in the midst of reeling in this very fine fish. Vic. I don't believe I've had the pleasure to make your acquaintance. I sit beside you in Econ, idiot. Yeah, no. I don't think so. I think I would have noticed a set of legs that fine. What the hell do you think you're doing, man? Hey, chill man. I'm just trying to let her know what kind of guy she's getting involved with. You know, you being the stalker type and all. Yeah, what was up with that picture you gave to Gabby? Hey, shut up Hank! Alright, we're leaving. No, you're leaving. What the hell is that supposed to mean? What the hell do you think you're doing? Let him out of there, Vic. Shut it. Let me out! [banging] Let me out! Let him out of there. Why? Why, you think it's okay he messed with another guy's girl? Oh screw you, Vic. Fine. Let's see how he likes it. [screaming] Hey, leave her alone! [crying] See? Now everyone's even. [crying] Vic? Get off her! What do you think you're doing? Cecily. Cecily. Just stay away from me. Oh my god, sweetie, are you okay? Stay away from me. Scumbag! I didn't even do anything. Cecily! Cal, wait up. Leave me alone, Borgie, I don't want to talk to you anymore. Why are you mad at me? I didn't even know what was going on. You never do. I'm sorry. Okay? I should have been there to back you up. And what would you even have done, Borgie? Shoot them with the gun that you stole from your mom? For starters, I wouldn't have let myself get stuffed in a trunk. What exactly is that supposed to mean? They push you down the stairs and what do you do? Nothing. Oh course they keep messing with you, cause they don't take you seriously. Oh and you think they take you seriously? They don't, Borgie! They weren't laughing with you they were laughing at you. Hey everybody, look at me! I'm Borgie, I hate myself. Rub my belly, touch it! You were the goddamn joke, Borgie! Hey, Borgie! What's up? Goddamnit! Mom, where are you, I really really need a ride right now. Whoa whoa hey, don't even bother. Three strikes. You know the rules. Wait wait wait no, please, Mr. Connors. This wasn't my fault. These jerks at school cut my bike chain. I tried to get a ride. I had to run all the way here. Please man, I really, really need this job. I get four applications a week from kids who know how to be on time. You're not even listening to me. Mom, where are you? I thought you said you had the night off. Just call me when you get this, please. Come on. Mom? Runt. Runt, no. Out. [whimpering] Whatever. Ow. Ow. Hey, call 911 man! Jesus! Call 911! [barking and whimpering] Goddamnit! [alarm clock sounding] Crap. I can't believe I slept so long. I'm going to be late. I'm sick of being so tired all the time. What's with all of the missed calls last night? Did something happen? No, I just wasn't feeling well. I think I'm going to stay home from school today. That's fine. I hope you feel better. You're almost out of dog food. I know. I can pay for his food and medicine, that's why I got a job. You really are a good kid. Yeah? Hi, is Cecily home? Well she's not here. Who are you? I'm Cal. From school. What do you want, Cal from school? Just to, you know, check in on her. See how she's doing after-- After what? Something happen? Uh, no. No, nothing happened. I just I don't know, I thought she was sick or something. She wasn't in school yesterday. Like I said, she's not here. Okay. Hey. I like your dog. Thank you. Don't worry bud, she'll be here. Good job, buddy. Oh crap. Runt, we gotta go buddy. [whimpering] Come on, come on. Shh I knew it! [whimpering] Shh shh shh. Where is that little bitch? Shouldn't you be in school? I'm eighteen. Mhmm. So... what do you want, kid? Let me see that one. [whimpering] [cell phone ping] I like your dog. Have you told anybody about what happened? Plenty of people saw what happened. No, I mean are you thinking about going to the cops? Dude. It's complicated. It's my dad. He's back on probation. Again. Thinks he can just mess up a dude's life if they're asking for it. He says sometimes two wrongs is the only way to make shit right. So if he finds out what Vic did he's going to overreact. Like always. And retaliate. Then my dad goes back to jail screws over my mom oh God, then I probably have to homeschool again. It's just... But he assaulted you. You think I don't know that? Maybe my dad is right. Maybe Vic does deserve what he would do to him. But even if I wanted to say something now I can't. Because? Because kids at school are saying you fire-bombed Vic's car. What? Shit. I can't say I'm mad about it. No no no, this isn't right, okay? You can't let that prick off the hook because of something that I did. You still have UCLA, or Rhode Island or whatever. I mean if any of this comes out now... Cecily this can't all be on you. Are you going to school tomorrow? Can't ditch forever. Just... be careful. Cal Where have you been I've been trying to call you nonstop. Everybody says you blew up Vic's car. Leave me alone. Dude, I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I'm sorry I didn't back you up at the party. I'm sorry I cut your bike chain. But this is getting serious now and I want to help. You cut my bike chain? I was really pissed at what you said but I'll pay you back I swear. [laughing] [music] [bell rings] [inaudible] [bell rings] [fake coughing] Pyro. [bell rings] You like setting people's cars on fire? You pyro. Leave me alone. Cal! [people yelling] [crowd yelling] Ohhh! [crowd yelling] You are dead! [screams] Get back! Get back! Stop! Hold on there, hold on. White flag. We um... we come in peace. You came in and... those meatheads went down so hard. So hard! You were just like ah ah ah ah. That was crazy! Dude I'll tell you this. You are a real life bonafide madman. One hundred percent. [chanting] Madman! Madman! Madman! Thanks for the ride. Thanks for the ride? Nah, you ain't getting rid of us that easy. We're throwing rocks at nine. You in? Rocks? [laughs] Bowling, man. You bowl? Uh yeah. For sure. We see you at nine then, madman. We see you at nine. Woo! Madman! [whimpering] Runt. [bat cracks] Come get it. Come get it. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to mess with a madman? Huh? Come get it. Oh, you want it? [pins crash] Hey! Madman, that's right! You're as good of a bowler as you are a fighter. I'm not a fighter. I don't know about that, amigo. Screwing up a quarterback's throwing hand like that. That is some life-sentencing shit right there. Hardly, I mean, it's gonna heal. This time. You like her? No gag reflexes. And how would you know? I could say the same thing about you. [laughs] At least she's pretty. Don't listen to him, madman. He's just jealous. Because I am never hooking up with you, Ronnie. You on the other hand you're cute. You want some of this? What? Bumps. There's plenty. Oh, I'm good. Not cool! My stepdad spiked my shit with Ajax last year. Tried to teach me a lesson. Ajax? Yeah, that powdery bleach shit. Wouldn't that kill you? Nah. Messes you up for a real long time though. Blood vessels popped and I had to go to the hospital. I thought I was gonna die. Right? And I started getting migraines for like six months, man. I couldn't take a piss without my nose bleeding. I used to be good at shit. Move it boys, we're out of here. You in, madman? Uh No, not tonight. Ah, come on, madman. Next time. Yeah. Let's go. Hey, what are you doing right now? Hey! You got here fast. I tried knocking. Nobody answered. Yeah, my mom works tonight. Hey, bud. You always pay such close attention when your dog takes a dump? He has a condition. You had him since he was a puppy? No, I actually found him wandering the oil fields. He was a stray. Bowling. How was that? Um, it was okay. We pretty much just talked about how I kicked Vic's ass. And drugs and... who had no gag reflex. Yeah. [laughing] It wasn't where I wanted to be. They're right, though. You did kick --- today. I'm going to be in so much trouble. I doubt it. Nobody's going to find these. Oh shit. I can't wait to see what you drop next. Hah. Besides, everyone was saying Vic started it. And the only thing coach Wilkes was yelling at him for was messing up his hand. Nobody ever makes him pay for anything. All I can say is that if he ever does anything this bad again he'll really be asking for it. And then we do something that won't heal. Good. [whimpering] He thinks you're taking his spot. Runt, stop it. Runt. Seriously, stop whining. Fine then, out. Come on. [whimpering] No, Cal. I feel bad. No, don't. He hates it when I give anyone else attention. And stop whining! [barking] Dude! Come on, I have a girl in here! Ugh. I'm really glad you're here. I am too. Cecily? Cal, you really are so good at this stuff. Maybe a little too good. Oh. What... what are you doing in here? Snooping. Speaking of... Isn't this the Rhode Island thing you were waiting for? Why haven't you opened it? I don't know, I guess I was in too good of a mood to get bad news. Here, give it to me. Cause now you're in a bad mood? Uh, no. Because now... Nothing can phase me. It's their loss. Oh no It doesn't matter. I'm not worried. Wherever we go we're gonna rule the world. We? Well I guess you're welcome to come. But... I meant me and Runt. Brekkie. See you at school. Can't wait. Runt? [whistles] Come on, brekkie. Runt! Come on, boy! Runt! Yo, Runt! Runt! Oh no no No no no [gagging] Vic! [crying] I know it was you. I don't know what you're talking about, man. You killed my dog. I didn't kill your dog. I was taking care of him. All you do is cause trouble. So why don't you walk away now? Go. Jesus Christ. What the hell is he talking about? I don't know, man. Hey. Cal! Madman! Madman! Madman! Madman! [players grunting] [whistle] What the hell is that? Shut up! Halftime pick me up. Is it good? It's good. Put that shit away. Hey, that shit is not for you. Cal? Did something happen to your dog? You know, you can't just not talk to me. Cal, where's Runt? Was it Vic? I don't know. [crowd clapping and cheering] [booing] Yall ready to kick some Viking butt? Vic, you suck! Madman? I said, are yall ready to kick some Viking ass? Madman [crowd cheering] Madman! Madman! Madman! Dude, get off the floor. I said get off the floor. Loser. Make me. [imitating dog whimpering] [cheering] [band music playing] Nobody can tell me why these slowflakes are impossible to block. Five sacks in a row, are you kidding me? They're 2-3. We're 5-0 and we cannot score one point in this half. Not one? Am I supposed to believe it's because we lost our number one crybaby over here? Is that it? Really? Because I just sent my wife and my two boys home because I didn't want them to watch this. I was afraid maybe this loser mentality, this loser attitude, could be contagious. Sorry, coach. What? Sorry. You're sorry? The greats don't apologize when they're down. The greats, they fight. And they fight and they fight. to win. To win. The second you say I'm sorry is the second that you've lost. Done. So anybody here in this room now, and I mean anybody that is ready to leave "sorry" in this room. You can meet me out on the field. Come on guys, let's get back in this. Shut up, Vic. Alright, come on. Let's go! Let's go, come on baby! [band music playing] Yeah. [coughing] Wuss. Jesus! Ahh! [screaming] Ahh! Boys? Boys? What did you boys take? Shit! What the hell just happened? I don't know, Borgie. This is exactly where I found Cal acting weird yesterday. You're crying. Huh? I said, you're crying. Just wondering why. Is it because I humiliated you in front of the entire school? Or because you couldn't play in the big game tonight? Oh wait, no no. You're probably feeling sad because you killed my dog. Or is it because your junkie friends snorted what they thought was speed or something? Leaving you all alone for once. What? What did you do? You think something's going down? Which way did Vic go? You little prick. What did you do? Phone went right to voicemail. He shut it off. But we don't even know he's here. He's here. He could be anywhere. We need to split up. Just tell me what you want from me, man. Say it to my face. You came to my house to beat a little helpless dog to death. I went to your house to beat the shit out of you. Your dog came at me. Screw this. Okay then, apologize. Say you're sorry. No. You stupid worthless [gunshot] [heavy breathing] Cal, are you okay? Borgie... what the hell are you doing here, man? What does it look like? Saving your ass. It doesn't matter now, you're both going down. You see that. This had nothing to do with you, man. All you do is make things worse. Give me the gun. Give me the gun, Borgie. What are you gonna do? I don't know, Borgie. I know you don't know. We grew up the same, and I get it. I know you don't know, and that's what I'm doing here. I know you mean well but the football game is about to end and you need to be as far away from here as possible. Okay? But... Help! Please, someone help me! Shut up! Man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? No you're not. I swear, I'll turn myself in. I'll tell them what I did. But oh yeah, they'll just let you walk because no one does shit to you. Okay, fine then I won't say anything, okay? I swear to god. My dog will still be dead, Vic. Please, then what do you want? To make sure that you never do it again. To make you pay. He will. Cecily. You're right, Cal. Cal, you're so right, okay? He has to pay. He has to pay for everything. But not like this. He did it. He killed my dog. I know he did. But if you hurt him now... the way he hurt Runt. There's no coming back from that. Okay? Not for you. All I need you to do is give me the gun. No, he has to pay. Oh and he will. But not like this. Like this. Listen, okay. We both know he's gonna keep doing these things. Two wrongs. Come on, can't you see I'm hurt man. Please, please Man, I'm already really hurt. What are you doing, man? Something that won't heal. Come on, let's talk about this, man. Come on. Come on, please please. Wait, wait a minute! [screaming] [screaming] Go home. Say that you've been there all night. It's my word against his. Can't we just I don't know No There's no running from this. Not for me. Then I'm not going anywhere. You said, what now? I bet we could get at least one in. Would you like to go with me to the homecoming dance? Nobody goes to those things. [music] [police sirens]
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Keywords: Cameron Boyce Movie, Watch Cameron Boyce, Cameron Boyce Free Online, Cameron Boyce, Runt Movie, Runt Watch Free Online, Runt Watch Online, Runt Free Online, Watch Runt, Cameron Boyce Runt, Runt, Nicole Elizabeth Berger, High School Bully, High School Bully Movie, Runt Bully, Runt Dog movie, high school movies, high school movie, teenage movies, teen movies, teen movie, teenage movie, jason patric, jason patric movies, tichina arnold, free movies, free high school movies
Id: i_9GQ8CcN4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 19sec (5599 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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