Get dozer stuck twice filling in ponds for Farmer Chris Jerry is not going to be happy

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all right guys it is monday we are back it's an absolutely beautiful i'm talking beautiful day but i got good news and i got bad news the good news is i spent about an hour this morning run maintenance on all the machines got everything uh everything good to go and even though it looks like i um possibly murdered somebody right there in that area i had to replace a few grease fittings on the old d4g i had a few of them that just weren't taking grease right so we got all that going good got all that taken care of everything's serviced and ready to roll but unfortunately jerry had something pop up and he can't make it today so it's just us it's just me and you guys and the 120 and maybe the d4g later so what we're gonna do this morning i don't know if you guys can see it from here we're gonna kind of forget about the pond up here on top of the hill we're gonna head down over the hill to the pond that we drained with the hyundai and get all the trees off the dam and uh assess and see what our mud situation is down there i'm hoping we can just cover the mud up but if there's too much of it down there we may have to throw some of some of it up over the bank so i'm gonna switch buckets on the 120 take the two foot off put the three foot back on let's head over the head and see what we got all right guys check this out it's been about a week and a half maybe close to two weeks since we drained this it's still a little bit wet but it's definitely still drying out pretty good at least it's not absolute complete complete slop so what the plan is here this morning i think what i'm going to try to do we're going to take the 120 and go ahead and get the rest of trees off the dam probably going to open that hole up in the dam a little bit more and i'll come up here on the top side with a dozer and we'll kind of try to ease that mud down through that opening there this is going to be a pretty shallow fill-in so i gotta i don't think we have enough dirt to cap this mud off to make it solid enough to get a tractor over here so we're gonna have to address that issue to some extent but i think this is dry enough i get a dozer in there without getting stuck famous last words and uh hopefully get most of it pushed down here by the woods where it's out of the way out of the field and then chris will be able to farm this this year not having problems but first things first the rest of these trees have got to go i know you guys hear me going back and forth all the time and we just come off that big clearing job where we did like close to 40 acres where me and cleaning were together i ran the volvo there is no doubt when it comes to clearing this machine with its strength and this thumb setup is definitely superior to the volvo like i said before this machine's not near as fast but man it's just got the brick strength that other machine don't have and sometimes when you're clearing that's what you need i'll work my way in here and i'm gonna get any scratches on the old machine there's not a whole lot of big stuff in here most of it's just uh just kind of smaller aggravating stuff it's already a brush pile right there so we're just going to get all this stuff kind of uh work down there towards it i think this is the biggest tree we got this one right here it's got a big uh the sycamore come on baby you gotta come out easy of course not i was thinking about it i think we're going to break the tree you don't want to do that let's take out this little poplar next to it but that one got awkward easy all right got a few roots busted on this girl let's see if she'll go down this time straightened up on her hair you gotta go oh yeah that was sick of more trees man they can be be a real booger from time to time [Music] come on baby so so all right guys so i'm just going to keep on going get the rest of them trees off get them thrown over here in this pile so we can eventually get them pushed up in that brush pile down there out of the way and then we'll get a plan on uh getting this band pushed in well guys that's the side i started on you can see i got all the brush pulled back in the pile over there we'll take the dozer push it along the woods i went ahead and dug the dam back on that side i have wiggled my way around to the other side got the rest of the trees and stuff off this side we're gonna do the same thing here gonna do the same thing here and kind of dig this damn back a couple reasons one right down here along the edge it's gonna be kind of hard to get the dozer down in there and get that dirt worked away from that property line and two i got a feeling there's quite a bit of settlement or mud in the bottom of that pond and i need to be have a hole big enough to where i can push it on through and it's going to make it a lot easier it'd really be nice if jerry was here we could kind of tag team this he could be pushing that mud and i could be placing it over there out of the way but uh jerry's not here today so we're going to make do with uh like do with what we got here so i'm going to get this all pulled back and then we'll probably walk up and get the dozer come back down and kind of start scraping the bottom of that out seeing what we got i basically need to get it plantable to about where the dam's at right here so we got some room over here to kind of stack some stuff out of the way if we need to because chris is basically just wanting a straight line down this wood line here so now this right here is where the volvo would shine over the 120 picking this dirt up and spin it all the way around behind me and it's way faster than what this 120 is but the 120 is way better getting the trees out so i guess it all depends on what you do [Music] let me get this duck back so we got some working room here and then we'll walk up and get the dozer and hopefully we don't get stuck if i get stuck i'll never hear the end of it from jerry well there she is we got the center all busted open got brush on this side brush on that side dirt on that side dirt on that side i think it's a well organized plant at this point i think i'm as far as i can go with the excavator so i'm going to hike up over the hill somewhere up there by that red barn is a d4g so i'm going to take me a nice little walk up there bring the dozer down here and i guess we'll kind of start testing the waters or or is it testing the mud testing the mud i think we'll test the mud and see what we got i'm hoping i don't know i'm hoping we don't have a whole lot to deal with but the goal is going to be to kind of push it over there where the 120 is at and then if we need to we'll kind of bale it up out of there and maybe stack it over along the woods on that brush pile i can't push it down in the ditch because we still got to have drainage down through here because even if the pond's gone uh this field still needs to drain down that way and we don't want to get any on the neighbor's property because well we just can't and that would be a nice thing to do so we got to keep it on this property so we'll get it we'll get it tucked away over there we'll get a plan hopefully our plan comes together and uh see what'll happen we'll just we'll just do what we can folks we'll just do what we can so let's take a hike and go find the dozer so we made it back down here with a dozer so here's kind of my plan let me get some good dirt some good dryer dirt here in front of the blade we're going to try to kind of push it out in there and hopefully whatever mud's out there kind of rolls out in front of it this good dirt back here will make it damp so it don't roll back into where we're working i really don't know how much is in there what we got i'm guessing a foot or two but uh if we got some soup and stuff hopefully we'll get it pushed over to the excavator then we'll deal with it so let's see what happens let's see what happens i'll take it nice and easy here and see what we got i don't look too bad actually oh there it that's almost dry now if we can push it i don't think we can though let's try so well guys i must stay that wins that went perfectly as planned not absolutely not gonna think jerry's not well if jerry's here the dozer wouldn't be stuck now i'm stuck on an island of mud i got a coffee i thought i could just blow right through there no no definitely definitely definitely not an option i guess i'll uh didn't go back to my original plan like i said get some dry dirt in here and just keep pushing it that way i think we can eventually get it there's definitely too much there to cover but all right the more pressing thing at this moment let's get the dozer out oh and my feet muddy man it was gonna be a good day it was a good day it still is a good day could be worse [Music] all right the last thing i want to do get this thing stuck down in there in the hole with that dozer this is going to be kind of difficult to do with just one operator but what i'm hoping i can do is i'll put too much pressure on that blade i'm hoping i can reach out there grab this dozer and kind of just hinge it around all right i'm gonna leave the bucket up against the blade right there i'm gonna see if i can angle that blade and push myself back i don't know hashtag where's jerry when you meet him [Music] hmm so [Music] oh so all right the dozer is out so far the only thing damaged is my pride this 120 back up out of here we'll just pretend like this never happened it'll be our little youtube secret jerry does not have to know i don't think jerry watches my youtube channel if he does he's not going to be happy with that maneuver at all all right what were we doing before that happened [Music] let's be honest guys that was a little bit of a bonehead move but it also shows how fast things can go south to china but here's the mistake i made so let's learn from this i was originally going to take some dry dirt push it out in there and that dry dirt will actually keep that mud rolled out in front of and eventually that metal get over there we can grab with the excavator and throw it out after pushing around over here i thought well maybe it's dry enough i can work it up out of there so i just decided to get cocky and i was going to blow right down through there and try to carry it on out and down around now if i could have made it through the plan would have worked great i wasn't even close to making it through i barely as soon as i went in there i knew i was in trouble the trick to that is is don't sit there and spin and make a big mess out of everything if you know you're stuck you're stuck just quit and find a way to get yourself out of there because you can just make a bad situation a whole lot worse so we're going to go back and do what we originally were talking about done i'm going to start bringing some of this dirt around kind of filling that in that should in theory push that mud across we'll come around the other side do the same thing and we'll see what happens so let's hope take two goes better than take one [Music] i think you guys kind of see the theory now see how i was able to work that mud down eventually we'll get it over there if we need to we can grab it with the excavator and just pile it up and out of the way that way the field don't end up with a soft spot in it so i'm gonna set you guys up on a time lapse over here and we'll uh kind of see how much progress i can make in a short period of time hopefully it don't involve a dozer being stuck again [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] well check out this half guys my battery died somewhere in the time lapse i'm not sure how much you guys seen hopefully most of it but we've got uh this section here pretty much pushed in and it's kind of doing what i finally thought it was going to do see how it's kind of rolling that mud out in front of what we got going on there and we're pushing quite a bit of water up and the water is still able to drain out through the ditch we're going to leave that open absolutely as long as we can and this is actually pretty solid out here i got one little bit of a wet spot here we may dig out later with the excavator if it continues to be a problem but what we're going to do from here is i'm going to take that pile over there and work it up and kind of work as much of that mud and water down towards this hole as possible what i'd like to have happen is the dirt push all that stuff right there in that hole then i can sit here with the excavator and we'll just kind of throw it back here along the woods and get rid of it i need to make sure i get enough dirt robbed out of here so we don't have to go back underneath our mud pile to get dirt later so i'm running a little bit low on batteries so uh i don't know if i can time lapse this half so we may just have to do it uh but that's not what you're expecting after the finger snap yeah i'm missing jerry guys i'm missing jerry i did it again stuck again i was doing so good just pushing right along there and all of a sudden and here we are with a camera and uh yeah the good news is farmer chris is here so i think he can help me get out the bad news is we took over the 120 over there somewhere so let's go see if we can get uh let's go see if we can get some help [Applause] i want to take two guesses before you tell me anything remember that time i helped you get that come on out of that ditch and yeah didn't charge anything and yeah it was nice to have to post it all over youtube yeah those are buried well it's well on its way i thought you couldn't inspect the job i was doing no you're doing great job i mean i have no room to talk at this point because your machine still moves if you if you get time i'm stuck over there this is what you call the uh the walk of shame if jerry was here the dozer probably wouldn't be stuck if jerry was here he'd probably fire me oh here's what he did well good news it's still here nobody stole it farmer chris is laughing at me pull out the truck i really don't want to pull on the blade it's a lot of pressure on them cylinders i had a feeling this may happen so uh brought me a chain alone we're going to try to kind of hinge it up out there with a excavator here we'll see what happens there we go see what she's got yeah boys jesus sucks me good come on baby [Music] got it you know that wrong pond draining thing i'm about to wear it out so now i've got new stuff hey it's a little soft over there that's my security program you know i just park it there nobody's gonna steal it nobody's gonna make it all right chris is gonna give me an assist with the excavator here i think he's gonna come in here as far as he can hopefully he can reach this mud here and get that mud thrown up there behind them when we get it out of the way you keep that up i'll be pulling you out we're here working on that if he gets that dug out don't give the place place for the month and i'm rolling on the other side to go that's kind of what we're running into now that's one to come up instead of over so we'll uh fiddle around with it and see what yeah yeah if you just keep putting it right there behind you i think every so often i'll come over and push it out away for you let's go back to the other side see if we can do this without getting stuck [Music] again this is getting absolutely ridiculous not even in the mud this time summer chris is having a heyday with this speechless i'm just speaking with people speaking i haven't got a dozer hung up in five years i've got this dozer stuck three times today here we go again come on baby [Music] you're doing a horrible job farmer chris well we've got a system where nobody's getting stuck with his foot up here like we said before we're just pushing it out here by the woods but the chance this stuff might dry out ain't going to be a good time but right now we just gotta get rid of it [Music] don't let him kind of go get some piled up here i'll go around the other side over there kind of push it down to him [Music] eventually hopefully we'll be able to bridge across that's not getting stuck [Music] the problem is the blade holds you up gives you a false sense of security next thing you narrow your uh your belly's head deep and you're in trouble we're getting it though [Music] was you expecting all of this but yeah actually this is less than i was expecting really yeah have you ever heard that let's dig never heard of him he's smarter than i am because he edits that part out yeah we need some boards or something to walk on go get you a log over you know what you know what jerry would tell me we just need a real operator yeah you made a mess man i had this looking good and then you just made a mess you told me to put it there yeah that's true well guys unfortunately we are out of time i'm out of patience it's been it's been a struggle of a day but the good news is i think we got the heavy lifting done here i just i got all the hard work done for jerry so whenever jerry gets here tomorrow he just kind of snooze it around and uh you know take the take the glory for making it look good because uh let's uh let's face the facts i'm i'm leaving him a mess but i do have the mud covered up so he should be good but anyways guys that's where we're gonna leave it out for today uh fortunately jerry will be back here tomorrow and he's gonna make this look good for us unfortunately i won't be here i have to head to another job but i do promise you at least get you guys a little bit of video of what the finished product looked like but uh getting that mud belt out of there getting the whole clothes back up uh getting everything it's close it's close we're a little bit low right in there but uh gerald get that taken care of we're gonna wrap her up here for today i'll get some video uh maybe in day tomorrow if i can think back over here kind of show you guys what it looks like after it's all said and done so catch you guys in well guys there it is check it out as always jerry come by and uh save the day it's still a little bit pumpy spongy out there in the middle where we had that trench out yesterday jerry said but uh it's it's closed in the dozer is not stuck i don't know if chris is going to be able to fully farm it this year because it still may be a little bit soft nevertheless he's going to gain he's going to gain quite a bit here and that will be available sooner rather than later so i am glad i'm glad that mud hole is behind it oh that should have been an easy one and it about ate by lunch but jerry's up there the last thing we got to do is on that other pond up there jerry's already got a head start on pushing this up i'm gonna go high go ahead and hop in the 120. we're gonna walk up there get him a hand a little bit i got rain coming in tomorrow so we're kind of hoping we can get this uh get this knocked out and get it done fortunately there's no mud in that pond so maybe we'll have a good day what's up here we go first thing i need to do for jerry's we got some concrete debris down here on the backside of the dam jerry's kind of pushing it up everywhere i can reach it i'm going to take him out here sit over on the inside of the hole that way we can make dang sure it gets very good thanks jerry oh rims [Music] do you gotta see jerry over he's taking off with that last stop that's a big one we dug out there the other day we're trying to bury that thing in the pond and it may or may not get covered up we got a brush pile down there in the woods so he's just taking off with it down there and he's off man on a mission [Music] well guys jerry and i've got a pretty good system going here i don't know if you can uh see jerry out there in front of me i totally got doug back more enough he's uh he just switched the size depends on where i'm at and what we're getting efficiency at by doing this if we keep that dozer from pushing up hill and i can get this dirt broke up loose for him and hit a pile he can move twice as much per push but basically what i'm doing is getting his stuck down to where he's either pushing level or pushing downhill and then what nerd i'm breaking up here i'm throwing in a pile so he can get some of his own cut over there and then grab some out of the pile i'm pushing up here and kind of kill two bursts of one stove because this is the farthest we have to move dirt on this job because this is the deepest part of the highest part of the dam that's the deepest part of the hole up there so he's kind of getting himself a trench set up and just kind of carried it on up there i can't saw him moving or he'll catch up with me this is where the volvo would be nice 42 inch bucket a little faster boom speed i think i'd give jerry a run for his buddy on the ot4 but we got him trusty here today there we go i'll push some dirt down this path that'll slow down eventually he's gonna have to push up hill there's a big difference between pushing up this little bitty hill down here in front of me it is a great big hill right here so if i just get six or seven feet off the top it helps him out tremendously yeah she could do this job with just a dozer but we got rain coming tomorrow we're trying to get her knocked out so all right guys check this out we've been at this for about an hour being the old 120 we've been able to keep up with jerry the d4g still got a pile of dirt there check that out he could put his hat on for aerodynamic advantage still not catch me i can't stop and talk longer he will catch me though we're still going [Music] in all seriousness this system is uh working out real well i just got to keep throwing this pile out here keeping it broke up now jerry's able to get on that back side of me he can kind of work that uh workout slope workout pile all the same time that's honestly the reason why he hasn't caught me yet is he's pulling works so much better whenever you don't have the buzzing hill in but he got two good operators or you got one good operator in me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we're closing in on it i don't know if you can see up there we always leave this ditch this drainage jets open as long as we can jerry just got done forcing some water out of it the more that water you can let get out of there less chance you're going to have a big old wet spot or soft spot let's all face it we don't want to we don't want a reenactment of what happened yesterday i got one little bit knot here on this side that i'm probably going to jump across and uh get this little hump on the other side this works really good for jerry me getting his dirt pulled up there where he can grab with the nose and get that hole so far this one's going pretty well so we're just gonna keep on doing our thing i've always seen three snakes i'm going to let you guys know how many are still alive about three i'll tell you that like that force thanks i didn't see that one you guys see them they see them poor guy there i'll give you a better look it's a black snake too i'm not a big fan of snakes but i don't purposely try to kill them but i just need to get out of the way a little faster and they'll be all right we're about to let jerry deal with him run away guy run away little guy all right i've officially jumped the ditch i'm over here on the other side jerry's putting the finishing touches on that side over there that's the pile i was just digging out he's got this little area right out there to scoop up or light up i got this little bitty hump i'm sitting on here probably about seven or eight triaxial loads we'll get it thrown up in there and there it's gonna be up to jerry to make their own look pretty so [Applause] well guys that's it i think that's about as much help as i'm going to be with the excavator so i'm going to leave jerry here to kind of finish this up that's all broke up and loose got a little bit of a low spot back there but we are we're getting close he's uh filling the last little bit of our trench there now that everything's drained out i'm going to sneak up over the hill clean out a fence row for the property owner real quick he asked me to do and then uh they would do a little drone flight in this one way you guys can see all the ground recovered well guys this is what it looks like after it was all said and done i really encourage you guys to go back and look on my channel i think there's about five or six videos of clearing this property originally then i think there's actually a video of the first corn harvest on this property it is amazing how much it's changed over the last two years i mean literally guys this was like almost woods two years ago and uh it's quite uh quite the transformation so if you guys want to i'll do my best to remember to link in the description if i don't i'm sure an awesome subscriber will do that for me in the comments and i'll pin it but uh this is pond number one this is the one we were working on here at the second half of the video as you guys can see it's all filled in looking pretty good that one there chris is going to have no problems at all farming right across the only issue with that was we were a little bit short on top so we do did what we could to scrounge up uh what we could to keep on top there for chris as we fly here towards the back side of the property this this is the bond that uh well it just uh let's just call it an embarrassment for dirt perfect not to one of my brighter days on the dozer back here on this pond but we did get her cleaned up and closed in and thanks to jerry he's got it looking pretty good this one here is just a touch on the soft side but there is quite a bit of topsoil there so i'm sure chris will be able to fully farm that one this year but he'll be able to get her next year for sure either way it's definitely an improvement as we swing around here you'll see jerry putting the finishing touches on the last few tile lines here getting that all closed up and prettied up and ready to go so from here guys we're going to jump up high do one high fly around the property so you can kind of see it all in one shot and we'll wrap her up from there guys hope you enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment and as always guys we shall catch you on the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 84,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, john deere, farm pond, bulldozer, digger, dozer, excavator, letsdig18, trackhoe, farm pond construction, dozer stuck in mud, mud, farm, dirtwork, stuck dozer, bulldozer fails, pond work, john deere 120, d4g, land clearing, pond problems, draining a pond, pond, pond fill in, backfill a pond, pond dam, clearing trees, tree removal, excavation, mn millennial farmer, working in mud, farm jobs, farming, heavy equipment, caterpillar d4h, cat dozer, bulldozer working in mud
Id: cdWfdYyOD4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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