Running field tile and building a retention pond that turns into a muddy mess real quick!

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all right guys back for another day on the field tile project we got the dozer moved in got the uh volvo switched out for the 140. let's run a little maintenance and get this day started [Music] jerry actually ran down here for a few hours after we left the other day and i think he would have kept going except he ran out of go-go juice so this thing is bone dry we'll get the fuel pumping while we do a few other things here oh it's our do one handed let the money flow everything we need to do i've already checked floods in this thing but we got one track that's just a little bit loose and we need to get this girl greased so get the grease gun out here and get that done so if you guys that don't know there's a grease fitting right here there's basically a cylinder in here we put grease in there pushes that idler out that's what tightens that track up all right got that machine ready to go chris showed up we got talking a little bit so sorry i missed out on some of that i'll take you guys over and show you but jerry's got that field slicked off pretty nice hoping he shows up today me and chris actually laid oh 1800 2 000 feet yesterday i didn't get a lot of video of it but don't you worry we got that much more to do today so we're going to sneak across here i need to get some fuel in the volvo we ran her pretty low yesterday and then uh we're gonna get uh and get this day started farmer chris if somebody would've been thinking a little better they would have parked this thing a little more convenient for fueling yeah we'll catch you in the giggle weed yeah operators man it's just hard to find good operators all right guys got our morning routine over with we are off to the field to go to work this is the field we did yesterday i apologize i did not get a lot of video of this um i don't know a little over 1500 2 000 feet in here there's actually a video one of the first clearing jobs i did with the 120 or the 140 is clearing the trees off this fence down here and setting some pipes we're going to go we're going to jump this little ditch up here go to the field on the other side of there and we got one run to go up through there and then hopefully we'll get some video of jerry down here uh backfilling everything and cleaning it up so yep track it on this is the uh clearing job and a pipe install from a year ago everything seems to be holding up and draining pretty well got a couple of those big uh big clay pipes in there and they've been farming straight on across and looking good looking good like chris has already got his pipe laid out let's go up here and see what we got all right farmer chris you're going to explain to the world what we're doing this morning trying to get rid of water and mud that's the main goal so far we've we've found water every day so far farmer mud dirt perfect towing recovery this is all good for business yup so no we got a spring up here what's 800 feet yeah it's good ways up through there so so yesterday we didn't film any of it we did this field over here and we definitely struck water and got that figured out so today what uh our main goal is is you've got another what is that a swell is that it i call it a swell yeah and it is just nasty wet he can't farm it i mean that's that's a pretty good percentage of this field you can't do anything with because it's wet right yeah we gotta farm in this two separate fields we gotta farm up this side jump over and then our big equipment can't get between the ditch in the woods so we can just get smaller equipment [Laughter] i like being a real life commenter so this one here we're a little bit tight on grade so we're actually going to come down in the ditch here a little bit and uh start in here so we can jump that ditch get on the upper side of it and go down what'd you say the deepest you'll most likely work the grounds about 15 inches 15 inches yeah so we're going to try to stay minimum of 24 preferably around 36. so we uh shot grade up through there we got what we decided we have five inches of our five feet of fault five feet five feet of rise going that way five feel the fall going this way which works out a little over a percentage of slope uh and if we get shallow on this this ditch is going to disappear once we get tall in there so according to you and jerry let jerry work his magic on him that's an understatement that guy's a machine all right so we're going to tie into the ditch right here get dug back across this one and head down through there all right enough talking let's go to work all right i'm going to start in right here this is the place we got marked i basically just need to come in this little section here is pretty much just going to be on grade for the most part one thing i noticed yesterday with this volvo versus sticking with the 120 because i cannot dig with the blade in front of me because i can't see what i'm doing [Music] so i'm going to give me a little section dug back here [Music] get the laser set up on the boom out there that was actually working pretty good yesterday and we're going to take off [Music] [Music] i look about right [Music] i think we're actually going to have the laser set at the right height where i can see it you can see it now let's see it all right game on let's dig in trust me farmer chris there's plenty to do my first little obstacle is going to be getting across this ditch on great this morning i started running my laser receiver with the sound on yesterday it actually was working out pretty good because i could watch what my bucket's doing and listen to what the indicators do [Music] not quite as good digging on grey with this machine when i have the 120. we're getting the hang of it slowly mature all right look at this we go it's a lasting stinking water [Music] [Music] [Music] cute [Music] you guys can see we're a little bit shallow right through the bottom of that swell we're going to come up here on the upper side of it to intersect that water and then hopefully well hopefully but what'll happen jerry will come back in here with the nose they're ending up getting a couple feet of dirt on top of it right there so by the time it's all said done will be [Music] good [Music] oh chris i think we accomplished our goal we made it through the ditch on grade and we are exactly three feet deep that's good enough i see you got your friend over there yeah he's popped up out of the mud there he stays over there was it last year when we did this you had a snake in the ditch with you yeah i don't like snakes who'd you ever have a snapping turtle or a snake [Laughter] all right guys we've got a long run here i'm gonna set you guys up on time lapse and we're gonna basically head that way [Music] well guys we got ourselves dug back to a crossroads here looks a lot muddier down there than what it is up here hasn't been all week [Laughter] so basically what we got is right there where the track goes out there's a hump so this pipe here is going to continue on probably kind of curve around behind the tile cart there after we get that ran out we're going to come back and run a little t spur up chris is actually putting the t in right now and uh come up here and try to catch this ditch coming out of the woods here probably going to pop a little riser in right here and uh you guys can see there's a lot of water running draining out of the woods just keeping everything wet but let's not get ahead of ourselves before we do that we're gonna keep on going i'm gonna keep that laser set up get through this hump on grade then once i think i get through it i think we just go on around the corner there i can probably eyeball from there on out so keep on today getting ready to turn the corner and loop towards the woods but do you guys see how straight that ditch is we're just admiring how straight my ditch is former chris see how deep it is well just here blame that on the laser farmers never have it all right we're going to start we got through a hump right there he is actually pretty deep we're going to loop back around we should start shallowing up here as we head up towards the woods see what we got [Music] unfortunately that's the end of this run but we got a lot more to do all right i guess we'll jump back down there and throw that t in [Music] all right working our way back down to that t i'm going to go ahead and throw a little bit of dirt on top of this i kind of like straight on the ditch they're doing it because i can see that pipe make sure we don't have any issues you recommend from the side it's hard to see what's going on whether it's floated up or got a heat in it or something's goofy's going on so work my way back down to where chris is at i think we're gonna have to do a little bit of clearing and uh throw that riser in down there so around the ditch again this is some really good-looking which is dirt for our area down here because we do not have this good look there right there i don't like the way that big clumps laying on there do that here come here there we go there we go well guys slight little change of plans here this had a tremendous amount of water in it i didn't want to take a chance on this tile floating up and pulling our drain off so i went ahead the rest of the way down through here and uh just getting a little bit of dirt on top of this thing to get it productive i don't know if you guys can see down there there's a lot of water coming down this time i told chris this was the driest ditch we dug going down through here and it's been the wettest it's got the most water flowing out of it now i don't know if we sealed off some veins and they opened back up or what but we're right to the end here i'll show you the water coming out of it when we get down there jerry has shown up he's over on the 850 you guys see him out there he's getting that field cleaned up then we're going to hop back up here we're out while we'll go and get that um get that riser in there so got the drone with me i'm hoping i get some uh hoping i get hopped up in the air here and kind of give you guys an idea how much ground we covered we got a pretty good size little job in here before i go digging this little trench up through here i'm gonna get some of this brush cleared back out away we got some room to work chris is not gonna want that riser out here in his field he's gonna want it up here in the woods a little bit i will have to say the uh thumb i love a tree matches up with this bucket for this machine a lot better than it does that is a huge tree up here you guys see that thing look at that there's one massive tree all right inside jack got this off this shot honestly i got my laser out on the boot we gotta be careful come on baby well i should do the trick that should give us ample room to work right there we'll swing back around and oh yeah an audience i need your guys's job [Music] i see a catastrophe in the making here you know a good friend would come off and help you you're not gonna need much [Music] all right let me spin around here we got a tremendous amount of water coming out of the woods up there so before we flood this ditch and transfer everything over to the pipe i'm gonna go ahead and get some dirt on this pipe if i don't i won't worry about this pipe floating because i think the water is going to come in faster than what the perforated hole is going to handle it we need to make sure we get it in the end to make your teeth still good i can see it there man i see this in trouble later by doing this i feel like somebody's going to get wet boots for us over with sounds plenty long so this bunch of water was running across top the ground i would have thought we'd had old faithful there i'd have thought we'd hit something big right there that's the answer an orange pipe with a bunch of holes huh yes sir those small holes don't work we'll put bigger holes on assuming you want to dirt around that you're not going to stand there and hold it forever jerry [Laughter] all right i swear i was going to get out i was going to keep my feet clean today that didn't work real all right you ready yeah i'm trying to figure out where that spring went to i'm sure it'll show back up so all right guys we made an interesting discovery here all this water coming out the ground is an old clay pipe and we're just making assumptions here but there's got to be a spring up there somewhere i'm thinking maybe one time this is a homestead i had like an old house down here or something we need to get that big hole riser lowered down so chris is going over to get that to lower that down a little bit and then i got jerry over here to give me an assist we got to build a little bit of a dam kind of like a little bit of a retention pond right here so the water whenever it rains real hard the water coming out of the woods right here will gather and then it'll kind of build up around this and go down a we're going to lower this down a little bit jerry i think push that out then we'll be try to good some of this mud out of here so we can get the dns around the more mud he's gonna make so i'm gonna hop in the excavator here and uh let him push me some dry dirt and i'll kind of work it from there i'm not trying to build like a lake here and they have a whole quarters just trying to build something that'll kind of seal off occasionally i'm not going to get too carried away with this but i think i'll get some of his butt out here with my testimony there so all right we finally got us the key way cut in here luckily we got a noel right here with some really good dirt but jerry's gonna bring some good dried dirt in we'll kind of take the trico work the inside let him work the outside and hopefully get us a little attention area built here this is uh this is supposed to be a quick easy little five minute project been a lot of fun playing in the mud at least we do have some good dirt to go back with chris is bringing my other bucket for me that's going to be a huge help so let's walk over and get that switched out i think it's awesome for trenching i feel like i'm digging with a teaspoon when i'm out here trying to move all right we finally got things going our way jerry's getting some good dirt in there chris has got the riser lowered down i'm gonna set you guys up here on the time lapse and uh let you watch you feel this thing watch out gary [Music] my [Music] um [Music] [Applause] well guys there it is for a quickie it's uh looking pretty good looking a lot better what it did about 20 minutes ago everything seems to be draining tyler's taking water we've got a nice little dam built up around there got a little bit of an emergency over here just in case jerry's putting the fish and touches on the back side of the dam there tracking it in i'm gonna hop in the machine and go down here and take out a tree that's in the way i'm gonna try and get the drone in the air and get a little video about uh jerry and the door let's get out of here getting ready to head out to go to a different field and chris decided last minute he wants to take this big old tree out he can widen the entrance coming into this field he's had uh corn in here the last year he's going to have beans in here this year so if he widens this up his bean header is wider than his corn header that i'm trying to say so what in the world anyways we're gonna try to get this uh tree down and jerry will come in behind us and clean up our mess as always [Music] i think she's gonna go folks i think she's gonna go see if i can find me a camera crew to help knock her down plan is just to drop her right up in there and shove her up in there and then we'll be we'll be all done so see what uh see what happens oh boy [Applause] so all right we're gonna leave it right there like that for now there's a guy over there cutting the firewood chris is going to go check with him see if he wants them hopefully he gets one little dip in a bit get what a little bit he wants out of him and then jerry will push it up in the uh get the rest of it pushed up in the woods i guess this used to be an old home bar operation and uh it's obviously no more this all needs to be cleaned out but it's on uh a rented property for chris so we're not gonna deal with that right now he just needs to go get his machines in and out so that being said i think i'm gonna throw the drone this guy and give you guys a little tour of what all we did down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] this drone shot here gives you guys a good idea the scope will work on this particular project we're kind of flying these fields in reverse order this field we're going over now is the one we just did today where we had the little retention area for the uh the water coming out of the woods there the little wet spring uh the field here in the middle where jerry's at i didn't get a lot of video actually putting the pipe in that one but keep in mind the pipes were installing on these particular fields is to control groundwater and keep these wet spots out the field so chris can farm straight on through them and this field here is the one that was the very first one we did we had the laser set up doing uh sloping and a bunch of different things there now the following field up here you guys will see the volvo sit off to the left this will be the next video we're actually going to control surface water so we'll do uh some different methods on that but guys that's going to be a wrap on this one hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment and i hope you guys stay tuned to the next one catch you then [Music] you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 16,015
Rating: 4.9767246 out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, mini, skid, steer, trackhoe, farming, john deere, welker farms, farm equipment, soybeans, how farms work, mn millennial farmer, dry dams, dam, dry dam, river, drought, flood, yard drainage, leaking dam, excavtors at work, excavators at work, heavy equipment, excavators at work digging, excavators working, bulldozers in action, caterpillar excavator, excavator videos
Id: tA76PpNJA5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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